
Book 3: Chapter 149: Chilling Ultimatum

USD: 2 Days after Cadre-S Graduation

Location: Van Biesbroeck’s star, Meltisar, MIL-1A Elevator, Near Ship Bay 4

Alex sprinted through the empty corridors of the station. Her heart pounded in her chest as she wove past abandoned belongings and overturned carts. Her breath came in short, sharp gasps, with anxiety and desperation fueling her every step.

The eerie silence that filled the air was a stark contrast to the chaos that had unfolded earlier. Her boots clanked against the metal floor, echoing like a solitary drumbeat in the deserted halls.

Tia quietly relayed her destination: CL-141 “Alacrity” located in the third bay of ship bay 4. Nameless silently updated her HUD, showing Alex just how close she was.

As she neared ship bay 4, Alex noticed that activity picked up once more. She had reached the military docking arm where cruisers that had been in for repairs were being hastily prepared for departure. Crew members hurriedly loaded ships with supplies using machinery, their faces tense with determination as they scrambled to join their comrades in the ongoing cleanup operation outside.

Alex’s eyes scanned the area until they locked onto her target: a sleek, fast cruiser tethered to one of the gangplanks. A surge of hope welled up inside her; this was her best chance of rescuing Elis.

As Alex arrived at the gangplank of the fast cruiser, she was met by marine guards who immediately raised their weapons at her. “Halt! Identify yourself and state your business.”

Her eyes darted between them, calculating the chances of taking them out quickly. But she knew that this aggression was rooted in stress, so she took a deep breath and opted for diplomacy.

She raised her hands in a non-threatening gesture and urgently explained her situation.

“My name is Alex Myers,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady. “My sister Elis has been kidnapped. I need to board this cruiser immediately to rescue her.”

The marines exchanged wary glances before the second one spoke up. “We’ll have to contact the captain.”

“Please do it quickly,” Alex pleaded, anxiety evident on her face.

As the marine guards radioed their captain while they held Alex at gunpoint, she couldn’t help but glance up at the cruiser, praying that they would grant her access in time.

As Alex waited anxiously for the marines to get approval from their captain, panic began to set in. She couldn’t afford any delays - every second counted when it came to Elis’s safety. Impulsively, she tapped her earpiece, trying to reach Tia.

“Tia,” she whispered urgently, “I’m at the cruiser, but the marines won’t let me on board without the captain’s permission. Can you do anything?”

Tia’s voice crackled in her ear, calm and reassuring. “Don’t worry, Alex. I’ve already spoken with the captain. They should be letting you through any moment now.”

Just as Tia finished speaking, one of the marine guards lowered his weapon and addressed Alex. “You’re clear to board. The captain has been informed of your situation and is expecting you.”

A wave of relief washed over Alex as she nodded her thanks and rushed past them onto the gangplank.

It was at that moment that Nameless made a sudden appearance. A MCU landed gracefully on the cruiser’s ventral hull before starting its climb into the cargo bay. The marines and nearby crew members stared in shock, weapons raised once more in confusion and alarm.

Realizing that the MCU’s sudden appearance was causing alarm, Alex quickly took control of the situation. “It’s okay,” she said to the marines and nearby crew members, raising her hands to placate them. “That MCU is carrying one of my computronics modules. I’m a NAI, and it needs to come with us.”

The marines exchanged uncertain glances but held their fire as they tried to process this new information.

As Alex stepped onto the gangplank, she was met by a middle-aged man in his mid-40s wearing a captain’s uniform. His steely gaze reflected suspicion and doubt as he scrutinized her and waved off security from the MCU.

“Captain Turner,” he introduced himself tersely. “You better have a good explanation for all this.”

Alex could feel the weight of his stare but held her ground, urgency driving her words. “My name is Alex Myers, and I’m a high-level NAI working with Celestia Astraea Psi. My sister has been kidnapped by an enemy faction, and I need your cruiser to help me rescue her before it’s too late.”

Captain Turner narrowed his eyes, but didn’t outright dismiss her. Instead, he asked cautiously, “I’ve been informed of your arrival, but you just want me to hand over my ship?”

“No,” Alex replied firmly, but diplomatically. “I need you and your ship. Time is running out for my sister. We can work together on this mission while you maintain control of key ship operations.”

The captain seemed satisfied and nodded in agreement. “Let’s go.”

Captain Turner led the way to the bridge, and Alex followed closely behind him.

“All hands, prepare for immediate departure! I want those engines warmed up yesterday!” The urgency in Turner’s voice echoed throughout the ship comms and crew members scrambled to follow his commands.

