
Chapter 46

Chapter 46

At this time, the big screen in the stadium displayed impressively: MIN—31, Goal—NAN
The game continued. However, the Palermo team was obviously a bit stunned by this goal, and the strong momentum since the opening has also relaxed.

"Good job! Andre!" Recoba patted Xiang Nan on the shoulder. Recoba was very happy that Xiang Nan was able to recover from the discomfort at the beginning so quickly.

"Thank you, Alvaro!" Xiang Nan noticed Recoba's running position just now, and attracted the opponent's defense on the right wing for his goal.

Recoba looked at Xiangnan who ran to the side, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Perhaps, I decided to come to Turin, and now it seems that it is not a bad decision!" '

Palermo coach Zamparini's loud voice roared from the sidelines, like a big horn, turned on the maximum volume, roaring all the time.

"Migliaccio, what were you doing just now!! Guard me against that Chinese kid!!"

Migliaccio looked at his head coach with a bit of depression. Before scoring the goal just now, he didn't know what kind of medicine that Chinese boy was taking. Come to help defend, it is estimated that this kid will break through calmly again.

After spitting vigorously on the lawn, Migliaccio stared fiercely at the guy who was running around like an elf not far away.

Xiangnan received a pass from Recoba, looked ahead, saw that there was no gap, passed the ball to Baroni on the left, turned around and ran to the other side.

"Asian boy, don't be crazy!!" Migliaccio yelled viciously close to Xiangnan.

Xiang Nan pushed hard, fixed his eyes on this annoying guy, "I don't want to talk to you!"

"What did you say?" Migliaccio felt that his blood was about to burst out of his veins. Men in Naples can be worshiped or eliminated, but they cannot tolerate being ignored! !
Enen, complicated Neapolitans!
Xiang Nan has no time to pay attention to the narcissism complex of Migliaccio, a man from the small city of Naples. He took a look at this guy who suddenly became angry for some reason, received a pass from Corini, turned around, swayed away and returned. In the eyes of Migliaccio, speeding up with the ball---
"Boy, you have to regret what you just said!!" Migliaccio's growling voice sounded from behind Xiang Nan.

What responded to him was the crimson figure, a beautiful change of direction, breaking through Cassani's defense——

"Migliaccio, fuck, what are you thinking? Don't go to the defense yet!!" Simplicio's growling and complaining voice rang in Migliaccio's ears.

"Fabio, I will do my own thing well! Don't worry about it!!" Migliaccio glared at his old friend, gritted his teeth, and ran towards the crimson figure.

"SHIT! What happened to him?" Simplicio cursed bitterly.

"Haha, we noticed that Migliaccio and Simplicio in the Palermo team seemed to have a quarrel. God, at this time, these two guys should be more irritable, Migliah Wasn't Joe good at playing before?——" Tomasi's voice was like an evil demon, hovering in the studio hall.

"Now, Andre broke through Cassani's defense, what will he do in the face of Barzali who is supplementing the defense? Now we must still be thinking about the great dribble in the first half---" Jessica quickly took over Tomasi's words. He didn't want his friend next to him to be put into a sack by Palermo fans, beat him up, and then threw him into Palermo Bay after the game was over. feed the fish.

Looking at the black-haired boy in front of him, Barzali hated his teeth. He knew that after today's game, the goal scored by this annoying guy would become the darling of the major TV stations and be broadcast repeatedly. Unfortunately, , I am the one who has been beaten, that embarrassed guy! !
What a frustrating day! !

However, Barzagli also had to admit that the guy in front of him scored a beautiful goal just now. With this goal alone, this black-haired guy was at the level of a world-class striker just now! !

Well, it must be like this! !

you ask why?
Do you still have to ask?Because he was able to pass my great Italian national team defender Barzagli, doesn't that mean something?

Xiang Nan didn't know that the old opponent in front of him would think of so many things in a flash, and now he only had the ball under his feet in his mind! !
Xiang Nan flicked the ball to the left, and took advantage of the trend——
"What? The ball was divided? Do you think I'm a fool?" Barzali threw a shovel on the ground---

"Nice, Torino F1 passed the ball to Bielanovic in the middle after playing with Barzagli ------ gooooal --- beautiful shot!!! The bald guy continued his good luck !! It seems that Gilardino needs to ask Biranovic for advice, or he can consider getting a bald head, maybe in exchange for shooting boots!!" Tomasi did not forget to tease while celebrating wildly The golden boy far away in the city of Milan, Gilardino's scoring shortage has become hot now. Although Serie A has only played three rounds, Gilardino's life is already very difficult.

However, if Tomasi knew that there was a big man who came from Milan in the stands of the Barbera Stadium and was paying close attention to the performance of the Prince of Turin, he would not say such a thing, he would rather that Gilardino, who has nothing to do with Turin, should score as many goals as possible, of course, as long as he doesn't score against Turin! !

"Yes, a beautiful goal, but Bielanovic would like to thank Andre who passed the ball to him. The Chinese attracted the attention of two Palermo defenders. It seems that after the goal just now, Palermo Lemo head coach Zamparini specially asked the players to strengthen the personal defense of F1---"

"Haha, if our F1 is so easy to defend, it won't be F1!!" Tomasi laughed loudly. God knows when Tomasi explained so easily last time.

After Bielanovic scored a goal, he ran over excitedly and warmly embraced Xiang Nan, thanking his striker partner for the beautiful pass, and the Turin coach Novellino on the sidelines also yelled frantically, if you have mind reading skills In other words, you will hear Novellino laughing wantonly in his heart now, 'Haha, how perfect my tactics are! !Haha I'm a genius trainer! ! '

God, forgive this overexcited guy, it turns out that Novellino's rocky body hides such an arrogant soul, amen! !
Zamparini, head coach of the Palermo team, stood on the sidelines with a dead face, staring at the arrogant Novellino in his eyes. Obviously, the expression of this colleague made Zamparini very angry. Wohuo, Zamparini angrily kicked away the mineral water bottle in front of his feet---
'TMD, if only I had a striker like that—'

In all fairness, Palermo coach Zamparini's tactical arrangement today was quite successful. In the opening half an hour, the Torino team was almost suppressed in their own half, and they had no power to fight back. If it weren't for the Torino goalkeeper Abbiati seems to have turned into Batman today, playing bravely, Palermo has already scored a goal, and for the Chinese kid that Zamparini hated to the bone, Zamparini also made targeted arrangements before the game Yes, Migliaccio's defense against Xiangnan was also very successful at the beginning, but after that damned Uruguayan said something to the Chinese, the Chinese seemed to be a completely different person, as if the Indian God Oil---

"TMD, Uruguayans are not a good thing either!!!" Zamparini kicked again, but he forgot that the mineral water bottle under his feet had been kicked away by himself, and the head coach of Palermo kicked empty under his feet. , a dog chewed mud and fell to the ground---

(End of this chapter)

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