
Chapter 117

Chapter 117 The Premier League Years: The Athenian Beauty Without a Man
On February 2008, 2, the sunshine in Athens was abundant, and the sea breeze from the Aegean Sea was blowing, which made me feel very comfortable.

The turf of the Kara Iskaki Stadium in Olympiacos is very good. It seems that in Athens, a place favored by the gods, all living things grow so superiorly——
Uh... Of course, Londoners don't think Greek football can compete with the ancestor of modern football --- English football ---! !
'Dud beep', with the two whistles of the first team assistant coach Ray Wilkins, today's adaptation training is over, Olympiacos, only for the opponent from London, half an hour of adaptation training time.

At this time, the team members saw Grant walking over with a notebook, "Come here, everyone"! !

Everyone understands that it is the starting list for tomorrow's game, and everyone's faces are full of anticipation, like a battle-tested soldier who hears the horn of battle and can't help but feel excited! !
Although it was a closed training, Chelsea also had to guard against Olympiacos' spies, so Grant's voice was kept as low as possible:
"Before we came to Greece, I believe everyone must still remember what that Scottish bumpkin said?"

Everyone nodded. Everyone knew who Mr. Grant was talking about. To be honest, although it was not the first time for most Chelsea players to face the psychological attack of teammate Ferguson, but now, they still feel it from the bottom of their hearts. anger! ! !
Uh... I have to say, we have every reason to doubt whether Ferguson has studied psychology at the famous London University? ! !
Well, in this case, the godfather of Manchester United and Xiang Nan are still alumni now! !
However, the first encounter between the two was not friendly...

"After I came to Athens, I also noticed that everyone's attitude towards this matter, no one went out to clubs, and no one brought women into the room. I am very satisfied!! So, now—" Grant held his arm Lift it up suddenly! !
Uh... I have to say, this gesture is somewhat similar to that famous pose of Otto the Great! !
"So, now—tell me with your determination, what do you hope to achieve in tomorrow's game!! What do you need!!"

"Victory!! Victory!!" This was Terry's voice, and now it was time for him, the captain, to boost everyone's morale.

"Victory!" Everyone shouted together! !

Grant nodded, obviously very satisfied with the team's morale, glanced at the players, the Israeli opened his book, and the famous Tel Aviv-accented English sounded, and a series of names popped up:
Cech, Belletti, Carvalho, Terry, Ashley Cole, Ballack, Essien, Makelele, Malouda, Drogba, South

When Xiang Nan heard his name, his heart trembled slightly. Although he firmly believed that with his recent good performance, he would enter the starting list, but when he heard his name, he was still excited--
This is the first close contact between Xiangnan and the Champions Cup, the highest level of competition in Europe! !

Champion cup! !

I am coming! !

Are you ready to accept the baptism of war? ! !
Xiangnan looked across the training ground and into the distance, and saw a statue of an ancient Greek priestess, shining in the sun for a long time...

On February 2008, 2, at 21:13 noon, there were still 2 hours before the start of the game. Fans had begun to gather outside the Kara Iskaki Stadium in large numbers. Today is a festival for fans.

The fans of Olympiacos give people a different impression from the wisdom and rationality of the traditional Greeks. The fans of the big team wear red and white Olympiacos home jerseys, carry the team flag, shout the team song, and stride towards the stadium Go forward, just like the warriors of ancient Greece thousands of years ago, use their blood and sword to conquer! !

The team emblem of the Olympiacos Club is a head portrait of a teenager with an olive branch crown. It is red and white. When Xiang Nan saw the team emblem for the first time, he even thought that the boy wearing the olive crown was a beautiful boy. Priestess...

Uh... Well, I can only say that Athens is really a treasured place to raise people. It is indeed the place closest to Zeus. Even the men in ancient times were so handsome...

What?you say glass? ! !

despise! !
There were also many police cars at the scene. When the police saw the fans of Olympiacos, they did not do anything. On the contrary, some old police officers who were familiar with the local fan leaders made V-shaped gestures towards the fans, responding Theirs is the cheers of fans carrying red and white banners.

'Domit, do you know them well? ' asked a young policeman, addressing an older policeman greeting fans.

