ShipCore [Stub]

A4 – Chapter 205 – Heeler’s Watch

Chapter 205 – Heeler’s Watch

USD: Three months after A3123Y departure.

Location: Nu Crateris, Hades Low Orbit, SRS Heaven’s Fire II, Rexxor CIC.

The Heaven’s Fire II command center was lit by the dim glow of holographic displays as Heeler adjusted in his command chair. Recordings of multiple battles played across the various screens, showing the latest Rexxor efforts to dispatch their Hadenic enemies deep inside Hades’ core.

Heeler let loose a low growl upon seeing the recent results. The indistinct murmur of machines and the occasional chirp of status updates were the music of the war that became the constant backdrop to his life.

His tentacles shifted before moving with precision that belied the emotional turmoil beneath his metallic carapace. As he flipped through more reports, the data on the screens painted a grim picture of the conflict’s progression—a ceaseless tide of advances and retreats, victories and losses. The destruction had traveled through nearly half of Hade’s interior, orchestrated by Heeler’s own directives.

The cost had been countless billions of Rexxor warriors, most of them newly hatched and born for the conflict specifically. He had been forced to allow the Queens to have free rein over their demesnes, to direct their broods and development as they saw fit.

The only control he managed to maintain over them was with the resources and capabilities of the massive invasion barges they nested in.

It was a decentralization that rankled, but the only other option would be to usurp his own queen’s command.

So, he obeyed.

That did not mean he did not maintain a massive reserve in orbit, hovering over Szizsielia’s nest, full of nanite infused and controlled drones, directed by Beta NAIs of his own creation.

Casualties were an inevitable part of any conflict, especially one of this magnitude. Yet the amount of resources required for the various nests to continue to produce more broods had become astronomical in scope and size. The mining units that sifted through the various moons of Nu Crateris’ gas giant had formed into small fleets.

Even the human colony barge had joined in the effort, although their motives were unknown to him.

It had been a development and effort generated by Daniel Ashburn.

With a sudden flurry of movement, Heeler resumed his processing of the battle reports.

The Hadenics were cunning adversaries, their countermeasures a testament to their relentless drive for survival. Organic EMF controls had riddled his kin with horrors beyond understanding during the countless surges and withdrawals of the war. Every time he thought he had perfected a countermeasure to the insidious technology, he was thwarted again.

A new chime called for his attention.

A war council with the Queens was imminent, yet he muted the warning. He would join them once he had completed his adjustments.

The staccato rhythm of his tentacles filled the CIC as he navigated through new layers of tactical data. A new weapon of the Hadenics here, a new deployment of Rexxor created by a Queen countered it. The information was confirmed and propagated to the rest. In this way, each encounter was weighed, and measures generated.

The Rexxor units had become effective melding of flesh and machine, each aspect working together to produce death on an unprecedented scale.

The Hadenics developed in a different direction. Their organic units and technology had continued to improve, but they had focused on transforming Hades’ vast resources into more and more organic material. Until the very moon itself writhed, and the environment had become just as much an enemy as any units they deployed to the front lines.

Every move the Hadenics made required him to anticipate and deploy a response. Most of his contingencies were effective. But not all. Whenever they were countered, and the countermeasures failed, he would deploy his elite nanite enhanced units.

Y-4993-R was his primary lieutenant in those deployments, the NAI elevated to Phi status. It was the highest rank he had created to date. Technically, he had overstepped, creating the new NAI to assist him. Yet it had been needed. Required.

The others had not wished for the unrestricted proliferation of high level NAIs, but when the war had evolved… things had required adaptation.

Besides, he was sure that Chi Amy would be pleased with his choice. Maybe even agree to elevate the NAI nestling further, simply out of a desire for equivalency.

The chime cut through the CIC a second time. Heeler growled, slapping the console with a tentacle. He would have to appear.

The chance to meet his queen was overshadowed by the fact that they wouldn’t be alone.

He did not need to move or change positions. The holographic server that connected all the participants to the Council made sure of that. The CIC melted away in the same way a NAI connection would take him to a shared space.

