Shock! The Real Daughter Made the Transmigrator Girl Cry

Chapter 180

Chapter 180 – Killing In The Dark

Chapter 180 Murder in the Dark Night

Even though there are thousands of words, there is no need to say them now.

Mother Jiang looked at Jiang Luo’s exquisite eyebrows and eyes, and suddenly felt helpless. Jiang Luo took a few steps back and saluted, which was considered to be the end of the mother-daughter love that has only been a few months old.

Jiang Changbai, who has been silent all this time, opened his mouth with heavy eyes at this moment: “After you marry Gu Shizi, I will enter the palace…”

“Changbai!” Jiang’s mother heard Jiang Changbai’s subtext, and stood up: “Luo’er has already left the cabinet, why—”

“Our Jiang family married Jiang Luo out in a hurry, just to not show face to the sage. This matter will not be hidden for long, the emperor’s heart is unpredictable. I have to do something to make the sage vent his anger.”

Mother Jiang’s eyes were red. Although she was extremely reluctant, she had to admit that Jiang Changbai was right.

Old Master Hou left early, and there were only women and children left in the entire mansion. He is not only the backbone of the Jiang family, but also because he has his mother and sister to protect him.

A wave of despair gripped Mother Jiang’s heart, but Jiang Changning said quietly: “When is my brother going to explain to the Holy One?”

“After the morning court.”

But Jiang Changning shook his head: “At this time, only in front of all the courtiers can my brother win a chance.”

Jiang Changbai was stunned for a moment, then understood the deep meaning of Jiang Changning’s words, and sighed silently.

The atmosphere in the room was gloomy and depressing, and no one said anything until the people who greeted the relatives outside arrived.

Nanny came in from the outside, stood outside the flower hall and whispered: “Ma’am, my uncle is here.”

Only then did everyone come to their senses, Mother Jiang picked up the prepared red hijab from the tray carried by the maid and put it on Jiang Luo’s head. Mother Ginger’s eyes.

Jiang Changbai carried his younger sister on his back and sent her to the plain sedan chair outside the door to greet the bride. Gu Xiujing rode on a big horse beside the sedan chair. An indigo robe covered the red wedding dress inside, leaving only two red collars on his neck.

Jiang Changbai sent Jiang Luo into the sedan chair, and patted Gu Xiujing’s shoulder when he turned around. Regardless of Jiang Luo’s previous faults, after all, she has the same blood as him, and after marrying someone else’s wife, she will depend on Gu Xiujing’s care.

“Don’t worry, brother.” Gu Xiujing bowed his hands.

The wedding was simple, no members of the Gu family attended, only Mother Jiang accepted a “second worship” after the ceremony, because there was no one to watch the ceremony and no banquet was prepared, and Mother Jiang returned to the mansion after the ceremony was sent to the bridal chamber First, she didn’t want to disturb the two-person world of the newly married couple, and at the moment, she was focusing all her body and mind on Jiang Changbai who was about to take the blame.

Beating Gu Xiujing and bringing people into the house was a done deal, and Jiang Changbai cleaned up early the next morning and went to the palace to face the saint. Originally, I thought that I would talk to Emperor Jin’an privately after the early court, so that he could save the other party’s face and not make a fuss, but Chang Ning woke him up, and he had to raise it in front of the ministers to check and balance the emperor, lest he use the excuse to show off his holy wrath .

Emperor Jin’an couldn’t express his plans for the second daughter of the Jiang family in front of everyone, after all, it was only a calculation of the Qin Tianjian, and the second daughter of the Jiang family had not yet been decreed to enter the palace.

Secondly, everyone is well aware of this matter. If Emperor Jin’an really used the topic to convict the Jiang family, it would be good to teach the ministers to see what kind of temperament the followers are. Everyone has to keep their heads up and be careful not to end up like him.

After all, it is really not a good reputation to say that she became angry because she wanted to **** the minister’s sister but failed.

Jiang Changbai almost went to the palace to plead guilty with the intention of going to death. If he could save the entire Jiang family by himself, it would be worth it.

What they talked back and forth was still the same thing. Many officials stood still with their heads down, but their minds had already flown somewhere. Some hid behind others and yawned quietly, counting the hours just waiting Morning can end sooner.

I don’t know how long it has passed. After the emperor finished the memorial, he stretched out tiredly, and the **** with palm prints next to him took a step forward: “Proclaim the emperor’s will, and all the lovers will play if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do.”

The people below saw that today’s morning meeting was coming to an end, and cheered up one by one.

Jiang Changbai took a step to the left and walked to the center, “I have something to play.”

