Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 377 - Food area (short, red packets in the group at 10 o\\\'clock ...)

“Don’t worry, even if you are suspended, isn’t it still me? When I first played against the” Central Food Authority “, I was alone and wiped out a team!” Liu Pengxing said to the fourth house in self-blame. –

But at the same time, Liu Pengxing couldn’t help but stunned himself!

“That’s not a situation at all, okay … Hey? What are you thinking?” Qianri Xiangzi discovered the abnormality of Liu Pengxing.

“Yeah … as long as I can” pick “a team … I am in front of the” Italian Royal Cuisine “, but they will enter the venue an hour earlier than us … a total of two hours … so … Um … “Liu Pengxing whispered to himself.

Ganri Xiangzi doubted and confused: “What are you whispering? Don’t you really want to pick a team by yourself?”

The time before the time went back to the night before the lottery …

After Liu Pengxing decided on the strategic policy of “2 + 2 + 1”, he went to Erina’s room again … Of course, it was just to ask for advice!

“Ling’er, do you have any way to quickly get a tacit understanding?”

Erina is definitely not there, but as Linger, who has inherited the cultural heritage of two major cooking civilizations, there may be a way!

“There is a quick way, but even a quick way, it only compresses the time in tens of years to the year. You don’t need to be distracted now,” Linger said.

Obviously, Linger ’s rapid efficiency cannot satisfy Liu Pengxing, but looking at Linger ’s expression, he knows, “Is there a way to use” day “as a unit?” When asked, it will only be regarded as a fool!

But Liu Pengxing was still reluctant to give up, and the persistent asked again: “What method? Let’s just listen.”

“In fact, it’s not a secret. The leaders of the two teams in front of you are also using this method. Otherwise, how can you cultivate four assistants who can perfectly cooperate with yourself …” Linger said.

“You mean … they have inherited the ancient cuisine civilization?”

“Not necessarily, the inheritance of the ancient cooking civilization was also developed by people. Even if it is lost, it will be normal for future generations to redevelop it … and this method is not the product of the two ancient civilizations, but I figured it out myself. As long as both “Sophisticated” Shen Cuisine “and” Material Cuisine “have reached a certain height, it is found that this method is also very normal.” Linger obviously has no entanglement in this issue.

Seeing Liu Pengxing’s eyes waiting, Linger didn’t have much appetite, but explained: “In fact, it is the ability of the” Shiyu “to evolve further, and it is not very important for improving your own cooking. You do n’t need to be distracted. reads ;. “

“Shiyu? Those kitchen workers have mastered” Shiyu “or even further?” Liu Pengxing said with surprise.

As a further evolution of the “food sense”, “food emperor” can be said to be the standard of the chef. It is too luxurious to directly use the cook who has a higher level of ability than “food emperor”. Is that right?

“No, it is their master chef who has mastered this ability.” Linger said.

Liu Pengxing said with a “suspicious” confusing “face” when he heard the words. What is the relationship between the chef and the chef?

“If” Shiyu “goes one step further, it can be transformed into” Food Area “…”

“What?” Liu Pengxing apparently listened to ‘mixing’.

“Food domain, domain domain!”

“Food area … what effect?” Liu Pengxing actually had some speculation faintly.

After the initial “food sense”, it can make the cook more concentrated on cooking and exert a stronger cooking skills. The further “food imperialism” also makes the cook’s concentration, which can be better for the entire kitchen. Cooperate with other cooks, and “food area” …

“‘Food Domain’ is equivalent to combining ‘Food Emperor’ with ‘Cooking Heart’, usually the master chef who has mastered ‘Food Emperor’. If you have ‘Cooking Heart’ again, it is not difficult to master this method.” Linger said.

The sense of food is to make one’s spirit of “fine” more concentrated, which in turn enhances the cooking skills displayed, and at the same time is the basis of the existence of the kitchen heart. It has even become a “kitchen heart prototype”, so it was a “material” in the ancient cooking civilization “Cooking” and “Essence of God” common ground.

