Shock! Can You Become a God Even By Playing Games?

Chapter 9

Chapter 8: In Town

The door of the Brave Union is open to welcome guests, and the fireworks outside the house are bustling through the door.


Hearing this title, Tao Rong smiled and denied: “No, I’m just an ordinary adventurer.”

“But you are so powerful, how can you be just an ordinary adventurer!”

After counting the materials, Alice handed the silver coin to Tao Rong with a very puzzled tone.

“I’m not very good, there are still many good people among the adventurers.”

Tao Rong realizes that she is just an ordinary player. The experience in her past life tells her that there are people outside the world, and even in the game, there will still be outstanding players.

For example, the player who was the first to trigger the “Innovator” achievement in his previous life, and the adventurous person in the forum who walked all the discovered areas alone, recorded the topography and all the animals and plants that lived there. Players, as well as the group of self-proclaimed “recorders” who formed teams to interview and record local people’s lives and past experiences.

In addition to these players who Taorong remembers clearly, there are also many outstanding high-level players, individual player rankings, glory rankings, reputation rankings… The top 100 players in any ranking are excellent.

Tao Rong is just the most common of them. The only thing special about her is her identity and the experience of being born again.

However, this kind of words cannot be told to the confused Alice. Fortunately, the topic was quickly pulled away. Alice, who learned that Tao Rong was about to leave, was reluctant to part with it, and after saying goodbye repeatedly , Alice watched Tao Rong go away, and the furry rabbit ears drooped down again.

I finally met the right person, but I didn’t expect to be separated so soon.

Facing Alice’s reluctance, Tao Rong didn’t feel too much. She was going to leave the Novice Village after all. After all, she was already level 10, and staying in the Novice Village was inconvenient to upgrade. , and have to keep eating.

Go to the new map for new earning opportunities.

[Mission: The Village Chief’s Entrustment II

Quest content: The appearance of the dark stone will hide the dangers and flaws in the dark. The village chief entrusts you to report to the Holy See in Rhine City, but before that, you need to improve your strength.

Quest Progress: Level 10 (10/10) Go to Rhine City to report (0/1)

Task Status: Incomplete

Quest Rewards: EXP+500+150 (30% bonus for the first week), Bronze +260+78 (30% bonus for the first week)]

“I didn’t expect your strength to improve so fast, are you leaving today?”

Since the player discovered that the NPC, the village chief, did not issue quests, the village chief’s house was cleaned up immediately, and only Tao Rong was standing in the empty meeting room.

“Yes, I have to report to you.”

[Village Chief Charles Durrow’s favor +10]

“Haha, I didn’t see the wrong person.”

Tao Rong’s attitude made the village chief quite useful. He took out the folded pass and handed it to Tao Rong, and also gave him a teleportation gem.

“Take the pass and go to the station on the east, where the car will take you directly to the Rhine city. And this…”

[Obtain the item Pass to Rhine City +1]

[Get Item Teleport Gem +1]

The bright green teleportation stone contains vitality, and even the edges and corners are smooth and comfortable.

“This is a one-time teleportation gem. If you encounter something you can’t solve outside, you can crush it and come back. Bevi Village will always welcome you.”

Compared to this valuable and priceless teleportation gem, what is more precious is the meaning of the village chief’s words.

After hearing the village chief’s words, Tao Rong’s heart was faintly touched, and a strange emotion poured out, filling her empty heart.

Bevi Village accepted her wandering soul, and Tao Rong had a place to stand.

“Thank you very much.”

Staring at the village chief’s emerald eyes, Tao Rong thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

After saying goodbye to the village chief, Tao Rong walked to the east station with a different mood.

“Here’s your pass, take it. Have a nice trip.”

Smiles back at the station staff, the girl wearing silver wings and butterfly hair accessories has bright eyes, and the dimples revealed when she smiles are round and lovely. , The girl who shows true emotions is as bright as spring, and people can’t help but be infected.

“God, she’s too sweet to laugh!”

There was a faint repressed excitement behind her. Tao Rong didn’t pay much attention to it. She stepped on the steps scattered with sunlight and started her new journey.

It takes three hours to travel from Bevi Village to Rhine City by train. On the way, you will pass other novice villages. However, only Tao Rong has reached level 10. The train stops and goes, and only a few people come up. Few NPCs.

The train that can accommodate thousands of people, now carries less than 300 passengers, and everyone is scattered in each compartment without disturbing each other.