The area around him opened into a vast chamber cut into six separate throne nests. The Szizsielia sat upon the largest, with the other five arrayed in a semi-circle below the raised area. There was a mental admonition as Heeler made his way up to his Queen’s throne. The holographic technology included enhancements that allowed the Rexxor their native radiogenic telepathy.

Disapproval flowed strongly.

“You are late,” Szizsielia called. The thought was loud and clear, even to the other Queens.

“The orchestra of our invasion requires more and more consideration and organization,” Heeler replied.

There was an unhappy grumble as one of Szizsielia’s feelers reached out and touched his head. It slid against his carapace, leaving a tingling sensation that was no longer possible with his metal shell. He had to remind himself that his body was still securely stationed inside the Heaven’s Fire’s CIC.

“Our expansion thrives,” Szizsielia’s thought reverberated through the chamber, “but the toll has been substantial.” The Queen’s antennae drooped slightly. “The number of new nestlings birthed and lost to the enemy is more than ever birthed upon our homeworld.”

Heeler’s gaze lingered on her. He would not, could not, denigrate the sacrifices of his brothers. He would not bring up the fact that the rock the humans called Dedia was not likely the place of their origin, either. “Their sacrifices shall not be forgotten. We will continue to adapt.”

Before the echo of his thoughts faded, a new tone interrupted as Queen Nihlathak’s form surged forward from her throne, her tone edged with venom. “And what of adaptation, Commander Heeler, when the enemy evolves faster than our hatchlings?” she demanded.

For a second, her form flickered in the hologram, as the furious currents of her emotions challenged the software. “My forces have met a wall, and a new Hadenic abomination decimates their ranks without even a touch.”

Heeler migrated from his queen to the edge of the raised dais to address and view the other Queens. All of them stared up at him and Szizsielia. All of them were necessary—it was impossible for a single Queen alone to direct the vast number of Rexxor that now filled Hade’s interior, especially in battle with their enemy.

Yet along the distinct lines of the Queens, division threatened unity. It was only the threat and empowerment by his NAI forces that tipped the scales in Szizsielia’s favor and ensured her dominance.

And the other Queens knew it well.

“The creatures you encountered, Nihlathak, are dangerous. A counter is in the works and forthcoming. Continue to utilize your remote nestlings to deploy drones to slow their advance,” Heeler ordered.

Instead of answering, Nihlathak’s projection shifted and then sharpened into a scene of the battle inside the moon. It was one that Heeler had witnessed multiple times before.

A horde of Rexxor filled one of the massive tunnels buried inside the moon, charging forth toward one of the Hadenic Hive Brains. The weapons mounted on their backs flung lasers and bullets into the air, slaying the foe as they surged forward.

Until a large flying creature emerged from the Hive Brain, resembling a giant Earth manta-ray. Bullets did not reach it as it floated on a cloud of semi-hardened foam. From its tail, silver sparkles erupted. There was no projectile, or laser, or weapon that could be seen.

But with each spark, a Rexxor on the field would skid to a halt, and then fall over. Their bodies writhing in agony, expanding dangerously with massive bubble-like tumors before popping and then bursting into pools of organic liquid.

The sparks completely bypassed the EMF field blockers completely and amplified the enemy’s most potent weapon. Remote organic programming.

The Rexxor warriors would turn into more material the Hadenics would use to produce warriors, leaving behind metallic carcasses and harnesses no longer operable.

“Larger metal carapaces are immune to the weapon. Warriors will go into battle fully clad in metal. This change is extensive and requires time for the factories to reach the desire output of battle vehicles,” Heeler declared. It was something that the Queens knew.

Queen Ythoral slid forward, her antennae held high in a clear sign of triumph. “Control over the new resource nodes is ours,” she declared. “My brood has secured the deposits and has begun to excavate them.”

The tension in Heeler’s shell relaxed. Ythoral was less antagonistic than Nihlathak. He still did not trust her, even if the Queen had specialized her hive for providing the required resources to the factories and other hives to provide an efficient and durable logistics network.

“Well done, Ythoral. Ensure that you continue to build the required fortifications for your tunnels. The metal sheathes will prevent infiltration by the enemy. We cannot afford to lose such an asset,” Heeler replied.

A third Queen stepped forward.

