Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 88 - Halberd start

In an instant, “accommodation practice” has been over for a week, and on Saturday morning, the third halberd field in Yuanyue was lively again!

During this week, the news of Liu Pengxing and Mei Zuo’s “Eating Halberd” has been well known among the students.

In one year, some people may not know the full name of Professor Chapel, but no one will never know this halberd!

After all, the two sides of the halberd, from the beginning of school, use the “bad” way to eat halberd, and the dirty means of persecuting others to eat halberd, constantly betting on the other party’s most beloved kitchen knife to deprive others. Pleasure for the pride of cooking people.

On the other hand, one of the only two transfer students, Liu Pengxing, who had made a splash in the two months after the start of the school and had a reputation for being a year-round!

If the most unpopular students are selected, Pleiades will have the chance to hit the first place, and Pleiades Liu will also have the chance to rush into the top ten, but the difference is that if the most popular boys are selected, Pleiades Liu will also have the opportunity to enter the top 20, but the works Don’t even think about Pleiades …

When the ten o’clock of the halberd is approaching, the whole halberd field seems to have been filled with five or six hundred students. This is already the total number of annual students after “accommodation training”. Younger students are also confused, such as the “Three Mountains” of Xiangyan, who has made up his mind to cheer Liu Pengxing.

“Good morning everyone! I am the master of this halberd … Kawashima Rei!”

At ten o’clock, the sound of Kawashima Rei who had some traces of Maie appeared again on the halberd field.

Although Liu Pengxing sounds like her voice is somewhat pretentious, but many boys just cheered on this set, naturally accompanied by it, and there must be some other girls unhappy.

Seeing Kawashima’s appearance, Liu Pengxing could not help but whisper: “Does the college only have a master of ceremonies? Why is she every time? At least Yui Sasaki, who I saw during the first day of class before, can also be a master of ceremonies …”

In fact, the reason why Liu Pengxing thinks so is entirely because his “famous” is too high!

The students named in the ceremonial department are naturally more than Kawashima Li, but Kawashima Li is the most popular among them. Naturally, she is also responsible for those popular halberds, and Liu Pengxing ’s public halberds are all in the ” Within the category of “high popularity”, so there is the illusion of “always her”

Otherwise, in the case of other unknown soldiers, Shiji will never encounter Kawashima Rei as the master of ceremonies!

“The first thing to show is the beautiful pleiades of a year!”

Under the introduction of Kawashima Rei, the tall and beautiful Pleiades, as well as several assisting staff, boarded the side of the cooking station together.

Of course, these staff members only helped him take up too many ingredients, and then left again.

With the introduction of Kawashima Rei, the audience booed and shouted one after another, once making Kawashima Reed unable to speak anymore!

Meizuo plucked her middle finger, turned the whole body of the students in a circle, and shouted at the same time: “Idiot cooking people, whoever feels uncomfortable, I will accept your challenge at any time! No matter what the problem is, the comers will not refuse it! Hahaha, It ’s just a bunch of waste … you! It ’s so fierce, and I will eat halberd with you! “

Of the three people on the jury seat, the middle of the scene was Professor Chapel, a professor lecturer at Yuanyue College. While sitting on either side, one was meticulously combed, with a pair of squinting eyes and two upturned beards. It looks like a middle-aged man in his forties or forties, and on the other side is a man with eyes and a thin body, looking like a man in his thirties.

At this time, seeing the beautiful performance of Pleiades, Chapel could not help but look somber …

Obviously, the glasses guy did n’t mean to “thought” him, but asked directly: “Hey, hello, Professor Chapel, it ’s incredible, there are such students in your college!”

The middle-aged man with a beard also said: “It makes me suspect that I heard it wrong. What is he saying? ‘Idiot’s cooking people?”

“And I heard that it seems that someone is shouting to return the” kitchen knife “to him?”

Chapel also feels that the act of making Pleiades is simply discrediting the college, but he does not have the authority to expel the other party according to the school ’s school rules. After all, the college does not seem to be a “residential training”, the lecturers have the power to make subjective judgments !

Although Chapel can also choose to give him e every time in his class, and cooperate with other lecturers, he can also expel Mei Zuolei, but no Chapel, including Chapel, will do so!

As with the jury appraisal, when they are audited in the hall, the only criterion is whether the food is delicious and meets the requirements …

The performance of Mei Zuo Peng is impeccable!

“I’m also very sorry. Among the students in Yuanyue, there are people with such misbehavior and lack of respect for cooking, but … this time, the two people are still asked to review impartially!” Chapel said helplessly .

