Shock! The Real Daughter Made the Transmigrator Girl Cry

Chapter 173

Chapter 173 – Mystery Of Life Experience

Chapter 173 Mystery of life experience

Jiang Changyuan’s heart was sore and painful, and he called out as softly as a mosquito: “Sister.”

“Don’t be afraid, my aunt will recover naturally after drinking the medicine.” Jiang Changning’s voice was gentle and firm, with a soothing power.

Jiang Changyuan looked at her with teary eyes and nodded heavily.

Second Aunt’s room is the innermost courtyard, and several elderly nuns guard the door. Seeing Jiang Changning and Jiang Changyuan walking in, they hurriedly bowed their knees to salute. Jiang Changning nodded lightly: “You have worked so hard, mothers, and you will be rewarded when you return home.”

The nuns looked at each other, with joy in their eyes. Compared with serving a seriously ill aunt in the house, staying in Jiang’s mansion naturally has a better future.

I thought Mother Jiang had forgotten them, but how could she remember them.

One of the nuns, who was wearing a bun and wearing silver cloves, looked at Jiang Changning’s respectful reply calmly: “Young lady, it’s my duty to serve my aunt. The maidservant only hopes that my aunt will recover as soon as possible and has nothing else to ask for. “

Jiang Changning couldn’t help but look at the nanny a few more times: “What’s your name?”

“The servant’s surname is Li.”

The door of the room was open, and a heavy curtain was hung, so that no light could get in.

Nanny Li stepped forward to open the door curtain, Jiang Changning lowered his head to enter, and a strong smell of smoke and medicine came over his face, making people suffocated.

The doors and windows in the room were closed, and it was very dark. The furnishings in the house are very simple, except for a bed which is the necessary living utensils, there are no extra ornaments.

There was only a little maid guarding inside, and when she saw someone coming in, she stood up in panic.

“Eldest girl, second girl.”

Jiang Changning asked her to open the doors and windows, and the dry summer wind blew in, driving away the sickness in the room.

Second Aunt described as haggard lying on the bed with a sallow complexion, her eyes were closed and she was falling asleep. The whole person is very thin, and there is no trace of beauty before the illness.

“Auntie—Auntie—” Jiang Changyuan bent down and called her in a low voice: “The eldest girl is here to see you.”

Second Aunt coughed a few times and slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes were cloudy and lifeless, and after watching for a long while, she called out to Jiang Changning in a low voice, “Big girl.” She struggled to sit up while speaking.

The little maid hurriedly helped Second Aunt up, and stuffed a soft pillow under her waist.

The second aunt couldn’t exert all her strength, so she forced a smile on her face when she heard the words, panted quickly, and said, “I’ve been ill for a long time, and I can’t walk. Miss Lao, come to visit me. Be careful when you’re sick.” gas.”

Sitting on the soft stool in front of the bed, Jiang Changning was filled with sadness seeing her haggard appearance, and helped Second Aunt tuck the silk quilt, and said a few words of comfort: “Auntie is out, This Zhuangzi is secluded, and it is a good place to recuperate. My aunt is recuperating here with peace of mind. Today I brought Zhang Xin’s prescription. The imperial doctor saw it and said it was useful. Don’t worry, my aunt, the disease will soon disappear Will be fine.”

“Miss, the medicine is here!” It happened that the servants brought the medicine at this moment. The mansion has all the medicinal materials, and Jiang Changning brought some more. The accompanying doctor took the medicine according to the prescription and boiled a bowl of soup, and hurriedly brought it over while it was hot.

Second Auntie couldn’t use her strength, so she had to ask someone to take care of her. Jiang Changyuan put on a handkerchief and held it at the bottom of the bowl, her light white fingers were reddened by the heat, but she didn’t notice it at all, her eyes were nervously looking at Auntie, and she scooped up a spoonful of concoction and blew it to her mouth.

“Auntie, be careful it’s hot.”

This concoction is pitch-black and contains a lot of rare medicinal materials. It is a bit bitter, but it still has a light fragrance of clearing the heart and improving eyesight.

Taking a mouthful of medicine, Second Auntie couldn’t help but frowned, but seeing the unconcealed worry on her daughter’s face, she swallowed it.

After drinking a bowl of medicine, it may have worked. The second aunt’s complexion improved after seeing her, and she became much more energetic. Jiang Changyuan looked at Jiang Changning, who was very grateful, with red eyes.

“big sister…”

She didn’t finish her words, but the deep meaning was very obvious.

Jiang Changning nodded and patted her on the back to comfort her.

