Shock! Can You Become a God Even By Playing Games?

Chapter 16

Chapter 15: Tidy

Tao Rong really feels that she may not be suitable for secretly stalking people.

Following Primo yesterday, three thin men blocked the road and kidnapped people. Today they want to catch up with Primo, and someone else hugged her leg tightly to prevent Tao Rong from moving.

Tao Rong, who struggled hard to avoid hurting others, saw Primo’s figure disappear into the darkness, she sighed in relief, and looked down at the little boy who was hugging her.

“He’s gone too far, can you let go? Hey kid, I helped you just now, how can you take revenge?”

It was the little boy in the tavern who suddenly came out to stop Tao Rong’s action. Hearing Tao Rong’s teasing with a chuckle, the little boy shyly let go of his hands and hid his hands behind his back. Dare to look up at Tao Rong.

Tao Rong is more patient with children than when facing thin men. She squatted down and looked at the little boy through the dim streetlight by the roadside. With traces left, he dodged his eyes and bit his lower lip lightly.

“Tell me, you know the man just now? You know something about him, so stop someone like me from following him?”

His plan was accurately guessed, the little boy who had no experience in the world looked flustered, but he still insisted on not letting go: “No…No, I…I just want to thank my sister…”

“… thank me for holding my leg tightly with my hand to stop my movement?”

The little boy who was asked by Tao Rong pursed his mouth, and there were tears in his eyes.

Seeing that there was no relevant news from this fragile but extremely stubborn little boy, Tao Rong stood up straight and looked down at him: “You stopped me today and it won’t change anything, I have already Knowing where he lives, you can go to him at any time. Even if you send him a letter and ask him to change his place, as long as you don’t leave the Rhine City, I will find it eventually.”

“You…you terrorize children…”

The little boy who heard Tao Rong’s words sniffed and complained in a low voice.

“No, this is not called intimidation, it should be called well-meaning dissuasion.”

Tao Rong consciously had a good attitude towards the little boy, he made a mistake, Tao Rong did not beat him up: “If you don’t want me to find him, I advise you to Tell me what you know…”

“I…you won’t go to him after I tell you?”

“No, after you told me, I won’t care about you stopping me, otherwise…”

Tao Rong made a sinister smile: “You know what? Those monsters that hide in the dark and only appear at night like to eat children like you.”

“…you…you’re trying to scare me.”

Listening to Tao Rong’s gloomy words, the little boy’s pupils dilated, but he pretended to be strong to refute her, the little boy who didn’t get Tao Rong’s answer lowered his head and thought for a moment, then looked up at Tao Rong.

“I…I can tell you! But you have to wait until tomorrow night, when you come to the tavern to find me, and you have to promise me that I can’t find him secretly during the day!”


Faced with the little boy’s conditions, Tao Rong agreed, but she still reminded the little boy: “I advise you not to think of other things, I said that if I can find you, I will find you. Don’t think about running away.”

After warning the other party, Tao Rong kindly sent the little boy back to the tavern, without talking to the tavern owner who kept her chatting, Tao Rong went home as soon as possible after finishing the work.

[New communication from “Alice”]

When she opened the door, there was a new communication coming. She remembered that, even if she didn’t read it, Tao Rong could guess that Alice had arrived home. .

Maybe because they were together during the day, Alice’s communication this time was much shorter than yesterday’s, but even if it was shorter, there were hundreds of words, enough for one article The number of words in the composition.

The beginning of the letter was the news that Alice had arrived home safely, followed by the wonderful scenery she saw on her way home, the pity that Tao Rong was not by her side, and there was no Tao Rong when she returned home The sadness of the companionship.

Looking at Alice’s long speech, Tao Rong, who had a good friend for the first time, felt pleasant troubles. It turns out that there are so many things to talk about between friends?

Even encountering a tree with a strange shape and a cloud with a strange shape can be described interestingly and vividly.

After reading the communication, Tao Rong thought for a while, and also replied a letter to Alice, but unfortunately, her speaking ability is not good, so she can only reluctantly let Alice go and what Tao Rong experienced Describe things.

Of course, a lot of content was deleted, such as the purpose of Tao Rong going to the tavern, and the words threatening the little boy…

What Tao Rong didn’t expect was that Alice hadn’t slept yet, and Alice’s communication came again after she was groomed.

The two exchanged several messages, and at ten o’clock, Alice ended the conversation first.

[Alice: Although I really want to continue chatting with you, but you should go to bed now! You got up so early today and you should go to bed earlier at night! Good night (smiley)]

Tao Rong had another night’s dream.

