Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 332 - Listen to the sound of all things

“Huh, eleven fifty … time is just right! Erina, I have heard your voice, which makes those nasty things get out of your heart!” Liu Pengxing said firmly.

Erina’s body shook slightly, and she seemed to want to nod, but in the end, she still couldn’t break free of control, and presented the dishes to the judges without expression …

Now, Pleiades Liu has no time to carefully observe Erina ’s cooking, but immediately removes the gliding wing, and it will be as simple as a table with only a desktop. It is directly moved up and placed in the center of the venue!

In this way, the focal point of the giant convex lens is just aligned with the iron pan on the table …

At this time, everyone discovered that the original iron pan is just a bracket, and it is not connected to gas!

“This is … to be heated with a convex lens?”

“With such a large convex lens, I have just baked some charred marks on the ground of the venue. It can be used for egg fried rice, but … does it make sense?”

“Indeed, it’s just a gimmick!”

“Maybe the temperature is easier to control?”

“However, his strength is so great … how easy is that platform, and normal people can’t lift it up so easily?”

“And is he really ready to cook egg fried rice?”

Just as there was a lot of discussion in the auditorium, Liu Pengxing had broken up the cooked rice, and then spread out a few plates of eggs in the box, and then chose ten eggs from which seemingly irregular …

In the natural field, some people complained about the way he chose eggs.

It is said that the eggs provided by the organizer are similar in size and size, and the eggs are not like seafood and vegetables. The difference between different individuals and the degree of freshness are relatively large. The ingredients that Yuanyue ca n’t improve are completely the same. problem……

Moreover, even if there is a slight gap in these eggs, it can not be judged just by looking at the appearance!

When Yuanyue is offering eggs, it must have selected eggs that look the same, what else can you choose?

Everyone is even speculating that Liu Pengxing may have believed in some “cooking divination”, so choose the egg that is more auspicious for himself?

Of course, if everyone sees clearly, Liu Pengxing chooses eggs completely with his eyes closed, it is estimated that he must be completely determined that he is pretending to beep.

At this time, the judges had to divert their attention from Liu Pengxing, who was “pretending to be a ghost”, to the “golden pie” in front of him …

The judges have seen that this is wrapped in egg liquid, and there is a potato chip inside!

“This is … Spanish quiche? No, it should be said to be similar! The Spanish quiche only puts onion silk in the egg liquid, and this surface is … tea?” Xiang Tian said.

Erina said nothing.

However, the players have no obligation to explain their own recipes, so Kakata just asked for it.

“Cough, let’s taste it!” Xiang Tian said to ease the embarrassment.

“Chef Kizuki, Chef Kizuki!” Dojima whispered a few words to Kikuji Garden Fruit.

Since the appearance of Liu Pengxing, Mu Jiuzhi’s garden fruit has been stunned, and now he has no intention of picking up a knife and fork!

After all, she had already been the referee when she was in the qualifiers before, but it was not the group a where Liu Pengxing was, and immediately afterwards, there was something to draw Linina. Yuan Guo wanted to contact Liu Pengxing after the game, but found that he had been shut down. After asking others, he said he went to “observe the growth and breeding of Kobe cattle”?

Before Liu Pengxing had not arrived, it also made Yuan Guo worried all the time. When Liu Pengxing “shining debut”, although he knew he was talking to Erina, but when he saw Liu Pengxing’s appearance at that time, he clearly distinguished himself from “forcing” himself. The appearance of “elopement” coincided, and the garden fruit couldn’t help but be lost for a while …

Hearing Dojima ’s voice, Kikuchi knew that the fruit had recovered, and he panicly picked up the knife and fork, and almost fell to the ground. Afterwards, in order to ease the embarrassment, he said, “Well, this is Spanish quiche. ? “


Seeing everyone ’s reaction is very strange, it seems to be as expressionless as Erina in a moment. Yuan Guo ’s face turned red, and he realized that there was a problem: “No, it should be said to be similar? Spanish quiche in egg liquid , Only onions are right, and the surface is tea? “

The scene continued to be embarrassing, and Yuan Guo had to cough twice: “Cough, let’s taste it!”

The sound of using a knife and fork sounded, but no one else spoke awkwardly.

However, just after the golden pie suspected of “Spanish potato quiche” was cut off and put in the mouth, it immediately became a “filled” happiness, written on the faces of the five judges …

The sweet outer quiche, wrapped in tender potato chips, and bursts of tea fragrance, haunted in the mouth, making it unclear whether this should be considered a staple food, a main dish or a dessert!