Since she was seriously ill, the second aunt has been eating very little, at most she just drank some water and hung up. Seeing that she finally had some strength now, Jiang Changyuan hurriedly told his servants: “Taking advantage of the spirit of my aunt, hurry up Go cook soft porridge.”

Jiang Changyuan finally had a relaxed look on his face, and it was not worth it to let the servants go through the heat, but he had to follow him to watch the fire.

Second Aunt’s eyes followed the brisk Jiang Changyuan all the time, her cloudy and powerless eyes showed tenderness and love until her figure disappeared outside.

“Big girl.” She said softly.

Jiang Changning let out a “hmm”, seeing that she seemed to have something to say, and leaned forward to listen to her.

The second aunt’s gaze was very longing, “May I bother you with something?” She coughed softly, squeezed the quilt and said, “Mrs. I’m afraid there won’t be much time. Yuan’er has a simple temperament, and she grew up in the back house and has experienced nothing. If I leave and leave her alone, I really worry about it. I know that my wife is lenient to the children, but this girl is reserved. The mouth is clumsy, and if there is something on my mind, I will just keep it in my heart. Miss, you are very smart and kind-hearted, if you have spare time, can you help my aunt to take care of one or two, so that I can feel at ease when I leave. “

Jiang Changning couldn’t help but feel sore in his nose because of her words: “Auntie, what are you talking about? Auntie, don’t you use this new recipe today? Auntie just need to relax. Resting here for a while will surely recover. Besides, Chang Yuan is my younger sister, so I don’t need my aunt to entrust her, and Chang Ning should take good care of her, so my aunt doesn’t need to say much.”


Second Auntie had tears in her eyes, caressing Jiang Changning’s back of her hand and saying hello with warmth in her heart. In the end, she looked at Jiang Changning with a complicated expression, and slowly told a story about the past.

“Speaking of which, I don’t know whether I should tell the eldest girl about the past. This matter is related to the eldest girl’s life experience. I don’t have any definite evidence. I shouldn’t say more, but I’m afraid that if I…or will I know what I said, the eldest girl will have the opportunity to distinguish herself in the future.”

Hearing that it was related to him, Jiang Changning also straightened his face: “It’s okay, Auntie.”

“This was many years ago.”

The second aunt moved her body to facilitate a long conversation, “Back then, my wife was about to give birth and should have been at home to recuperate in case of emergencies, but it happened that Lord Hou had offended the Holy Majesty because of government affairs and was trapped in the palace. The news spread Madam Jiang’s mansion naturally can’t just sit idly by. It’s still unknown how the majesty will treat Lord Hou. Madam stayed in the mansion for two days without seeing any news, and asked her former comrades to intercede but there was no result. After entering the temple, I hoped to be blessed by Buddha, but on the way back, there was heavy rain, wind and thunder, and the way back was blocked by a blown tree. My wife was frightened and caused fetal movement. She went into the temple to rest.”

Jiang Changning could not help but raise her heart when she heard this intently. Although it happened many years ago, she was still shocked when she heard that Jiang’s mother had encountered such a thing before she was due to give birth.

“Madam happened to meet a couple in that temple. The woman was also pregnant. On the way down the mountain, there was a heavy rain, so she came to the temple to take shelter.” The second aunt paused when she said this. Glancing at Jiang Changning’s expression, he hesitated.

Jiang Changning saw her hesitation, his brows and eyes stretched and he didn’t care much, “It’s okay. Those couples are my biological parents, right?”

The second aunt shook her head gently. She suddenly brought up the incident because she had doubts in her heart. She continued, “There was a thunderstorm that night. Maybe they were frightened. The two wives unexpectedly felt labor pains at the same time. A child was born in that temple. Madam fainted from exhaustion. In the middle of the night, the couple yelled that they saw a thief, and everyone hurried around to inspect, and the servants who brought them all put their hands outside the temple gate. At this moment, I found out that the couple had taken advantage of the chaos to replace Lin’er. It turned out that they saw that the lady was well dressed and accompanied by so many servants, so they guessed that Jiang’s residence must be of great dignity , thinking of sending his children to enjoy the blessings.”

Jiang Changning’s heart tightened, and she picked up the tea on the side and drank it to cover up her panic. She could accept that the child was accidentally wronged, but she didn’t expect that it was because of this kind of intention to deliberately cause trouble and covet other families. Wealthy days.

“But they were successfully replaced?” Jiang Changning’s voice was dry.