There are still hundreds of rabbits in the dream, but today they are not holding skirts, but jumping over one by one, rubbing their heads against Taorong, and saying good night.

Maybe it was because she woke up too early yesterday, Tao Rong slept until it was bright and woke up today, she looked at the ceiling and blinked dully.

[Modo Modo: Big Brother Big Brother! We are out of the new village! Do you want to kill monsters together~]

The friend channel that had been silent for a long time flickered, and Tao Rong, who was refreshed, opened up, and after thinking for a while, she remembered who the other party was.

She opened the leaderboard and found that many players were already level 10, and she thought that Rhine City would soon become lively.

It’s better to come early than coincidence, Tao Rong thought about the words and replied to the other party.

[Tao Rong: I can’t get rid of monsters, but I found a prototype of a task, do you want to do it together? ]

In “New World”, not only NPCs can issue quests.

If players can find clues on their own, they can forcibly swipe in without NPCs issuing quests. When this matter is resolved, the system will automatically provide experience and rewards based on the player’s contribution in the process. Even if it fails, the player’s efforts will not be in vain, and the system will also provide certain rewards.

This is also the reason why Tao Rong has been squatting in the tavern for the past two days. Since it is determined that this matter may be related to the decline of the adventure union in the future, Tao Rong certainly cannot let it go.

Involving the dark breath, and the Holy See and the Adventure Guild, the reward after the completion of this task is definitely indispensable.

[Modo Modo: Big Brother! You are my big brother! To do it, of course to do it! It is our honor to be able to do the task with the big brother! ]

If he’s not at home, you’ll let me know. ]

The Primo address she asked from the tavern owner was sent to Modo Modo, Tao Rong, who had solved one thing, laughed lightly, she promised the little boy not to look for him, But he never said he wouldn’t find someone to stare at him.

The task of staring at Primo was handed over to Modo Modo and the others, Tao Rong simply came to Sixth Street again.

Maybe because there are more players, the appearance of Rhine City is completely different from the previous day. When he got to the NPC, he went up to talk. Tao Rong saw with his own eyes a gray-haired grandmother who was being helped across the street by two waves of players, and then helped over again.

The peaceful and leisurely daily life of the NPCs was disrupted, and the players running on the roof street galloped past, but when they saw the house with the door open, the players broke in one after another, and were finally surrounded by guards. Pressed away together, paraded through the streets to show the crowd as an example.

“No wonder players are called the Fourth Scourge.”

The scenes she saw along the way made Tao Rong stunned. When she came in her previous life, the player had been educated by the guards and prisons of Rhine City, and knew that they could not break into the house and affect the normality of the residents. Life.

Seeing the arrogance of the first wave of players entering the city, Tao Rong couldn’t help but wipe a sweat for the innocent residents.

Can’t bear to watch the players’ rude operations, Tao Rong went straight to the Beacon store, like last time, the wooden door was half-closed, and the welcome bell rang after pushing it open.

In most of the space, Tao Rong tentatively glanced inside, but did not see any trace of Boris.

[Letter to the adventurer who rented a house for ten silver coins]

On the table, the folded white paper was placed on it, and the neatly printed handwriting left a message. Tao Rong picked up the paper and opened it with the same handwriting as the outside.

As a reward for reminding you, remember to tidy up the house for me before leaving, and lock the door again, so that those new daredevils will not break in. ]


Faced with Boris’ unpredictable prophet, Tao Rong began to suspect that the other party was the GM in the hidden game? Of course, Tao Rong knew in his heart that this was impossible, but he just made a small joke.

Tao Rong came here to ask about Primo. Since Boris gave a positive answer, looking at the word ‘she”, Tao Rong had other guesses in her heart.

It seems that the sister who is often maintained by Primo knows a lot about this matter.

Taking the information provided by Boris, Tao Rong spent the rest of her time cleaning up the house for Boris, but to be honest, this house is really messy… Start.

All kinds of intelligence and confidential information over the years have been recorded on paper, stuffed into the document bag at will, and lost in the display cabinet. The next one reads a secret sauce recipe from a restaurant on Third Avenue.

Tao Rong took an afternoon to sort out the general situation, and also learned a lot of inside information. What the Holy See City Hall Brave Union has done in the Rhine City over the years has been detailed. recorded.

To the end, Tao Rong, who had been full of energy after fighting monsters all day, had a sore back and a backache. Before leaving, she looked at the well-organized and refreshed house, and Tao Rong locked the door with relief.

Outside the house, the moon also rose.

The author has this to say:

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