
Chapter 399 The Fresh and Wild Wind of Euro 2012! ! (Today's 1st update, I beg everyone to supp

Chapter 399 The fresh and wild wind of Euro 2012! ! (Today's first change, I beg everyone to support the monthly ticket!!)

Valery Lobanovsky Stadium ended up with no miracles! !

In the 120th minute of the game, England got the last chance. Gerrard's long-range shot was not powerful, but the ball arrived at Rooney's feet impartially. His shot was extended by Gamberini. After blocking it for a while, he jumped up, bounced on Rooney's chest and rolled out of the bottom line...

At this time, a ruthless and sharp whistle from the Czech referee Hantunovic pierced the night sky...

At the end of the game, Italy 3:2 England! !

"The game is over!! Long live!! Italy!!! We are moving towards the championship!!! Thank you Andre!! Today's Kip's night belongs to Andre, as he has done, we trust This man, he never disappoints the one who loves him!! God, he scored a hat-trick in this game, every goal can be put in a museum for people to admire!!......Thank you...... Andre, thank you Daniel...thank you our brave fighters!!!" Rossi's excited words formed a sonnet, and the excitement quickly spread.

The entire Valery Lobanovsky Stadium, following the whistle of the referee, has fallen into madness! !
Storari turned around and hugged the goal post, kissing the goal post crazily... This homeless man in the Italian league finally stood on the stage of the competition... And, will continue... all the way! !
On the Italian bench, everyone rushed onto the pitch crazily. Everyone was crazy, some laughed, some shed tears, and most of them lay on the turf, gasping for breath! !

This is just a quarter-final. Before the game, the 2010 World Cup champions didn't seem to take England too seriously. However, this is indeed a tough battle. The Italian fighters have worked hard! !

They have reason to be proud of themselves! !

Xiang Nan got up from the turf, and he rushed to the fan stands, where——
Waving his arms frantically, the tears that could no longer be contained slowly slid down his cheeks! !
These were tears of excitement, and Xiang Nan didn't know what was wrong with him. He wanted to say to himself, wasn't it just that England was eliminated?As for being so excited?However, the excitement in his heart was completely released beyond his control...

Men's tears! !

The night sky of the Valery Lobanovsky Stadium was illuminated so brightly by the flashing lights... Countless people recorded this scene, some were already crying, and some were suppressing the emotion in their hearts——
These are the tears of happiness, these are the tears of a man, these are the tears of joy when fulfilling a promise, these are the tears of chasing dreams! !
There was thunderous applause, cheers and moving emotions from the stands, spreading rapidly from the stands of the Valery Lobanovsky Stadium, to Rome, to the entire Apennine Peninsula, and to the whole world...

Xiang Nan took off his jersey, threw it vigorously towards the stands...

This is a gift for fans! !

The cheers form a powerful sound curtain, which makes people excited and suffocating! !


At this time, in the locker room, an Italian man named Grignino was sitting on a chair, covering his face with his hands, crying fiercely...

"Andre...thank you my brother!!!"


"Andre... our... king!!!" Tosica's voice trembled... The king of San Siro, on this night, completed a great sublimation, and he began to gradually become all Italians King of that holy place of green fields...

If going south in the World Cup 2 years ago was just the pride of this peninsula, now, the Italians have slowly begun to recognize their majesty the king in their hearts... Of course, this still needs the final coronation ceremony ...

When this Chinese man raised the Delaunay Cup high, the king of the Apennine Peninsula was crowned! !

In the name of football! !
Go on, go south! !Come on, Andre! !

This is a history of personal struggle...maybe not spectacular, but it is an epic battle that definitely brings tears to everyone's eyes! ! !

At the moment when the whistle sounded at the end of the game, all the English players were stunned. They stood on the pitch, some looked at the turf under their feet, some looked at the night one spoke...this cruel fact, They couldn't accept it all at once...

Finally, someone started to cry...painful tears that could no longer be suppressed...

They fought hard and tried their best... But in the end, they were the ones who left this hot summer and the green field! !
Gerrard and Terry, two England veterans, stood in the stadium, looking at the night sky of the Valery Lobanovsky Stadium in a daze...

"It's still a failure!!!" They looked at the man who was setting off a crazy storm in the stands of Italian fans...the unwillingness in their was so strong! !
"John, Steven." The England coach Martin O'Neill, who had been relieved from his grief, came over and patted the shoulders of the two captains who were afraid of the team, "You have done a good job... Now, take the boy Guys, go say goodbye to the fans...they're waiting!!!"

In the stands of England fans at the Valery Lobanovsky Stadium, England fans are still singing loudly... At this moment, the singing is full of pathos...