At the same time, none of the four judges noticed that the sound of “demon’s bewitching sound also quietly sounded in their hearts, making them subtle, and in their hearts, raised the evaluation of Erina’s cuisine.

Dojima Silver noticed this, but didn’t care …

It is impossible for the shredded thistle to make the dish presented to the judges contain a malicious attack, otherwise Dojima silver’s “giant” will also react immediately.

“It turns out that it is completely different from the ordinary” Spanish quiche “, tea with sugar and honey mixed in the egg liquid!”

“Yes, the ordinary” Spanish quiche “, although it will also have some sweetness, but only the sweetness of the” basil “, in contrast, this” golden tea quiche “is close to dessert …”

“‘Spanish quiche’ was an ordinary family in Spain at the beginning, and the economy was not enough to eat too many eggs, so by adding strips or blocks of potatoes to the eggs, in order to achieve a small amount of eggs, the whole family Everyone ate a meal of omelettes, and later gradually developed into famous snacks, home cooking …

But this ‘golden egg pie’ is extremely delicate. Each serving uses only a thick sliced ​​potato chip, which is covered with a thick, added egg of tea leaves, which gives a delicate feeling! “

“Right! This egg liquid with sweet tea leaves should have been inspired by the” tea pine “? Tea pine should be said to be a dessert in the tea production area, or as a decoration of the code plate, use sugar water to Brew the tea for a while, remove it, cover with egg liquid, and put it in an oil pan to fry … “

“However, this” golden egg pie “is different. Tea leaves are added to the egg liquid. The main material is eggs, not tea.”

“The scent and sweetness of tea eggs are mixed with the sweetness of potatoes, and a small amount of bacon grains also play a role in enhancing the taste.”

“After the potatoes were sliced, they obviously soaked the starch carefully, making the taste not too soft …”

Judging by the jury’s relish, and the expression of happiness on the face, as if the children tasted their favorite sweets, Erina’s “Golden Tea Quiche” is highly completed!

But at the same time, Erina’s expressionless and silent speech made the scene a bit awkward.

However, immediately they would not be embarrassed!

Because at this moment, a burst of warm scent in my heart came from the scene.

I saw that the source of the “scent” was the iron pan that Liu Pengxing was heating with a convex lens …

“this is……”

“What’s going on? Why do I feel … a warm feeling!”

“It’s warm all over.”

“Obviously it’s just egg fried rice …”

At this time, Liu Pengxing had already divided the egg fried rice into the last two minutes, and then presented five plates of egg fried rice that looked similar to “golden fried rice” to the judges.

When putting the plate in front of Yuan Guo, Liu Pengxing wanted to say hello to her, and found that for some reason, Yuan Guo kept blushing and lowering his head not to look at himself …

“This is my cooking … Egg Fried Rice! Please use it!” Liu Pengxing said.

“Egg fried rice … is there no other name?” Kasada confirmed again and again.

“No other name is needed, ‘Egg Fried Rice’ is ‘Egg Fried Rice’!” Liu Pengxing smiled.

“Still confident as always … then let’s try it.” Said Yue Yue.

The five judges said that they picked up the spoon and reached for the fluffy egg fried rice in the plate …

Dong dong

At the moment when the spoon protrudes into the egg fried rice, the five judges seem to hear their heartbeats, and can’t help but look serious and express their expressions!

Even after seeing Liu Pengxing, Mu Jiuzhi’s fruit in the heart is full of confusing thoughts. At this time, he also turned his attention back to Liu Pengxing’s “egg fried rice”.

After the entrance of a spoonful of “egg fried rice”, the expressions of the five judges suddenly became “holy”, and the most emotional garden fruit even wiped tears quietly in the corners of his eyes.

“It seems that I can’t reach the review part yet … Erina, let’s try each other!” Liu Pengxing said, putting the sixth plate of fried rice in front of Erina, and Erina, who was expressionless, was straight. Go back and get a “golden tea quiche” and hand it to Liu Pengxing.

And cut thistles has already noticed at this time, Liu Pengxing’s “egg fried rice” must be a problem, but I don’t know the specifics, and I don’t believe that Liu Pengxing can crack the “devil” …

The most important thing is that “demons” are not omnipotent, and they cannot manipulate everything and make Erina do things that violate the instincts of cooking.

For example, let Erina be poisoned in cooking, and you can’t do it.

And now the tasting of each other is determined before. In the subconscious of Erina, this is also a rule that the cook must obey!

“A Xing!” Yu Mei yelled nervously.

But it’s not to stop Liu Pengxing … The sound may not even be heard clearly by the people next to her, let alone Liu Pengxing!

Ok? wrong! It really seems to be heard!

