Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 249 - Bite You

Chapter 249 - Bite You

18+ read on your own risk

" What are you doing ?" hissed Su Wan, her eyes flickering to the unlocked door of her office before meeting Lin Chen's fiery gaze. She was both stupefied and aroused at his actions, she was worried about someone barging right inside her office when she was on her tippy toes and excited at the thought of doing something so thrilling. Nevertheless, she was the boss of this shop and she needed to save her ' strict and smart ' boss instead of plastering a horny one in the mind of her employees " I haven't locked the door, someone might come in and see what we are doing "

" You look tired, " said Lin Chen simply wrapping his hands around her thighs before pushing her skirt further up. Su Wan tried to squeeze her legs shut but Lin Chen was faster than her, he pushed his body closer and settled himself between her legs making it impossible for her to squeeze her legs close.

" It was just a busy day, I will be fine by tomorrow "

"Yeah but I can make you feel refreshed right now, " said Lin Chen and before Su Wan could stop him, he had already pushed her skirt way further up her thighs and pulled down her small undergarment that covered her feminine core, exposing her delicate softness to his fiery gaze and the cold air. Su Wan shuddered lightly, her gaze once again flickered to the open door and her heart started thumping, she was getting ruined, her once clear and simple heart was being tainted yet she was liking every single bit of it.

" You are picturing me naked, aren't you ?" said Lin Chen, unable to stop himself he skimmed his lips over Su Wan's jade white thighs, He had been aching with need ever since they stopped halfway through that night. But the thing was that with their family opening two shops at once, there was so much to do. Forget about him and his brothers even Su Wan was running around as if her feet had wheels on them. From the past few months, they were so busy that except for some sneaky and stolen kisses, neither of them had the energy to do anything and even if they did - Su Wan had barred them from touching her. Because of lack of sleep and excessive workload, Su Wan was really fierce towards them thus neither of them tried to pull any stunt. But now the shop was finally open for business and Lin Yu's shop was also ready to be opened in a week, so there was nothing more left for them to do. Finally, he can take a much deserving break! Lin Chen took a whiff of Su Wan's scent, the scent was more enchanting than anything he have ever smelled " your scent, Goddammit Wan Wan, your scent makes me want to bite you "

Su Wan gasped in surprise when Lin Chen's mouth slammed on her opening, his tongue thrusting inside her without a warning. His tongue skillfully stroked her insides making her jump, she felt skittish. She wanted to move but Lin Chen kept her in her place with his arms wrapped around her thighs, she could feel her body responding to him as he tasted her, the more demanding his tongue was the wetter her petals became it was as if her body knew what Lin Chen wanted and it was trying its best to quench his thirst. She threaded her fingers through his hair and began grinding her opening on his mouth.

She felt frantic and desperate at this rough play. She had never experienced something so good before, she threw her head back on the chair and groaned in pleasure.

Lin Chen licked her wet opening in a slow and sensual pace, and swirled his tongue around her clit " I want you, Wan Wan, I want to see you take my shaft, I want to see my shaft inside you. Want to watch it when it f*cks you dizzy, taking you - making you mine completely "

She wanted the same. Oh lord, she wanted the same - no it was wrong to say that it was just ' want ', no she was craving it. And that was the problem because even if she wanted it, she couldn't take it at least not here, she wouldn't fancy losing her virginity in her office where anyone could walk in on them ravishing each other like humping bunnies. She closed her eyes and whispered " it's not a good idea, we can't do that here "

Lin Chen bit on the skin of her thigh teasingly before sucking on it, he released it with a pop before grinning " I think its a super idea "

" We are at work, don't mix pleasure -"

Lin Chen bit on her clit not harshly but enough to make her stiffen " This is not about whether we can't or can if you want it just say it. I don't mind locking the door and -"

The intensity and heat in his eyes nearly got her. His gaze trapped her demanding her to give in to his will, and she damn near forgot where she was until someone knocked on the door. Su Wan straightened up, her eyes flickering to the door and back, she tried to close her leg and shove her skirt down but Lin Chen didn't budge in fact when she tried to push her to skirt down, he unhappily swatted it back up leaving her half-naked and still exposed.

Flustered, she looked at him angrily " what are you doing someone's here "

" I want you, " said Lin Chen in an asserting tone , like it will settle the entire matter . Su Wan wanted to pull herself away from him but he tightened his grip on her legs threateningly " you don't want to do this wifey , if I don't get to taste you right now then I promise you won't have it easy tonight . I will f*ck you raw , hard and fast do you really want that ?"

" And do you think I won't kick you out ?" snarled Su Wan continuing with her struggle to free herself .

" You can try but you won't win " smirked Lin Chen before he dipped his head low and started sucking on her dripping wetness , he needed her taste and he needed to see every f*cking response from her or else he might go mad because of heat


' A taste of you is all I need ' :( Lin Chen winking suggestively )

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