"Don't be sad, lads, don't be sad... you guys are doing well!! All England is so proud of you!! Keep your chests up...stand up and take it, the fans...cheer...because You deserve it!!" England commentator West's voice was low, and he was afraid that he would cry out... There was a sentence that West stuck in his throat and couldn't say, he wanted to say, lose to Italy, lose To Italy that has Andre, you are not ashamed, but this sentence, once it reaches the mouth, it is really impossible to say it again...

Gerrard pulls up James Milner who is crying;
John Terry comforting 'veteran' Rooney crying like a baby...

England players lined up to bid farewell to England fans in the stands at the Valery Lobanovsky Stadium... Applause rang out...

Very tidy! !

loud singing...

"Also thanks to England, they did a great job, they walked out of this stadium with their heads held high, there were no losers... the best England I've ever seen... keep your heads up Let's kill the head... the lads of England..." The provocative words of the commentator on the spot made many England fans, who had already been unable to restrain their tears, burst into tears...

The England team is already leaving... Here, it doesn't belong to them anymore! !

Looking up to the south, England captain John Terry just looked at the cheering Italians in the stadium, then turned around suddenly and got into the player tunnel of the Valery Lobanovsky Stadium, The unwilling eyes left an eternal back when he turned around... At the same time, there was also a man named Steven Gerrard... Maybe there was another man named Ashley Cole Er's man... On the bench, there is a 202cm man named Crouch...

This will be their last European Cup...


From the end of the game, the celebration of the Italian boys began, from the stadium to the locker room to the hotel where they stayed... The sound of cheers came and went.

Back in the locker room, Xiang Nan was hugged tightly by a big man! !
"Andre...I...I fucking love you so much!!" Grinino yelled, and everyone was booing...Only Xiang Nan noticed that the corners of Grignino's eyes were red...this Big guy, you must have cried just now...

Who stipulates that men can't cry?A man's tears, perhaps the most cherished tears in this world...for glory! !For victory! !For failure! !For pain...for promise...

"You damn glass!!" Xiang Nan pushed Greenino away, "I'm sorry, I'm a decent person..."


Sitting on the bus, Nan poked De Rossi who was sitting next to him, "Daniel, you said, we won England, are you too excited, we are the world champions!!"

De Rossi extended the armchair exaggeratedly to make him lie down more comfortably, which aroused the protest of Grigino behind him. The big man got up and grabbed De Rossi's neck, and the two made a fuss...until Lippi I really can't stand it anymore, "You two guys, you are so energetic, do you want to go down and run back to the hotel by yourself?!"

The two were honest. At this time, De Rossi also said seriously, "Yeah, none of us thought that this game would be so difficult... To be honest, this England is really good!!"

Xiang Nan nodded, he knew that what De Rossi meant was not about the strength of the England players this year, but the desire to fight... admirable! !
At this time, Xiang Nan's cell phone rang, and it was a text message.

De Rossi saw that Xiang Nan had a strange expression on his face, and asked him, "Andre, who sent it?"

"It's John, he wished us the final championship!!" Xiang Nan smiled and understood what it meant.

"He's so good? We just beat England!!" De Rossi whistled. To be honest, as Daniel De Rossi's enemy, you might want to strangle Mr. Daniel with both hands...

"It is precisely because we have just defeated England that the English would want us to win the championship." Xiang Nan said.

"I know, losing to the champion is always a kind of psychological comfort!!" This was Qiao Wenke's voice, picking up the words, but his habit...

Xiang Nan didn't speak, he knew that no matter what he said, after being eliminated, Terry and Gerrard would not get out of their sorrow so quickly... No one does not desire the championship! ! !
This is a football player's dream! !

After the quarter-finals, the situation of the semi-finals has also been announced——
June 6, Spain VS Germany (Warsaw, National Stadium)
June 6, Italy VS Croatia (Donetsk, Donbass Arena)
It can be said that most neutral fans should be satisfied with the two semi-finals. Of course, UEFA's marketing department will also be satisfied. The two semi-finals have enough gimmicks to sway the fans. their appetite! !

Of course, what is more important is the big stage of the European Cup... making everyone mesmerized! !
Among them, the game between Germany and Spain was regarded by the German media as a battle of revenge four years later, and they were determined to avenge their shame by stepping on the corpse of the Spaniard to enter the final.

On June 2008, 6, in the final of the 29th European Cup, at the Ernst Happel Stadium in Vienna, the German chariot was overturned by the Spanish matador... That night also became the pain in the hearts of the Germans memories of...

However, most of the German media still maintain a cautious attitude towards the match against Spain, which is also related to the cautious and serious disposition of the Germans. However, the strong strength shown by the defending champion Spain does make the Germans feel Not easy to deal with...


On June 6th, the Italian team took a bus from Kip to the venue of the semi-finals, Donetsk, Ukraine...

