Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 37: The Four Heavenly Kings of Type-Moon

Simultaneously, Shinji realized that he was being targeted and locked on by both a sniper rifle and an assault rifle.

With a moment's thought, Shinji understood that it was Saber's true Master, Emiya Kiritsugu, who couldn't restrain himself and wanted to eliminate him, the Master of Assassin, together with his assistant, Maya.

It was not just a one-on-one fight between Saber; three other Servants were watching closely. In a battlefield where the weak were preyed upon by the strong, the worst-case scenario was clearly at a disadvantage. At this moment, by assisting Berserker, it would be easy to defeat Saber.

Then, after dealing with the exhausted Berserker. Assassin, Lancer, and Rider could defeat the two enemies with minimal consumption of magical energy. This would kill two birds using one stone.

However, for Emiya Kiritsugu, Saber's Master, this was something that could never happen. He had to break free of this predicament.

The equipment carried by Kiritsugu and Maya was specialized for human combat and was not sufficient to intervene in battles between servants. In this case, killing the Masters of other Servants to cause chaos and create an opportunity for Saber to escape became a predictable choice.

If possible, Kiritsugu wanted to kill Berserker's Master. However, this person was even more cautious than the other masters, and his location had not yet been confirmed. He could only settle for the second-best option, killing Assassin's Master.

Servants who have lost their masters can form new contracts with other masters. Likely, other masters would not want to miss such an opportunity. Once the situation becomes chaotic, it would be much easier to either escape or take advantage of confusion.

Why was it determined that the one observing from a high place was Assassin's master?

It was simple. In the scope, just now, two people were captured, but now there was only one left. The disappeared thermal signature matched Assassin.

Why does not choose to kill Lancer's Master?

There were two reasons.

First, Shinji was closer to the two, making it more convenient for a joint surprise attack.

Second, based on the words spoken by Lancer's Master when Waver appeared, it could be deduced that he was the renowned genius, Lord El-Melloi II. He was not an easy opponent.

"Does he choose the soft persimmons to squeeze? Correct judgment."

Shinji remained motionless, as if unaware of the imminent threat from below, continuing to calculate in his mind.

"Not attacking immediately, I suppose they don't have confidence in a single decisive blow. If the assassination fails and gives me a chance to recall Assassin, it would only worsen an already terrible situation."

The Master's Command Seals had been used beyond compelling servants. One was to expend one Command Seal to disregard distance and forcibly summon the Servant to the Master's side.

Berserker's assault was in perfect accordance with his Berserker class, ferocious and violent. However, supported by the skill "Eternal Arms Mastery," his attacks maintained a certain order. The relentless strikes of the iron pillar spear left Saber completely defenseless.

"Who exactly are you?" Saber, her forehead damp with sweat, fiercely pushed back Berserker's iron pillar spear and took the opportunity to catch her breath.

The Black Knight, of course, ignored Saber's question and swung the iron pillar with sharp momentum.

The subsequent strike could be called a masterstroke as if it aimed to completely crush Saber's small frame.

However, that strike did not land on Saber.

The iron pillar, measuring approximately two meters long, split in the middle, and fell from the air.

This was a pseudo-Noble Phantasm endowed with Noble Phantasm attributes by Berserker, sturdy enough to compete against Saber's Noble Phantasm. However, it was effortlessly shattered by a red light that flashed in the dark.

Lancer stood with his back to the astonished Saber. This beautiful spearman, adopting a posture to protect Saber, who had just been his enemy, confronted Berserker.

"Let the mischief end here, Berserker."

Lancer aimed the tip of his anti-magic red rose spear with his right hand at the Black Knight, declaring war in a cold tone.

The anti-magic red rose could sever magical energy, rendering the enhanced pseudo-Noble Phantasm useless as nothing more than scrap metal.

Witnessing this scene, Shinji's memories of his former life as an otaku once again took the upper hand.

"The two great titans clash, as the world-ending duo confronts Gaia's control."

Naturally, Lancer did not hear Shinji's thoughts and continued to issue his declaration of war.

"Saber and I already have an agreement. If you continue to cause trouble without reason, I won't sit idly by."


Although it was a fight to the death, Saber moved deeply after hearing Lancers' words. This spearman, Heroic Spirit, is faithfully believed in the same knightly code.

However, not everyone agreed with Lancer's actions.

"Lancer, what are you doing? Now is the perfect opportunity to defeat Saber."

A stern voice questioned sharply. It was Lancer's Master who was displeased with the situation.

However, Lancer unexpectedly displayed a serious expression that did not match his usual demeanor:

"I, Díarmuid Ua Duibhne, will definitely defeat Saber, staking my honor. However, for now, I want to show you how I deal with rabid dogs. What do you think, my Master?"

"I command you with a Command Seal."

Interrupting Lancer's passionate declaration, Lancer's master issued a command in a colder tone.

"Protect Berserker and kill Saber."

The air on the battlefield froze under tension.

A Command Seal was an absolute order for a Servant, and no matter how great a Heroic Spirit was, it was difficult to defy a Command Seal.

Lancer lost the power to exercise his own will freely.

The tip of the red spear changed direction, emitting a low hum as it attacked Saber. Two magical spears, one long and one short, brushed past the retreating Saber in succession, cutting through the air.

Without even looking back, Lancer wielded the two spears in his left and right hands, attacking the target behind him. This astonishing spear technique, with its fluid and versatile movements, is the essence of Lancer's skills.


Saber shouted, but halfway through her words, she suddenly couldn't speak.

When Lancer turned around, his face was filled with a bitter expression of humiliation and anger, conveying the emotions of the Heroic Spirit Diarmuid better than any eloquence.

Lancer, whose body was bound by Command Seal, no longer belonged to himself personally. He was nothing more than a cold and ruthless machine as a Heroic Spirit.

All the skills and abilities honed by the Heroic Spirit Diarmuid, regardless of his personal beliefs, were now being controlled at will and used solely to carry out the supreme commands of his master. Saber, also a Heroic Spirit, understood Lancer's sense of regret.

Beside Lancer, Berserker approached step by step. Although the situation changed, Berserker's target was Saber alone. He picked up an iron pillar that had been split into two by Lancer's red spear, which was then combined into a long spear held in front of his chest. Although the shape of the makeshift Noble Phantasm slightly changed, it was still convenient to use.

Saber was at a loss.

If her left hand had not been injured, perhaps she would have found a way out. But now, dealing with Berserker alone had already pushed Saber to the limit of her abilities, and adding Lancer to the equation made it impossible for Saber to have any chance of victory.

"Saber, I'm sorry."

Lancer lets out a pained murmur and steps forward. Contrary to Lancer's expression of self-disgust, the magical power concealed in the two spears, exuding a killing intent, wafted through the air, like rising heat.

Beside Lancer stood the Black Knight, still silent, but the density of his murderous aura was increasing. The black mist and densely intertwined red veins covered the fragments of the iron pillar, turning them into monstrous weapons even more terrifying than swords, and using them to intimidate Saber.

Saber stared intently at those Noble Phantasms, then glanced sideways at Irisviel, and made eye contact with her.

"Irisviel, I will find a way to hold them off. Take advantage of this opening and at least get yourself away from here. Try to run far."


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