Shock! The Real Daughter Made the Transmigrator Girl Cry

Chapter 202

Chapter 202 – Disfigured

Chapter 202 Destroyed face

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Jiang Luo lost control of her emotions and fled back to the Jiang Mansion. The news naturally frightened Gu Xiujing a lot.

When Jiang Changning’s men went, Gu Xiujing was arguing with Gu’s mother.

Since Jiang Luo talked to her that day, Gu’s mother has always taken things to heart. She didn’t want Jiang Luo to get closer to Gu Xiujing, so now Jiang Luo doesn’t want to serve Gu Xiujing because of her inconvenient body.

Men and women love to eat marrow and taste, and Gu’s mother intends to take a concubine for Gu Xiujing. She looked around, and found that the girl Shaoyao in the yard was the perfect fit.

You can’t go wrong with your face and body. A concubine is just a thing anyway, as long as you can please a man, there is no need to ask for so much.

Gu’s mother was interested, so she naturally sent the nanny beside her to make a call, and she was willing to listen to the nanny’s reply. Originally, he wanted to find a day to deal with this matter, but Gu Xiujing opened his mouth before he could make a move.

“There is no shortage of people around me to serve me. Shaoyao has reached the age of marriage. If mother sees someone suitable, please point her out.” Gu Xiujing originally thought of the second son in charge that Jiang Luo said, and the words came to the point The mouth turned around, and finally moved with compassion.

Apart from having thoughts about herself that she shouldn’t have, she didn’t make any big mistakes, so why would she want to drive people to a dead end.

But despite this, people can no longer stay by their side. Jiang Luo felt unwell, and her mind became increasingly sensitive. If I hurt my leg, I will feel sorry for her if I don’t perform well in the future. Naturally, I need to take care of her in other places.

Gu Xiujing thought very simple, but Gu’s mother was furious when she heard this: “Three wives and four concubines are common in today’s world, and there are not many concubines in the Zanying family. Do you still have to guard for her after you marry Jiang Luo?” ?”

“Or did she say something to you again?” Mother Gu’s eyes were stern: “If the mistress of the house is sour and jealous and doesn’t think about her husband, then she is not the right wife.”

“She didn’t say anything, these are what I think in my heart.” After seeing Mother Jiang’s reaction, I still don’t understand. Gu Xiujing sighed, he would not accept peony, not even for Jiang Luo.

“You!” Mother Gu was furious, how could she give birth to such a stubborn son?

“Mother, if you really want your son to stay in the mansion quietly to recuperate from his illness, I think you should point out Shao Yao to other people as soon as possible. I know whether I am in good health or not, so why bother worrying about me.”

“You! You! You!” Mother Gu trembled with anger, she managed to reach the teacup at hand, picked it up and took a sip. After drinking the sweet and warm tea, I felt a little better.

Looking at Gu Xiujing with a calm face, he still doesn’t have the high-spirited appearance a few months ago. Now there is only decadence and depression, and Mother Gu only feels a twinge in her heart.

“You are my child, so I am naturally thinking of you.” Mother Gu softened her voice involuntarily, hoping that Gu Xiujing would listen to her advice.

Gu Xiujing looked at Mother Gu’s earnest face, and he really didn’t know how to answer her.

Gu Xiujing was silent, and Gu’s mother didn’t speak either. The room fell silent. The clear and clear voice of the little maid came faintly from the yard.

Why Gu Xiujing refused to take a concubine? Gu’s mother also guessed one or two of the reasons. The injured leg has completely wiped out his fighting spirit, and he has no more confidence in his heart.

Shaoyao’s appearance is a little too full, what if she changed to a slightly more delicate one?

“Forget it, since you don’t like it, it’s up to you. I’ll choose another girl who is suitable to be your housemate.” Mother Gu said with a sigh.

“No need, it’s enough for my son to have a network.”

Gu Xiujing refused very firmly.

“You!” Gu’s mother was anxious, she pointed at Gu Xiujing, and was speechless for a while.

“Mother, I’m tired and want to rest for a while, please go back.” Gu Xiujing closed her eyes after finishing speaking.

Mother Gu took a deep breath, moved her fingertips and suppressed the anger in her heart and left.

After Gu’s mother left, Gu Xiujing opened her eyes. He looked at the shadow under the porch outside the window, and the angry face of Gu’s mother just now appeared in his mind, and he couldn’t help laughing wryly.

It was at this time that the boy beside him came to report: “Your Majesty is not well, the young lady tore up the picture scroll in the examination room and went back to Jiang’s Mansion…”


Gu Xiujing came very quickly. He got out of the carriage and was supported by someone to enter the courtyard before Jiang Luo left the pavilion without hindrance.

Seeing that the old man of the Gu family, who used to be both brilliant and talented, has become a half-useless person, the people who see him naturally have different eyes.

