Shock! Can You Become a God Even By Playing Games?

Chapter 89

Chapter 88: Balm Shop

After leaving the room, using Tao Rong’s body to cover up, the senior sister slipped a gold wire into the doorknob without a trace, making sure that no one could enter for a while, then took small steps lightly He left the store humming a song.

For Taorong, who came here for the second time, the senior sister who often does tasks here is more familiar with the surroundings. Even though there is no difference between the shops in the surrounding streets, the senior sister can directly find the destination.

A balm shop.

After learning where she was going, Tao Rong was confused.

It was really hard for her to imagine that these ferocious guys who had a life in their hands would enter the store and carefully select the balm that suits her.

What is this? Dressing yourself up as a killer with a charming scent?

Especially after seeing that there are many people in this shop, Tao Rong feels more strange in her heart, but she does not slow down in doubt, she keeps a step away and follows behind the senior sister , stepped into the store.

The smell, on the contrary, has a subtle harmony, and if you smell it for a while, you will feel a little drunk.

This shop has a different natural, primitive and casual decoration style from other stores. It can be seen that it has been decorated with great care. But it’s not the kind of cheesy beauty, from which you can see the aesthetic level of the owner.

Fragrance, if you are particular, you will also pick up the sample and rub it on your wrist to lightly smell the smell.

The scene in front of her made Tao Rong’s mouth twitch slightly, and she helped her forehead to try to calm her inner desire to complain, but there were too many points to suppress, Tao Rong could only look away and not pay attention to those people,

“Treasure of the town shop.”

Determined to find the source of the scent just now.

The jar was opened, and a more intense and complex aroma than the dried part was released.

The top tone is mysterious and coquettish, like the legendary Medusa that will deceive people, beautiful and dangerous, and the viper that the Garden of Eden falsely seduces Eve around the apple. If the fragrance has color, Tao Rong’s eyes should be a charming purple mixed with pure black.

, Love breaks through the cage like wings and shows it to the world.

The production factory of the balm shop, or the storage room.

Looking at the door behind the owner through the layers of display racks, Tao Rong seems to have seen the darkness hidden behind, under the cover of the gorgeous fragrance, the rotten smell of death is buried deep in the behind the house.

“Shh, the show’s coming.”

Senior sister lightly touched Tao Rong and asked her to look away. The two of them were surrounded by an invisible fragrance, standing together and looking at the people in black robes who were still walking as usual outside the store without knowing the details.

Senior sister leaned on the display shelf, playfully tapped the balm jar with her fingertips, her fingernails collided with the gems above, and the melodious and rhythmic sound rang in her ears, Tao Rong listened carefully Then, I found out that it was the bell of the class in the academy.

When the rhythm hit the last beat, a bright smile appeared on the face covered by the mask, Senior Sister snapped her fingers and listened to the explosion with joy.

“What’s going on?”

The sudden situation caught the attention of the black robes and rushed out of the store. The owner of the balm shop couldn’t sit still, too late to feel sorry for the ruined balm, and quickly got up and walked to the door to observe the situation .

When everyone’s attention was attracted by the explosion, Senior Sister and Tao Rong bowed around the display rack to the door, the door was locked, Tao Rong skillfully condensed out The ice pin picks the lock open. The door opened a crack, the two quickly got in, and then closed the door.

This is the storage room. The floor is full of large and small wooden boxes. Maybe someone sneaked in. The boxes were not locked. Taorong lifted the largest wooden box. When the lid is opened, a full jar of balm is revealed. Because it is well preserved, there is not much fragrance overflowing.

The box is filled with various styles of balms, there is no “goods” that Taorong they want to find, Taorong noticed that the traces on the ground are still fresh, these things should have been taken away in the past two days shipped.

The balm lasts longer than the perfume, and the trace left a week ago still has a lingering fragrance, but these wooden boxes have no fragrance left.

Unless…they are not carried in from outside the store.

She followed the order of the wooden boxes to the depths of the room. The walls were full of empty boxes, and the dust flew in the same direction under the light of the light group. Moved away, Tao Rong put her hand on the wall and groped.

