Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 315 - Pizza

“At 12:33, the two-year-old Takahisa Rina, fifty lunches are ready!”

“It’s just too easy for kids!” Erina said as she looked at the pupils who had taken her special sandwich and miso soup set.

“At 12:33, I was born three years ago, and fifty lunches were completed!”

After only a few seconds, Yi Sehui also achieved “all ingredients access”, and wouldn’t the girl teacher still be surrounded by Yi Sehui?

That’s right, because of the “accident” of Huayin, the teacher of the class can also be allowed to enter and be responsible for guiding the children …

“Yishe classmates are really humorous. Are their uniforms so beautiful?”

“Not talking about uniforms, but you in uniform!”

Watching Yi Sehui take away the female teachers who are still chattering, most of them are over 30 years old, and other students could not help but cast their admiration (?).

Well, like kidnapping a little loli, brushing up with older “girls” is also a skill …

“12:36, Oda Shinana every year, 50 lunches are ready!”

It did n’t take long for the first completed year to appear! And actually Oda Shinana, the representative of foreign recruitment …

This has made many students who have let go of the harsh words even more irritable.

I saw on the side of Oda Shinana, a group of children holding long rice **** in their hands, while slapping and leaving, as if holding a long sword in their hands … Most of them are It ’s a boy!

Shinoda Oda wrapped a long cylindrical rice ring with seaweed, which was wrapped with cooked meat, shrimp, and vegetables. Afterwards, the dining paper was breaded with a sword handle …

“12:38, two-year-old Tian Tianhui, completed 50 lunches!”

I saw that after Xiaohui came out of the counter, there were still a lot of children who looked shy, all around her at this time …

“Eh? Let’s go to eat bento quickly! It’s going to be cold in a minute!” Xiaohui made exactly “love bento”.

“Sister Xiaohui, will you go eat with us?”

“Lara also wants to eat with sister Xiaohui …”

“But …” Xiaohui was a little embarrassed, and didn’t know that such a character did not meet the rules.

And at this moment, an older teacher said, “Classmate Xiaohui, I have spoken to the teacher of Yuanyue, please! These children are always in school, and rarely make friends with other students. We were surprised to see them so close to you this time! “

“This, is this? Then I’m respectful and obedient! Everyone, come with sister Xiaohui! Let’s go to lunch with other students, OK?”

Watching Tian Suohui lead a group of children to the dining room, most of the students were unconvinced …

I think this “tu girl” just takes advantage of “looks like it feels safe”.

After all, most freshmen do n’t know, or have forgotten that Tian Suohui was also a contestant in the autumn election!

However, there are also a small number of them who are born annually, and feel that Tiansuohui’s cooking has a tinge of “warmth”.

“Cooking heart? Who is this guy? It seems to be a two-year student … and not the most famous ones. It seems that Yuanyue College is really interesting!” Shina Oda, who was leaving, looked Said this scene.

“At 12:38, Ye Shanliang, a two-year student, completed 50 lunches!”

“At 12:40, Saito Sakura is born every year, and 50 lunches are taken!”

“At 12:43, the two-year-old was beautiful, and fifty lunches were completed!”

“At 12:47, Takimi Aldini, a two-year student, completed fifty lunches!”

“At 12:50, the second year student Suzuka Nao, fifty lunches were completed!”

“12:55, Kaori Yamanaka was born every year, and 50 lunches were taken!”

After forty minutes, the frequency of notifications suddenly increased.

In one year, there are several outstanding performances, but there are also some second- and third-year students, including first-year internal recruiting freshman representatives, which means “upset” …

“What kind of nutrition! Is it heresy? Animal protein is king, why don’t you understand?”

Qiu Dao Guiwu said dejectedly, and at the same time suspected that Kaori ’s guy set up a lag for himself …

“You guys here, don’t you think this spider lunch is cute?”

“Ooooo …”

“Don’t cry, don’t cry!”

Although the oil girl Chunshu failed to bring her own specimens, and there were no own ingredients in the ingredients “, she still worked tirelessly to make ordinary arthropods into various arthropods, and even tried to use the original large animals. Meat, cut into small pieces to mimic the taste of arthropod meat!

