
Chapter 11 Be the best one!

Chapter 11 Be the best one!
Turin, Serie A Torino club training ground.

The players of the Torino team are training in groups under the leadership of assistant coach Costacurta.In three days, the new season of Serie A will kick off. The first game of the Turin team is an away game against the Blue Eagles Lazio.

Accompanied by his assistant, Cairo quietly stood on the sidelines and watched the team's training. Obviously, Mr. Chairman was very dissatisfied with the team's head coach Novellino who asked for leave to go home at such a critical moment.

Recoba did not train with the team because of a leg injury, and received a massage from the team doctor on the sidelines.

For Recoba, Mr. Chairman still values ​​it very much. This is the most famous player in the team now. According to Cairo's thinking, he is always a little old, but his ability is there. He is now praying The most important thing is that the Uruguayan should not be injured again. As long as Recoba can play half of his skills, it will be of great help to the team. The key is that this kind of good luck seems to be unlucky. It's almost a battle with injuries.

"Alvaro, how do you feel?" Cairo walked forward and asked with concern.

"It's much better, Mr. Chairman, thank you. You should be able to play the first game." Recoba said lightly. Recoba was quite grateful for the Turin team's acceptance. He wanted to prove it to Mr. Moratti. Not old yet, he is still the top Recoba!All-powerful Recoba!

There was a loud bang, Kairo shook his head helplessly, and his eyes became more and more gloomy.

Bielanovic received a long pass from Corini, successfully turned offside, cut into the penalty area, swayed past goalkeeper Abbiati, and bounced off the goalpost with a strong shot, followed by Japanese player Masashi A follow-up shot, facing an empty goal, actually hit the billboard behind the goal---

Cairo looked at the big black general and shook his head. If it hadn't been for the sponsorship of a Japanese company, he would not have brought this Asian. Asians are indeed not suitable for playing football, even Japan, the Asian football powerhouse.

At this time, Cairo saw Costacurta on the side, and suddenly remembered the Chinese player that Albertini and Costacurta jointly recommended for him, and his heart beat for a while. The Japanese players are all so virtuous, and the Chinese players are even more so. Needless to say, but thinking of the common praise of these two former AC Milan stars, the most important thing is that Albertini’s text messages are still on the mobile phone around his waist. Demy sent a message to Cairo, repeatedly saying that this Chinese is a genius.

For Albertini, Cairo appreciates it very much. If he had not decided to retire, it is estimated that the chairman of Turin would consider inviting him to play in Turin for another year.

"Demi's vision should be okay!" Cairo decided not to think about the Chinese player, and comforted himself. Anyway, a young player doesn't need much investment. Let's talk about it when we come.

At this time, Ventola, who was the main player on the field, took another shot from close at hand and hit the plane directly.

Cairo couldn't stand it anymore, called his assistant, and left with a dark face.

In Liege, Belgium, it suddenly rained. This season, Liege rarely rains.Through the thick ground glass, you can see the drops of water, slowly sliding down.

"Demi! I've decided! Go to Turin!" Xiang Nan's eyes were firm, "But I have to go home and talk to my grandma first. Although I have made a decision, I still need the old man's consent!"

"Okay, Andre!" Albertini nodded, expressing his understanding, "Okay, Andrea, then I'll wait for your call. It's best to give me an answer this afternoon, and I'll go prepare first."

"Thank you, Demi." Xiang Nan expressed his gratitude sincerely.

"When we arrive in Turin, just play football well. I have given Mr. Cairo a guarantee. Don't let my Albertini's reputation be compromised!" Albertini felt the same when he saw that Xiang Nan agreed. Not bad, "As for the school, don't worry, Carl will take care of it for you."

Albertini looked at the young Chinese boy and said seriously, "Andre, I don't want the anger to blind you. Pato won the Club World Cup and he proved himself, so AC Milan is willing to support him. Spend 2200 million euros, if you prove yourself in Turin, I believe Mr Galliani will regret today's hasty decision, but he will be happy to bring you to San Siro. Football always depends on strength!"