Tia’s voice crackled in Alex’s ear, updating her on the situation. “I’ve spoken with Admiral Westlake and secured all possible assistance for you, but the fast cruiser is your best bet. Nothing else is in an actual position to intercept the cutter.”

Alex bristled. “There are ships all throughout the system!” She protested.

Tia sighed, “Correction: Ship’s willing or capable of shooting at a diplomatic envoy.”

Her heart pounded in her chest as Nameless provided her with an update on the cutter’s distance. “It’s already too far away,” she whispered, panic threatening to bubble over.

[Informative: CL-141 is an interceptor type advanced light cruiser, with twin AM enhanced linear drives. A significant speed advantage exists.]

[Notice: Remaining rational in tense situations will improve chances for success.]

As soon as they reached the bridge, Captain Turner took his place at the central command console while Alex settled into a seat nearby, eyes glued to a display that showed real-time information about their target’s location. Her heart sank with each passing second as Elis seemed farther and farther away.

Captain Turner’s fingers danced over the controls, powering up the Alacrity and preparing it for lift-off. “Get me an intercept course for that ship,” he said to the navigation officer.

Alex gripped the edge of her console, determined not to let her sister slip away. “We have to reach that diplomatic cutter before it crosses the jump point,” she insisted, her voice tense with urgency.

[Notice: Interception course plotted.]

Nameless quickly calculated an optimal trajectory, and Alex shared it with Captain Turner. “I’ve got a course plotted that should put us within range before they can make their escape.”

The captain glanced at Alex, his eyes reflecting a hint of unease at her calculating the course in her head. “Understood. Helmsman, follow the course provided by our… guest.”

A crew member acknowledged the order, inputting Nameless’s suggested coordinates into the navigation system. “Course locked in, sir.”

As the cruiser accelerated out of its docking bay, she focused on steadying her breathing as she watched their progress on a display screen.

The engineering and helm bridge officers worked tirelessly to close the gap between them and their target, exchanging terse words as they pushed their vessel to its limits. Despite all this effort, Alex couldn’t shake the nagging doubt that clouded her thoughts: What if they didn’t make it in time?

As the Alacrity closed in on their target, Nameless continued to update her with changes in their flight path as the cutter noticed them and adjusted its course. Alex relayed each bit of new information. The Navigator looked at her with a bit of awe as his flight computer scrambled to keep up.

The helmsman glanced at Captain Turner, who nodded his approval. “Adjusting course, sir,” he complied.

Tension built throughout the bridge over several hours as the distance between them and the diplomatic cutter shrank rapidly. They were closing the gap, but time was running out as the distance to the jump point dwindled.

USD: 2 Days after Cadre-S Graduation

Location: Van Biesbroeck’s star, Meltisar, CL-141 ‘Alacrity’

Alex clenched her fists, trying to suppress the growing sense of defeat as the cutter increased its acceleration.

“Captain Turner, can we redline the drives? We’re losing them!” Alex asked desperately.

“We’re already pushing them to their limits, Ms. Myers,” replied Captain Turner solemnly. “Any more, and we risk the thrusters flaming out.”

[Notice: Insufficient ship stores of reaction mass and supplies are available to make transit through the jump point.]

Alex’s heart sank as a feeling of helplessness washed over her while watching Elis slip farther away.

The captain sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. “Even if we don’t catch them now, your sister might not be harmed. Given her civilian status, there may be a chance for diplomacy to negotiate her release.”

The consolation did not help. Hearing this only fueled Alex’s anger—the thought of losing Elis just as she was about to find her again was unbearable—but she held her tongue, knowing that options were limited.

Determined and desperate, she reached for the comm channel and pinged the cutter. There was a ping back, but no response. She frowned in frustration.

[Notice: Comm channel remains open.]

Alex’s eyes lit up. They were listening, even if they weren’t responding.

Taking a deep breath, Alex steadied herself before picking up the microphone attached to her console.

Alex’s eyes blazed with blue light as she spoke slowly into the microphone. “I am Alex Myers, a high-level NAI working with Celestia Astraea Psi. You have kidnapped my sister. Cut your thrust now and return her.”

There was no answer. The cutter continued moving closer to the jump point, as if mocking her desperation. Alex watched in horror as Elis was about to disappear, perhaps permanently. Her heart froze, filled with bitter anger and hate.

She stood up as she continued speaking into the comm channel, this time with a voice that could freeze blood. “Listen closely, for I will only say this once,” Alex began, her voice cold and unyielding. “If you do not release my sister immediately, I will hunt down every last one of you with a ferocity the likes of which your people have never seen.”

The bridge crew exchanged nervous glances but didn’t dare interrupt her.

