Shock! Can You Become a God Even By Playing Games?

Chapter 36

Chapter 35: Comey

“Hmph, it’s just to let you separate for a short period of time, and it’s just like the separation of life and death.”

Today’s Margaret seems to be in a bad mood, she always speaks yin and yang, but everyone is used to her moody, and no one takes her words to heart.

After Tao Rong agreed, Carl led Suifeng three people back to the city, Margaret watched the four farewell with cold eyes, and hummed from time to time, after Suifeng and the others left, Tao Rong was just right Seeing her, he asked, “Are you being troubled by someone from the Holy See?”

“Smart people, I hate it.”

You guys, they are very good. They used this skill to find out all the people of Rhine City, even my people. After controlling the situation, they came to threaten me again. ”

Tao Rong is not surprised, after all, from Margaret’s previous attitude, she should disdain to cooperate with the people of the Holy See, but since she brought Carl to the door, that only It can explain that she was found by the people of the Holy See.

However, Tao Rong does not think that Margaret will be taken advantage of by the Holy See. Since she can betray the God Creation Organization, she stays in Rhine City well, and even controls the old man. The movement of the owner means that the power under her hands is not small.

Thinking of this, Tao Rong lowered her eyelids.

Whether they are enemies or non-enemies, there is no small threat. They are like icebergs on the sea, only a tip is exposed, and the rest of the forces are hidden under the sea.

And there are only four of them.

Tao Rong originally thought that after being reborn, she could get rid of the situation of being secretly spied on in her previous life, but she didn’t want to attract more people’s attention.

Tao Rong heard Margaret’s taunting of the Holy See, her heartbeat accelerated in her ears.

An unknown and powerful opponent gave her a fighting spirit.

“Come on, I’ll take you there.”

After speaking ill of the Holy See, Margaret’s inner anger was vented, and she returned to her harmless appearance. She looked at Taorong’s suspicious eyes and realized it later: ” It seems that I forgot to tell you that for your safety, those people in the Holy See can’t think of any good ideas, or as I planned before, send you out of Rhine City first.”

No…you clearly planned to throw us directly on the other side of the continent.

Thinking of Margaret’s complaints when they brought them here, Taorong felt helpless. The land of orcs and elves is difficult to enter and exit. If Taorong and the others were really sent there, fifty I didn’t know if I would be able to get out before the level.

And the attitude of the orcs and elves to humans is not very friendly, it is more likely that the four of them arrived and were driven out by them.

“It just so happens that a caravan is leaving Rhine City, so you can go with them. Someone will tell you where to go.”

[Quest: The Escape

Task content: The forces hidden in the dark are eyeing you, and now you are weak and unable to compete with them, so you can only leave temporarily.

Quest Progress: Leaving Rhine City (0/1)

Task Status: Incomplete

Quest Reward: EXP +2600, Silver +3]

After accepting the task, Tao Rong thought of one thing and hesitated: “Before leaving, can I go back to the house I rented?”

“Where to go and what to do?”

Margaret was very puzzled about her request: “Now they are all staring at that house, just waiting for you to go back and throw yourself into the net.”


Tao Rong was silent, she just suddenly remembered that the dress Alice gave her was still in the house, she didn’t know when she would be able to come back after leaving, in case the house was invaded by those people Go in, destroy the skirt…

“Do you have anything important? I can send someone to take it out for you.”

“Thank you.”

Learning from Tao Rong’s mouth that what she wanted to take out was actually a skirt, Margaret’s face showed surprise, looking at Tao Rong up and down as if she knew her on the first day, teasing Dao: “I didn’t expect you to care so much about your appearance, tsk, but you do have this capital.”

Margaret held her face and looked at Tao Rong’s face, and found that she not only had outstanding facial features, but also had a good temperament.

“Okay, you’ll see your baby dress later.”

Margaret was standing in front of her and she didn’t do anything, but after a while she said it was done, Tao Rong could only choose to trust the other party and follow Margaret out of the manor , got into the carriage again.

“Why did you choose to take the carriage?”

The sound of horse hooves rang in their ears, and the two sat silently in the carriage. After a while, Tao Rong asked.

“Because other than walking and horse-drawn carriages, all other modes of transportation are controlled by those in the City Hall.”

It works. The magic crystals that can provide them with energy are all mastered by the upper echelons of the empire. Before each magic crystal is sold, it will be engraved with a surveillance circle. As long as they want, they can grasp the traces of anyone.”

