
Book 3: Chapter 124: Conversations

USD: 70 Days after arrival at Fort Glisson

Location: Van Biesbroeck’s star, Meltisar, Fort Glisson, Company S, 1st Cadre

Tia stared at her for several quiet moments. Alex scratched her cheek hoping the ‘I AM OMEGA’ line wasn’t too cheesy. It had just been the first thing to pop into her head.

A sudden blinking on Alex’s HUD informed her that she was going to be late for PT. That they were going to be late for PT.

[Notice: A best effort attempt will result in Avatar being 87 seconds late for evening PT assembly.]

“How do you even know that! You’ve been unconscious!” Alex complained, although she was mostly upset about the prospect of being late. No one was ever late anymore. Being singled out was such a bad idea.

Alex stood up and Tia followed her example. “We’re going to be late.” Both said at the same time.

Tia nodded, “Let’s go. We can continue this discussion after we’re done.”

“If we don’t get sent running laps all night long as an example…” Alex mumbled.

As they made their way to the assembly, Alex couldn’t help but wonder if it was still necessary to go through with the training. With Nameless online, suddenly everything she wanted seemed within her grasp.

There were so many questions she needed to ask Tia jumbling around in her head she barely knew where to start.

Alex looked around and didn’t see anyone nearby. “Who are you and why do you have computronics and what kinda deal do you have with the navy?”

Alex’s brow furrowed as she had a thought. “You’re the reason Westlake told me to look harder!” Alex hissed, barely keeping her voice down.

Tia looked at her with a frown. “My full name is Celestia, but I hate it and prefer Tia. I’m the eighth daughter of the Imperium. I made a deal with Westlake and the other admirals to install myself as the Chi of Meltisar… for multiple reasons.”

Alex looked at her, “So you’re the missing princess. Nice to finally meet you!”

Tia arched an eyebrow, but as they stepped outside and into the presence of the other recruits her question died on her lips. Everyone was standing at attention already and Alex and Tia barely made it to the back of the formation before Hills arrived to take the formation.

He gave the two of them a pointed glare. They’d been late, but technically been in line before he called the formation to attention. Because he had been late as well. That wasn’t normal and Alex hoped that it would keep him from smoking them.

The group quickly finished their warmup routine with the efficiency of months of practice. As the instructor took them off for the evening run around the base, Alex couldn’t help but be distracted inside her own head. Without realizing it she kept close to Tia, the entire time, as if the princess was going to bolt and run away without answering… everything.

Alex wondered if the PT was truly of much use to her, even. Not wanting to draw attention to herself she sub-vocalized the question to Nameless.

[Informative: While ANUF systems adequately and continuously stimulate Avatar organic tissues to optimum fitness values, physical training will still have a positive effect on Avatar coordination and physical reflexes and aptitudes.]

[Conclusion: Avatar physical training can be a positive element of improving Avatar competence.]

She’d already pretty much came up with the same guess, but it was nice to have confirmation. A trill of exhilaration flowed through her as she realized all the questions she could now ask Nameless! Excitement bubbled within Alex as she mentally prepared a list of questions to ask Nameless.

[Notice: This unit has confirmed Avatar is pleased to have its functionality restored.]

“Of course!” Alex exclaimed.

Everyone looked at her confused at her outburst. Her cheeks lit up slightly as she realized that her excitement had gotten the best of her.

Worse she’d done the exact opposite of not standing out, and Hills barked at her.

“Myers! Since you’re so energetic today, start calling out cadence!”

Alex groaned to herself. She began to call it out, and it kept her focused on the rhythmic counting and physical movement. For a while. Even the count ended up on autopilot, the rhythmic counting and physical movement taking less mental strain than months ago when they had first started.

Her thoughts turned toward Elis, and Alex quickly dumped a barrage of thoughts toward Nameless.

‘What do you know about brain damage, and can you figure out how to help Elis? Wait, do you even know about Elis? She’s getting better, but progress has been slow.’

[Informative: This unit has tentatively reviewed data on crewmember Elis’ medical condition. No current treatment for her condition exists, however some processing has been dedicated to sorting through medical databases and information related to her case. Possible treatment courses and potential modifications are under study that might alleviate or cure her condition.]

‘So, we can do something more than wait and see?’

Hope filled Alex’s chest as the possibility of doing more than just waiting as seeing how Elis’ recovery went. Not being able to do anything had left her feeling powerless and uncertain. Even if no treatment option existed, Alex felt very confident in Nameless’ ability to figure things out. Even for something as complicated as a brain.

Technically he’d cooked her brain up from a blueprint when she was born, even!

[Notice: Crewmember Elis’ personal preferences might mean she declines certain treatment options. However, this unit has a high degree of confidence that an acceptable form of care can be developed that meets her conservative standards while restoring her cognitive and motor functions.]

Waiting the last week of administrative bullshit for Basic suddenly seemed a lot less bearable to her. If she just dropped out right then, ran to the elevator, and went straight to Elis, would she be able to cure her tomorrow?

[Informative: Avatar has seen fit to place ShipCore in a potentially hostile political environment. After reviewing Avatar records on the encounter with the Meltisar Navy’s Admiralty Board, it appears that there could be serious repurcussians of a negative type to what might be ShipCore interests.]

[Recommendation: Acquire more data and avoid creating sudden changes in behavior that could trigger potential issues.]

