
Chapter 94 The Turin Team Possessed by the Collective Soul

Chapter 94 The Turin Team Possessed by the Collective Soul
Xiangnan also followed the camera and noticed the huge banner on the north stand of the die-hard fans. There was a Ferrari car in the shape of Transformers printed on the banner. That's right, this is the F1 Transformers called Turin. On the head of the crimson Transformers, there is a big golden crown! !
On the lower side of the banner is the inscription, which the camera zooms in on, 'Prince Andrei Forever!'

Looking around, on the stands of the Olympic Stadium in Turin, the banners swaying everywhere——
'Andre, I wish you a speedy recovery! '

'Andre, you are the best! ! '

'Andre, we love you! '

'Prince of Turin, God bless you! ! ! '

Xiang Nan felt a salty gland in his eyes burst out instantly, and a moving emotion in his chest permeated his whole body, stimulating every capillary! ! !
"Honey, did you hear that? It's all voices calling for you!" Joanna leaned into Xiang Nan's ear, "You are the prince here."

"Joanna, I'm the happiest person in the world, am I?" Xiang Nan's voice was a little excited and he couldn't talk to himself, "Everyone loves me."

"Yes, Andre, you have many people who love and care about you!!" Joanna kissed Xiang Nan gently on the cheek.

The rest of the audience in the VIP seat didn't speak or make any noise, they just quietly looked at the big boy in the wheelchair and his little lover not far away...

Xiang Nan quietly took off the Turin scarf around his neck, pressed the button of the wheelchair, came to the grandstand of the VIP seats, raised the scarf high, and tears slowly rolled down his cheeks in an instant... .
At this time, the director also dedicatedly focused the camera on the VIP seats, and such a picture appeared on the big screen of the stadium. Turin 'Prince Andre' was sitting in a wheelchair holding up the Turin scarf, tears on his cheeks , and the beautiful girlfriend behind him, time seems to be frozen at this moment...

A volcano called Turin Olympic Stadium erupted instantly, and the 62149 spectators roared wildly! !

Deafening applause echoed over the Olympic Stadium! ! !

"We saw that Andre appeared in the stands, and beside him was his girlfriend Joanna. At this time, Joanna's appearance will give our 'Prince Andre' the best care! Uh. Our prince has grown up!! It is conceivable that after returning from injury, Andre will use his most ferocious firepower to make all the opponents tremble!! Wish our prince a speedy recovery!!”

"Andre's appearance ignited the ammunition depot at the Olympia Stadium in Turin. Now, this ammunition depot only needs the most ferocious shell to reach the climax!! Defeat the Romans!!! Go ahead !! Get rid of them!! Don't show mercy!!"

Uh... I have to say that the commentary combination of Tomasi and Justin, with their venomous tongue and sullen man, is absolutely invincible in Serie A, even in continental Europe...
Uh... maybe! !
The Roma players on the field were obviously taken aback by the sudden outburst of the Turin fans. I don't know what stimulated these Red Bull fans who had been silenced by the Roma attack. Could it be that His Majesty the Pope is coming?
Vucinizi first noticed the changes in the stands, and looked towards the direction of the VIP seats, feeling a little melancholy in his heart, "This kind of cheers, in the Roma team, maybe only the Roman prince Totti can have!" ! '

Komoto's roar rang in the ears of every Turin team member, "The game is not over yet, everyone has got their spirits up, did you see that Andre is also watching us from the stands, isn't it? You think of that stinky guy, after the game, he was pushed into the locker room by his little beauty in a wheelchair, pointed at our noses and said——
"Hey, let me just say, without me Andre, you can't even score goals, hey, don't engage in personality cult..."

The players of the Turin team were startled, and a more terrifying scene appeared in their minds: a guy wearing the latest black underwear of DOLCE && GABBNA, naked to the waist, olive oil exuding a statue-like luster in the sunset, 'Hey, leave me Andre the little virgin...'

terrible! !
Absolutely do not allow such a situation to happen! !
The players of the Torino team shuddered collectively...

"We want to score, absolutely don't let that stinking guy have any reason to be arrogant!!" Captain Komoto roared.

Uh... If Xiang Nan knew how terrible things happened down there, he would definitely cry out for his grievances. Are you so arrogant?I have always been very low-key, although occasionally I am a bit stinky...

The Romans obviously didn't know that in the past ten seconds or so, the group of Turin guys on the opposite side had been collectively possessed by their souls...

