Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 319 - Will Not Let The Matter Rest

Chapter 319 - Will Not Let The Matter Rest

The men waiting outside were brought by Shen Junxi, he knew that the two of them wouldn't be able to wreck everything up, that's why Shen Junxi called most of his workers from the butchery, these workers were strong and sturdy like Shen Junxi.? Not a single one was lacking in any physical aspects, one look at the group at these gangster looking men made Chu Yanyu and Su Bai's already jelly legs more wobbly.

They couldn't even speak a single word much less form a sentence and could only watch dumbly as the group of men rushed inside their house.

When the men surged inside the Su house like a humongous wave, Su Lan and Su Yu Cheng who was hiding inside ran out, trembling and screaming. Su Lan hurried to get close to her mother, but then her gaze fell on Madam Zhu who has knocked Chu Yanyu on the ground and was now pressing her down with a bamboo pole.

" you - you, what are you doing? " Su Lan was already scared shitless when she saw Su Wan's eldest uncle and aunt which was why she sneakily rushed inside the house from the back door and locked the front one from inside. Who would have known that a closed-door would be completely useless in front of these big men? And would fall down like a trembling leaf.

On one hand, she was scared and on the other hand, she was jealous.? Why was it that Su Wan's uncle and aunt liked her so much while her uncle and aunt only opened their mouth to ask for either grains or money whenever they came for visit?? When she was a kid she tried to get closer to Shen Junxi and Madam Zhu but they never paid attention to her! Why was life so unfair! She also wanted a doting uncle and aunt!

Such powerful aunt and uncle, who wouldn't want them? Can't they just let go of Su Wan and adopt her as their god niece? She was much better than that Su Wan!

However, Su Lan knew her thoughts were completely useless and full of wilfulness, but right now she was frightened by Madam Zhu.

The same could be said for Su Yu Cheng, this boy was not only lazy and scheming but also timid. When he saw the Shen couple, he followed after his sister and hid inside the house, not even daring to utter a peep. It has been so many years, when the Shen couple last visited, the Su family completely forgot about their existence and thought that Shen Junxi was too busy to bother about Su Wan who would have known that this sleeping tiger would come looking for them all of sudden!

Su Yu Cheng was the one who made all the arrangements of threatening Su Wan but when the tables turned, and it was them who was getting threatened, he couldn't even bring himself to step forward and save his parents, so he ran outside to go and call the village head but before he could so much as taking a step back he was stopped by the men who were guarding their front door.

In the end, he had to turn around and stand behind Su Lan to hide himself.

" oh it's you, " said Madam Zhu as she looked up from Chu Yanyu who was groaning in pain after being hit on the shoulder. Madam Zhu has fought many fights and knew which spot to hit that will hurt real bad but wouldn't leave a single mark to serve as evidence. Thus, Chu Yanyu was bitterly thought that she was getting beaten really badly but her skin hasn't so much as gone red!

Madam Zhu had a wild cat temper, as long as she got angry because of someone, she would teach that person a good lesson. But at the same time, she wasn't without principals, she wouldn't hit just anyone, especially kids. When she saw that Su Lan and Su Yu Cheng came out of their hiding place she didn't raise her bamboo with a sharpened edge to hit them. But then her gaze fell on the dress Su Lan was wearing and her entire face turned black.

Su Lan and Su Yu Cheng saw that Madam Zhu's entire temperament changed all of a sudden, they didn't want to provoke her any further and wanted to stay away so as to avoid getting involved.

But how could Madam Zhu let Su Lan go, she swung her bamboo pole and knocked Su Lan on the ground just like Chu Yanyu before she walked over to her and kicked her on the chest " why are you wearing this dress? Didn't I send it for Wan Wan? On what basis do you believe that you are worthy of wearing such a good dress? With your ugly face and yellow complexion, how dare you ruin this outfit that I bought for my niece ?"

Su Lan naturally had no answer for Madam Zhu's questions, she couldn't possibly say that she was jealous of Su Wan and snatched her things away, could she? So, Su Lan could only muddle her way through " I this... My sister -ahhh!"

Yet, before she could finish her sentence, Madam Zhu scratched her face with a bamboo pole. The stick wasn't any less sharp than a knife, in just a few seconds it drew blood, seeing the blood drip down her face Su Lan fainted -? her face, her pretty face was scratched! No! Who will marry her now!

Chu Yanyu never treated Su Wan well but she was really good to her children, when she saw that Madam Zhu was scratching her daughter's face, she immediately jumped up and wanted to save Su Lan.

Shen Junxi has been paying good attention to his surroundings, when he noticed that Chu Yanyu was trying to attack his wife while her back was turned, he immediately let go of the half-unconscious Su Bai and grabbed his knife before hurling at Chu Yanyu. His aim was perfect, the knife swiftly cut off Chu Yanyu's bun " if you are so restless then you better stop for me, I will cut your head off and let this be the end of you!"

When Chu Yanyu's bun scattered falling like a hair shower after the swift ' swoosh' of the knife, she thought her entire head was going to be cut off. She was so scared that her entire body turned soft and she no longer dared to move.

On the other Su Yu Cheng simply hid behind the shed and watched his sister and mother get attacked one by one, yet he never came out of his hiding place. He was raised by his grandma who pampered him to the extreme, telling him things like his sister and mother were outsiders and didn't need to bother about them, which was why Su Yu Cheng thought that his actions of not saving them were completely correct.

Madam Zhu was also furious, to think Chu Yanyu was going to attack her from behind, she strode forward knotted Chu Yanyu's hair in her hand and slapped her so hard that Chu Yanyu became dizzy "you black-hearted woman, I left my niece here because your husband made a bitchy tantrum like a child! Because of My Wan Wan, your family could eat and sleep like overlords Yet instead of taking care of her like your ancestor, you sold her? How dare you sell her? Did you think we will never find out huh? You really have a thick face! Let me help you with it " then without holding back Madam Zhu slapped Chu Yanyu until the latter's face turned swollen.

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