Shock! Can You Become a God Even By Playing Games?

Chapter 32

Chapter 31: Exchange

“Quiet me all!”

As a doctor, Ai Fei is most despised by her patients being disobedient. The stones around her were smashed, and Ai Fei could only clench her fists and grit her teeth to look at the pile of ducks.

“Can you treat and how to treat it? It’s your turn to know? Noisy what is noisy here? And you, drag your intestines to join in the fun, and give me to lie down as soon as possible !”

At this moment, the surroundings were really quiet, and while they were quiet, Tao Rong hurriedly started treatment without waiting for Aifei to urge.

After she expelled the dark breath in the front, Effie cast a healing technique in the back to heal the wound.

After they got better, those people bowed gratefully to Tao Rong and Aifei, and hurried to the battlefield after saying their thanks.

[Primary purification successfully upgraded to (intermediate)]

[Intermediate Purification: Used on a designated area, it can effectively purify the dark aura in the area and restore 30% of the target’s HP]

Tao Rong did not know how long she had been treated. Every time she saw that there were not many wounded left, and some people who had accidentally infected with the dark breath were sent. Fortunately, there was an orange-level staff that Carl gave her. a lot of power.

Tao Rong no longer had to treat one by one, she let the wounded gather together, the light released by the intermediate purification technique enveloped the area, and all the people in the area were healed.

However, the consumption of the intermediate purification technique is also incomparable to the primary purification technique. After releasing this skill, Tao Rong swayed and almost fell, but Aifei who was on the side quickly supported her, Tragedy was avoided.

“You take a rest.”

Ai Fei helped Tao Rong to the side, and after she sat down, she took out a bottle of medicine and handed it to Tao Rong, and said with concern: “You are overusing your mental power, drink it, Rest for a while, those guys are tenacious, and there is no rush to treat them later.”

The entrance of the medicine is filled with the fragrance of orange and mint, Tao Rong nodded, and Aifei went on to treat.

“Looks like… it’s time to upgrade.”

It may be the reason for the activity. Every time Tao Rong purifies the dark aura of a person, a large amount of experience will be recorded. It even seems that when those people she cured go out to fight monsters again, Tao Rong can also share experience.

Although the experience will gradually decrease with the passage of time, Tao Rong has treated so many people, and those scattered experiences are combined, and Tao Rong has been sent to the nineteenth level.

Tao Rong glanced at the ranking rankings, others were also struggling to level up, but the first place was still Tao Rong, and the second place was just level seventeen! Suifeng and the others have also risen to level sixteen, and their team names are all in the top ten of the level rankings.

The comparison of the points rankings is even more obvious. The first place is still Taorong, and even the second place with more than 2,000 points is far ahead with more than 10,000 points. Not surprised, after all, not only did she and Carl catch the people behind the scenes, but the strange Taorong who was killed by the healer also got some points.

[Full Server Announcement: The event of “Guarding the Bevi Village” will end in five minutes, players are requested to exchange points in time after the end]

After resting for a few minutes, Tao Rong began to heal again. I don’t know how long it took, when the system prompt came, Tao Rong felt that the beast tide outside had been repelled, and only A few scattered ones.

“Wow, it looks like it’s almost over.”

Fewer wounded came to be treated, Ai Fei stretched and walked to Tao Rong with a look of anticipation: “I’ll have a good night’s sleep after the end, these guys fight It’s almost lifeless to get up, everyone’s wounds have cost me a lot of energy. What about you? Do you have any plans later?”

“I’m going to find my friends.”

Although Ai Fei said she was tired, but in the past few hours, Tao Rong saw her strength. No rest, no matter how dangerous the injury, Ai Fei can treat it with ease.

To meet such a powerful doctor, Tao Rong’s tone couldn’t help but bring some respect.

“Friends? Find friends! Let’s have fun and take a break.”

During the process just now, Ai Fei noticed that Tao Rong was like a taut string that was about to break at some point, she patted Tao Rong on the shoulder: “Don’t Too nervous, you did a good job just now, and you saved their lives.”


Tao Rong pulled out a smile, seeing that no new wounded arrived, she hesitated for a moment to say goodbye to Ai Fei: “I’m going to find my friend, if anyone needs treatment, call me .”

“Okay, let’s go.”

Ai Fei waved goodbye to Tao Rong, Tao Rong accurately found Carl’s location, she passed through the crowd, and the moment she arrived, the end of the event also sounded.

