shock! The villain once again turned the male protagonist into a yandere and criticized him like cra

Chapter 56 Being targeted by the alpha mermaid【6】

"This sentence is the most suitable for you."

After giving the sharpest response in the gentlest and softest tone, Zhouze got off the boat without looking back. The cameraman responsible for following Zhouze was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly followed him two seconds later.

No one knew that Zhouze just glanced at the dense vegetation on the desert island and accurately discovered several natural herbs with different medicinal effects, which were enough to deal with many difficult and complicated diseases, not to mention those that he encountered in daily life. Minor illnesses and pains.

Much better than off-the-shelf medications.

Therefore, it was unnecessary for Zhou Ze to waste a quota to get the first aid kit.

The atmosphere on the deck dropped to freezing point.

In order to cover up the embarrassment, the director coughed hard and reminded nonchalantly: "Okay, okay, there are four minutes left. Dear guests, please quickly choose the items you want to bring to the island."


Everyone with different ideas began to choose.

The three alphas unanimously chose knives and tents for self-defense. The difference was that there was only one spot left. They each took a compass, a water bottle, and insect repellent powder.

As for a change of clothes, none of them brought any.

After all, their alpha's abdominal muscles and chest are strong and strong, so it doesn't matter if they are exposed. As for other parts, they can just pick a big banana leaf to cover it up on the deserted island later.

Yu Xi thoughtfully chose a flashlight, a change of clothes, and a first aid kit. When he held the small first aid kit in his hands, Yu Xi's face was filled with a meek and pure smile - in order to form a clear contrast with Zhouze.

Sure enough, after seeing this scene, some netizens have already started saying "Wow wow wow what a cute little angel is this".

However, some netizens are confused: [How will Yu Xi sleep at night if he doesn’t bring a tent? 】

Some netizens still don't know that Yu Xi has a close relationship with all three alphas, and he plans to sleep with any of them at night.

This would also make it easier for netizens to enjoy his CP and increase his popularity. Yu Xi had calculated clearly.

When everyone was choosing, Xia Li was still torn between sleeping mask and melatonin.

She doesn't sleep well, and it would be uncomfortable if she loses sleep on this desert island.

What Charlie didn't know at this time was that she would soon be so tired during the day that she would sleep like a dead pig whenever she touched the pillow at night. She would even snore wildly, which was no longer impressive at all.

Seeing that Yu Xi and the others had no intention of waiting for her, and the director was still counting down, the restless Xia Li finally gritted her teeth, grabbed a tent, a comb and a change of clothes and rushed off the ship.

Netizens were speechless.

[…Is this person here to travel or to survive? I didn’t expect that he didn’t bring anything he should have]

[It seems that there is no difficulty that Charlie cannot overcome]

But it is useless to say more. After leaving the ship, all guests must not regret it even if they find that they have brought something wrong.

On the other side, on the beach along the desert island, Yu Xi and three alpha men were the second group to arrive.

They did not see Zhou Ze.

I saw Xia Li running towards me in a hurry, looking like she was afraid that she would be left behind. Then I saw what she was holding clearly. Not to mention the three alpha men frowning incomprehensibly, even Yu Xi could hardly hold back her "friendly and kind" smile. .

However, Yu Xi did not make any complaints.

He asked casually: "Hey, where is Zhouze? Isn't he lost?"

Charlie was carrying the tent bag and running again. She was panting now. After hearing this, she said angrily: "What the hell, Xiaoxi, you are just too kind. He didn't consider our teammates at all. What do we care about him?" Woolen cloth."

All Xia Li's emotions went towards Zhou Ze.

When Yu Xi heard this, he didn't show it on his face, but he was very proud in his heart. What he wanted was for others to hate Zhouze, exclude Zhouze, and make Zhouze unhappy for him.

Moreover, he also has to be a good person:

"Actually... I wanted him to wait for us just now. I didn't know he would be so excited. What should I do if I don't know the road here?"

Yu Xi's eyes were filled with worry.

When Qi Fu saw it, the breath he had been holding back suddenly disappeared. He said coldly: "Then he can only blame himself."

Yu Xi was in a better mood, but his expression was more worried. He looked up at the sky and said, "It seems like it's going to rain. We'd better go find Zhou Ze and let him set up the tent together, otherwise everyone will get wet later. "

Hearing this, everyone also noticed the stormy weather above their heads.

Charlie was quick-tongued and objected: "Stop looking for him. He's running around on his own. Why should we let a large group of us delay things for him? I think we should set up the tent first and then see if we have time to look for him." Just find Zhou Ze."

Yu Xi looked hesitant and looked at the three alpha men behind him, "What do you think?"

Among the three, Qi Fu was the first to respond succinctly and comprehensively: "No need to look for it."

It seems that he hates Zhouze to the extreme.

This made Yu Xi very satisfied in his heart.

Then Yu Xi looked at the other two people.

One is the youngest and most handsome rich second-generation director in the industry, Chu Qiu; the other is Shen Xufeng, a newly-minted actor who started out as a child star and is particularly experienced in the industry.

Shen Xufeng had just formed a relationship with Zhouze, and was particularly dissatisfied with Zhouze's previous bad attitude towards Yu Xi. At this time, he also replied indifferently:

"He doesn't care about his teammates, so why should his teammates care about him? Besides, there are staff following the filming, so we don't need to worry about his safety."

Shen Xufeng's cold and cold tone almost made Yu Xi slightly frightened, but when he thought that Shen Xufeng was targeting Zhouze, Yu Xi relaxed again.

He no longer asked Chu Qiu for his opinion, and just said in a low voice: "Well, let's make sure we can set up the tent as soon as possible."

After saying that, they carried the few things they had, and Chu Qiu took the initiative to take over Yu Xi's small luggage and walked on the beach towards the hinterland of the desert island.

Less than five minutes after they walked, the already gloomy sky became even more cloudy, and the gray clouds seemed to be pressing down on them, giving people a great sense of oppression.

The temperature dropped instantly, the wind became stronger and stronger, sand and rocks were flying everywhere, and the sky became dark in an instant, and raindrops began to fall.

Yu Xi, the thinnest among the five, was shivering because of the cold wind and rain.

Seeing this, Qi Fu quickly used his body to shield Yu Xi from the rain and wind.

"We can't leave anymore, we have to camp on the spot."

Chu Qiu judged.

No one in the five-person team had any objections.

At this time, they still saw no sign of Zhou Ze.

Facing the increasingly heavy rain, the five people set up the tent in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

The three alpha men moved quickly. Although they were soaked by the rain, they managed to set up a large tent in the shortest time.

The five of them went in to take shelter from the rain.

Listening to the howling wind and the rain as heavy as a stone, the five people huddled in the tent truly felt the powerful and terrifying power of nature for the first time, and unconsciously felt an unspeakable fear.

At this time, Yu Xi seemed to sigh inadvertently: "Oh, I don't know how Zhouze is doing. It's too dangerous for him to run around in such bad weather. What if he and the filming crew are injured together..."

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