Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 344 - Galaxia!

“This, this is … galaxy?”

I saw that under the illumination of the searchlights, the five bowls of black-painted faces were flashing like light points like the Milky Way, and the audience under the field also saw this scene from the close-up shot on the broadcast screen!

Daquan Persimmon, who was full of curiosity, was the first one who could not bear it. Immediately, he picked up the chopsticks and said “I’m starting”. Then he picked up a ray from the dark shiny ramen …

It can be clearly seen that not only is the problem of the soup, but also the noodle itself is a black color, but there are some crystal powder in the soup!

“The soup was obviously filled with a squid ink that was taken out at the beginning, and the shiny ones are … pearl powder, right?” Said Oizumi Kazuyuki.

That’s right, the “galaxy noodles” made by Liu Pengxing are based on the Milky Way noodles of the Chinese era, and the two ingredients inherited from the “galaxy noodles” by the “galaxy noodles” are also ink and pearl powder. !

When You Ji saw pearl powder, she thought what Liu Pengxing was going to do.

The soup base blended with the ink, and the pearl powder in it, seem to be the night sky and the shining stars.

In the period of China, “Liu Pengxing” used this galaxy to successfully awaken the love in the dust, making a pair of lovers finally become dependents …

Now, Liu Pengxing has added a lot of changes on the basis of “Galaxy Noodles”. First, the spices in the ink soup base are no longer simply seasoned with spices such as garlic and onions, but light chicken. The top soup is used as a soup base, and the ink and other spices are added before use to season …

The second is in the face!

Different from the “galaxy noodles” that use ordinary noodles, Liu Pengxing does not use wheat flour, but mashed and washed fern roots and dried them in a dryer. The fern root starch extracted and mixed with buckwheat flour result.

The fern root powder itself is dark green and black, while the buckwheat flour is gray and black. The surface after mixing the two is itself “black and not slipping autumn”. After it is placed in the base of the ink sauce, it is completely black!

Just when the five judges inhaled a ray of “black face” into their mouths, they suddenly felt their heart and seemed to be pinched hard by something …

“This is … heartbeat! I feel it!”

“No, it is not so much a heartbeat as a rhythm of life …”

“This feeling is … yes! It is caviar! Those top Beluga caviar are wrapped in ramen!”

“In the dark soup base, there are not only pearl powder glittering like stars, but also every roe in the mouth that seems to have vitality!”

“It seems like a lonely traveler in the universe, seeing the bright stars, and discovering the joy of life in it …”

“Yes! It’s” joy “! Encounter the light and the joy of life in the darkness!”

The five judges couldn’t help but stood up with their eyes closed and their arms stretched slightly, as if they were the explorers of the universe, traveling lonely in the dark until they discovered the starlight and found other life …

A feeling of “joy” spontaneously sprouted in the hearts of the five judges!

The kitchen heart “linger” in Erina’s heart also opened his eyes and said: “It turns out that he used the kitchen heart of the” sun “before to attract the source of the sun to roast pearl powder and roast bracken. The moisture in it makes it full of the power of the “sun” kitchen …

There are two types of starlight, one is the light that refracts the “sun”, and the other is similar to the “sun”. It is because it contains the will of the “sun”, so although it is weak, it will also be instinctively associated To the starlight, and also has a warming effect!

If you want to extract the starch in the bracken root, you need to dry the bracken first, which also gives him the opportunity to introduce the ‘sun’. “

Erina said in a whisper at this time: “Are you still circumventing the problem?”

It seems that there is already a way to communicate between Erina and Linger, the same as Liu Pengxing ’s guess after Erina made the “source cuisine” …

“Do you think he can win me?” Erina asked softly again.

“I don’t know, after all, I can’t taste it myself … or you can taste it and share the taste with me later. By the way, you can try to communicate with me with” heart “later, otherwise a guy may eavesdrop ! “Linger said.

“If I can taste it, I will ask you what to do … By the way, he seems to be able to naturally take the rest of the dishes after others submit them for tasting, can I also …”

Erina said that she looked at Liu Pengxing’s counter and found that there was still something left, so she pretended to walk naturally …

“Why do I suddenly feel that every time this kind of Asing guy does it, it seems like a natural thing, but the pressure I do is not so great!” Erina said with a red face and Linger vomited.

“Well, on the way to cooking duel, suddenly taste the opponent’s food, normal people will feel embarrassed, right?” Linger said straightforwardly.

Hearing Ling’er’s words, Erina felt more embarrassed in her heart, but at the same time, her eyes were firm, as if she had made a major decision, she continued heading straight to Liu Pengxing’s counter!

“… Are you determined to break a certain lower limit?” Linger said helplessly.

Fortunately, most people’s attention at this time was concentrated on Liu Pengxing and the judges. Not many people paid attention to the small movements of Erina …

Erina is really curious now, how does Liu Pengxing get his feet when he is usually under the eyes of everyone!

The black noodles in Liu Pengxing’s cooking table were individually filled with a small bowl. At the moment of the entrance of the black noodles, the “God’s Tongue” of Erina was immediately intoxicated, and the fern root powder, ink, roe … The taste of combining earth, sea and life.