Mito Yumei also faced the same problem as Akudo Keigo, that is, the meat ingredients are limited, and before preparing lunch, you must first ensure that its nutritional composition is suitable for children …

But Mito Yumei is better than Qiu Dao, who is still inexperienced!

At least her set of burger and salad, although not all have been taken, but only one and a half …

“What’s the matter? The guy at Suzuka is also finished? Do all the kids like this type now?” Ogo watched Suzuka Nao leave disapprovingly.

Later, when I saw the children who took the black magic course of Jeongsuka, what seemed to be trying one by one?

“I dare to eat too! Don’t underestimate people …”

“I dare to eat even witch food! I am the bravest!”

“Hum, just a witch, just ten times more terrifying …”

Was it a guts test?

Of course, these children will find out later, in fact, these “black magic packages” are not so terrible as expected, but delicious!

A little bit of time passed, and finally at the end of 1:30, after all 1,000 pupils had used lunch, 14 people got “50” results …

However, two of them were born a year, completely relying on the unique appearance of the cuisine to achieve this. As a result, more than 10% of the children did not finish their food at all, so they were disqualified!

As for the remaining twelve people, three were born in one year, namely Oda Shinana, Saito Sakura, and Yamanaka Kaori, and six were born in two years, namely Liu Pengxing, Yaechi Rina, Tian Suhui, Ye Shanliang, and Mei Zuolei Takmi, the three-year-old is also only three, that is, Yi Sehui, Ji Ning, Ning Ning and Lian Nan Taro …

After the full serving from 12:40 to 1 o’clock, the frequency of the full serving that can be obtained later becomes lower and lower.

In the final 50 places, the minimum selection is 14, with the same score leading by the number of ingredients first …

Mito Yumei, Akidao Keigo, etc. because of the type of cuisine they are good at do not match the topic, and there are students such as Yoshino Haruki and Kurokiba Liang who will scare children because of their own personality. Finally, it is also dangerous and dangerous. More than 15 copies were obtained, and the admission qualification was obtained.

The most unexpected thing for everyone is that the 50th-ranked lucky person is no one else.

After the qualifiers, those who seem to have just returned to the position of the Chinese Cuisine Research Society are all like frosted eggplant …

After enrolling freshmen, as the “most powerful” Chinese cuisine research institute in all research institutes, we are also preparing to expand at a stretch and absorb a large number of new talents!

Who knows that in the qualification battle, their master will be labeled as “Abducted Loli to Satisfy Selfish Desire”, and Lieutenant General Jiu Zhaoji also barely passed.

“Sister Hojo and Sister Yuan! We’ll get mixed with you in the future!” At the Chinese Cuisine Research Institute, Cunto discussed the “change of the dynasty” one after another.

That’s right, Liu Pengyuan naturally joined the “Chinese Cuisine Research Society” in the first time.

This time instead, Hojo Miyoko and Liu Pengyuan performed best …

After the “Qualifying Tournament”, Liu Pengxing and Jiujiu Shiji also escaped and failed, and were directly pulled over by Miyoko Hojo, saying that it was the afternoon Chinese Food Research Institute to have a meeting!

Um, it was Liu Pengxing who appointed the son of Mijo Hojo before as the second “Vice Admiral” outside of Kushizaki. Now she said that she would hold a meeting, and neither of them could refuse!

Now the two of them are sitting there as if they have lost their strength, and they are reprimanded by Hojo Miyoko, who is full of righteous indignation!

“What the **** are the two of you? Want to be ashamed of Chinese cuisine?”

The nickname of Miyoko’s “Iron-Fisted Fire Dragon” can obviously be seen from the source.

I saw that she was wearing a big red high-split cheongsam and stepped on a stool with one foot. She always reprimanded herself like respected Liu Pengxing and Jiujiu Zhaoji as primary school students!

In contrast, although Mito Yumei ’s performance was not good, she was originally named in the Chinese Cuisine Research Institute, and no one regarded her as a representative. The most important thing is … the performance is worse than the two. A bit strong!

“It’s all because of those little fart kids who can’t appreciate the true meaning of” ma “and” spicy “…” Jiuji Zhaoji muttered in a depressed voice.