Gu Xiujing walked into the house as if he didn’t notice it at all.

Gu Xiujing stepped in, and saw Jiang Luo standing at the window at a glance, with a veil on her face and reddish eye sockets, obviously she had cried.

Gu Xiujing walked over gently, he watched Jiang Luo’s tears streaming down his cheeks, wet the veil, and couldn’t help feeling guilty in his heart.


Gu Xiujing’s arrival obviously frightened Jiang Luo: “Don’t come here!” She raised her head suddenly, her eyes widened, as if she was very resistant to Gu Xiujing’s next actions.

“Don’t be afraid, I didn’t come here just to say a few words to you.” Seeing Jiang Luo’s frightened expression, Gu Xiujing felt even more guilty.

What happened, Jiang Luo will become like this.

“I won’t listen, don’t come here! Don’t come here!”

A strange feeling suddenly flashed in Gu Xiujing’s heart, as if he didn’t know Jiang Luo. He didn’t understand why he had such a strange feeling, but he was unwilling to explore why he had such a feeling.

“Good girl Luoer, be obedient, come here please?”

Gu Xiujing reached out and pulled Jiang Luo’s sleeve, trying to pull her over.

“No, you go away!”

Gu Xiujing was taken aback for a moment, at this moment, he felt that Jiang Luo had become a crazy woman.

“I am your husband! Luoer!”

Gu Xiujing’s voice was a little hoarse, and he didn’t expect that he would have such a voice.

“I don’t want to listen to you, I don’t want to listen, go away, go away! Don’t touch me, get out, get out!”

Jiang Luo suddenly went mad, she waved her arms and struggled desperately.

Gu Xiujing was startled when she saw her like this, and quickly let go of her, not daring to touch her again, so she had to step aside.

Jiang Luo has been retreating, until he retreated to the wall and had no way to retreat before stopping.

Seeing that she was quiet, Gu Xiujing walked over slowly, trying to pull her over from the wall, but when he approached, Jiang Luo suddenly raised her knee and pushed her between his legs.

Gu Xiujing was in pain, he took two steps back, covered the wound between his legs, his face was pale.

“Luoer!” Gu Xiujing roared, Jiang Luo was also shocked when she saw Gu Xiujing’s appearance, her eyes were full of regret and her hands and feet trembled.

Why was she so impulsive just now?

“Brother Jing, how are you?”

“Don’t come here!”

Jiang Luo saw Gu Xiujing’s angry look, and quickly backed away.

Gu Xiujing covered her wound, walked over with a livid face, closed the door, and stabbed the door to death.

“Brother Jing, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean it, so don’t come here!” Jiang Luo looked at Gu Xiujing, kept backing away, and kept explaining.

Gu Xiujing didn’t speak, just stared at Jiang Luo coldly, and he walked towards Jiang Luo step by step.

“You, you can’t touch me!” Jiang Luo retreated in a panic, but Gu Xiujing didn’t intend to let her go. Regardless of Jiang Luo’s resistance, he stretched out his hand and hugged her forcefully in his arms, feeling the person in his arms trembling with fear, the anger in Gu Xiujing’s heart faded a little. His throat moved, trying to comfort Jiang Luo: “If you lose in the competition, you lose. It’s okay. I’ll take you home.”

Jiang Luo lowered her head, tightly covering the veil on her face, not daring to let Gu Xiujing see her face.

Without the system, loneliness and despair almost overwhelmed her.

Now I don’t have any capital to fight Jiang Changning, and I have no other choice but to rely on Gu Xiujing.

But my face has begun to decline without the systematic maintenance of beauty. If Gu Xiujing sees it, I’m afraid…

Jiang Luo was so upset that she didn’t know how to deal with it.

Jiang Luo kept shaking her head, she didn’t want Gu Xiujing to see her face, no! She must preserve the last dignity.

Gu Xiujing hugged the woman in his arms, felt the body in his arms trembling, and his heart couldn’t help feeling strong pity and distress.

“Luoer, don’t be afraid, I have everything, I will not let anyone bully you, don’t worry, you will always be the wife of the Gu family!”

Jiang Luo didn’t agree, she still lowered her head, refusing to let Gu Xiujing see her eyes.

Seeing Jiang Luo ignoring her, Gu Xiujing suddenly felt restless for no reason.

“Why don’t you want to look up at me, am I that scary? What happened to make you so afraid?”

Gu Xiujing spoke extremely fast, and he was afraid that if he slowed down, the person in front of him would disappear.

Jiang Luo remained silent, not saying a word.

She didn’t dare to speak, she made many mistakes.

Gu Xiujing’s patience gradually ran out, he grabbed Jiang Luo’s arm and pulled Jiang Luo up from the corner.

