Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 374 - Change kidney? (Dense fog)

Cut various dry goods and fire ‘legs’ into thin filaments, and then use the fin needles of the octopus shark fin as the core, and use these thin filaments to “tightly” knit around the fin needles!

Especially after steaming, the wing needle expands further, and the filaments of other ingredients also absorb moisture. The inside of the tornado intestine has always been in a “tight” state, and naturally after the bite, it will burst out an amazing “bloom” “power. , Visit the latest chapter: ШШШ.79xs.СоМ.

The filaments of ingredients, like a tornado, ‘smoked’ into the judges ’mouths …

And this is exactly the advantage of this “tornado sausage”-dynamic delicious!

If these filaments are simply stacked together with winged needles and cooked in the same way, the final effect can also be regarded as delicious, but it is definitely not as good as it is now.

The judges only felt that every time when the filaments of the ingredients were in the mouth and “toggled” their sense of touch, a burst of taste enjoyment also struck.

Only Liu Pengxing, who has both “super-taste” and “super-tactile”, can transform this recipe into a perfect fusion of taste and touch!

Although the “tornado sausage” was born from the original “tornado shark’s fin sausage”, it is already two completely different dishes …

Although the latter was also produced by the chef Tang Sanjie who was a hundred years ago, although Tang Sanjie has a solid foundation and is the heir to the Longzhen restaurant, after all, his sense of taste and touch do not exceed the boundaries of human beings. When it tastes, you can’t be “fine” …

So just retreat and take advantage of this “rotation” feature to make the flavors of shark fin and fire “legs” bloom.

(The original tornado shark’s fin intestine was produced by Liu Pengxing in the comics, and Tang Sanjie’s work in the animation. Let Tang Sanjie prevail!)

Therefore, the “dragon roll shark fin sausage” a hundred years ago, although it is also a rare delicacy and full of creativity, but in the “Chinese Yifan” period, this dish is actually not top …

It’s like jumping sugar. Adding dioxide pond to the small sugar can bounce in the mouth after being heated in the mouth.

Although it is novel compared to ordinary sugar, in fact, it does not calculate color in taste, but only attracts the attention of children by “novelty”. Adults are rarely interested, and no one will taste because of jumping sugar. Gao Chao (cough, don’t think about it, just give an example.) ……

What Liu Pengxing is doing now is equivalent to changing the “sugar” of bouncing sugar to the type that is most suitable for piercing the “exciting” taste nerve. In this way, it is not only a novelty, but a kind of A feast combining taste and touch!

After the judges tasted the “tornado sausage”, it took about a minute for them to feel the wind disappearing …

“So it turns out, no wonder we weren’t allowed to use knives and forks …”

“This is beyond the scope of the sense of export. As soon as you bite it away, the tornado-like delicious experience immediately erupts from your mouth!”

“No wonder it’s called” Tornado Sausage “… it really deserves its name!”

“Mr. Tang, what’s wrong with you?”

“No, it’s nothing. It’s just that the recipe left by my ancestors is also similar to this” tornado sausage “, but … in comparison, it looks simple!” The judge named Tang shook his head.

The old Tang admitted generously that the recipes left by the Tang family were not as good as Liu Pengxing’s “tornado sausage”.

Dare to face your own weaknesses, you can make better progress, there is nothing to avoid the doctor …

After Liu Pengxing’s score came out, the audience was again in an uproar!

“Ten, eighteen thirty-five?”

“A bit taller than Chef Turhat? Just below the previous chef Antonio …”

“How is it possible? How old is he?”

“It’s worthy of being a” National Treasure Class “master of swordsmanship. I said that there is such a horrible swordsmanship, and it will not be much worse in other respects!”

“Is it because of copying the work of the previous chefs? Or … the judges are worried that he will continue to question the results later, so it is higher?”

Of course, the last few doubts, most people know it is nonsense.

However, at this moment, suddenly Chef Antonio raised his hand and said in everyone’s surprised eyes: “Wait, respected judges, respected Liu Pengxing players … I think I have to question this judgment.”

“Yes, and me.”

“I also question … but don’t worry, we also have a way to prove that our question is wrong.”

“Yes, let’s taste it for ourselves!”


I saw several players who had been questioned by Liu Pengxing before. This time they all raised the “question” of “revenge for ‘sex’”.

It should be said that this should be a cross-cutting matter, but the fact is that there is no smell of fire on the field.

No matter Antonio, Tuhat, questioned judges, Liu Pengxing, no dissatisfaction was seen at this time. Instead, Liu Pengxing immediately served the four questioning chefs, each of whom installed A set of “tornado sausages” was completed.

