
Book 3: Chapter 82: Arrivals

USD: 55 days after the battle of Dedia IV

Location: 92 Pegasi, Ackman Orbit, A3123Y Orbital

Amy watched as the destroyer, SRS Cold Echo, detached from its mooring and carefully exited the station’s perimeter. The ship was fully under control of Abbey’s new… ‘additions’ to the team. The ship was scheduled to patrol between the station and Ackman.

Thinking about it gave Amy a sick feeling in her stomach.

Somehow, they had kept anyone from noticing the ‘event’, although for how long she could hide the missing Corpos remained to be seen. She had decided that the only thing to do was try to cover it up. It wasn’t as if the Corpos were liked, so pushback would be low. At least from those on the station.

No one could blame them if the Corpos attempted escape and then ended up dead in the attempt. It would even be easy to set up something that looked like that had really been the case. That didn’t make Amy feel better.

As the destroyer receded into the distance, an older freighter moved forward to take up its place. Amy walked further down the mooring arm until she reached the end, watching out the glass enclosure as the ship pulled alongside the station.

Robotic workers pulled feedlines and magnetic attachment arms to the ship in an excited frenzy, many times more efficient than old Ackman Station could ever have managed. A gantry arm slid down the station’s arm and aligned with the freighter’s docking collar and main cargo bay.

The cargo bay sized docking collar was massive, and automatically shaped itself to the door on the side of the ship. It was large enough for tanks, APCs, and even aerial/space fighters to taxi across and into the massive section of the station that was the new receiving and transshipping hub on Hex Four.

Amy could read an old worn logo on the side of the freighter.

|MilTech Arms|

|IND Sarkis|

The Arms company was moving from Ackman to A31. Amy wasn’t particularly interested in their equipment; Abbey could build whatever they needed. You didn’t really need an arms dealer when you were an arms manufacturer that produced everything.

But an arms dealer certainly could use a new supplier, even if it was illegal, and Amy had use for something they had in abundance: personnel.

As the collar sealed successfully, the ship’s airlock cycled and several techs emerged along with their leader, Wyles Hammok.

Amy had reviewed everything she could about the man and his company, especially Starlight Revolution’s files detailing the company’s transactions with him. Everything was overall positive, so Amy was hopeful, although she knew she’d have to keep tabs on the company.

She hadn’t been prepared for just how big the man was, though. He was easily over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and a large, muscled frame. Coming down the ramp, Amy couldn’t help but admire the man’s muscles. A huge sniper rifle was strapped to the man’s back and Amy had to suppress a comic thought about how silly it looked.

The techs scattered to confer with the docking personnel while Wyles greeted her. “Ms. Tanis, nice to meet you in person. You remind me of another young lady with big plans.”

Amy gave him a slight smile. “Mr. Hammok, I’m pleased to welcome you on board A31. I’ve been over your proposed personnel offers and have accepted all of them. Some of my assistants will go over their duties and assignments. I understand you’ll be returning to Ackman on the Sarkis?”

Wyles nodded. “I’ve some things to wrap up on the station and finish the company’s move to A31.”

“I hope you will find the new station conductive to your operations and business.”

“An arms company often skirts the line between mercenary and arms sales, but this contract is much more in the former’s territory than I prefer.”

Amy maintained her fake smile. “I hope the benefits continue to outweigh the negatives for you, Mr. Wyles.”

Hammok brow furrowed. “It’s a serious risk: working with a rogue NAI, illegal FedTech, a shooting war with the Corpos and possibly Solarians. I believe most of the population on Ackman are desperately searching for tickets to Theta Corvi or Nu Crateris, not that I think they will find much more safety in either place.”

“Then why?”

“We’re already on the frontier, and there is just as much opportunity. Who wouldn’t dream of having copious amounts of weaponry and firepower on demand direct from the factory? Besides, from what I can tell, you need us, which means we will be amply rewarded for our services.”

A voice from behind Wyles startled both of them.

“We don’t need you as much as you think.” Abbey said, slipping around Hammock and coming to stand beside Amy.

Amy frowned. “Abbey, I was greeting Wyles and thanking him for coming.”

Abbey puffed up her cheeks and glared up at the tall man. “I’m perfectly capable of defending myself!”

Abbey stuck her hand out in the offer of a handshake.

“I don’t doubt that you’re very capable, young lady.” Wyles took the hand.

Abbey suddenly squeezed, expecting the large man to squirm, her brow furrowing when there was no reaction. She doubled her efforts without breaking the man’s smile. “Huh?”

“You’re very strong.” Wyles commented calmly.

Abbey growled and suddenly clasped her other hand around his and squeezed as hard as she could. She could feel her fingertips digging into the skin, but his grip was like metal and his hand wasn’t crushed.

Suddenly she found herself lifted off the ground as Wyles made a handshake motion with his hand, effortlessly waving in the air until she released her hold on him, falling to the floor and landing on her butt.

There was no hiding the absolute confusion on her face. “What?”

“You have a real lively one here, Ms. Tanis.” Wyles commented.

Amy knelt down and helped Abbey stand up, then hugged her from behind, more to keep the girl contained and from trying anything else.

“I’m so sorry. Are you alright?”

“No worries. I’m quite fine.” Wyles answered, then he looked down at Abbey. “Take this as a lesson. Don’t assume an opponent’s strength without confirmation. Many people are more than meets the eye, and one mistake can cost you and others their lives.”