However, in terms of “spiritual cuisine”, there is no need to further derive the sense of food, as long as it maintains the existence and normal use of the “heart of the kitchen” through the sense of food, the two ways of awakening the sense of food are also different. The “food sense” awakened by a comprehensive understanding of ingredients belongs to the category of material cuisine …

In the era of ancient cooking civilization, “Food Emperor” is the representative ability of “material cuisine”, and the “‘fine’ **** cuisine” system that relies on the chef’s heart usually resists the cooperation of multiple people, which will confuse their will. …

In Linger’s words, as long as you master both the “food master” of material cuisine and the “kitchen heart” of “sophisticated” **** cuisine, it is not difficult to further derive the “food domain”!

“… The” food domain “combined with” kitchen heart “is equivalent to making your own kitchen heart enveloped in the whole kitchen, which can help the assistant without the” heart “to influence the” source “of ingredients. The influence of the chef’s “heart” is to avoid the “source” of the ingredients from being disturbed. “Linger said.

Liu Pengxing only reacted for a long time. Isn’t this equivalent to a weakened and more demanding “devil’s heart”?

When the kitchen workers cooperate, they can enable the kitchen workers to have some of their own “heart” ability, which fundamentally solves the problem of the “source” of the ingredients being disturbed and “ chaotic ”!

“Then teach me quickly! Isn’t it easy?” Liu Pengxing said immediately.

Linger glanced at him silently, and Erina could not help saying at this time: “If it is really useful, I will have learned it!”

“First of all, I ’m saying“ it ’s not difficult ”, and it ’s not simple enough that you can do it in a moment! You have also seen many chefs who have both“ Shiyu ”and“ Chuxin ”, and several “Food domain”? Even if I have a systematic way of mastering, it is not so easy to succeed!

In addition, even if you master the “food area”, it only makes the coordination easier and can save ten times the time … but even one-tenth of the time is calculated in “years …”

After Linger and Erina explained, Liu Pengxing also understood that this was actually bad news, just a few days … Even in the two or three months of the entire schedule, Liu Pengxing and Erina were “under normal circumstances” not enough to master this Ability, but know the leader of the “Italian Royal Cuisine Team” and “Hundred Stars Three British Team”, has a great advantage reads in the team competition ;!

At that time, Liu Pengxing left in disappointment, but that night, Liu Pengxing suddenly thought of another thing …

The “food domain” is equivalent to exuding the “kitchen heart” in the form of a domain.

As long as the tacit understanding between the chef and the chef reaches a certain level, this part of the field can be used as part of the heart of the chef.

In this way, the “cooking heart” is unified, and the natural coordination of “sex” will be greatly improved!

However, it is not necessary to simply bring in a person. The prerequisite of “a certain degree of understanding” is inevitable.

What Liu Pengxing thought was … to distribute the “heart of the kitchen” to the whole kitchen? If you distribute …

At this time in the backup of “Super Vision”, He Ran has a culinary heart exactly the same as Liu Pengxing himself!

That’s right, it is the “Heart of Cooking” copied from the Four Palaces!

Liu Pengxing is most satisfied with this special kitchen heart with the same name as “Yuan cuisine”. After copying into the scene kitchen heart, Liu Pengxing’s own appearance is shown, not the appearance of the original owner Yoshiro Kojiro …

Otherwise, there is always a fourth house of Kojiro … Liu Pengxing will feel very cold!

This also shows that what is copied is the “heart of cooking”, not “the heart of cooking of Komuro Shinomiya”.

At that time, Liu Pengxing felt vaguely what he seemed to grasp, but his inspiration disappeared.

Until the fourth house was banned, Liu Pengxing suddenly felt that the victory was slim and boasted of his previous team game record. Suddenly he understood what inspiration he had “grabbed” before!

Before the assessment of grades, the barley cut thistle was ‘getting out’ and was reviewed by an unpublished version of the research society. The first one was against the “Chinese Cuisine Research Society”, which was also a team cooking …

At the time, Liu Pengxing asked Mei to make Pleiades, and found all the ingredients used by the other party. After that, he prepared a copy as it was, using super visual capabilities on the spot during the game, and at the same time copying the cooking process of the other four people, one person completed the other team. The cuisine has also been improved!

However, the same means, want to use the “Italian Royal Cuisine Team”, but there is no chance.

As for the strength of the other party, the four people who are not “central gastronomy agencies” can compare.

Using “super vision” simulation of “one-to-one”, Liu Pengxing is still confident, but to ask Liu Pengxing to complete the workload of the other chef with four tacit understanding of the chefs, Liu Pengxing estimates that he is also unable to catch …

The second is also the most important reason, that is, the numbers of the two teams are next to each other, but the entry time is staggered by one hour, which means that when Liu Pengxing and others enter the venue, the other party has already completed half of it.