At this time, Liu Pengxing seemed to be attached to the ‘female’ seat, and each plate was decorated with a decorative carved ‘flower’ …

Four of them questioned Liu Pengxing’s achievements …… In fact, they were also the four chefs who were questioned by Liu Pengxing before. At this time, as a “crossover”, they also tasted Liu Pengxing’s “tornado sausage”!

Suddenly, the four of them “exposed” a look similar to the previous judges.

Although they have been psychologically prepared, after the real tasting, the four chefs were still shocked by the feeling of the “tornado sausage” …

“Is this the so-called unity of two senses?”

“If there is no” God’s Tongue “, I can’t think of any way to achieve such a perfect match!”

“Yes, the tongue of ordinary people can only taste” delicious “and” more delicious “, but they can’t judge why it is delicious … and the taste of our cuisine, because we often have to taste our own food, so after continuous The exercise will be more sensitive than ordinary people, but compared to the ‘God’s tongue’ … “

The tongue of the gods is indeed an advantage that can be called “beneficial” for cooking people.

“Not only the natural” **** tongue “, but also these filaments … Want this sudden” bloom “effect, not only need to be thin, but also must be absolutely uniform, in order to weave it can not be” chaotic “at all … At least I can’t do it. “

“Yes, shredding looks very simple, and can even be said to be basic skills, but to achieve this level, usually talented cooks, it is necessary to work hard for decades!”

“Ordinary people probably don’t see it. I still regret that I haven’t seen the national treasure-level sword skill … But in fact, if the” speed healing knife “is the most gorgeous performance of the national treasure-level sword skill, then now the cut filament It is the most simple performance of the national treasure-level sword skill … “

After seeing several players who nominally “questioned the results”, Liu Pengxing’s food was presented with a big compliment, and the judges couldn’t help but roll their eyes.

Finally, Tang Tang coughed: “Cough, those chefs, do you still have questions?”

“No doubt, although I think my cooking is not bad in terms of pure taste, but considering the taste … No, it is no longer a category of taste. It should be said that it is slightly higher than me if I consider the tactile enjoyment. normal.”

“Well, neither do I.”

“I also think it’s normal to be a little lower than me … Haha!”

“Chef Antonio, how do I feel you are proud?”

Obviously, these people are not really questioning, but “imitation” Liu Pengxing’s previous practice.

Others are embarrassed, but the four of them do not have any burden at all. As for the others … obviously still unable to break through the self and liberate the lower limit …

On the other hand, they also responded to Liu Pengxing’s “respect” for them.

That’s right, Liu Pengxing’s previous questioning behavior can now be regarded as respectful!

Did n’t see other cooks, even if they were questioned?

And in this way, it can be considered to ease the embarrassment of Liu Pengxing …

On the contrary, some of the scores are not high. Before, they only looked at the unreasonable players who despised Liu Pengxing. At this time, they were left on the side and no one took care of it!

Liu Pengxing was almost the last dish to be served on the sixth field. After that, few people submitted it, and there were no outstanding performances. A “high score” of 18 points or more. In the sixth field, there are four people including Liu Pengxing. , And one person is close to 18 points …

“The ‘all · blue’ contest qualifier and the sixth branch venue are over here! After the organizer’s” American Development Association “decided, this contest includes all commercial income such as” gate “tickets and broadcast copyright fees. , Will be donated to the suffering countries of Southern Africa who are troubled by the “contagious” **** anorexia.

Let’s give the warmest applause to the pillars of the culinary world who participated in this game. In this game, Chef Antonio, Chef Liu Pengxing and Chef Xiwei scored 18.68 points, 18.35 points and 18.29 points respectively. Winning the first, second and third places, and also wishing all the players in the sixth field, in the next game, will get better results! “

Although the ranking of a single venue is meaningless, the final comparison is the team’s total score, but the MC has announced the final top three.

After the game, Pleiades Liu and Antonio and others casually chatted a little, and others also saw that he was absent, and he didn’t talk much …

After leaving the field, Liu Pengxing didn’t even have time to see the performances of Kojiro Yokonomiya and Dongmi Mizuhara of the same team, so he immediately flew to the ninth field, which is the branch venue where Erina!

At this time, the stadium on the 9th had also ended, Liu Pengxing had to pull a big sister casually, and inquired about the previous game …

“You said about the game on the 9th? Sorry, I’m a layman, but I can’t remember the names of so many chefs … Um? You said the highest score? I just remember that the three highest scores this time were actually all It ’s a ‘women’! By the way, the second of them is still young, with blonde hair, and seems to be still in school. “

“Thank you!”

Liu Pengxing hurriedly thanked him and hurried to the lounge of the “seed team”.