Southward pulled down the curtains of the car window a little bit, the harsh sunlight at noon made him feel uncomfortable.

"Andrei, you might as well pull it all down, take a nap, wake up, and you'll be in Donetsk." Grinino said, the kid was stalking and got rid of the pair of police sunglasses facing south. In the past, he also said that if he took it to the auction, he should be able to make a small profit...

"No, I want to see the scenery outside the window." Xiang Nan said, at this moment, seeing Grignino's sullen expression, he suddenly smiled triumphantly, "Look, fucker?!!! "

"Where? Where?!!!" A voice sounded.

Xiangnan was completely defeated, Glinino hadn't reacted yet, and De Rossi, who was already asleep sitting next to Xiangnan, quickly showed his wolf tail...

"Andre, do you know what happened to that Roberts?" Giovinco asked suddenly.

Shaking his head to the south, he really didn't know. Later, he only heard that the local court in Poland planned to prosecute the 'light pig warrior' for disturbing public order. If he was convicted, brother Mark Roberts would face punishment for his streaking career. The first time he was imprisoned, he ate public food for half a month in Poland. Of course, he had to pay a fine of 8000 euros...

However, it is said that there are many fans all over the world, including some streaking enthusiasts or light pig warriors of men and women who have a potential streaking tendency, are writing or calling the European Cup Organizing Committee, asking for the pardon of Mark Roberts, but , the European Cup Organizing Committee issued a statement that Mark Roberts violated the local laws of Poland, and they have no right to interfere...

"How did you deal with it?" Xiang Nan became interested, he still remembered the appearance of that naive Liverpool man saluting himself.

"In the end, I paid a fine of 8000 euros and a bail of 5000 euros..." Giovinco spread his hands.

This is not a small amount of money, and Xiang Nan even complained for this brother Roberts.

"Don't worry, that 'Golden Temple website' helped the Liverpool people advance the money." Gamberini who fell asleep suddenly said, "Tsk tsk tsk... But this website really knows how to settle accounts, and it cost 13000 Euros launched the largest advertisement in the whole of Europe. It is said that after the website announced that it would pay for Roberts, the number of visits to this website reached 350000 overnight..."

"You really know how to do business!" Xiang Nan thought.

Croatia reached the semi-finals of Euro 14, which caused a wave of madness in Croatia...

Now, the Croats are shouting the slogan, "We are stronger than 1998!!"

1998 years?
When Xiang Nan saw the determination of the Croats from the newspaper, he froze for a moment... The memory seemed to return to that magnificent time...

For Xiang Nan, what really allowed him to appreciate the spectacular scene of football, and what touched him to go on more firmly, was the 1998 World Cup in France...

Until now, Xiang Nan firmly believes that the best performer in that World Cup was not the final champion French team, let alone the Brazilians who were bloodbathed by France 3-0, but a fresh and cheerful team from Eastern Europe. Wind...Croatia! ! ! !

There are many names, to the south until now, remember——
Su Ke, a victim in the flames of war, otherwise, his face would have been familiar long ago.This genius with a left leg that can play the violin.Watching him play football is like enjoying a piece of "Swan Lake". His stunning strike in France made Xiang Nan couldn't help cheering for the Slavs...

and also--
Boban, the star of AC Milan, the rough-looking Boban, is indeed a delicate master of football. Xiang Nan still remembers that at that time, a local sports media in Liege, Belgium, even described it as 'can dance on tofu' The Slavs.

Prosinecki, who staged the most beautiful evening waltz, was an old Croatian man who was one of the three Red Star musketeers famous in Europa as early as 91...

However, to say, what Xiangnan remembers the most is a guy named Giannini... What Xiangnan remembers is not just his beautiful long shot from outside the penalty area against Germany, but also, After the ball went into the opponent's goal, Giannini's completely undisguised smug smile and German goalkeeper Kopke's disappointed and depressed expression.

You know, when I was young, for a long time, Xiang Nan admired Giannini's self-satisfied smile that could make the opponent's goalkeeper go crazy... so much so that, for a while, Xiang Nan's demon after scoring a goal The danger has become the most unbearable thing for the children in the Walloon region...even to the point where no one is willing to be the goalkeeper every time it comes to the game...


"Beyond 1998?!" Xiang Nan came out of his thoughts, "Get past me first!!"

PS: The first update of 5000 words is over, good morning everyone.

When writing this chapter, Xiaoqi's nostalgia began to flood... Just like Andre in the article, 1998 was also the year that Xiaoqi really began to appreciate the charm of football. A fresh and unrestrained wind, Xiao Qi still remembers it so fresh... Flooding memories...

Everyone who has a monthly pass, help Xiao Qi to lift it up! ! !

Thank you Xiaoqi for your precious vote! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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