Xiang Nan nodded seriously, thanking Demi for his teaching.

"Okay, Demi!" Xiang Nan stretched out his hand, "Wait for my call."

Albertini also extended his hand and shook Xiang Nan tightly, "Good luck, Andrea."

Walking to the door, as if thinking of something, Xiang Nan came back and took out a small notebook from his waist, "Demi, can you sign it for me?"

Albertini was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, "Happy to help!"

Driving southward in Simao's classic car, he ran all the way home; he was still thinking about how to persuade his grandma to agree to go to Turin to play football.

Xiang Nan has also thought about the matter of studies, and asked Carl to help him apply to the school for a day-study transfer, so that he can finish his remaining courses at the University of Turin. Therefore, the issue of his diploma, which the elderly are most concerned about, can be properly taken care of solved.

Just like most Chinese, the elderly value their children's diplomas very much. This is the same feeling as domestic parents. After all, the blood of China is the same, and the cultural influence of thousands of years is like this.

"Should agree!" Xiang Nan thought for a while, and comforted himself in his heart.

Surprisingly, my grandma didn't object to going to Turin to play football and starting a promising career as a professional player, and she agreed directly.

Xiang Nan didn't think too much about it, anyway, the most important thing now is the old man's consent, which is more important than anything else.

Grandma only said one sentence, which could be regarded as advice to her grandson, "The road is chosen by oneself, and if you want to do it, you must be the best one!"

Xiang Nan nodded heavily, keeping the old man's words firmly in his heart. It should be said that the education Xiang Nan received since he was a child is the Chinese people's "eternal striving for the first"!In everything we do, we strive for perfection and strive for No.1.

With the help of grandma, I packed up the salute.The old man may think that his grandson is going to go out alone, and his mood is also very contradictory. Neither the grandson nor the grandson talked like this, the atmosphere is a bit dull, and the parting is sad.

Looking at the old man who brought him up with one hand, Xiang Nan felt a sore nose, turned his head away, and wiped away his tears.Xiang Nan has always been a strong child, and this should be one of the few times this child has shed tears since he grew up.

"Okay, I'm still crying at this age." Grandma wiped Xiang Nan's tears with a towel, "Go, say goodbye to Xi Mang and the others! Remember, friends are your eternal wealth."

Driving southward in Ximang's classic car, he was driving very slowly. Suddenly, he really wanted to take a serious look at the place where he had lived for more than ten years.

When you reach the banks of the Meuse River, stop the car in the south direction and walk out of the car door.

The Meuse is always like this, quiet and busy, quiet because there is less hustle and bustle, people are surfing or racing, having fun, busy because of the busy small cargo ships and barges on the canal tributaries The waterway is the main theme.

Along the Meuse River, see the world's largest rose garden theChateau d'Annevoi, with a spherical dome church and Bayard Rock Dedinan City ------

A gust of fresh river wind blows, and Xiangnan feels comfortable for a while, only feels the incomparable joy in his chest, roaring and roaring towards the flowing river.

Get in the car, drive full power, Simao's classic car makes a rumbling roar, and drives towards Sart Tilman like lightning.

After thinking about it, Xiang Nan felt that he should be kind, so he should make a phone call first, "Hi, Simao, I'm sorry, something happened to your precious classic car, I really——"

Simao's angry roar came from the other end of the phone, followed by the complaint of a sexy hot girl, "Simano, am I not as important as your classic car?"

"No! Honey, it's more important than you." Simao smiled at his sweetheart, and then Simao roared into the phone, "Nan, you wait———"

Hanging up the phone, Xiang Nan laughed loudly, otherwise, who knows when Simao will wake up, ho ho, he is in the heat of the rut season—— he is an energetic guy.

One step on the accelerator - - - - - - -

(End of this chapter)

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