“Erina, you …”



Under the anxiety of Liu Peng, it was too late to knock on the ‘door’ and pushed the lounge directly away. Who knows where to look, under the waterfall of gold ‘color’ (gold ‘color’ long hair), it was a snow-white broken wall (Unexplained), on the other side of the broken wall, there are two equally white peaks (also unexplained).

And when Liu Pengxing was dumbfounded, his “stunned” triggered the dissatisfaction of Feisha, who was also in the house. Just as Erina screamed, Feisha picked up a small coffee table and smashed Liu Pengxing out … …

Ten minutes later, Liu Pengxing aggrieved sat on the small sofa in the lounge and accepted the torture confession from the other two “women”.

“Say! Are you abnormal!” Feishan said dissatisfiedly.

“I really didn’t do it on purpose, and … how do you change your clothes without locking the” door “?” Liu Pengxing said aggrievedly.

That’s right, Erina was just changing her cooking clothes into ordinary casual clothes. As a result, Liu Pengxing broke in, and the timing was chosen as if the time had been pinched.

Changing clothes is usually divided into two steps, the first step is to take off the previous clothes, the second step is to wear the clothes to be changed, and the time Liu Pengxing came in is that the first step is completed, the second step has not yet taken when!

“Don’t lock the” door “? See for yourself!” Feishan pointed dissatisfiedly at the door.

At this time, Liu Pengxing realized that he had fully exerted his strength under his anxiety before, and “pushed” the “door” lock. Now the “door” lock is hanging on the “door”, as if expressing his With a silent complaint …

“Cough, I … didn’t pay attention … and I didn’t see anything!” Liu Pengxing added a later sentence after discovering that Erina had a bad expression.

“Don’t see? What’s the matter with your nose?” Feisha pointed to Liu Pengxing’s nostril still stuffed with cotton swabs.

“Is this what you smashed?”

This is also that Liu Pengxing has just suffered a bite, otherwise why is it so easy to get a nosebleed?

“How is it possible? Such a small coffee table can make you runny nose?” Feishan’s face was unbelief.

Liu Pengxing’s “desire” cried without tears.

It is true that it is possible to be injured on an ordinary person, but Liu Pengxing … Obviously, apart from Erina, no one believes that he will be nosebleed by external forces!

“Okay, let him go first this time.” Erina said pleadingly.

Liu Pengxing also knew at this time that the two “candidates” Dojima Silver and Hiromi Seten would never come to the lounge at all. Even if they discussed the tactics, they were still in the contact cooking room.

They also think that the other five are all ‘female’ children, and it is more convenient to use the lounge separately …

Therefore, five people, including Erina, naturally locked their “doors” in the lounge and became “lawless.”

And Erina is not like some cooks who usually wear cooking clothes, they are put on before the show, and they are replaced when they are off, but the result is today.

The most unexpected thing is that Erina, who should be the most furious, but later took away the sand, seems to have something to say to Liu Pengxing alone?

Feisha was very worried, and finally quietly said to Erina, “Miss, I will be outside the” door “in a moment. If something is wrong, you shout loudly … If you are too late, you will break the cup!

Still throwing a cup? It’s really wronging you not to be a swordman! Liu Pengxing put Tucao’s words in his heart.

“Are you the second in the branch?” Erina clearly got news from Liu Pengxing.

“Aren’t you too?” Liu Pengxing said angrily.

Liu Pengxing was a bit embarrassed at first, but when he heard Erina talking about it, she immediately became dissatisfied.

It’s not that Erina is mocking him, but because he understands that Erina does the same thing as him …

Erina stared at him, as if to say “you are not too”?

There is a classic joke that a couple of lovers are alone, and the ‘female’ asks the lover “what are you thinking”, but the man said, “it ’s the same as what you think”, and the other side opened his mouth …

Obviously the same logic is actually used by men and women, and Liu Pengxing is now indignant that Erina did the same thing as him.

However, Liu Pengxing’s indignation did not last long, and it turned into worry. The tone softened and asked: “Where did it hurt?”

Liu Pengxing, who has done the same thing, naturally understands that, in that case, if he wants to start the “Fighting for Life”, it is inevitable to launch it against everyone in the audience!

And both of them are second, which means that it is likely to lose once …

Although the judges’ judgment cannot be said to be absolutely accurate, it is still very valuable as a reference.

Liu Pengxing looked at Linger’s lively ‘chaotic’ jump and knew that Erina seemed to be the same as herself in cooking, so do n’t worry too much.

But the physical backlash …

“Did you really not see it?” Erina asked in surprise, but immediately realized that she was leaking.

However, she didn’t wait for her to remedy, just listened to Liu Pengxing said: “Wait, I was just too shocked, I didn’t pay attention, wait for me to play back with the super visual function …”

Liu Pengxing had just said halfway, and then his eyes were up, looking at him, it seems to be really playing back?