Tao Rong did not refute Margaret’s sarcasm. For players, as long as they can do quests, upgrade, and enjoy the game, who cares about this except for some sophisticated parties How the world’s transportation is developed and how it operates.

“It’s coming soon, let me remind you as a friendly reminder.”

After the conversation just now ended, the carriage returned to silence, and ten minutes later, when the speed of the car gradually slowed down, Margaret spoke again: “This time after you leave, honestly improve With your own strength, don’t touch those guys you can’t afford to offend now, otherwise… sooner or later, you will be killed by the exuberant curiosity of you adventurers.”

After saying this, before the carriage stopped, Margaret handed Tao Rong a transparent bottle of potion and motioned her to drink it.

The entrance of the medicine is as odorless as white water, Tao Rong can feel the change in his face, and there seems to be something on his head.

She raised her hand hesitantly and touched the top of her head, starting with a fluffy touch.

“My God, you’re so cute.”

After seeing the cat ears on Tao Rong’s head, Margaret laughed mercilessly, Tao Rong withdrew her hand, gave her a blank look, and got out of the carriage without looking back .

“Be careful along the way.”

When passing by the coachman Hicks, the other side spoke softly, Tao Rong nodded and jumped out of the carriage.

After standing on the ground, Tao Rong discovered that the potion not only changed her appearance, but even reduced her height. The original Tao Rong was about one meter seven, and the current Tao Rong Looking at the perspective of the one meter six in front of me, my heart is numb.

“You’re the last one!”

After getting off the carriage, Tao Rong walked straight ahead for a few minutes and saw the team this time.

A group of well-equipped escorts with the logo of the largest chamber of commerce in Rhine City on their chests are sorting out the convoy, and several of them are obviously just like Tao Rong.

After seeing Tao Rong coming over, one of the teenagers who looked sixteen or seventeen years old greeted her warmly: “My name is Josh, this is my… brother, Dreiser.”

The young man was followed by a blond man who never walked away. Before saying the word “brother”, he turned a corner bluntly.

After hearing Josh introduce himself, Dreiser nodded to Tao Rong as a greeting.

“My name is Tao… Taochun.”

Halfway through her name, Tao Rong thought that she needed to remain anonymous, silently swallowed the word “Rong”, and said the word “Spring” casually.

The two sides exchanged names in a friendly way while concealing some information from each other. Another hitchhiker watched them and laughed.

“Let’s go, Tao…Miss Chun.”

A carton was handed to Tao Rong. After Tao Rong opened it, she saw the familiar dress and understood that the other person was from Margaret, and followed him into the car.

The convoy was waiting for Tao Rong, and since she had arrived, the convoy was ready to set off. They were reminded by the escorts that Josh and Dreiser also got into the carriage where Tao Rong was staying. .

The chamber of commerce that Margaret entrusted her to transport the goods will not be high-tech vehicles, but compared to the previous chamber of commerce that used ordinary horses to transport goods, the transportation of this house is more effective many.

A beast that looks like a wolf and a tiger pulls the goods and carriages. Naturally, the speed is not as fast as a train, but it is much faster than an ordinary horse.

“This is called a ghost horse. It is an artificially created creature. It is fast and has a long lifespan. It is the preferred mount for major chambers of commerce to transport certain things that cannot be seen on the surface.”

Seeing Tao Rong curiously looking at these ghost horses carrying them, Josh explained aloud.

“Thank you.”

After saying a sentence, maybe it was too boring, Josh opened the conversation: “Actually, when the ghost horse was first created, many people thought it was too inhuman, and they even united to resist Yes. But those chambers of commerce who want to make money don’t care so much, they resist, the chamber of commerce buys, and in the end, this matter is over.”

“So who made them in the first place?”

“A student at Comey.”

The unfamiliar name came into my ear, saw the slightly trembling cat ears on Taorong’s head, and Josh, who remembered the identity of the other party’s orc, answered in detail: “Komi College is the largest college in Baida County, and it mainly recruits high-ranking students. , A gifted student. Well… the destination of this convoy is Baida County, you will know when you get there.”

“Thank you.”

Baida County.

Tao Rong silently recited the name in her heart.

The mysterious person in the previous life seemed to have mentioned this place when he communicated with Yu Qingfeng?

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