I saw that Liu Pengxing suddenly turned his head and made a “reassuring” mouth towards the direction of Jixingliao …

That’s right, Liu Pengxing did hear it.

Although separated by several tens of meters, and Yu Mei’s voice was not loud, it was still in a meeting place with so many people, but Liu Pengxing accurately captured her voice.

That’s right … Liu Pengxing has awakened “super hearing”!

This is the “unexpected joy” that Liu Pengxing did not anticipate before.

In the “Solar House”, Liu Pengxing was indeed very dangerous several times, and his consciousness was blurred even at high temperatures.

Even in the last twenty-four hours that he rushed over, Liu Pengxing’s consciousness has been dissociated between existence because of physical strength reaching the limit …

But it was also during this last “crisis” that Liu Pengxing produced an illusion that he became part of the “sun”.

Sun, water, the source of all life!

At this moment, Liu Pengxing felt that countless kinds of creatures, or food ingredients, flashed through his mind, as if he saw the growth process of countless creatures with the help of sunlight …

Unlike cooking and eating, Liu Pengxing feels that his “energy” is constantly entering other organisms.

To a certain extent, the sun, or the sun, can also be regarded as an ingredient, and it is the ultimate ingredient, but you don’t need to eat with your mouth and taste with taste …

This unique experience not only enabled Liu Pengxing to have a comprehensive understanding of the “source of the sun”, but also an understanding of the “ultimate ingredients”, but also made his cooking skills advance by leaps and bounds!

The basic cooking skills that haven’t been improved in a long time, from premium Samsung to four stars …

At the same time, “super hearing” also arrived as expected!

Although the three-star and four-star premium sounds inconspicuous compared with the cooking skills that Liu Pengxing can now play, but after truly achieving the four-star premium, Liu Pengxing has also understood that it is difficult to improve the basic cooking …

Food taste and heart are the main directions of senior chefs. After truly reaching four stars, Liu Pengxing found that Kojiro Shimiya, who was previously estimated as a “super five-star”, is just the same as himself now in basic cooking. Almost.

However, nowadays Cheng Yilang, a “dragon chef”, recalling the scene when he was cooking, Liu Pengxing felt that his basic cooking skills had indeed achieved a perfect “super five-star”.

In addition, Liu Pengxing has not seen other Long chefs shot, nor found other people who have more basic cooking skills than themselves …

What really surprised Liu Pengxing was the ability of “super-auditory”. He now knows why the order of awakening of “super-auditory” will be behind “super-visual”!

It is definitely not just that the hearing is more sensitive, but that it can hear many previously inaudible sounds. First of all, other cooks, even if they are no longer cooking in front of him, the other party ’s kitchen can hide his “super vision”, but Can’t hide beyond hearing. “

Moreover, Pleiades Liu can feel that as long as anyone is cooking around himself, he can fully grasp the level of his own level only by hearing.

More importantly, Liu Pengxing can even hear the sound of “food ingredients” now!

It is not the sound of “ghosts”, whether it is meat, vegetable or fungus, Liu Pengxing can hear …

No matter animal food or plant food, it is not a continuation after the death of animals and plants, but as the voice of a brand-new individual “food”.

It seems that every ingredient has its own life!

It’s just that the life of the “food ingredients” is different from any conventional creatures. They don’t exist for “reproduction” or “survival”, but are lives that are not in the same dimension.

That’s right, since “Fly” came in, Liu Pengxing didn’t say a word, one action was pretending to beep …

This is true no matter what you said to Erina at the beginning, or when you later picked eggs.

Although the eggs look the same, and the quality is almost the same, but the “source” of these eggs is different, which is impossible for ordinary chefs to see.

Before this point, the most obvious manifestation was on animal ingredients. Although Liu Pengxing heard the new voice of “food ingredients”, he understood that if the steps were wrong in the slaughter, the animals would suffer excessive pain. The source will be weakened accordingly …

After discovering this, Liu Pengxing suddenly remembered the words of Confucius: “Sexual evil, not eating; stinking, not eating; losing cooking, not eating; from time to time, not eating; cutting incorrectly, not eating …”

As a great foodie who puts forward the idea of ​​”satisfying fines and savory finesse”, Confucius certainly has his own understanding of food, and in this sentence, the previous “dish is not good in appearance”, “rotten and smelly” “Cooking failed”, “expired” … these kinds of dishes are not normal.

But the final “cutting right, not eating” is controversial!

There was a time when people thought it was meat that had to be squarely cut to be eaten …

However, the explanation is obviously unclear, because “Yu Bu Wei Fine” has already been well explained. Confucius believes that the meat should be cut finely, not simply cut into squares.