Seeing that Jiang Changbai was the one who came out, all the officials were also very interested. In recent days, the affairs of the Jiang family have spread to the streets and alleys. Everyone thought that the Jiang family would have another emperor’s family member. People with active minds have always wanted to find an opportunity to build a relationship with Jiang Changbai and walk around, but there is nothing good about it. opportunity. In addition, there has been no movement on the Holy Father’s side in recent days, and he couldn’t grasp the meaning of the two sides for a while.

Seeing what Jiang Changbai said, Emperor Jin’an also sat up straight and raised his chin: “Aiqing, what do you want to play?”

Jiang Changbai knelt down on the ground and kowtowed, with a sad tone: “Your Majesty, my minister’s family is unfortunate. Not long ago, my sister-in-law Jiang Luo and the eldest son of the Duke’s Mansion, Gu Xiujing, made a private marriage for life. Ge, this is disrespectful, this minister has no way to teach, please punish him by Your Majesty.”

All the ministers were in an uproar when they heard the words, they raised their eyes repeatedly to see Emperor Jin’an’s expression, and they all fell silent and dared not speak.

This Jiang family is really desperate. Knowing that the Holy One intends to marry someone out, isn’t this a slap in the face for him?

Emperor Jin’an’s face darkened for a moment, his eyes flashed sharply with narrowed eyes, he turned the jade wrench on his thumb, and said loudly, “Why should Aiqing blame herself, unmarried men and women who are unmarried are their freedom, but the Jiang family My tutor really opened my eyes, I can’t see that Jiang’s family who restrained himself and respected etiquette would produce a girl who gave and accepted privately.”

Jiang Changbai’s face was burning with embarrassment, it was good for Emperor Jin’an to trample on Jiang’s reputation on the ground, at least he didn’t directly complain that Jiang’s was cheating and cheating.

Emperor Jin’an wanted to make trouble directly, but at the beginning, he deliberately forced the Jiang family to send people to the door without directly ordering them. He only revealed the news of a compatible fate, but who would have thought that the entire Jiang family would eat bears? The heart leopard is so courageous that he dares to marry someone out at such a moment.

Thinking of that day when Jiang Luo took the vase and greeted him on his head without hesitation, Emperor Jin’an’s heart was filled with fire, and his nose puffed out hot air.

“It’s my minister who can’t teach well, please forgive me, Your Majesty.”

Jiang Changbai fell on the ground and kowtowed again, pleading guilty blindly.

All the ministers below watched, even though Emperor Jin’an was furious, he couldn’t directly express it, so he waved his hand pretending to be magnanimous: “Jiang Aiqing, please excuse yourself, this matter has nothing to do with you, why bother to blame yourself?”

Hearing what the emperor said, some colleagues who walked close to Jiang Changbai on weekdays also hurriedly echoed: “That’s right, Jiang Guanren, it’s not a big problem for this young man to be distracted and do something out of the ordinary, why should he be so worried…”

With every word you said, I rushed to follow Jin’an Emperor’s reluctant forgiveness and dismissed Jiang Changbai’s responsibility. He curled up his hands and buttoned the dragon chair, rushed to the bottom and shouted: “Okay, I’m tired, I’ll come here today and retreat.”

The palm-printed **** immediately stepped forward and shouted, “Retire—”

All the ministers knelt down to see him off, “Respectfully send off Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live!”

Emperor Jin’an was unhappy and walked very fast. As soon as he stepped out of the hall, he rushed to the hidden guard behind him and said: “Go and find out what happened to the second daughter of the Jiang family. If the investigation is true, she will be dealt with cleanly.”


Gu Xiujing just got married with Jiang Luo, and it’s time to mix the oil with the sweetness of love. There are only a few cronies left in the house. Although there are not many people serving them, they still have their own arrangements for washing, cooking, cleaning and nursing. It is not unusual for the two of them to live in this new environment for a while.

It wasn’t until night that Jiang Luo was woken up by the sound of the system, only to realize that there was an unexpected visitor at home.

【warn! The host is facing personal threats, so he needs to be vigilant and try his best to protect himself! 】

【warn! The host is facing personal threats, so he needs to be vigilant and try his best to protect himself! 】

The system broadcasted it three times in a row before waking up the sleeping person. Jiang Luo originally wanted to wake up, but when she recalled the content of the system’s words, she instantly regained her spirits.

There was still warm body temperature on the mattress next to him, but Gu Xiujing had disappeared. Jiang Luo hurriedly got out of bed, put on a coat and went out to find someone, asking inwardly, “What do you mean by the system? Where is the threat? Where is Gu Xiujing, speak quickly!”