Although pearl powder has no taste, but because it is full of the power of “the source of the sun”, in this dark noodle soup, people instinctively think of the stars …

Ling’er seemed to be very interested in the “galaxy noodles”, and connected with Erina’s taste a little, and Erina suddenly froze!

“It seems that you want to win some difficulty.” Linger said.

However, Erina did not say anything, until Linger was curious, and when she was hit by something, Erina said, “Actually, you helped Axing awaken the ‘spice essence’ last time, did you do the same?” “

“…” Ling’er was suddenly speechless.

“Women’s Intuition” is sometimes so scary, and I have to admire the degree of divergence of Erina’s thinking. Just in the scene of tasting “Xinghe noodles”, Linger helped Liu Pengxing to awaken “spice “Spiritual” thing.

You know, Liu Pengxing himself is still in the dark!

At the same time, the judges gradually returned from the “galaxy”, looking at the black “galaxy face”, his face full of “joy”.

However, after returning to the gods for a while, Rising Yue asked: “These roe … are so evenly distributed in the center of the ramen, there is no exposure at all, and there is no part without partial roe, and such a thin noodle, also It shouldn’t be rolled out … how is this done? “

That’s right, the portion of roe in the fern root soba noodles happens to be all in the center of the noodles. It can be said that the “core” of the fern root soba noodles is composed of the top Beluga roe!

But … how can it be done?

If it is simple and incorporated into the noodles, the result should be a uniform portion in the noodles. There will also be a caviar portion on the surface. When it is directly contacted with black soup and heated, the taste and taste of the caviar will also be affected. Some degree of destruction.

When I saw that Liu Pengxing presented soup noodles, many people had this kind of concern, because whether it is added to the soup or mixed into the noodles, it will affect the original flavor of the fish roe!

If it was not Liu Pengxing who brought out these bowls of noodles, let alone the reaction of others, but only Futoriyak on the sidelines, I am afraid that he will rush up to seek a fair deal for the “waste” caviar.

But now Liu Pengxing doesn’t even put caviar in the noodle soup. Even if the caviar is poured into the sewer, I am afraid everyone will only think that this is not a special fermentation method …

When the judges tasted “Xinghe Noodles”, they immediately discovered that all the caviar is in the center of the fern root soba noodles!

Although it is heated, it does not have direct contact with the soup, so it has little effect on taste and taste.

Moreover, in the black ink chicken top soup, Liu Pengxing also used the lightest possible spices, combined with the unique fragrance of fern root soba noodles, so that the umami taste of caviar burst out in the mouth!

If the noodles are rolled out, roll the noodles flat, place the roe on the flat noodles, and then roll them up … It is indeed possible to achieve this effect.

But the accompanying will definitely make the taste of fern soba noodles worse, and the thickness is uneven. The most important thing is that it is easy to “scatter the noodles” and cause the cooking to fail.

But Liu Pengxing’s “galaxy surface” has absolutely no such signs!

Eagle Hand? impossible……

Although the judges did not understand the principle of the activity of the Eagle Hand, no matter how they look, this noodle is much thinner than the finger!

“Yes, it’s not involved, but at the beginning, it was in the dough.” Liu Pengxing said with a smile.

“Huh? How did that happen, so that the roe was only in the” core “?” Ascending asked.

“It’s very simple, this is actually a kind of” basis “of noodles. As long as the roe is in the center of the dough and naturally stretched into ramen, it is also in the center of the ramen!” Liu Pengxing continued to smile.

But what was said, it was pondering for a long time before I understood …

Indeed, as long as the caviar is wrapped in the center of the dough at the beginning, then “theoretically” as long as the dough is kept inside each time the dough is stretched, consistent with the stretching degree of the outer dough, then the final word dough becomes noodles After that, the roe will become the “core” of the noodles as before!


Which is the basic skill! This is not even an advanced skill. This is simply a skill that only exists “in theory”!

Suddenly, Ozumi Shizuka realized what he was doing and asked immediately: “Did you realize that one of the branches of the” face of the marrow “,” the face of the marrow “?”

“No, it’s just some experience, plus … my hands are more flexible and my perception is more abundant!” Liu Pengxing also spread his hands specially, ten fingers “indescribable” moved.

“Cough cough! It seems that classmate Liu Pengxing really already has the basis of being a top-level pasta chef, no, as a top-level cook.” Xiangtian coughed.

Rising Yue felt that the reason why Xiangtian changed his mind halfway was that he would be sacked by all pastry chefs after going out!

After all, at the beginning, it seems that the “noodle maker” needs some very “indescribable” talent …

The garden fruit on the side also gave Liu Pengxing a white look, but Liu Pengxing did not seem to have noticed anything wrong, and he did not know that in the hearts of many school girls, he had been labeled as “chihan”.

Of course, there are more viewers, focusing their attention on Liu Pengxing’s hands!

“Sister, is your eyes slightly better?” Qianli Zhihui looked at her sister Xia Ya helplessly.