So after that, there was a saying that the harvesting history was not correct, that is, the stolen and stolen things, you can’t eat them.

However, some people feel that suddenly they jumped from the previous “food safety problem” to the “moral problem”, and the span is somewhat large …

Now, Liu Pengxing has understood that Confucius’s proposal of “cutting is not right, not eating” should be the least understood interpretation, that is, “meat ingredients that are not processed according to the normal slaughtering steps” do not eat!

The existence of the biological chain does not exist whether it is in line with “morality”, but it does not cause the animals to bear additional pain when they are slaughtered.

After all, the “source” weak ingredients are not only difficult to stimulate the “source”, but also have less “heart” to carry.

But ordinary cooks, even if they have the “heart of the kitchen”, can’t find this, they can only perceive their instability …

Describe the process of instiling the “heart of the cook” into the cooking of the cook, there is an idiom, that is “playing the piano against the cow”!

The strength of “playing the piano” is the same, but only the cow knows how much each cow can understand.

Even Liu Pengxing wondered whether Rennes had mastered some kind of ceremonial ritual after death of animal ingredients to make up for the damage caused by the “cutting error” or further improve the “source” “s method.

After preparing for the game, Liu Pengxing asked the people of Liu family to ask, if there is any, I do n’t know if Lei Jia would like to borrow him.

Now Liu Pengxing has all the “super five senses”, and the understanding of the ingredients can reach the level of meticulousness. Without taking the “source cuisine” route, it is too wasteful!

The means to enhance the “source” of ingredients at that time is extremely practical for Liu Pengxing …

It was super-audible, just like it was specially prepared for “Yuan Cuisine”. After possessing it, Liu Pengxing even suspected that if the “prodigal son” Yan Xian, not because Ji Youkai committed suicide, he extinguished the fighting heart and only heard Lan Feihong ’s voice during cooking, after understanding some of his cooking skills, he did n’t have a showdown with Lan Feihong, and did not say whether he would win. At least the “source cooking master” known by everyone would not be “Liu Pengxing”. Bit!

As for Kaiyou’s “super four senses”, they should all be “slightly generalized”. Any one of them is not as good as other corresponding “five generals”, but only more comprehensive.

In addition, Liu Pengxing now has all the “super five senses”, the perception is more three-dimensional, and the perception of ingredients is higher than the simple “super hearing” …

Yuan cuisine …… Sure enough, and I have a destiny! Liu Pengxing thought this way when he came out of the Mito Group and was familiar with new capabilities.

Not all ridicule, Liu Pengxing also has a trace of anxiety in his heart.

I do n’t know why, Liu Pengxing instinctively thinks of “hundred years of prophecy” whenever he thinks of this place, as if he is always being “predicted” by some kind of existence, and then doubts the authenticity of his efforts …

But as Liu Pengxing said before, the most important goal now is to get Erina back to normal!

Presented in front of the judges and Erina, it is precisely the “egg fried rice” made with the help of “Source of the Sun ~ ~”, which can also be called “Mother’s Sun Ball”, but as Liu Pengxing said , This “just” egg fried rice.

Although he did not use the great project of laying iron plates and long cloth on the Great Wall, Liu Pengxing also had his own way.

As a modern man, Liu Pengxing naturally understands the principle of convex lens focusing!

As long as there is a convex lens large enough to gather sunlight, no other tools are needed, you can directly use a wok to cook rice …

As for the “fluffy” caused by the rolling of fried rice, Liu Pengxing can do it with a shovel.

Everyone watched nervously, and the “everyone” here even included the shredded thistle that looked only from a smirk, and seemed to have no worries!

I saw Liu Pengxing directly grabbed Erina’s quiche and passed it to his mouth …

After tasting a bite, Liu Pengxing froze in place, and just a second later, he looked up, smiled, and said: “Very delicious ‘Golden Tea Quiche’!”



A very different voice sounded, and the close students of Jixing Liao cheered softly, and then they paid attention to Erina, and the Cechichella was under surprise, and even the smirk could not be maintained.

Although his tricks are not effective for everyone, for example, some cooks whose strength is similar to him or even higher can naturally resist, but even Dojima Silver cannot “recover so quickly” “Come here, as if it were just ordinary quiche!”

Just when I cut thistle and suspected that Liu Pengxing moved his hands and feet, the latter had already put the whole egg cake into his mouth …

If there is a second cook who has “super vision” at this time, he will be able to see that after the “demon” enters Liu Pengxing’s heart, he has not had time to do anything. “The devil” burned out! (To be continued.)

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