【Murderous aura is detected near the host, the host needs to be careful. Gu Xiujing is drinking under the pavilion in the garden, but the host is going to look for him? 】

Jiang Luo gritted her teeth. After getting along with Gu Xiujing in the past few days, she really has some affection in her heart, not to mention that today’s danger is not caused by her. If it is true that Gu Xiujing is really left behind For this matter, Jiang Luo asked the system to detect the killer’s location while looking for Gu Xiujing.

Although Gu Xiujing embraced the beauty, he lost everything he relied on after all. After sleeping for a few hours, he got up to drink and get drunk by himself under the moonlight. When he saw Jiang Luo coming, he squinted his eyes and looked carefully. .

“Brother Xiu Jing, be careful—”

The moment Jiang Luo opened his mouth, the killer who was lying in wait flew out, slashing straight at the faces of the two of them with a cold long knife.

“Come here!”

Jiang Luo yelled loudly, waking up the few servants and guards. The lights all over the house suddenly turned on, and the people in black reflected had nowhere to hide.

This group of people are used to licking blood with the tip of a knife, seeing this situation, they will not stop doing it, beheading a few servants who came out to watch with a lamp, and chasing Jiang Luo and Gu Xiujing.

Jiang Luo still has a system to report messages, running to the left and then to the right, but Gu Xiujing stumbled because of unconsciousness.

Finally, he panicked and fell down.

Jiang Luo ran a few laps and stopped when she was tired. Looking back, she saw that Gu Xiujing had fallen on the side of the road. She was very anxious. She could run quite fast by herself, but Gu Xiujing was a man and ate too much Just wine, how can he run past those killers. These people are not good at first glance, as soon as Gu Xiujing is caught, he will definitely die!

“Luoer, go away! I will definitely live!”

Gu Xiujing struggled to stand up, but found that her legs were numb and she couldn’t stand up at all.

“Luoer, run away! I can’t implicate you!”

“Luoer, go away! Leave me alone!”

Gu Xiujing persuaded Jiang Luo to escape again and again, and the system’s warning sound in his mind became louder and louder. She didn’t know why she suddenly became stubborn. Even at this time, he was unwilling to leave Gu Xiujing alone.

“Luoer, go away! These people are coming for me!” Seeing Jiang Luo stop, Gu Xiujing’s eyes were almost bloodshot, and he resented why he came out to drink so late. Why did the numb hands and feet drag Jiang Luo back when his life was at stake.

A man in black chased after him, and slashed down with a gleaming long knife. Jiang Luo screamed in fear, but saw a figure blocking Gu Xiujing without hesitation.

“噗嗤” is the sound of a sharp weapon piercing the flesh, which makes one’s teeth ache. The hot blood spattered Gu Xiujing’s face, making his jade-like face even more bewitching.

The one who blocked Gu Xiujing was the book boy who was always by his side. The child’s face was immature, and his face was distorted because of the severe pain. He hugged the waiter’s legs tightly, and shouted at Gu Xiujing at the top of his lungs: “My lord, go!”

Gu Xiujing was shocked, he gritted his teeth and watched as the man in black raised his knife, and the little boy’s head rolled far away.

Then the thin body was kicked away mercilessly by the assassin in black.

Those who came were all martial arts masters, they were trained to be cold-blooded and ruthless. Furthermore, no one dared to slack off the order issued by the emperor.

They were divided into two groups. Some of them were killing Gu Xiujing, while the other were chasing Jiang Luo relentlessly.

The sound of shouting, beating, and killing could be heard far away, but even so, the doors of the houses adjacent to the house were still locked, and there was no movement in the dark.

Then the people around Gu Xiujing fell down one by one, and the shouts became weaker and weaker.

Seeing that there was no hope for help, Gu Xiujing took a deep look at Jiang Luo, turned and ran in the opposite direction. There is no way out, and the whole house is like a prison at this moment.

The man in black became murderous, and continued to slash at Gu Xiujing’s back with his knife. When life and death were at stake, the murderous blade was deflected uncontrollably, barely touching the corner of Gu Xiujing’s clothes.

Gu Xiujing, who was running for his life, naturally didn’t know about this, only Jiang Luo’s expression turned miserable.

Sure enough, the pain of prop stripping is the most painful feeling in the world, bar none.

【Host, I have already saved Gu Xiujing once, and as a price, the “Yingying grip” item on you has been stripped. 】

As if responding to the system’s words, Jiang Luo’s originally unbearable waist suddenly plumped up a bit. She was wearing a decent belt, but suddenly she couldn’t breathe.

The man in black suddenly felt that his knife was knocked sideways by an unknown force, and he was also shocked.

Taking advantage of this gap, Gu Xiujing had no choice but to plunge into his and Jiang Luo’s wedding room.

But to Gu Xiujing’s surprise, those men in black didn’t chase after him.

(end of this chapter)

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