Anxiety bit at her as she considered the gravity of their situation and the potential consequences, not just to herself but Elis too. She could still recall the unfriendly face of Admiral Anderson and the snake-like Lieutenant Martinez.

Giving them ammunition by doing something reckless was a bad idea.

‘Can’t you just… scan the information?’

[Notice: This unit is having difficulty browsing informational data on the SystemNet. The same unknown entity that destroyed our computronics modules is involved. All current requests are being routed through MIL-1A, and is being filtered by this entity in real time. Analysis indicates that it possesses the same capabilities as an NAI, and after a heuristic analysis and fingerprinting a NAI signature has been detected. However, no Nanite signal can be located.]

‘Is it that firewall thing that Tia mentioned?’

[Informative: This unit has already interrogated sub-core Celestia’s MainComputer. A firewall system would not block an NAI signal.]

Alex’s frustration began to mount as she struggled to think of an answer. Nameless’ answer hinted at things she just didn’t have any experience or knowledge of. It reminded her of the time before Nameless had gone offline, when she’d relied on him completely for figuring everything out.

She made a mental list of three things to look up the definitions of later: Heuristics, fingerprinting, and Nanite signals. Actually, she would still rely on Nameless to explain them to her, but at least she’d know what they mean herself instead of relying on him to feed her gobblely-gook she half understood.

The group came to a stop as they finished their recovery run and she was finally able to stop calling out the cadence. They were all released to get ready for the end of the day and Hills mercifully didn’t seek her or Tia out and she figured they had gotten away with their tardiness. As everyone dispersed toward their dormitories, Alex filed in beside Tia again.

The other girl’s face was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and her hair was damp.

“Alex, I need you to give me back some of the computronics modules.”

Alex bit her lip and a little grin appeared. “Uhm. I don’t think I ever saw you sweat so much before, and after a little run? You realize I didn’t have any the entire time and you told the Admiral you didn’t want to talk to me… so I had to learn how to do everything the hard way?”

“I thought you had one. You didn’t seem that weak to me. I didn’t want another NAI involved. Things are already troublesome and I didn’t want to… assume command of you.”

[Informative: ShipCore processing efficiency of ANUF systems has improved 683% due to time spent with low resources. Sub-Core Celestia ANUF processing efficiency is rated as 8.57% of ShipCore.]

“There shouldn’t be a problem in giving her a second core, is there? Go ahead and give her one.”

Relief filled Tia’s face. “Thank you.”

Alex couldn’t really see any difference, but it was probably mostly internal. Just in case, she directed Nameless to monitor for any suspicious actions Tia might take using the computronics. She didn’t… think that the princess would. But in her mind, there was still a lot of trust to be developed after the… surprise.

“What is your goal, though? What do you want?” Tia asked.

“That’s funny, I was going to ask you the same thing.” Alex said.

Tia gave Alex an annoyed look as she held the door to the barracks open for her. “I asked first.”

A frown creased Alex’s face. What did she want? Maybe it would be a good idea to hammer out a list of things based on timeframe. But there were some pressing short term items that came to mind.

“I need to come up with a treatment option for my sister who is on MIL-1A.”

“Elis, right, I remember. But why are you here? What do you want? What’s Omega? How did you get a higher NAI authority than PSI? Your sister isn’t an NAI?”

“It’s a long story, but you’re making it too complicated. I don’t have any big reasons or wants other than to help my sister.”

Tia paused as they reached the halfway point of the hallway and looked at her critically.

“I mean I can give you a summary, but it would still be a lot.” Alex said.

“I need a shower.” Tia answered.

Alex wiped her own forehead. She wasn’t really sweaty and normally she’d skip it so she could have more free time to herself. She nodded anyway.

“Okay, I can fill you in if it’s not crowded.”

Tia raised an eyebrow. “We can’t just talk virtually while doing things?”

“Can’t… what?” Alex asked.

|Incoming Direct Connection Request|

|Accept? Y/N? |

Alex indicated acceptance, but then wished she hadn’t.

The hallway disappeared and suddenly she was sitting under a gazebo in a lush and inviting garden. Tia was in a fancy dress sitting across a round table covered in plates and teacups. A fancy red brick building with hundreds of gilded windows rose up around them and circled the green space.

It took about two seconds for Alex to fall over onto her knees, her stomach rebelling and her head spinning.

The sudden virtual space disappeared in a flash and Tia caught her in her arms before she hit the floor, the dizziness and nausea slowly pulling back.

“Are you alright?”

[Informative: Avatar mental processes and persona is not equipped or prepared for direct interface with other NAI units and sub-cores. This unit can take the place of Avatar if required.]

“I’m… I’m alright, yes. Nameless says I can’t do that meeting thing.”

“I feel like everything you say doubles the number of questions I have.” Tia said.

Alex steadied herself and Tia let her go, but not before Alex looked her in the eyes. “I feel the same way.”

Before they got much further toward the showers, Alex did a double-take.

“What happened to your eyes? They’re blue now.”

“They used to be red. When I got free of mother, I managed to null the color. Sub-core avatar’s eye colors generally match whoever has authority over them.”

“I’m… sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. Is there anyway I can help put them back?”

Tia frowned. “Blue isn’t bad. Just don’t make me hate my own existence, and it shouldn’t bother me. That’s why I changed them, I didn’t want to look in the mirror and see her.”

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