From the middle, imitate with “super vision” …… This requires other super perception to work together!

Super olfactory captures “smell”, uses super odor to simulate “taste” through “smell”, and then analyzes it, and uses super auditory sense or changes in the source of ingredients to reverse deduce how to deal with “heart” …

It can be said that every step can only be done “in theory”, but there is no certainty!

If it is just a step, Liu Pengxing does n’t mind spelling it out, but there are too many things he is not sure about now. Liu Pengxing feels that trying it now is a blind cat waiting to die.

But “Heart of Cooking” and “Food Domain” gave Liu Pengxing a chance.

The current “Heart of Cooking” is equivalent to an enhanced version of “Liu Pengxing”. If he is integrated into the “Food Domain”, Liu Pengxing is confident that he can cover the whole field with the super five senses to meticulously perhaps he wants to know. All the information reads ;.

“Maybe there is really a chance of success …” Liu Pengxing muttered his eyes firmly.

“After you go back, team up and cooperate! Reality and Da Peng, each of you will assist one of the two of you! I will do some other exercises!” Liu Pengxing said and ran to the direction of “seed team” .

Others did not have time to stop it, and indeed Liu Pengxing did not need the most cooperation.

The essential benefit of having an assistant is that you can save your time, which is to improve efficiency.

Fortunately, Pingzheng Chuangzheng and Pleiades are of the “solid foundation” type, but the efficiency of the two of them per hour is not as good as Liu Pengxing’s fifteen minutes. Assisting Liu Pengxing does not save him much time.

In the evening, Liu Pengxing also made a special call to the fourth house that does not need special training for the time being, so that they do not have to wait for themselves, as long as the four of them cooperate as well as possible …

Liu Pengxing is in the room of Erina, constantly trying to say what Linger said, combining “kitchen heart” and “food imperialism”.

Although Liu Pengxing is not completely sure that his guess can really be realized, but this is already the highest way that Liu Pengxing can think of after the fourth house is suspended!

In the first three days, Liu Pengxing contacted under Linger’s guidance, and after three days, he became Liu Pengxing practicing alone …

Because the “seed team” game is on the fourth day, and after the game, players cannot return to the hotel before the end of the “qualifier team game”, naturally, there is no “linger” that exists alone, and they go together …

And Liu Pengxing conducted another six days of special training.

If it is in a normal state, Ling’er can assert that Liu Pengxing cannot combine “Food Emperor” with “Cooking Heart” within nine days and master the derived “food domain”.

But now because of Pleiades Liu and Erina, in the individual game, they have exerted the momentum of the black wind and double evil, and opened the “Fighting duel” for many people …

Although each of them suffered a backlash, because of the successful “fighting orders”, their progress in the recent period will be greatly improved.

As a result, Linger said that Liu Pengxing “has some opportunities” …

In the blink of an eye, Liu Pengxing’s grievances reached the last day of the qualifiers.

The task of the judges today is also heavier than the previous nine days!

Taste 10 groups every day before, today I will taste the remaining 12 groups!

The first team enters from ten o’clock in the morning ~ ~ enters the team every hour, that is to say from 12 o’clock noon, you should taste the “one meal” every hour, then The overall score for a “meal” will last until twelve o’clock in the evening to reach the last group.

However, no one sympathizes with them, but there are many who wish to replace them!

Among the five, there are one each of the “three cooking organizations” and one of the “American Development Association” gourmets, and an authoritative cook who has been selected from the folks and is expected to …

Although the five people are all great gourmets in the global culinary world, any restaurant that invites them to eat a meal will have to take the half-month turnover …

But if it wasn’t for “all · blue”, this chance was unexpected, and no one could taste the cuisine of so many star chefs in one day! Gentleman Dong Dong Dong: When it comes to doing it … I send 100 red envelopes in the group! But I still have to explain, there is a reason why there are fewer updates today … My stupid cat fell into the sauce ‘meat’ pot at night (don’t worry, it’s cold), although it’s not hot enough, but it’s ‘get it’ You ca n’t wipe it clean with oil, and you can only bathe it with great effort. After washing and drying in the cold weather, you have to stare at him to roast the oven, and the time is delayed t_t

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