Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 66 - Rainbow Juice

“Hey, doesn’t it really matter to use so many fruits? Even if it is a compound juice, there are too many types. If it is too complicated and cannot be blended, it will fall off!” Feishan frowned. [Eight [(? 一 Chinese (]〉]]]>)}

“Relax, I just pick it up and try it out. Anyway, if anything, I can take it back to snacks at the evening party …”

Feisha expressed silent condemnation of this act of eating more and occupying more.

Liu Pengxing recalled that when he tasted Joya ’s food at noon, the hierarchical fruity aroma, and then he began to grind the various fruits and vegetables and squeeze the juice.

I still do n’t see Liu Pengxing ’s behavior here. It ’s not much different from other people, but the students who saw it were more puzzled why Liu Pengxing wanted to bring back so many fruits and vegetables!

Every time after using the juice extraction equipment, Liu Pengxing carefully scrubbed it clean, and then squeezed other vegetables and fruits …

After that, it is not the same as others!

I saw that Liu Pengxing not only filtered out the pulpy fruit puree, but also used activated carbon and adsorption resin to settle the large and small pigment particles, and only took the upper clear liquid …

In this way, like pumpkins, the final part is actually not much.

Liu Pengxing clearly remembered that there was no pulp left in the flesh of the Qiaoya cuisine that was tasted at noon.

There were still some students who were going to laugh at Liu Pengxing ’s “ignorance”. They first obtained so many kinds of fruits and vegetables, and then over-filtered them. Obviously it was the layman ’s way!

However, Liu Pengxing’s skillful movement made them speak.

After all, Liu Pengxing’s real cooking skills already have “advanced one star”, and it is a versatile “advanced one star”.

Now peeling, dicing, using a juicer … a series of operations are also running in the clouds, as if Liu Pengxing is not a cook, but a professional beverage blender!

For an hour, Liu Pengxing had placed a row of eighteen beakers in front of them, each containing some juice that was at most slightly colored and almost transparent.

At this time, Liu Pengxing took out another test tube, poured each juice in it, and tasted it one by one. After each taste, he brushed the test tube once …

Use the memory of “God’s Tongue” to completely record the taste of each juice!

Afterwards, I recalled the layered fruity aroma of beef at that time …

While reminiscing, Liu Pengxing also felt that he had a feeling of adding digestive food, not that the food in the stomach was really reduced, but that the energy existing in the food was being consumed!

It is this energy that the tongue of God usually consumes … Liu Pengxing named it “the energy of food”.

“Energy of food” has nothing to do with the calories and satiety in food, but simply derives its deliciousness!

But I have tasted so many special dishes before, so don’t worry about it for a while.

Because the cooking skills did not meet the requirements, this recipe Liu Pengxing can not be used directly, and the fruity aroma of beef is not suitable for copying into juice!

After recalling the compound fruit fragrance, countless formulas flashed in Liu Pengxing’s mind. The reference is the beef fruit fragrance tasted before, and the basic factors used are each of the clear juices tasted before …

Mila’s “spices inequality” is also a kind of mental arithmetic ability to a certain extent, which can simulate the role of spices under various variables very quickly like a computer.

However, Liu Pengxing only realized at this time that the original use of “stunt”, like the memory ability of “God’s Tongue”, requires the consumption of “energy of food”.

And just after Liu Pengxing ’s simulation formula increased the number of “factors” to six, the feeling of freedom before disappeared, replaced by a slightly swollen mind, seven kinds of dizziness, and eight kinds of dizziness because of the tingling of the head , And could not continue anymore, had to reduce back to seven kinds …

“The ‘spices inequality’ can only be done to such a degree? It shouldn’t be … not right! It should be because my current cooking is only ‘advanced one star’, and many of the awakened stunts are probably not complete!” Liu Pengxing secretly said.

Since then, he has been using the seven as the calculation standard, repeatedly experimenting with various possibilities in his mind.

Of course, this kind of simulation calculation is flawed, that is, it can only simulate the taste, but not the taste of the mouth. And for the spice or the clear liquid now, the simulation is not affected. If you simulate the ingredients, it will Because there are too many changes, it is impossible to catch up.

In the comics, Mila’s magic weapon is just to copy the opponent’s cuisine and add spices to improve it. It is tactically the same as Meizuo Pleiades, but the method is more clever …

However, there are fatal weaknesses in his cooking skills. In the dark cooking world, although Mila and Zhu Qi are both ranked as the five tiger stars, they both obviously fear Ling Kai from the heart and treat them with Yajian and Yan Xian. Kai You’s attitude is completely different, and her status and voice are far inferior to the other three.