“Cough! Stinky girl, what are you talking about? I’m thinking that after the National Treasure Master Dao Gong, maybe he is not far from the National Treasure Master Noodle Master!”

There are obviously more than a thousand people who share the same ideas …

“It’s almost time for The Blue to count.”

“Is this” Michelin Gourmet Federation “among the three major food certification organizations held?

“That’s right, but I heard there seem to be some variables …”

“Variables? What variables can The · Blue have?”

“It seems to be the” America Development Association “over the Americas, and I really want to hold” The Blue “…”

“Huh? They haven’t been recognized by the three major cooking establishments. The three major establishments will not take care of him? Is it just that they are complacent?”

“No, I also heard about it. It seems that many old folks in the cooking industry and well-known cooking groups are promoting this matter, and the three major organizations cannot completely ignore the opinions of others. Otherwise, if there is a large-scale ‘S strike will only make the world cooking contest even more ashamed! “

“Yes, after all, in recent years, there have also been many chefs in the Americas, especially American cuisine groups. Many of them already have international influence. It is likely that the” American Development Association “wants to borrow this ‘, Once again raised the matter of becoming the fourth-largest food certification organization … “

“Having said that, when you mention the World Cooking Competition, do you feel that Liu Pengxing is a bit like a person 20 years ago?”

“Twenty years ago? Azumi … Abu, Nakamura thistle?”

“No, it’s another person …”

Some people who knew Ichiro Ichiro who passed through Yuanyue Academy like a meteor at that time all instinctively thought that Liu Pengxing should be more like Ichiro Ichiro than chopped thistle?

Of course, because Seiichiro dropped out of school halfway, and Xianzuomen, in order to protect Seiichiro who is studying around the world, will not be harassed too much, and deliberately suppressed Seiichiro’s influence in the far month, so he also There are more people who do n’t know the famous “Caibo Chef” who used to be a student of Yuanyue.

Coupled with the subsequent surname change and the seclusion of the small restaurant, the reputation of “Caibo Chef” began to disappear, and most people who think they “understand” Caibo Ichiro don’t know it now. ‘S Joichiro is not only as simple as an excellent “wandering chef”, but one of the few cooks who really stood at the top of the cooking world!

At this time, the judges have also given Liu Pengxing’s score …

20, 20, 19, 20, 20!

“Appeared! The highest score in the audience! The total score of Liu Pengxing players is … 99 points! In addition to the chief chef of Dojima, the other four judges all gave a full score of 20 points!” Kawashima announced.

The audience on the floor could not help but talk about one after another …

However, the object of this discussion is not Liu Pengxing, but Dojima Silver!

On the one hand, Liu Pengxing’s absolute high score is naturally one of the focuses of everyone’s discussion, but on the other hand, the 19 points given by Dojima Silver will inevitably be criticized …

If you change a judge or another occasion, someone at this time gives a different score than other judges, and there is nothing that can make others beak.

But now it’s the “Ten Jie Qualifying”!

If Liu Pengxing finally scored 100 points, it means that he is in the minds of the judges and already has the strength of “the strongest ten masters in history” …

In the eyes of most students and guests, the reference to “the strongest ten masters in history” should be Dojima Silver when he just graduated!

Now the other four people all think that Liu Pengxing ’s cooking is no weaker than that of Doji Silver when he graduated. Only Dojima Silver himself gave a 19 …

The scene is a bit awkward!

Although no one will blame Dojido as a judge, but some quiet comments are inevitable.

Dojima also thought about this result before, but as a judge, he also has his own principles, and he will not give a score that does not meet his own judgment in order not to be criticized by others.

However, Dojima Yin still wanted to explain. After glancing at the coach, he found that Xian Zuoweimen nodded to him, and Dojima silver stood up and said, “All the time, everyone may think that I am from Yuanyue Academy. “Legend”, the strongest ten masters … However, in the golden age of Yuanyue, there were two geniuses who were more dazzling than me!

If I were to give myself a score for graduation ~ ~ I think it would be 18.5 points, if 0.5 points are not allowed, for my ambitions, I will give myself a 0.5 point extra point, which is 19 points!

Also today I saw the rise of another talent in Yuanyue. If you let me score a point for him, I think it should be 19.5 points. If 0.5 points are not allowed, in order not to make him proud, I will also choose to give him 19 points … “

Dojima ’s words undoubtedly illustrate the splendor of Yuanyue ’s golden age …

Reversing the law of “newer and stronger”, in the past two decades of the golden age, only Liu Pengxing and Erina finally reached the standard of “genius” in the golden age!

At the same time, it also shows that Dojima Silver has admitted that Liu Pengxing is stronger than his own when he graduated, and even Erina has a level that is almost the same as that when she graduated.

As for continuing to avoid the existence of Chengichiro and thistle now, it is meaningless.

Seiichiro has completely walked out of the shadows and does not need extra protection, and thistle just came to Yuanyue not long ago, and now has a branch campus in Edo. Obviously, he wants to face Yuanyue hard anal, this It ’s time to pretend that he does n’t exist.

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