Shock! The Real Daughter Made the Transmigrator Girl Cry

Chapter 219

Chapter 219 – Change Of Weather

Chapter 219 Changing Heaven

Seeing that Jiang Changning was injured, Qin Huaisu’s subordinates became more aggressive. His figure was swift, his arms were waving, his palms were waving, the palm wind was bitter, and a gust of wind rolled up the dust on the ground. Wherever he passed, those men in black who blocked his path fell to the ground.

His martial arts is extremely high, and his moves are fierce and fierce. Qin Huaisu’s eyes flickered with cold murderous intent, looking at the person in front of him almost turned red. Fists and kicks landed on those men in black like a storm, and each blow carried unparalleled strength, making those men in black retreat steadily, unable to withstand a single blow.

Those people vomited blood and fell to the ground after being beaten, and some of them passed out. But even so, there were still men in black rushing up one after another, using their lives to hold Qin Huaisu back.

Qin Huaisu turned over to avoid it, and then threw himself at the men in black again. He grabbed a man in black by the neck. Squeezing it hard, I saw the man in black let out a miserable wail, his neck was broken, and the bones at the broken neck were crushed by him.

The guards had already escorted Qin Huaiyuan to the end of the alley. As a prince, he naturally couldn’t make a mistake. But now there is chaos, and his situation is also very dangerous.

A sharp silver arrow suddenly came behind him and was about to shoot at his vest, everyone panicked. Just at the very moment, another arrow came from the side, and the two arrows collided in the air with a “click” and both broke and fell to the ground.

Qin Huaisu looked at the silver arrow, his eyes narrowed, and there was a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

And Qin Huaiyuan was also shocked into a cold sweat. He looked at Qin Huaisu whose body was half red with blood, moved his mouth and wanted to say something, but felt that what he said was futile.

Jiang Changning’s heart tightened when she saw this, and she looked at Qin Huaisu with some concern. Even he can see the doorway inside, how could he not see it if he is as smart as him.

These men in black probably have something to do with the one in the palace. I just don’t know what role Zhaoyue played in it, or what kind of deal she made with Emperor Jin’an.

“Zhaoyue, do you still remember what I just said?” Qin Huaisu’s cheeks were splashed with a few drops of blood, which made his beautiful facial features a bit more evil, making him look like a jade-faced Shura .

The way he looked at Zhaoyue was like looking at a corpse.

Zhaoyue’s face was pale, and her eyes were filled with anger and despair.

She knew that she might be doomed today. She was not reconciled, not reconciled to die like this, and even more unwilling to die in Qin Huaisu’s hands.

“Qin Huaisu!” Zhaoyue’s tone contained a hint of pleading and sorrow, her strong and delicate face seemed to lose all color and become lifeless.

Hongxing looked at Zhaoyue’s appearance, and then at the red wedding dress on her body, and frowned fiercely. She’s still a princess, she can do things like robbing men in the street, bah!

Although the wound on Jiang Changning’s face was not deep, Ke Ke looked a little scary. Zhaoyue looked at her, and suddenly smiled.

Jiang Changning saw Zhaoyue smiling at her, took two steps back, and moved away from her.

Zhaoyue’s smile gradually dissipated, and the resentment deep in her eyes became deeper and deeper.

“Why you, why is it you!” Zhaoyue looked at Jiang Changning twitching the corners of her mouth, then turned to look at Qin Huaisu in despair: “If I die, will you regret it? Will you be here?” When will you remember me?” Zhaoyue said slowly, parting her vermilion lips.


“Heh~” Zhaoyue laughed suddenly, the laughter was desolate and sad.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhaoyue suddenly flew up, and with a twist of her snow-white wrist, a short blade slipped from her sleeve and fell into her hand. She took the short blade and went straight to Jiang Changning.

The tip of the dagger shone with a cold light, exuding a dazzling light in the sun. Zhaoyue had already fallen into madness at this moment, determined to take Jiang Changning’s life.

Just kill Jiang Changning, just kill her.

Zhaoyue’s hand holding the dagger trembled more and more, and she was about to hurt Jiang Changning when a familiar figure suddenly stood in front of her.

Seeing this, Qin Huaisu flew up and kicked her chest.

Zhaoyue’s body was kicked away, hit the wall heavily, and fell to the ground.

“Cough cough.” She covered her chest and coughed violently, blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, staining her wedding dress red, looking shocking.

The short blade in her hand also fell to the ground with a “snap”, making a crisp sound.

“This knife is not sharpened.” Jiang Changning sighed softly, looking at Zhaoyue with pity in his eyes: “Princess Zhaoyue, why are you bothering, I and A Su are already married. What do you want me to do?” Everything is fine, but he can’t. Therefore, you are destined to miss him in this life.”

Zhaoyue looked at Jiang Changning with a look of ferocity on her face: “Why do you pity me? What qualifications do you have to pity me? I am a princess, and you are just a peasant girl. How can you beat me?” ? I love him so much that I can give everything I have, even my life. Can you?!”

“She doesn’t need it.” Qin Huaisu’s tone was light, as if he was talking about something ordinary: “Even if you have to sacrifice your life, it’s still me.”

“Haha.” Zhaoyue looked up to the sky and laughed as if she had heard the funniest joke.

“Father said, you can fight for what you like, and it doesn’t matter if you’re mean. Now it seems that you can’t force it. I was wrong. I was always wrong.” Zhaoyue leaned against the wall , she looked at the short blade broken in two. A look of pain flashed in his eyes.

“The one said that as long as I kill you, I can go back to Xining. Looking at it now, I can’t go back.” No matter how shocking her words were, Zhaoyue looked at Qin Huaisu with less resentment. Instead, there was an extra relief: “Hu Jiu, they are all in Shilipo outside Beijing. If I die, you will be buried with them with me.”

Qin Huaisu remained silent, but finally nodded.

This made Zhaoyue’s face a little more satisfied. She looked over the body of the man in black on the ground and looked at a part of the pavilion. He said loudly: “Go back and tell Emperor Jin’an that I can’t kill his son. It’s absurd for a father to want his son to die!”

As soon as Zhaoyue finished speaking, a cold arrow shot from above the pavilion, pierced through Zhaoyue’s chest fiercely, and then deeply penetrated into the stone wall behind her.

Zhaoyue’s smile was still stiff on her face, but she was not breathing.

Qin Huaiyuan’s face was ashen, he almost begged and called out: “A Su.” But Qin Huaisu didn’t look back.

“The emperor’s brother was assassinated today. I’m afraid he might be frightened. This king will leave him to rest in the palace for two days. You go back and tell your father that after two days, this king will go to the palace to see him in person.” Qin Huaisu looked at him expressionlessly. Xianglou, another cold arrow shot down, and flew past his ear, Qin Huaisu remained motionless, and there was no movement from the pavilion.

Thinking that the man should go back to the palace to report.

In this **** battle, all the people of Emperor Jin’an were killed, and most of Qin Huaisu’s people were also lost.

At the same time, Emperor Jin’an killed his son, and the news that the prince was threatened quickly spread throughout Shengjing.

Everyone in the world said that the sky of Dasheng was about to change.

(end of this chapter)

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