Seeing that the beast tide completely disappeared, the area where the players not far away burst into cheers, driven by their emotions, and the surrounding NPCs also cheered, but the players are for the rich rewards of the event , NPC cheered for protecting their homeland.

“Are you looking for me?”

As soon as Tao Rong came over, Carl noticed her. He knew everything about the rear. After realizing how useful Tao Rong was in this battle, Carl showed a sincere smile.

“Yes, I’ll ask, my friend…”

Karl put away the smile on his face and looked at Tao Rong regretfully. Needless to say, Tao Rong already understood what he meant.

“Sorry, our people have searched the forest and found no trace of the orc. However, maybe she has run to a safe area and was rescued?”

Karl’s last sentence was mainly to comfort Tao Rong, they all knew how small the possibility was. When the people of the Holy See were looking for it, they also told the local villagers that if someone rescued them If Alice were to go down, she must have told them long ago.

It is more likely that Alice had an accident while escaping…

“Thank you for your help.”

Tao Rong also knew in her heart that Carl’s words were just to comfort herself, but she couldn’t help but have some expectations. She turned around and wanted to ask the players, but remembered one more thing, Turning his head to Carl: “By the way, this is what you gave me just now. Now that the beast swarm is over, I will give it back to you.”


If there are other players present, I would probably cry with envy when I hear Carl casually using orange equipment as a reward. Tao Rong was also a little surprised by Carl’s generosity, but the reward that was handed to him, Tao Rong skipped the refusal link and accepted it decisively.

“I want to ask you something.”

Tao Rong turned around and was about to leave, when Carl stopped her again, saw Tao Rong looking at him, and said with a sigh: “I see you are so sad about what happened to that orc, like you… Adventurers, do you also care about our lives?”

Karl’s words had no deep meaning, but Tao Rong said without hesitation: “What’s the difference between you and us?”

Hearing Tao Rong’s answer, Carl showed a relieved smile and didn’t ask any more questions. After Tao Rong said goodbye to him again, he turned and left.

“Hey hey hey, you are amazing!”

After the event, most of the players rushed to the village chief’s house to exchange rewards, but the three of Suifeng did not move with the large army, but stood in place and waited for Tao Rong.

As soon as Tao Rong came over, Modo Modo flattered, and he made an exaggerated expression: “You don’t know, when the system announced the first place in the standings, I heard the tens of thousands behind Points, how shocked other players are! There are also so many NPCs, when we farmed monsters just now, I heard that those NPCs admired you!

Faced with Modo Modo’s flattery, Tao Rong nodded perfunctorily and changed the subject: “Can you help me send a tracing post? Looking for a rabbit-eared orc, anyone who provides correct clues There are rewards.”

There are too many players, Tao Rong has only one mouth, and it is unrealistic to ask them one by one. After thinking about it, it is the fastest way to post a reward.

But the post can’t be posted by Tao Rong, her reputation is too big, everyone knows Tao Rong is a high-level play, in case anyone thinks that Alice has hidden tasks and treasures, and finally She deliberately deducted it and didn’t tell Tao Rong, and that would be the case.

“I’ll post it!”

When he heard Tao Rong’s request, Modo Modo directly recommended himself. Although it is not reliable on weekdays, Modo Modo has never lost the chain on key matters, so he can be assured of Tao Rong.

After carefully inquiring about Alice’s relevant information, Modo Modo quickly edited the post, clicked send, and then just waited for the informed players to provide information.

“Thank you…”

“Don’t thank me! How can the boss thank me!”

Tao Rong’s words of thanks just came out, Modo Modo predicted her words, interrupted Tao Rong, hehe smirked: “The boss gave us equipment again, and took us to dungeon , don’t forget to bring us on the mission! We should thank the boss.”

“Yes, Sister Taorong, thank you.”

“Thank you.”

Modo’s words attracted the approval of Xiaohe with the wind, the roles changed, and the three people thanked Tao Rong. Tao Rong, who had never faced such a scene, nodded silently, coughing After a sigh, he continued to change the topic: “Let’s go and redeem the reward.”

“Yeah! I’ve seen so many things!”

Seeing Tao Rong’s shy appearance, Sui Feng and Xiao He laughed lightly, but Modo Modo didn’t pay attention, just rubbed his hands in excitement.

Just now they were struggling to kill monsters. Although they were not as good as Tao Rong, they also gained more points than other players. When they thought of the equipment and skill books in the points exchange store, Modo Modo’s eyes were wide open. Bright.

Just as Tao Rong and the four were thinking about whether to come back another day, someone stopped them.

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