“Let go of me, let go of me!” Jiang Luo struggled desperately, but was firmly held by Gu Xiujing and could not move.

Although Gu Xiujing injured his leg, under the rage, there is still a huge gap in strength between men and women.

Regardless of the leg injury, Gu Xiujing pulled Jiang Luo out of the wing room and headed towards the yard.

Jiang Luo struggled desperately, but her strength was too weak, she was no match for Gu Xiujing at all, and in the end she was forcibly dragged into the courtyard by Gu Xiujing.

While struggling, with Jiang Luo’s scream, the veil on her face fell off slowly.

Looking at Jiang Luo’s face with several abscesses, Gu Xiujing froze in place.

“Luoer, you.”

The pustules are red and shiny, but the yellowish pus can still be seen. Coupled with Jiang Luo’s white skin, the impact is even stronger.

Gu Xiujing didn’t know what to say.

Jiang Luo heard Gu Xiujing’s words, suddenly burst into tears, threw herself into Gu Xiujing’s arms, and hugged him tightly, crying like she was infinitely wronged.

Gu Xiujing was at a loss for a moment, his hands trembled, but he didn’t hug Jiang Luo’s waist as usual.

After a long time, Gu Xiujing regained his strength, patted Jiang Luo’s shoulder lightly, and coaxed softly: “It’s okay, let’s get out of here first! I will definitely find a doctor with excellent medical skills to treat your face .”

These words temporarily soothed Jiang Luo, she tightly grasped Gu Xiujing’s sleeve as if grasping the last straw.

Jiang Luo followed behind Gu Xiujing step by step, putting on the veil again. But even so, she didn’t dare to look around, the abscesses on her face were itchy and painful, which made her feel irritable but there was nothing she could do.

The servants of Gu’s mansion who were waiting outside saw their master walking out of the yard, and rushed to meet him. The group of people didn’t even bother to say hello, and they hurried away as if they were running away.

Gu Xiujing led Jiang Luo to the front of the carriage, let Jiang Luo sit in the carriage, hesitated for a moment outside and sat in.

The face is really itchy and uncomfortable, and there are no outsiders. Jiang Luo endured and endured and finally took off the veil. She rubbed her face lightly with her hands, and let out a few irritated hums from time to time.

After only one glance, Gu Xiujing’s mood sank to the bottom. Looking at Jiang Luo’s appearance just now, he even doubted whether this woman was real or not. He didn’t believe that a good-looking girl would suddenly become like this, even a magic trick couldn’t do it.

He looked away, trying to paralyze himself with Jiang Luo’s beautiful appearance in his memory, but seeing Jiang Luo’s face, he still couldn’t control his emotions.

Jiang Luo saw that there was no expression of disgust on Gu Xiujing’s face, and his tense nerves relaxed a little.

Jiang Luo kept her head down, unwilling to go to see Gu Xiujing.

Gu Xiujing didn’t speak either, he just hoped to find a doctor with good medical skills to treat Jiang Luo’s cheek as soon as possible.

But Gu Xiujing also understands that this matter cannot be rushed, it must be done step by step, and it cannot be rushed.

The carriage galloped all the way, and the coachman drove the carriage all the way, and returned to Gu’s mansion within a cup of tea.

“My son, you are back! Madam has been waiting for a long time!”

The servants of the Gu Mansion greeted Gu Xiujing the moment they saw him.

Jiang Luo can’t see Gu’s mother like this.

Gu Xiujing nodded, handed Jiang Luo to the maid, and asked her to take Jiang Luo back to rest, while she went directly into the flower hall.

In the flower hall of the Gu family, Gu’s mother was sitting at the main seat.

Her face was gloomy. She had been waiting for a long time, and the nuns behind her did not dare to speak.

As soon as Gu Xiujing walked in, the teacup by Gu’s mother shattered behind him.

“Spoil and talk insanely in public, why did you bring her back? I didn’t agree to let her participate in the Naluoshizi competition at the beginning, and now she has made such a big scandal. What face do I have to gain a foothold in Beijing?”

Gu Xiujing knew she was in the wrong, and faced Gu’s mother’s scolding, her face was as cold as ice and she didn’t say a word.

Obviously, his forbearance gave Gu’s mother further confidence.

Mother Gu looked at Gu Xiujing and said word by word: “Send Jiang Luo back to Jiang’s Mansion, I will accept whatever kind of woman you want.”

“No one except Jiang Luo.” Gu Xiujing replied coldly.

“Okay, no one can say a word.” Gu’s mother was trembling with anger, she stood up from the seat, pointed at Gu Xiujing’s nose and cursed: “Everyone in our house knows what she looks like now.” I think you are blinded by lard.”

“Mother wants to drive Luo’er out of the Gu residence, but has she ever thought about the child in her womb?”

(end of this chapter)

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