“Oh, rest assured, I’m professional! A cook who is more annoying than him, I have met when I also used materials!” Said the glasses man, his identity is the famous “food critic” An Dong Shenwu, in In the cooking world, it can also be a small restaurant that is not well-known, bringing countless customers, and it can also reduce the number of people in the boring restaurant!

“Yes, since we are foodies, naturally this industry will not be tarnished, even if the reviewers hate it!” Said Shigeru Kadaka, who is a mustache.

He is also a foodie, but unlike Anton, who often reviews articles in magazines, his main service object is high-end restaurants, which serve the famous chefs, which is equivalent to the weakened version of Erina …

The audience felt the maliciousness of Mei Zuo Peng and saw that Mei Zuo Peng really wrote down every provocative person, and the scene gradually became quieter.

Kawashima Li was able to continue to announce: “Then the other party is an old friend of the halberd field, and it is also the annual Liu Pengxing!”

“Transfer students! Get rid of the **** opposite!”

“Come on, let him go down!”

“Transfer students, don’t lose …”

Liu Pengxing couldn’t help but straighten his mouth, it seems that “comparison” is still very important, this seems to be the first time, cheering over boos when he debuted.

Of course, there are still some whispers of sour water, but at this time, I dare not overwhelm everyone’s cheering, just like before, the support for Liu Pengxing did not dare to press more boos.

While Liu Pengxing helped him push the ingredients up, it was Dawu and Zhaoji …

The ingredients of both sides are in the trolley, and now they are covered with curtains. Before the audience and the judges, they did not know what they prepared.

“The following I announce that the theme is” Burning wheat “, specifically requesting” each person should make at least 2oo servings of burning wheat “, and the bet is that” Classmate Liu Pengxing no longer cooks “and” Classmate Liu Pengxing “will receive a school festival in the second half of this year. In the middle, challenge the qualification of Ruishan Zhijin, if the turnover of Liu Pengxing in the school festival in the second half of the year is higher, then Ruishan seniors must take the ten outstanding seats as a bet and eat halberd with Liu Pengxing’s classmates!

The two players against Liu Pengxing and Mei Zuolei have a time limit of 4 hours … The halberd officially started! “

Many students learned at this time that the official bets on both sides could not help but stunned …

“It turns out … that guy wants …”

“Shijie seat? He has just been in school for more than two months?”

“However, it is really difficult to challenge the seats of the ten heroes. It is actually necessary to pass the challenge in two consecutive steps.”

“Sure enough! Mei Zuo Plei is Rui … is that guy’s minions!”

“These are not the point! Two hundred servings … two people add up to four hundred servings … that means we can all taste it too?”

Everyone also heard that this halberd is not so much between Liu Pengxing and Mei Zuolei, but rather between Liu Pengxing and Ruishan! The name of Mei Zuo Peng did not even appear in the bet …

Anton on the jury also muttered, “2oo servings in three hours! Even if it is calculated according to the minimum amount, one serving would require three roasted wheat? Counting one serving per minute, just this degree, for For ordinary students, is it already difficult? “

Chapel said: “It is true, but this time the halberd was originally the continuation of the informal eating halberd of the two people in the previous” accommodation training “. In that informal halberd, Liu Pengxing spent two hours. Here, I completed six hundred servings of roasted wheat! And since Meisui Peng dare to impose such conditions, it will certainly be able to cope! “

At least in the mind of Mei Zuo Plei now, this condition added by Ruishan is too good for him …

In the prediction of Mei Zuo Peng, for Liu Peng Xing, the cooking he prepared, in his ghost’s degree, was definitely a little more than three hours, half of the time was enough, but for Mei Zuo Peng, three hours It was just right.

Mei Zuo Peng sneered and said in his heart: “And it doesn’t have to be the last, Liu Pengxing will appear in the middle, it is impossible for him to defeat me! The remaining time at that time is not enough for him to conceive a You can finish 2oo servings in the remaining time! Come on, let me see your face as if you have won, knowing how you will lose! “

“Someone said you laughed awkwardly?” Liu Pengxing turned around and opened the white cloth on his material car ~ ~ I saw that apart from a few spices and flour There are also several large dried pork hams, shrimps, eggs, and rape. It seems that the filling is mainly composed of these four!

At the same time, Meizuo Pleiades continued to look at Liu Pengxing, while confidently reaching out and pulling the lid off the dining car behind him …

“What, what?”

“Look at it! The raw material for the beautiful Pleiades …”

“Oops! Has the food for the shift students been leaked?”

“I knew that guy was unreliable!”

“Wait a minute, the skills of the intermediary students may not be imitated by the beautiful Pleiades …”

After seeing the ingredients of Pleiades, the students could not help but exclaim!

Yes, the ingredients used for the beautiful Pleiades are almost exactly the same as Liu Pengxing … (to be continued.)

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