“No.” When the second aunt said this, she also felt puzzled. “At that time, I turned around and saw the woman picking up her child. It was said that I stopped her before she could change it. I wanted to turn her around. I went to see the officer, but I couldn’t bear her begging. The woman was still weak after giving birth, and she was wearing cotton and linen clothes with a thin face. It was unbearable, so I finally let them go with a few words of warning. gone.”

The second aunt gasped a few more times while talking, Jiang Changning quickly patted her on the back: “So, when I saw the second girl approaching the door of the house, I also had doubts in my heart—” Second aunt Jiang Changning didn’t finish her words, but Jiang Changning understood what she meant.

Since the children have not been exchanged, how can there be such a thing as a true or false prostitute.

Jiang Changning’s ears were buzzing, and he felt very depressed. The chirping of cicadas outside the window made people anxious.

Seeing that Jiang Changning didn’t speak, Second Auntie’s eyes flashed, and the expression on her face was very guilty. The weather was hot but her lips were blue and purple, and her whole body was frighteningly cold: “Miss, don’t blame me. At that time, the second girl returned home, and Madam was very happy. I have nothing to do with this matter, so I don’t want to jump to conclusions. I don’t know if there is another accident that I don’t know about.”

“Actually, after the second girl returned home, I also asked about it on the sidelines. It has been more than ten years, how could the madam know about the wrong child?”

Jiang Changning got up and poured a cup of tea for the second aunt, who took a few sips tremblingly before continuing: “At the time when Madam gave birth, besides me, there was a nanny named Yang. This nanny is Madam’s nanny.” Madam, she is very trusted and valued by his wife. She followed her all the time when she was not out of the cabinet. When Madam married the Marquis, the nanny followed her. Later, Madam Yang was old and Madam gave it to the elder A sum of money to let her leave the mansion and return to her ancestral hometown to enjoy family happiness.”

“Several years have passed like this, and the nanny came to the capital for some reason, and she insisted on seeing his wife.” The second aunt spoke very slowly, and her illness made her miserable. Maybe it was thinking about his own life, and also thinking about Jiang Changyuan that he insisted on telling Jiang Changning all these words.

I only hope that after his death, Jiang Changning will think about what happened today, and help Jiang Changyuan when he is in trouble.

Jiang Changjing listened quietly, without much surprise or resentment on her face. It’s just her tense body that reveals her care and tension.

How could she not care? If she didn’t hug her by mistake, Mother Jiang and Jiang Changbai were her closest people. The pain and suffering of the previous life should not have fallen on her head…

Jiang Changning thought of the back view of Jiang Changbai limping down the stone bridge in the dream, the faded lanterns in front of Jiang’s house, and paper money flying all over the sky. At that time, knowing that Jiang’s mother was still thinking about herself before she passed away, Jiang Changning didn’t even look back.

Thinking of this, Jiang Changning suddenly stopped, so after Jiang Luo died, his mother and brother may have known the truth. That’s why my mother died of lingering illness and depression, and my brother felt the pain and guilt when he saw himself resurrected from the dead…

Jiang Luo—Jiang Luo—Jiang Changning read the name carefully. What kind of role does she play in this ridiculous thing?

“Miss, are you okay?” Seeing that her face was not right, Second Aunt quickly stopped talking.

“It’s nothing, my aunt will continue.” Jiang Changning came back to his senses, and smiled at her comfortingly. She had already guessed that the accident happened on the day when Mother Jiang met Mammy.

Hearing what Jiang Changning said, the second aunt sighed and continued: “At that time, Nanny Yang was already weak and dying, and it was her only son and daughter-in-law who sent her to the capital. Although she has a deep relationship with his wife, in the end it is just A servant. Even if he died, it would be enough to inform his wife in a letter, but she came to the capital after a long journey, and she insisted on seeing her in person.”

“If you do this, there will naturally be something terrible.”

“Could it be last August—” Jiang Changning thought carefully, she remembered that it seemed to be that time, when she was in the room with Mother Jiang embroidering purses while chatting gossip. Someone outside hastily handed in a letter. Mother Jiang had a warm smile on her face, but when she saw the letter, her face changed drastically. When she wanted to turn sideways to ask what was going on, Jiang’s mother even rubbed the letter into her palm, afraid that she would see a single word. In the end, he hurried out the door, only telling her to meet this old friend whom he hadn’t seen for a long time.

It took one day to go there, until the sky was dark and the lights in the mansion were lit, and then returned to the mansion in a daze accompanied by the mother.

Since then, when I saw myself again, I was no longer as close as before, and my words seemed to be alienated.

(end of this chapter)

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