An inconspicuous stone brick protruding only a few millimeters was found by Tao Rong, she turned back and said softly: “Are we going to find someone else?”

They don’t know anything about each other. Maybe they will open the door and enter the enemy. For the sake of safety, Tao Rong thinks it is better to act collectively.

“They’ll find it themselves.”

Senior sister chuckled at Tao Rong’s concern, her tone was trust in her companions, since she said so, Tao Rong simply pressed the stone brick, and a secret door opened silently.

After all, it is a passage for transporting goods, it is impossible to make it too narrow, Tao Rong and senior sister can walk side by side normally, there are light strips on both sides for lighting, but unfortunately it is not the two of them available to entrants.

This passage is long and silent, leaving no traces on the road. Time passed little by little. When she saw the closed door, Tao Rong felt a sense of relief that she had finally arrived.

The door here was not locked, and it opened with a slight push. Senior Sister went out to check the situation first, followed by Tao Rong.

Before Tao Rong was still wondering why there was such a normal balm shop in the black market, but she didn’t react until she saw the scene in front of her. Treat the balm shop as a normal shop.

Although I don’t know much about perfume and balm, Tao Rong also knows that the raw materials of a normal balm shop will never be all kinds of dead beasts polluted by the dark breath, or These are the amputated remains of human beings that can be seen to belong to.

The factory is still very high-tech, all the processes are automatically completed by machines, picking, cutting, crushing, and fusion, without any manual procedures, one by one corpses are thrown into the buzzing machine , which is then packaged into a jar of beautiful and seductive balm.

The scene in front of me was **** and horrific. The fingertips that touched the balm seemed to be crying. Tao Rong wiped the skin, but did not look away, staring at processing area.

“Did you find anything?”

Noticing Tao Rong’s gaze, Senior Sister leaned into her ear and asked lightly, boxes of corpses were being dumped into the machine, Tao Rong looked at the wooden box containing the corpses, and something flashed in her eyes: “I’ve seen that box before.”

The task given to her when she first met Margaret.

Margaret asked her to rob a shipment.

After Tao Rong and the others successfully completed the mission, the face of the girl in the box reappeared, and the exclusive marks on the box lid overlapped.


Tao Rong silently recited these four words, but did not expect that this task would be related to them again, what is the use of the balm made of contaminated corpses, and why do they want to Do this?

“Find those people first.”

Senior sister who heard the name of the Creation God organization showed disgust in her eyes, but still remembered that their main task now is to find those who were kidnapped.

Tao Rong retracted his gaze and followed the senior. The factory used for processing was very empty, the wooden boxes were stacked randomly, and the corpse odor and the fragrance mixed together to form a smell that made people want to vomit.

The two passed through those machines, and they were suddenly pulled by someone at the corner. Tao Rong’s hand flashed with a flash of light, and the senior sister held her wrist to control the movement: “It’s my own.”

“How did you come? So slow.”

The mask was lifted to a corner, revealing Monica’s slightly disgusting eyes, the ice blade disappeared with Tao Rong’s energy, and the senior ignored her complaint and asked: “What are you doing? came here?”

“It’s very simple, I went to someone to ask, and he told me quickly.”

“…I remember that you are not allowed to use your orc talent unless it is a last resort during the mission?”

“Cough, the instructor won’t know anyway, and it’s more important to save people.”

Monica pretended to calmly adjust her mask, but Tao Rong looked at her curiously. Is Monica an orc? It doesn’t seem to be visible from the outside.

“What did you find?”

Monica, who arrived first, and the others have already found the place to detain the people, just waiting for their companions to come and take them away together. Monica leads the way and changes the topic.

“The balm made from the corpse, the mark of the Creation of God organization.” Senior Sister looked around and said, “How about you?”


Using her innate skills to ask for the location, she hurried over, just thinking that she could get in front of Elaine to the mission location, and just happened to cross a corner, she saw He blinked at the thing in front of him: “A freshly baked enemy… count?”

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