“What are you doing? How is it?” Feishan saw Liu Pengxing has been “stunned”, could not help but interrupted.

And Liu Pengxing also recovered, staring at the beaker of apple juice for a while, and then said to Feisha: “Help me pour a glass of apple brandy.”

Brandy is mostly made from grapes, but there are also apples, cherries, and other fruits, but brandy is not common.

After Scarlet Sand brought a glass of brandy, Liu Pengxing poured into the test tube and took a small sip, feeling the taste …

Although minors should not drink alcohol, after all, the nature of work and study is special, as long as they do not drink alcohol, the tutor will not say much even if he sees it.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, other trainees have tried several kinds of ratios, and almost at the final stage, Liu Pengxing finally moved!

Six of the eighteen beakers were taken out, and each was poured into a certain amount in a thick test tube. Afterwards, a set of ice plates were cooled with a freezer, and ice cubes were taken for use.

In the crystal glass, a very small amount of brandy was poured, and then five and a half ice cubes were added, and the clear juice in the six test tubes prepared before was added to the glass!

Afterwards, using a thin glass rod, in a drink with ice cubes, slowly stirred up …

At the beginning of the ice cube, because the beverage itself was above zero, it melted faster, gradually because the temperature of the ice-water mixture was near zero, and the temperature slowed down.

But Liu Pengxing was still slowly stirring, until ten minutes later, the last trace of ice crystals also completely melted, and Liu Pengxing also presented the work directly!

Seeing that Liu Pengxing was so careless, he didn’t try it at all, or even tasted it. It seemed that he had to hand in the work directly, and other students couldn’t help but disdain.

At this time, except for one-third of the students who have passed the assessment, the other two-thirds of the students have also submitted the results at least once, but they are only unqualified.

“Oh, I thought I had some skills before! I didn’t expect to be surprised, but then I handed over the messy things!”

“That’s it, I picked up so many things and came back, and finally knew that the taste was too confusing, and actually used a full of seven kinds …”

“In the end he didn’t even taste it? Hehe, does he really know what it is in his hands?”

“You don’t get it! Just like people close their eyes after tossing a coin, anyway, it’s foolish. It’s better to be more exciting than not seeing the result.”

The sarcasm came from a small number of students. Most of them were students who did not pass. At this time, they are going to find some comfort in Liu Pengxing, and some have already passed, and want to find some superiority.

It wasn’t until Quiet Sand glanced around for a while that it gradually calmed down. After all, as the secretary of Shijie Huilin, Common Sandy didn’t dare to offend easily.

At this time, Liu Pengxing delivered his six kinds of fruits, plus apple brandy and soft drinks, and handed them to Yuanguo in a tray.

Previously, because of the ice cubes, the water content of this drink was just right, and it was at the best zero degree, so Liu Pengxing delivered it in time, and did not take care of others or wait for others to submit the work first … …

“Master Kuji, please” appreciate “my work! I call it … Rainbow Juice!” Said Liu Pengxing, a gentleman.

“Rainbow juice?” Mu Jiuzhi picked up the glass with some doubt.

I feel that the name is somewhat untrue, because of excessive filtration, the natural pigments in the juice are also calmed out. Now, this glass of compound juice is almost completely transparent, but it is slightly light gold, what is called “rainbow” …

“Huh?” At this moment, Mu Jiuzhi suddenly made a suspicious voice ~ ~ Just at the moment, she seemed to see, in the “Rainbow Juice” under the light, it seemed to really reflect There was a faint rainbow halo.

Mu Jiuzhi took a soft sip, and then kept the juice in his mouth to fully feel the taste. Mu Jiuzhi immediately widened his eyes and had been a little nervous. Mu Jiuzhi was finally no longer interested at this moment. restraint……

Apple brandy, grapes, blackberries, cranberries, cherries, honey apricots and angel pears … obviously added six kinds of juice and a kind of spirits, but the taste is completely unobtrusive. Instead, they are set against each other. Stretching fruity aromas come over with shock!

On the one hand, the taste buds were shocked as if they were bombarded indiscriminately, on the other hand, Mu Jiuzhi seemed to be in a fruit manor in the Americas, lying quietly on the lounge chair in the afternoon manor.

Filled with fruity fragrance, from time to time sip rainbow juice on hand …

When he came back, Mu Jiu knew that he was lying on the chair abnormally, causing the two hind legs of the chair to land on the ground, and slowly rocking one by one. If it was not Liu Pengxing’s eyes, he held it behind. As for the back of the chair, I’m afraid she has to fall to the ground like a naughty child.

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