“Your ships will burn in the void of space; your cities reduced to smoldering ruins.” Alex’s eyes glinted with an icy rage as she addressed the cutter, “If you dare harm a single hair on my her head, I swear to rain down an interstellar tempest so fierce that it will shatter your feeble civilization into oblivion.”

Her voice grew colder still. “I will ensure that the very name of your people is wiped from existence, leaving nothing but a dark void where your legacy once stood.”

The chilling words hung in the silent air of the bridge. Alex sat back down heavily in her chair, barely able to hold back the tears welling up in her eyes.

The moment dragged for eternity.

“Sir! The Corpo Envoy has cut its acceleration!” A crewmember reported.

Alex looked up. Hope flickered in her heart like a tiny flame refusing to be extinguished.

The CIC’s main screen flashed to life as Captain Turner accepted the hail. The man that appeared had a bandage over his eye and his arm in a sling, but Alex’s eyes darted frantically behind him and to the side. Elis was visible—looking exhausted, but alive, sitting in a wheelchair.

Alex’s heart raced as a whirlwind of emotions swirled within her. She could barely process the fact that they had stopped, and her sister was in sight. The bridge crew stared at the screen, their eyes wide with shock and disbelief.

As the captain began negotiating the details with the cutter’s crew, Alex clenched her fists tightly at her side. Her heart felt like it was being torn apart by conflicting feelings - relief that Elis was still alive, anger at those who had kidnapped her, and shame for what she had threatened to do if they hadn’t stopped.

The conversation between the captain and the man on the screen was lost in the buzz of emotion inside of her. She could tell from their tense expressions that there was still much to be resolved. From time to time, a crew member would glance back at Alex nervously but quickly return their focus to their tasks. They were clearly unnerved by what they had heard her say.

The emotional exhaustion started to take its toll on Alex. Her shoulders slumped while her gaze remained fixed on her sister’s image on the screen. She wanted to leap across space and hold Elis in her arms, reassuring herself that she was truly safe.

But she couldn’t do that yet; not until this nightmare was over.

The negotiations continued between the captain and the man on screen - a delicate dance filled with carefully measured words and calculated responses. The balance hung precariously; one wrong move could send everything spiraling out of control again.

Alex forced herself to focus on Elis instead of dwelling on dark thoughts of revenge or retribution. She tried to read her sister’s expression through tired eyes: Elis seemed tired but determined, worn down by whatever horrors she’d faced during her captivity.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the captain turned to Alex, his expression cautiously optimistic. “We have reached an agreement,” he said, his voice hoarse from stress. “Elis will be returned to us shortly.”

Despite her emotional exhaustion, a surge of relief washed over Alex. She glanced around the bridge at the crew members who had just witnessed her darkest moment and saw their faces soften ever so slightly.

As the fast cruiser maneuvered to meet up with the diplomatic cutter, tension and anticipation filled Alex’s every breath. The crew watched her closely, their eyes flicking between her and their stations as she left the bridge.

The moment had finally arrived. The two ships were in position, separated only by a small gap of space. Alex stood at the gangway, her heart pounding with a mixture of emotions that made her feel both alive and numb.

Across the gangway, Alex could see Elis, still in her wheelchair. It was clear that whatever ordeal she had been through had taken its toll on her; exhaustion was painted across her face. She wheeled herself across the short hall, bridging the two ships.

Seeing Fallon standing on the other end brought back the burning anger Alex had felt earlier. She glared at him from across the open airlock, barely able to contain herself. “You kidnapped my sister,” she spat through gritted teeth.

Elis looked up at Alex, reaching out a weak hand to gently tug at her sleeve. Surprised by this action, Alex glanced down at Elis and noticed her sister shaking her head ever so slightly.

Confusion washed over Alex’s face as she turned back to confront Fallon again. “Why?” she demanded, struggling to understand his actions. “You had gotten away. Why did you stop?”

Fallon met Alex’s icy gaze without flinching. “It isn’t my job to start interstellar wars between NAIs,” he stated matter-of-factly before adding, “Good luck, Myers.”

He started to turn away, then paused, looking back at Elis. “Next time, let’s have a less violent first date.”

Elis choked back an aborted laugh.

Alex didn’t understand, but with those parting words, he closed the gangway between the two ships. The sound of the airlock sealing echoed through the small chamber as the vessels began to separate and move on toward their separate destinations.

Alex felt a wave of relief crash over her as she turned back to Elis, now safely wrapped in her arms. Tears welled up in both their eyes as they held each other tightly. Alex began to sob and cry her heart out; the nightmare had finally ended.

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