When Hojo heard it, his face was full of “mdzz” expressions, and he snarled loudly at him: “Do you think it’s something normal people can do to give children such spicy things? If it just happened A few bites, you are done! “

For a long time, Zhao Ji wanted to say that what he did was “slightly spicy”, but he didn’t say it after considering it.

Liu Pengxing whispered softly, “Actually, my grades are not bad …”

Not to mention that this Hojo Miyoko was not that angry, but she blushed and had a thick neck and Liu Pengxing shouted: “Yes! Perverted Mr. Goldfish, now a few girls under one meter and five in a year of life, see you have detoured ! “

“In short, before you announce the title of the” Qualifier “one week later, you two will give me a good reflection! Afterwards, in the” Qualifier “, our Chinese Cuisine Research Society must fight a beautiful turnaround! Tell other clubs , We are the strongest! “Mijoko Hojo raised his fist.

“The strongest!” There are many newly-added students with normal hairstyles who responded.

As for the general and deputy general, the two “first generation ten masters” felt that their status in the “Chinese Cuisine Research Society” had fallen into the lowest point in history!

As the sky turned into the night, the “topics” of the qualifiers were sent to the Chinese Cuisine Research Institute on time.

Yuanyue Academy seems to like this kind of gimmick, can’t you use SMS notifications? I prefer to use the “mailing” method …

After receiving the envelope, an inch head ran in immediately: “Sister, the question is sent out!”

“Quick! See what the problem is!”

The shortlisted Liu Pengxing, Jiu Zhaozhao, Hojo Miyoko, Liu Pleiyuan, and the famous Mito Yumei all gathered around at this time.

Hojo put the envelope on the table, and then pulled out the letter inside a little bit …

“Huh? Is it written vertically?” I saw a p first.

“P … i … z … z … a … pizza? Pizza?” Hojo Miyoko said.

“Just this one word? Really, people think of the ‘autumn trial’ half a year ago …” Liu Pengxing said.

The preliminaries of the “Autumn Selection” half a year ago also only gave the word “Curry”.

“Pizza … It’s the kind of Italian cuisine that uses cheese and other ingredients to bake on round cakes, right?” Said Jiji Kyu.

“Yes, when it comes to pizza, the most important four elements are the cake bottom, cheese, sauce and filling! I am afraid that the qualifiers will work **** these!” Yu Mei then analyzed.

“Usually in a narrow sense, pizza is roughly divided into two types: Italian pizza and American pizza. The American” flanging “is wider and taller. In addition, the sauce of the pizza must be tomato juice according to the strictest interpretation. Made with other spices … But according to past practice, there should be no such strict requirements. “Miyoko Hojo said.

“Well, I also think that it can be considered from the four aspects of cake base, cheese, sauce and filling.” Liu Pengxing said.

“But this way, the scope is very wide? As long as you use these four … even if it is made into Chinese pie with cheese, it seems to be explained!” Liu Pengyuan was puzzled.

“I think it’s not impossible! You still don’t understand Yuanyue … and the origins of pizza are generally considered to be of three kinds. One of them is that in the 13th century Marco Polo traveled to Naples in Italy for seventeen years and used ‘ Scallion pancakes’ cooking showdown with another foreign cook, after a draw, the two cherish each other and blend their respective dishes together to form a prototype of pizza!

Another way of saying is that when the mother of a poor family in Naples has only a little wheat flour at home, her neighbors helped her cheese and small tomatoes, so she made the earliest pizza prototype by mistake. .

There is also a saying that pizza had appeared in the Roman period, but at that time it was just a more ordinary scones, which eventually became what it is today with the development of cooks in the Naples region!

If you follow the first statement, even if you make a pie, as long as it meets the four elements of pizza, it should be fine. Said Liu Pengxing.

(There are rumors about pizza and Marco Polo. Please search online for the correct statement …)

“Eh? Can it still be like this?” Liu Pengyuan had a new understanding of the openness of the subject of Yuanyue College.

“In fact, the difference is not that great. Until now, the most authentic way to eat pizza in the Naples region was to fold the pizza in half and hold the outer crust with your hands to eat … The same is equivalent to the filling inside, really If you want to say the difference, it is better to say whether the filling is ground or not than the difference between the filling and the filling, “said Jiuji Zhaoji.