Uh... It seems that there is such a thing as collective time travel! !

Novellino on the sidelines noticed this change in the players on the court, and felt a faint feeling of excitement in his heart, 'I hope it's not too late! '

Novellino ran to the sidelines, waved his fists and shouted, "Score a goal!! No matter what!! Score one for me and smash the Roman's ass!!!"

Uh... It is conceivable that the words of the head coach of Turin are so shocking. Tonetto, who is closest to Novellino on the sidelines, even felt his ass tighten, and then broke out in cold sweat. The effect of chicken is also obvious....
Well, maybe, if the head coach of Turin quits the job of coaching, maybe opening a sauna and massage parlor will be a promising career...

In the 79th minute of the game, the Torino team launched an attack.

After receiving Zanetti's through ball, Rosina broke all the way to the front of the penalty area. Facing Perotta who rushed up, Rosina swayed and knocked down the Italian international, and then faced Kace who came up to press Rosina turned around and leaned against Cassetti, and then passed the ball to the right side of the penalty area——
Ventola, who went forward to the right, didn't wait for the ball to hit the ground, rubbed the outside of his right foot, and the ball crossed an arc and flew towards the near corner of the goal——
At this time, Max, who had been attracted by Rosina and Ventola, suddenly found a crimson figure behind him, "No, I missed someone!" ! '

Bielanovic was like an old ghost, appearing at the most appropriate place at the most appropriate time. Before Juan, who was supplementing the defense, destroyed the ball, Bielanovic faced the ball and shoveled on the ground. shoot--
"goooooooooooooooaaal, BIELA ​​- NOVI!! Brilliant goal!! Bielanovic's beautiful tackle past Doni's ten fingers!! This is the team cooperation of the Torino team!! A wonderful team to enter The ball!! A textbook counterattack, a one-hit kill!! Starting from the backcourt, after Greenino steals the ball, there is no hesitation——”

"The Roma team, which has just been terminated for an attack, has not yet been able to return to the defense. Both Panucci and Juan's assists are too high.
This is an insult and disregard to the fighters in Turin! ! "

"Then, the big man with big feet passed to Zanetti, and Turin's big butt cleverly passed the ball straight to Rosina, Rosina's; the dexterity made us seem to see, that The guy who used to play the violin with both feet!!"

"Ventola's pass was gorgeous and I bet this kid had a lot of sex last night!!
Then, Bielanovic's beautiful strike brought the attack to a climax! ! ! "

Tomasi and Justin, who had suppressed almost the entire audience, finally broke out. The two crazy guys who were almost in shock, sang and chorused, and roared wildly.

As for the crazy commentary above, which one is Thomasy's and which one is Justin's?

Let's guess for ourselves! !
Uh...By the way, dude Justin used to have a tough nickname—
'YD's Justin! ! '

After scoring the goal, Bielanovic quickly took the ball out of the net and ran towards the center circle! !

Rossina, Zanetti and other Turin players made a V sign in the direction of the VIP seats! !

This is expressing something to Xiang Nan in the stands...
Uh... Of course, there may be one person whose expression is unnatural... As the substitute who came off the bench and was 'resigned in danger', almost the entire central axis of the Turin team participated in the attack for the goal just now, except that he didn't his portion...

Rakitic? ?
His run on the wing caught Juan's attention, leading to Juan's loss in the middle...

"Andre, they are greeting you!!"

"Yes, these guys are starting to get active." Xiang Nan was also excited for a while, and then a little sad, "However, time is running out, and the Roman team is estimated to be fully defended!!"

As Xiang Nan expected, the Roma team quickly made substitution adjustments for this conceded goal! !
In the 83rd minute of the game, Roma made a substitution.

No. 14 Giuly comes on, replacing No. 30 Mancini.

Regarding this substitution, Tomasi and Justin in the commentary are also a little confused. Is it to press the offense or the defense?

Giuly's offensive breakthrough ability is also very strong, and Mancini's ball-handling ability will help the Roma team stabilize the situation and delay time. Even when attacking, it can be more diverse.

However, soon, Spalletti's substitution again answered everyone's questions.

In the 87th minute of the game, the Roma team made another substitution, and Spalletti also used up the third substitution.

On No. 3 Cicinho, No. 9 Vucinich is replaced! !

In this substitution, Spalletti's intention is already obvious. He replaced the only striker and pushed Giuly to the front line. The Roma team is going to defend with all their strength...

(End of this chapter)

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