Abbey nodded quietly.

Taking a breath, Amy nodded toward the central station rotunda. “The power armor demonstration should be ready for us already. Abbey, has it set up, right?”

Forgetting about the interaction with Wyles, Abbey slipped out of Amy’s arms and hurried down the mooring arm. “I’m helping him! He should be ready when we get there!”

Amy discussed business and expectations with Wyles on their way to the military production unit on the other side of the station. Abbey had grown bored and ran ahead to help Logan, leaving the two of them to chat.

Armored security bots stood at attention in the section, their heavy presence on display at every corner. The factory produced more than just power armor.

“Here we are, A31’s arms facility.” Amy said.

A powered white door slid open for them. They had to pass by a dozen security bots that were idling in formation as they entered the massive hangar sized industrial complex. Half the structure jutted out into space where vacuum was preferable, and massive radiators extended outward and glowed a vivid golden hued red as they dumped excess heat.

Several ‘black box’ nanite forges were fed by different material smelters and intricate parts rolled out from them to other assembly stations. Robotic workers plied the area where needed to assist. The entire floor was a hive of activity, with the main production being more combat robots, power armor suits, and various types of weaponry.

Amy let Wyles admire the scene as they headed toward the power armor production section. Logan was already there, halfway in a suit. Abbey looked over at them and raised her arm up into the air and waved happily.

“Not what I expected from an NAI Avatar.” Wyles commented.

“She’s… young.”

“You got enough going on here. Looks like you’re preparing for a war.”

“We are.”

Logan finally stood up and walked over to them. “Suit fits perfectly now!”

Abbey followed, and the two did a fist bump.

Amy face palmed.

Despite Amy’s fears, the demonstration had gone well. Wyles seemed pleased with the equipment they’d be providing. Abbey had quietly confirmed that the fail-safes were in place if MilTech tried any betrayal, and she had authorized the transfer of available stock to the arms company as it moved into its new space on the station.

The robotic security force would soon be supplemented with human guards and Amy could count on a lot of assistance from the staff with station operations. Or A31 could, anyway. The operators would be taking up a lot of the human interaction from the NAI core, which many people found… robotic.

Amy yawned and cracked her neck. Abbey followed beside her with her arms behind her head, leaning back slightly.

“Amy, why do I have to stay with you now?”

“Because sleeping in the command center isn’t proper, and I can’t trust you to look after yourself properly. Plus, you need moral guidance and someone watching you.”

Abbey blew up her cheeks, then blew the air at Amy. “I don’t see how staying anywhere else is different! And was making the Corpos useful so bad? They hurt us.”

“It is, and yes.” Amy answered.

Amy opened the door to her apartment and let Abbey go in first. The young girl took a sudden interest in the furnishings.

“Hey, it looks… cozy! Now I know why you had me make all these things.” Abbey giggled and hopped onto the sofa, turning around to look back at Amy over the back of it.

“Its only normal. Can you have a robot bring your things here later?”

“Umm, what things?”

Amy looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “Your clothes? Possessions?”

“I only have what I’m wearing.”

Amy’s brow furrowed. “What do you do when you need to wash or clean them?”

“I just clean it while I’m wearing it.”

Amy shook her head and rubbed her forehead. “Tomorrow we are going shopping. You need more than one outfit.”

Abbey tilted her head. “But… why shop when I can make whatever we want?”

“It will be fun, and you need to socialize more.” Amy went to her room and opened her wardrobe. She found what she was looking for quickly and returned holding up a set of blue pajamas.

“You can wear a set of my pajamas tonight. It’ll be too big, but we can probably fix it somehow.”

Abbey came over to look. “What are pajamas?”

Amy smiled and gave her some head pats. “They are comfortable clothes that you wear to bed.”

Abbey’s eyes lit up, and she reached out to touch the blue fabric. Running her fingers over it, she smiled. “It’s soft!”

Amy nodded. “Trust me, you’ll love sleeping in these, and in an actual bed.”

Abbey seemed convinced and emitted her regular enthusiasm. “I should make everyone pajamas!”

“Let’s get you settled in for the night. We can start fresh in the morning and go shopping for some more clothes for you.”

As Amy helped prepare Abbey for bed, she felt a mix of maternal warmth toward the girl mixed with a bit of worry. She’d raised Logan pretty much, and having a younger sister was… nice. But she couldn’t help shake the knowledge that Abbey was much more than just a young NAI-Avatar-girl.

When Portmaster Whitely arrived, she was going to have the man give Abbey civics lessons.

Abbey peeked out from underneath the cover. Amy had hugged her tight as they went to bed and the big soft bed had been overwhelming to her senses. She’d never felt so warm before.

She had nuzzled in closer and received more head pats in return, but Amy had eventually fallen asleep.

Abbey didn’t want to leave, but sleep eluded her. Normally, she would just turn off. She could hear A31’s normal buzz in the back of her head, but she couldn’t do her normal routine to direct operations and production.

It was slightly boring, and suddenly she yawned. She wanted to build a pajama factory. It would be good to prioritize it with the fishie house and cake-kebab factory.

Unable to shut herself off like normal, Abbey slowly drifted off to normal sleep for the first time, leaving A31 to manage production on its own.

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