Therefore, he did not see the transformation of Erina ’s face ‘color’ from white to green and from green to red. In the end, Erina revived the little tea table again …

And I heard the knife and axe hand of “Wrestling Cup” … No, it was Feishang. At this time, he also rushed in from the outside, and his teeth fell to Liu Pengxing!

“Misunderstanding, misunderstanding …” Liu Pengxing said helplessly.

“Super Vision also has this function? Is it a principle to record the taste tasted by Super Taste?” Erina said coldly.

“No, no! What function?” Of course Liu Pengxing would not admit it again.

“If there is an external attack, will the factory settings be restored?” Erina’s question is even more dangerous.

“I suggest you keep the current preparation …”

At the same time, Liu Pengxing has also used the visual memory function of “super vision” to replay the previous scene!

Indeed, there is a not very eye-catching scar on the lower abdomen of Erina, next to the navel!

In fact, thanks to Liu Pengxing’s “timely” coming in, otherwise the matter of Linina’s “injury” would be discovered by Fei Sha.

Of course, Erina is not prepared to thank Liu Pengxing for it!

Liu Pengxing also found out that before Fei Sha first looked at the “scars” of Erina before the first tea table, he was immediately attracted by the incoming self.

Later, Erina also reacted and immediately masked her “scars”.

Moreover, Pleiades Liu also found that, even if Feishan was fighting with herself, her eyes were occasionally thrown to Erina ’s abdomen, with a little doubt in her eyes.

Sure enough, she saw it just now, but she was not sure. Was it the illusion of memory caused by Liu Pengxing’s sudden “intrusion”?

After all, every inch of Erina ’s body, Feisha knows best …

Cough … It seems a bit weird to say so, but it is true that Feisha knows Erina quite well! Not to mention, the two took a bath and swim together countless times, but she never knew when there was a scar in Erina!

And scars … are the result of skin tissue healing after a wound.

Fei Sha doesn’t think that Erina would have suffered any injuries when she didn’t know, especially when she saw Erina’s abdomen last time, or when she took a bath together a few days ago!

Just a few days ago, Erina was injured and you do n’t know? And can scars occur in such a short period of time?

After discovering that Feisha seemed to be suspicious, Liu Pengxing and Erina also immediately began to squabble and changed the subject.

“I’m so thirsty. It would be nice if I had coffee to drink. There seemed to be a vending machine at the entrance of the venue …” Erina said.

In order not to attract Fei Sha’s attention, Erina also excused her and pulled her out.

At the same time, I didn’t care about restoring the factory settings to Liu Pengxing, and immediately said: “You must find a reason quickly and explain what is going on!”

Liu Pengxing also understands that Erina is not willing to worry about Pingsha, but she also thinks about it.

Who knows that Erina immediately lifted the coffee table for the third time …

“What are you doing?” Liu Pengxing asked dissatisfiedly.

“What are you, what are you doing? At this time, you still have time to think about it!” Erina looked at Liu Pengxing aggrievedly.

Seeing how Erinai was about to cry, Liu Pengxing also felt stunned for a while, but immediately reacted and said helplessly, “I was just thinking, being, thinking, and testing!”

That’s right, when people think, their eyes will be distracted, it looks … just like Liu Pengxing’s previous visit to “visual memory”!

“Oh, then you think …” Erina said half guilty and half suspicious.

Liu Pengxing couldn’t help but hold on for a while. It seems that for a long time to come, he should pay attention to not being distracted in front of Erina!

“So what about your ‘injury’?” Erina tried to use a plain tone, lest Liu Pengxing could hear the meaning of concern.

“Oh! I still don’t know where my” scar “appears!” Liu Pengxing said, pulling away his neckline and looking inside.

When Erina saw Liu Pengxing not treating herself as an outsider, she couldn’t help but said with a white eye: “You go back to your room and watch again!”

Who knows that Liu Peng ’s face looks eccentric and said strangely: “No need to watch ~ ~ is here …”

Coincidentally, it seems that Liu Pengxing’s “scar” is on the front of the upper body?

Looking at Liu Pengxing’s weird expression, Erina seemed to guess what she could not help but ask, “Where?”

“It’s about your position … about half a centimeter away from your central axis than your” scar “, and mine is slightly longer and more upward than yours …”

Erina’s face’s color is again from white to green, from green to red … this is Liu Pengxing’s “I see nothing”?

Liu Pengxing also realized that he was leaking, and looked at Erina with some guilty conscience. When she saw how she was about to explode, she immediately shot the coffee table for many crimes. At the same time, she said witly, “Yes! I know how to explain it!”

Sure enough, Erina was interrupted and asked involuntarily: “How to explain?”

“Just how about the two of us changing our kidneys to make love tokens?”


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