
Glossary Chapter

ACOUCRI: ACOUstically-Collected Retinally-displayed Information

A-Grav: Artificial Gravity

AMCN: Anti-matter catalyzed nuclear

AMLS: Automatic Missile Launch System

ARRY: Array

BCAP: Backup Capacitor

CEC: Central Energy Credit Commission, the central authority for authorizing monetary transactions

CIC: Combat Information Center, a very secure and heavily armored area that contains the personnel most important to operating a ship or station during combat

Corundum: CU derivatives and analogues

CQB: Close Quarters Battle

DC: Direct Current or Damage Control

D-field: Deflector Field (Blocks incoming things from impacting outer hull.)

ECCM: Electronic Counter Countermeasures

ECM: Electronic Countermeasures

EM: Electromagnetic

EPOWER: Emergency Power

Ertan Turkey: A holiday in the Ertan religion calls for eating turkeys, generally a very festive occasion including putting up lights for decorations

EST: Estimated

ETA: Estimated Time Arrival

EVA: Extra-vehicular activity

EWCLS: Electronic Warfare Class Launch System

FAC: Fast Attack Craft, a small ship larger than a fighter but incapable of independent operation

Ferrite: FE derivatives and analogues

FTL: Faster than Light

GCode: Genetic Code, the futuristic version of a fingerprint

gravtube: A gravity tube that can transfer contents via gravity manipulation

GSD: Global Star Date

H20: Water

HE: High Explosive

HK: Hunter-Killer, a class of automated Gunship (smaller than corvette, usually with a single large weapon)

HTLS: Heavy Torpedo Launch System

HUD: Heads Up Display

I-field: Integrity Field (Keeps atmosphere inside the ship when there are holes in it.)

IND: Independent Ship Prefix

InfoNet: A system wide network for sharing information

INT: Intelligence

lpm: liters per minute

LRP: Long Rod Penetrator, standard Railgun ammunition type

LRPSGSM: Long Rod Penetrator Self-Guided Smart Munition, max yield 100 kilotons

mag-lock: A magnetic locking device

MC: Mercenary Company

medi-doc / autodoc: An automated robot or machine that can perform medical services when no nurse or doctor is available.

MRE: Meal Ready to Eat, survival food

NCO: Non-commissioned Officer

NOI: Neural Optical Interface

NSGMNIH: nanite synthesized-genetically-modified-nanite-infused-human

O2: Oxygen

PD: Point Defense, generally used to shoot small craft or hostile missiles, can also double as CQB weaponry

PDC: Point Defense Cannon, generally refers to turreted smaller caliber weaponry

PDC-K: Point Defense Cannon, Kinetic

PDC-L: Point Defense Cannon, Laser

PLSS: Primary life-support system

PMGM: A futuristic high density fuel

POW: Prisoner of War

RCS: Reaction Control Thruster

RMAT: A futuristic high density radioactive fuel

SE: Solar Energy Credit

ShipNet: A local network inside a ship

SIGINT: Signals Intelligence

SNO2: Supplemental Nanite Oxygen

StationNet: A local internet for station activities

USD: Universal Standard Date

VAMPIRE: Brevity code for Anti-ship incoming missile (and in shipcore, high caliber projectiles)

ZnSe: A type of glass used for laser lenses

Ω: Omega; Ultimate NAI rank, higher than PSI

PSI: Top tier NAI rank, corresponds to the historical four NAI rulers after the collapse

CHI: Just under PSI, standard rank for Inner/Core System Rulers

Omega => Psi => Chi => Phi => Upsilon => Tau => Sigma => Rho => Pi => Omicron => Xi => Nu => Mu => Lambda => Kappa => Iota => Theta => Eta => Zeta => Epsilon => Delta => Gamma => Beta => Alpha

Corpo: Nickname for Corporate Systems people

Sollies: Nickname for people from the Solar Imperium

Imp: Nickname for Solarian Imperium people

GAI: General Artificial Intelligence (Probably)

NAI: Nanite Artificial Intelligence (Probably)

AGAI: Some scary government backronym referring to the thing created on MIL-1A by the navy to try and subvert NAIs

IS: Inner System, Often a type prefix for high performance vessels legally locked to core systems by treaty

OS: Outer System, Often a type prefix for lower performance vessels that are free to travel to non-regulated system

Big Boi: Marine terminology for a capital ship in orbit, presumably planning on dropping munitons on the ground

OP: Operation, like a military operation/mission, etc

ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival

Sandcaster: Abbey's special anti missile space launcher things, they detonate into clouds that make things sorry to run into them

Meltisar Connections:

Beta Antliae (Imperium frontier)

Scholz's star (Solarian Fed Border, 1 jump from Altair)

FN Virginis (Meltisar Space, (empty), Corporate Systems Border with 63 Hydrae)

Eta Monocerotis (Meltisar space, leads to SOL and Ghost Sector)

Psi Gruis (Ertan Republic Frontier)

ShipCore Melt Cast;

Alex Myers

Nameless (Alex Computer)

Elis Myers

Psi Celestia 'Tia'

Chi Theia 'Thea'

Rachel Mackey

SMC Support;


Admiral Parks (1st Fleet Aegis Admiral)

Admiral Darren Westlake

Captain Turner

Vice Admiral Mc Lagan

Admiral Anderson

ShipCore Starlight Cast;

Amy Tanis

Psi Abbey

Psi Heeler

Daniel Ashburn

SSC Support;

Lieutenant Lavigne

Sergeant Morrison


Logan Tanis

Portmaster Charles Whitely

Captain Yalof

Governor John Tyler

Captain Larret

Szizsielia (Heeler's Queen)

Commodore Bridgit (Dead)

Rolks Walker (Dead)

Wyles Hammok

Iron Horse Characters;

Rick (security)

Sawet (security)

Commander Talbot

Chief Marston (arrested)

Sergeant Sinclair (dead)

Crewman Martin (sensor tech)

Lieutenant Holt Ferguson, Damage Control Assistant

Corporal Leiston (engineering)

Four Nation NAIs

Moneta (Corpo PSI)

Empress Psi (Imperium PSI)

High Priestess (Ertan Leader)

Solaria (Solarian Federation High Commissar)

Rea (83 Hydrae Chi)

Imperial uniforms red-black-gold

Solarian uniforms white-gold-purple

Corporate uniforms black-gold

Ertan uniforms green-purple-gold

Federation uniforms blue-gold

Federation marines red-black

IHMC uniforms gray-gold-stuff

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