"We have been friends for decades. I have been a fan of Olympiacos since I was a child." Domites picked up the walkie-talkie on his body, informed his colleagues about the situation on his side, and glanced at the overly nervous young man beside him. , couldn't help joking, "Aristotle, there's no need to be so nervous, no one will riot!!"

At this moment, nearly 8000 Chelsea fans from afar appeared, shouting slogans, roaring the team song, and putting their arms around the shoulders of their teammates. Of course, there must be almost one bottle of wine in their hands. The swagger walks through the streets, heading towards the stadium...

Uh... God testifies, before the game, the Greek police have strictly prohibited the sale of any alcoholic beverages within a 2-mile radius near the Kara Iskaki Stadium. God knows where the beer in the hands of these fans came from come! !
The appearance of Chelsea fans immediately made the police at the scene feel like they were facing a formidable enemy. You must know that the name of England's "football hooligans" is not just blown out, it has been proved by countless bloody battles! !
"Aristotle, there's work to do!!" Domites glanced at the England fans who were gathering not far away, without hiding the disgust in his eyes, "A bunch of restless guys! ! '

"I heard that the fans in London are relatively mild, and the fans in Manchester and Liverpool are the most powerful," Aristotle suddenly said.

Domi Shide curled his lips, glanced at the young man beside him, did not speak, then picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand, "Attention everyone, enter the guard, and confiscate the beer bottles in the hands of the Englishman"! !

Soon a large number of policemen appeared with shields and separated Chelsea fans from Olympiacos fans. This did not prevent the two sides from greeting each other's female relatives. However, more extreme situations did not appear, which also made the current police chief Breathe a sigh of relief...

As a satellite city of Athens, Lepires is very small. Today is Tuesday, not a rest day, and there are not many people on the streets, so it looks empty.

The bus carrying the Chelsea players came slowly. After passing the intersection of the priestess statue that Xiangnan saw yesterday during the day, it made a turn and saw the Kara Iskaki Stadium from a distance.

Sitting in the middle row facing south, taking off the earphones, you can already hear the noise of the fans. At this time, you can see not far away, a large group of blue crowd and red and white crowd, on both sides of the police Waiting on.

The appearance of the Chelsea bus immediately caused commotion at the scene. The Olympiacos fans who were greeting each other with the Chelsea fans immediately shifted their target——
Because he doesn't understand Greek, Xiang Nan doesn't know what these Greeks are talking about, but looking at the straight middle fingers outside the car window, one can imagine what the Olympiacos are greeting! !
The 'Big Buffalo' sitting next to Xiangnan obviously saw these scenes a lot, curled his lips, "This formation is far worse than their neighboring Turks..."

Looking at Essien's stinky fart to the south, he was speechless for a while. According to the meaning of "big buffalo", if some fans ran over and overturned the bus, would it be enough? ! !
Uh... I have to say, it really is 'a big man is fearless! ! '

At this time, Lineker suddenly raised his head and said, "Could it be that all the men from Le Piret are here?" ! ! '

At this time, Taylor, the silent baby who had been silent all this time, suddenly said:
'Then the only ones at home now are the Athenian beauties? ...'

Xiang Nan looked at Taylor, whose eyes were glowing green, and couldn't help but lament, this poor poisoned child, he knew that the guy sitting with Ashley Cole would learn to be bad! !

Turning his head away, he couldn't bear to look at this bad buddy again, but saw the eyes of a carload of werewolves...

"You guys, the game will be played in a while. If the game is not good, I will strip you and give it to those Athens women who don't have men!! How do you die?!" First team assistant coach Ray Will Mr. Kings finally couldn't stand it anymore and started to growl.

However, Mr. Wilkins soon discovered that this threatening sentence was simply an aphrodisiac for these YD guys...

"Really, old man?" Lineker asked in a low voice.

Uh... As you can imagine, this is definitely the voice of everyone in the bus, represented by 'Big Buffalo'! !

Responding to Lineker was a big angry eyeball...

In addition, the owner of this eyeball is Mr. Grant who has never opened his mouth to get angry...

At this time, outside the bus, a large number of policemen had already lined up a human wall on the route of the bus. Just when the human wall was violently impacted, the bus was escorted by two motorcycle policemen who were sounding their horns to clear the way. Accelerated, broke away from the siege of the Greeks, and after a turn, arrived at the internal bus parking lot of the Kara Iskaki Stadium
(End of this chapter)

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