Indeed, as Jiu Jijiu said, the “stuffing” of pizza is not actually the “stuffing” of dumplings and pies in Chinese cuisine. There is no process of “chopping stuffing”. Relatively whole ingredients are used.

“Cake bottom, cheese, sauce, filling …” Liu Pengxing muttered again silently.

“But the time is more urgent than the preliminaries of the” Autumn Trial “! There is only one week to prepare.” Miyoko Hojo said.

At the time of the “Autumn Trial”, the subject was notified before the holiday.

“Okay! Then after everyone disbands, the finalists think about what kind of” pizza “they want to show. Those who are not finalists … can’t relax too!

On behalf of the master, I will give you an assignment! After our competition next weekend, we will also come to investigate. The pizza you made with the income of the “Chinese Cuisine Research Society” … For those who are not qualified, the amount of training will double next week! “Hyojo Miyoko announced.”

Liu Pengxing and Jiujiu Zhao said that they had no opinion …

As for the wailing of the inchheads, it has been automatically filtered by everyone!

Afterwards, Pleiades Liu was finally “released”, and together with Yu Mei and Pleiades Liu, returned to Jixingliao from the Chinese Cuisine Research Institute. On the road, he complained: “Classmate Hojo is really a bit too nervous? It was just a misunderstanding. What a goldfish guy … Classmates in the second and third grade all know that I am not the kind of person, right? “

Liu Pengxing said that no one responded to him, but when he turned around, he found that Yu Mei and Liu Pengyuan were all looking away …

“Uh, we have no doubt at all!”

“Ah? Ah! Yes, no doubt …”

“What’s the matter with your perfunctory tone!” Liu Pengxing said sullenly.

Towards Jixingliao, Yu Mei suddenly pointed to the door and said, “Huh? It’s Missy’s car.”

Liu Pengxing suddenly had an ominous hunch!

Sure enough, Erina has been blocking herself at the pole star …

“Ah! Isn’t this the first day of school, Liu Pengxing, who made a” good example “for the freshmen?” He said Erina as soon as she entered the door.

“Huh? Xiaohui, didn’t you help me explain?” Liu Pengxing said stiffly as he looked at Tian Suohui.

I saw Tian Shuehui’s shy personality reappeared, and said somewhat evasively: “That … I didn’t know before … It turns out that after the class … you have so many intersections with Huayin … Of course, I It ’s not that it ’s not good … “

And Yi Sehui stood up with a smile at this time. Just when Liu Pengxing thought he was here to save himself, Yi Sehui patted his shoulder: “In fact, there is my fault in it! I can’t think of that time after I helped you ~ www. ~ actually let you open the door to a new world … “

Are you going to the new world? Friends of milf! Liu Pengxing roared in his heart.

In the end, Chuang Zhen said a fair sentence: “Right, we actually know the whereabouts of A Xing? Even when he returned to China, did his cousin follow him? When did he see Huayin?”

“I am not his cousin!” Liu Pengyuan corrected again.

But at the same time, everyone still feels that there is some truth in the truth, is it really misunderstanding Liu Pengxing?

Afraid that the world is not chaotic, Alice asked: “Have you ever seen Huayin again after that class? Please answer honestly!”

“I’ve seen … but only once! I happened to live at Huayin’s house for a few days!”

“Borrowing? Master Liu, who has always been kept, has time to live in someone else’s house?” Alice was surprised.

“I was with Sister Yuanguo that time, and after talking to Erina, she refused to get money … Huh? Why are you all looking at me like this? Wait, did you misunderstand me? means……”

Ten minutes later, Takmi came to Jixingliao with a smirk all the way, and directly opened the door and said: “Hahahaha, Reality, Axing! Do you see the problem? This time let you know that our Italian Aldini restaurant Great! Hey … “

Seeing the title “Pizza”, Takmi, who is proficient in Italian cuisine, was very excited and couldn’t wait to get “provocative” from Genzhen and Liu Pengxing. “Looks like …

The king of os is Erina, and the one who is forced to press is Liu Pengxing, and the others act as imp.

“That … I seem to have gone wrong, see you tomorrow!” (To be continued.)

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