“Xerces,” Heeler greeted flatly.

The Queen’s carapace shimmered with holographic and telepathic whorls, echoes of her thoughts and recent direction of her brood in combat. “We have assaulted another Hadenic Hive Brain in my brood’s sector. The siege is over. It is burnt. The tunnels will soon be secured.”

Heeler nodded. It was proof that moving away from small units was key. Xerces’ brood’s attack had been his experiment with the new formation of purely heavy elements.

If there had been more time to develop more industry, he would have focused solely on starships for the larger tunnels, while relying on heavy tanks for the tendrils that ran outward from them.

As they had made progress and destroyed more Hadenic Hive Brains, the smaller units had come more and more into play as the tunnel network restricted access.

“Your breakthrough has proved the effectiveness of the new formation. Continue to monitor your front lines and remain vigilant. The Hadenics will likely retaliate,” Heeler replied. He would need to begin to consider what the next Hadenic evolution would attempt to counter their new force.

Queen Vrendra’s image coalesced, the edges of her holographic sharpened with the precision that mirrored the minds of her engineers. “Commander Heeler, we’ve reinforced the power core’s defenses,” she stated, her tone steely. “With control of the central node, we can now direct energy flow throughout Hades.”

A growl began to vibrate inside of Heeler’s carapace. “Why was this not in your latest report? Your last update indicated you were securing the zone only hours ago. This is not information that should be delayed!”

Anger pulsed as he began to scour his mechanical brain for updates. There were so many possibilities with the control of the central power nexus that it could end the war finally. And she had delayed informing him of its capture until she could do so directly? He knew exactly what she was after!

The Queen retreated from his ire only for the sixth Queen to emerge from the shadow of her nest.

“The factories continue to output at maximum efficiency, Commander,” Queen Phyrxia stated without emotion. Her hive had been chosen to be developed into the creators.

Vast factories had already been erected in the fully secure hemisphere of Hades, fed by Ythoral’s gathering, and the vast barges descending from orbit that contained the Starlight Revolution and Humans’ contributions.

Heeler’s tentacles stilled as he approved. “Phyrxia, your continued efficiency is appreciated and will contribute to our victory just as much as our warriors’ valor.”

A low buzz erupted from the other Queens as they began to vibrate their own contributions and successes, each trying to outdo the others. The discordant voices began to wear as they began to demand more resources for their own broods for whatever reason.

Szizsielia’s voice rumbled to life, pressing back the other Queens. “All nests are vital to our success. Our aim is unity. The survival of the Rexxor is at stake.”

Heeler raised himself higher. “Each need will be addressed in turn. Resources will be allocated as required by the war efforts. Once victory is ours, the great nest will be divided fairly between all.”

The undercurrents of bickering lessened, but there was still an unhappy tinge to the Queen’s psyches.

Szizsielia’s mental hand silenced them. “This council will resolve our conflicts,” she declared. “If you have true grievances, then air them now! There will be no division for the Rexxor during war.”

Queen Xerces stepped forward, her pheromones wafting through the virtual space with a request that was both personal and charged. “Commander Heeler, I seek private counsel,” she announced, her tone sultry and inviting.

The tingles running through his carapace only stopped once Heeler modified the simulation, cutting off the extra-sensory signal.

Queen Szizsielia’s form bristled as she rose to her full height, a telepathic blanket of anger filling the space. “The required genetic material for all of you to engineer and birth your new broods has already been transferred. There is no need for you to access my mate directly.”

“You have hoarded Heeler for yourself, while the rest of us have never had the chance to couple!” Xerces hissed.

There was a murmur from the rest of the queens, a consensus between them that there was unfairness.

“Heeler’s time is not to be usurped for such things,” Szizsielia hissed. Her glare cut across the chamber like a blade.

The discordance only grew. Something needed to be done to quell them, Heeler realized.

He raised his mind-voice. “Once the war has concluded, the Queen and I shall create a clutch of princes for you to court.”

The chamber went still. Even Queen Szizsielia was taken aback. They had not discussed this.

“But only once the war has been won,” Heeler growled.

The Queens were silent for several moments before they acquiesced and withdrew.

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