Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 115 - Giant Panda Fantasy Magic 3 Replay Mapo Tofu

“Huh? What is the one that the uptime student brought up? The food was packed in a wooden box?”

“It looks like there is an opening on the wooden box …”

Some students who came halfway through Division B couldn’t help but be puzzled. After all, when they came, they only saw Liu Pengxing playing the soy sauce “without doing anything” there …

However, most of the audience in the a zone have been watching since the beginning, and naturally know what that is!

“Those wooden boxes are for pressing tofu! I saw him with my own eyes. After putting the black and white semi-finished tofu in it, I put the box upside down … that is, the boxes are now open below. , Can be taken off like a cake box. “

“Huh? Black? Tofu and black? Is it blood tofu in Chinese cuisine?”

“No, tofu made from black beans …”

“Wait! You said he grinded the tofu and put it in a wooden box to start pressing? That means … even if it is pressed now, hasn’t he processed yet?”

“It seems like this …”

“What does he want to do? Even if it is cold tofu, should I cut everything? Not to mention the curry dishes!”

There was already a lot of discussion in the audience, and even the five judges looked at Liu Pengxing in confusion.

Although they have seen Liu Pengxing alone, or mixed up to three or four kinds of spices, and processed them in various ways, they have never seen him mix the spices.

There is no smell to play, nor do he see what he will do to suppress the tofu!

Although the judges are not staring at him all the time, but at least if he really handles tofu, he should not be completely ignorant …

“What a coincidence, classmate Liu Pengxing! This time I am the judge of your cooking … Can you tell me what your cooking is called?” Xiang Tian asked.

“Hello, meet again, Mr. Kakata. My cooking this time is called … Panda Dream Magic Trio Mapo Tofu!” Liu Pengxing said in one breath.

Qianli Xia Ya said disdainfully: “Well, after taking such a popular name, it is simply Mapo Tofu?”

“You can also say that, woman.” Liu Pengxing smiled.

“You, what do you call me?” Xia Ya said angrily.

“Eh? Are you not a woman?”

“Do you call all women like this?”

“Of course not, just like in Mapo Tofu, my” Panda Dream Magic Trio Mapo Tofu “is also unique.” Liu Pengxing continued to smile.

Xia Ya was speechless, and the secret road was really a newborn calf, not afraid of tigers. She dared to offend the judges before trying!

Although Xia Ya will not deliberately score points for this, it is okay to “make things difficult” …

“Wouldn’t you like to give us the” fresh “tofu you just pressed? The topic is curry, but I haven’t seen any attractive spices you made before …” Xia Ya questioned.

“If you open it, you will know it. I will use the one in front of Miss Xia Ya to make a demonstration!”

Liu Pengxing said that he placed his right hand on the handle on the top of the wooden box in front of Xia Ya, and said: “When you lift it, you will feel some weight inside. At this time, you need to move fast … like this!”

I saw that Liu Pengxing said that his right hand lifted the wooden box hard. Because of the upside down, only the “bottom” of the wooden box was left below, but this bottom is really “thicker” than expected …

And at the moment of mention, Xia Ya didn’t see where the “black and white” tofu was. The next second, he discovered that pieces of black and white tofu fell from the wooden box lifted by Liu Pengxing!

wrong! Rather than falling from the wooden box, it is better to be “driven” by the wooden box …

However, not many people paid attention to this scene, because at the moment Liu Pengxing lifted the wooden box, a “taste bomb” that was far superior to the previous burst out of the bottom slot of the wooden box!

Fourth shot … no! Rather than saying that this is a bomb, it is more like a storm-like power of heaven and earth!

When the “taste bombs” of the first three shots of Pleiades, Ye Shanliang, and Liu Pengxing broke out, the judges were shocked by the “bombs” and had the energy to think about the mysteries in the “bombs”.

However, at this moment, the five judges seemed to be in the prestige of nature. In front of the “taste storm”, they could only be passively baptized!

Not only the five judges, but all other audiences present were all drawn into it. The auditorium, which was noisy for a while, was completely quiet …

Among them, it is not other people who feel the deepest feelings. It is precisely Ye Shanliang who has the sense of smell of God!

“This kind of spicy flavor is … chili, pepper, star anise, fennel, pepper, cinnamon, dill, basil, bay leaf … and, and … why! Why use so many kinds without any disorder? It’s not complete … there should be more! I, I actually can’t judge the fragrance?