Outside the car window is a wonderful scenery, large tracts of rice fields are spread on the ground, and the occasionally flashing rapeseed fields attract the attention of the people watching the scenery with their strong posture and strong colors.

“Little girl, do you want something to eat?”

Sitting opposite Taorong is an old grandmother with curly blond hair. Although the years have left wrinkles on her face, her blue eyes are still clear and bright. changed by aging.

Take out the delicately packaged snacks from the linen-colored cloth bag, and talk to Tao Rong kindly.

“No thanks.”

Taking her gaze away from the scenery outside the window, Tao Rong was a little overwhelmed by the kindness from the stranger, and she showed a shy smile.

“It’s okay, I made this myself at home, let’s try it.”

[Get item Lovely Cookies +3]

In the transparent package are pink and tender, flower-like biscuits, which have been handed to Tao Rong and refused to refuse. In the expectant eyes of the other party, he tore open the package and took a bite.

[Gain experience +600, life permanent +10, mana permanent +10]

The sweet but not greasy taste spread between the lips and teeth, and the system prompt that suddenly popped up after eating a cookie made Tao Rong stunned.

The food handed over by the unfamiliar grandma I met in the car turned out to be the kind of spiritual food that can permanently increase life and mana?

Tao Rong’s heart was agitated, she had seen this kind of spiritual food mentioned by players on the forum in her previous life, even NPCs only some people are eligible to enjoy it, only high-level players can get it, There is a price to pay.

If Tao Rong posted his experience today on the forum, the envy of the players would be enough to pile up tall buildings.

“How? Does it taste okay?”

The gentle voice sounded, Tao Rong swallowed the last sip, looked at each other in disbelief: “It tastes good, but…but it’s too…”

Too precious…

“As long as it tastes good. I heard that I have a new junior. She has been lonely all these years. I brought it to her on a special trip. I hope she likes it.”

Interrupting Tao Rong’s words, the grandmother showed a kind smile, her reflection was reflected in the eyes full of tenderness and tolerance like the ocean, at a certain moment, Tao Rong had an illusion, she seemed to be Falling into that sea is like returning to the arms of my mother.

“The train will arrive at Rhine City in five minutes. Please get off the train in time.”

If it wasn’t for the remaining two biscuits still in her hands, Tao Rong would have felt that the experience just now was a dream she had during the three-hour journey.

Finally landed in the empty seat.

“…she will love it.”

Tao Rong stared at the flower and muttered to herself.

[Unlocked Map: Rhine City]

[Mission “Wanderer” completed]

[Player reaches level 10 and enters the main city to open the Eastern Roland Continent Ranking]

[Player reaches level 10, open Eastern World Channel]

[Enable the gang function, players can join or apply for the establishment of a gang at the City Hall, the gang channel function will be enabled after the player joins the gang]

[Enable the apprenticeship function, players can look for a professional officer to apprentice in the career hall, or they can worship an NPC who has a favorability ≥60 as a teacher]

[Player Tao Rong was the first to enter Rhine City and won the title “Heaven’s Pride”]

[Player Tao Rong successfully entered the Eastern Ranking Ranking, current ranking: 1]

[Player Tao Rong successfully entered the Eastern individual comprehensive combat power rankings, current ranking: 1]

[Player Tao Rong successfully entered the Eastern individual skill rankings, current ranking: 1]

There are quite a lot of official rankings in “New World”, ranking list, strength list, gang list, skill list, prestige list, glory list, appearance list…

However, now, on all personal rankings, there is only one name hanging on it alone.

Tao Rong took a picture, collected this rare scene of dominating the list alone, and silently hid his name.

The real name is too arrogant, so it is better to keep a low profile.

After leaving the station, she saw the familiar Rhine City, and Tao Rong felt as if she had returned to her previous life.

Of course, when she arrived in her last life, Rhine City was already full of players and it was very lively. Unlike now, there are only NPCs on the road, which is a little deserted.

After arriving in Rhine City, all players must go to the city hall first, bring the pass given by the village chief, go to the registration office to register, enter their own information, and get Rhine City’s Resident Card.

If a player is too lazy to register, once discovered by the guards, he will face a huge fine or even be directly expelled from the city.

In the last life, there was a player who killed again and again, and finally entered the blacklist of Rhine City permanently. Learning skills and all the tasks in Rhine City were missed by him, and he could only stay in other towns from now on.

“New World” still does not support players to delete accounts and retrain. At that time, the player wanted to cry without tears, and complained to the official on the forum, and he posted dozens of posts.

The author has this to say:

ps: Don’t eat strangers in real life

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