Could it be artificial flavors … no! He does use spices obtained from the research society! Wait … there are … Holy basil! He really used it! “

Ye Shan couldn’t help but stand on the spot, holding a nose with one hand and gathering the smell, the fierce “Yan Yi” rose up.

Ye Shanliang, who has a sense of smell, cannot accept Liu Pengxing ’s cuisine, uses more spices than himself, and has no disorder at all, and more importantly, he has reached the point where he cannot recognize it in the first place!

Although Ye Shanliang believes that as long as he is given more time, he will be able to distinguish clearly, but Ye Shanliang understands that even if he is a cook with a similar taste in spice, he can use the gods for the first time. The sense of smell is only right …

The “taste storm” at the beginning had already defeated Ye Shanliang’s self-confidence, making him understand that during his lifetime, some people’s attainments in spice still surpassed themselves!

When the judges came back, they stared deadly, in front of Qianli Xiaya, in the low groove of the wooden box, the red sauce was immersed in black and white tofu pieces …

The other four judges looked at each other, and then stood up expectantly, and lifted the upper wooden box as Liu Pengxing did before!

Although I was prepared this time, and just experienced a storm, I have adapted to it, but most of the audience still ca n’t help being indulged in it again. The five judges always remind themselves that this time, they must open their eyes to see clearly It was discovered that when the lid was just opened, black and white tofu fell from the lid … in the hot red sauce below.

“It turns out that! There are grid-like iron wires in the wooden box, so when you lift it hard, it is equivalent to completing the cutting action!” Kazaka stared at the lid.

“Wait, just this layer of wire mesh can only act as a vertical knife. If you want these tofu to be cut into dices, you need a horizontal knife … otherwise it should not be a square. Is the tofu stick right? “A passerby judge doubted.

Xiangtian carefully looked at the black and white tofu block, and then said: “It is oil! Olive oil, which has been seasoned with spices, separates the layer of tofu.”

“Layer by layer?”

“Yes, Liu Pengxing ’s tofu has not been a piece from the beginning, but should be a layer of white tofu and a layer of black beans. Each layer is only one piece of tofu thick and processed with a layer of spices. The reason, and more solidified olive oil as a spacer.

In this way, the finished tofu is originally layered, no need to cut with a horizontal knife! At the same time, the olive oil will gradually melt while heating and penetrate into the tofu to enhance the flavor. “

“Ah! There is also an electric stove in the base? No, it is a pure charcoal! It turned out to be so, no wonder you did not use it to see that you did not integrate the processed spices … It turned out that from the beginning, whether it is tofu or sauce Okay, it ’s all boring. “

“What? Since the spice mixture was heated together, it hasn’t been leaked once? No wonder there will be such explosive power!”

Qianli Xiaya, who was still dissatisfied before, was completely attracted by the taste of this unique sauce. She could not help but shyly used a spoon to dip some sauce into the mouth, and Liu Pengxing did n’t have time to stop … …

“Spicy! Spicy dead, this …”

“Hah? Ms. Xia Ya, have n’t you eaten Mapo Tofu? How can you eat the sauce alone? My” Panda Dream Magic Trio Mapo Tofu “is more special than the ordinary Mapo Tofu, It must be eaten together with tofu and sauce! “Liu Pengxing smiled.

While complaining, Xia Ya, together with the other four judges, used a spoon to put a piece of white tofu in the mouth with the sauce …

“Well! This spicy spicy sauce is paired with smooth and tender tofu! This kind of sensation that stimulates the senses of the sense of taste, but at the same time soothes the nerves of the sense of taste, it is simply unstoppable!”

“Ah … this black tofu is … sweet? It’s sugar tofu!”

“Yes ~ ~ Sucrose should be added to the black beans, which is completely sweet with the spicy taste, which not only makes the taste rest for a while, but also forms a perfect chain reincarnation between red, white and black. I do n’t feel tired at all! “

The five judges all ate tears, but still couldn’t help sending a chain of red, white, and black chains to their mouths, and the expressions with tears on their faces seemed to be * ten times …

And at this moment, Xia Ya suddenly said with a cry of pleasure: “No, no! Not only cane sugar in the black tofu … This sweetness enough to match the spicy in the sauce is … holy Basil! “

“Not only that! The” trio “is not a trio of red, black, and white. It is a real tofu trio. The minced meat inside is … fried okara!”

The students looked at the five judges in shock. At this moment, they seemed to be refugees who were hungry for seven days and seven nights. They swallowed Liu Pengxing’s food with a big mouth and continually swallowed it. While crying, “moving” while crying while eating … (to be continued.)

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