Shuttle Seventy: Sweet Wife

Chapter 123 - Sending off guests, the secret recipe for giving birth

“Oh~, this is not because my aunt disagrees, but because I have a lot of work at home. If Jiang Min goes away for a few days, I won’t be able to do it all by myself.” He Xiaohua said pretendingly, humming in his heart: a bag of cakes, just Want my daughter to help you with your work? How can there be such a cheap thing, besides, Jiang Min is doing all the housework at home. If she walks for a few days, doesn’t she want her to do it? Impossible!

“Auntie, look at what you said, that’s all the work at home, you won’t be overwhelmed, alas, I just forgot, I prepared a gift for Auntie, and I forgot to give it to Auntie. You’re up.” Jing Qing’s heart pretended to be in place, and with a startled smile, she took out a small brocade bag from her bag.

He Xiaohua’s eyes suddenly brightened when she heard that she had prepared a gift for herself, and then it darkened again. What good things can she have as an orphan in the countryside? Could it be the cousin who gave her the treasured things?

“Aunt Biao, see if you like it?” Jing Qingxin handed over the small bag.

He Xiaohua immediately pulled away the thin strap he was wearing, and with a flick of his finger, a shiny pendant immediately caught her eye. She had never seen such a small object, it was really beautiful.

“This is?” He Xiaohua couldn’t help asking.

When Jing Qing saw that she liked it, she was not surprised. It was hard not to please women because of the shiny jewelry, so she replied in a light and polite way: “This is an amethyst necklace, and it’s not a very expensive thing, but it’s a pleasant appearance. Give it to my aunt to play with, I hope my aunt doesn’t dislike it~!”

“I don’t dislike it, I like it very much~, it really cost my niece a lot of money, don’t worry, tomorrow morning I will let Xiaomin go back with you to help Man, this girl has no other skills, but she is very diligent and works hard. Very quick!” He Xiaohua readily agreed, and even complimented her daughter, as if she was worried that Jing Qing’s heart would change and she would take away the necklace in her hand.

“Thank you uncle and aunt, don’t worry, I won’t neglect Xiaomin!” Jing Qing said with a smile.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Feng did not express any opinion. Since he wanted to join the line of officers, it would not hurt to let Xiaomin go with them more. Besides, he didn’t care who did the housework at all. Women’s business!

Afterwards, Jing Qingxin handed the cake that belonged to Zeng Lin’s family to Chen Mei, and while they exchanged a few words, she put the small brocade bag in Chen Mei’s hand.

Chen Mei was stunned, looking at the smile on Jing Qingxin’s face, although she had doubts, but seeing Jing Qingxin winking at her slightly, she silently clenched the small bag in her hand and put it in her trouser pocket. No one noticed the small movements of the two, because everyone was busy saying goodbye and preparing to go home.

Gao Shen sent Zeng Lin’s family of three, Zhang Liangping sent Zhao Qingwen, and Jing Suyun and Jing Qingxin sent the Jiang family of four, of course Jing Qingxin was holding Jiang Min’s hand, walking behind, Jing Su Yun and Jiang Feng were talking.

“You can go home tonight and pack a change of clothes or two, and meet us at the bus station tomorrow morning at seven o’clock. You keep the things I gave you. If your mother asks, you can just say it is , if she says she wants to keep it for you, tell her, I told you to wear it on my wedding day. Do you understand? Don’t be stupid.” Jing Qing urged her heart.

Jiang Min felt a little warm in his heart, and replied obediently: “Well, I know! Sister Qing Xin, don’t worry! I won’t be so stupid~”

“Well, then go home and rest early!” After Jing Qing told her heartily, she watched them turn around and disappear on the street corner.

After seeing off the three families, Zhang Liangping and his wife, Jing Qing, both with a deep heart, both breathed a sigh of relief. Today is really a busy day!

However, everyone can’t rest immediately, there are still things in the house waiting to be cleaned up!

Zhang Liangping and Gao Shen were responsible for cleaning the tables, chairs, tableware, and tableware, while Jing Suyun and Jing Qingxin were responsible for cleaning. Then, Jing Qingxin started to cook some food again. things to sell.

Jing Qingxin made some food in the kitchen, and Jing Suyun was in charge of starting the fire. As for Gao Shen and Zhang Liangping, they stayed in the main room to pack and pack the items purchased today, which were all small items prepared for the wedding banquet.

Gao Shen looked at the large sacks placed in the main room, his eyes sank. When he and Qing Xin came, they could easily get it with a military bag. Now that he went back, he had to carry five or six large sacks. The journey is not easy!

Or it would be better for the two of them to travel alone, how convenient it would be to throw them into a mobile warehouse! At this moment, Gao Shen felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

After everyone finished packing, it was already around ten o’clock in the evening. For today’s people, it was already very late. Usually, the lights were turned off at eight or nine o’clock and they went to sleep.

Jing Qingxin took out two small porcelain bottles and came to the main room. At this moment, Zhang Liangping and the two were soaking their feet, and their feet were slowly getting tired.

“Godfather, godmother, this is a health pill I made. You should keep one every day.” Jing Qingxin handed a bottle to her.

“This, Xinxin, I don’t need it anymore! I’m in good health!” Jing Suyun said with a smile, but it wasn’t that she questioned the pill, but she was a doctor, and her own situation was very clear. , is not cured at all.

Zhang Liangping also felt that, with his current situation, he didn’t need to take pills every day, right? Moreover, his health is not serious, but his life has been a little more difficult in the past few years.

“Godfather and godmother, the pills are not only taken when you are sick, but one pill a day should also improve your physical condition. Do you still want children?” Jing Qing lightly threw a bomb.

“What?!” When Zhang Liangping heard the child, he stood up in surprise and excitement, and instantly knocked over the tub where he was soaking his feet, apparently forgetting that he was still soaking his feet.

Jing Suyun on the side did not get up excitedly and knocked over the wooden basin, but was stunned, staring at Jing Qingxin, waiting for her next sentence.

The overturned wooden basin made Zhang Liangping regain his senses, and sat down instantly, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, what was he excited about? Regarding children, haven’t you given up long ago? What are you doing so abnormal?

“Godfather and godmother, do you two still want children?” Jing Qing asked sincerely, she had put this idea on hold for two days, and finally discussed it with Gao Shen before deciding whether to leave the choice to them.

Zhang Liangping smiled bitterly and said, “Why don’t you want to? The Zhang family is my only son, and I will die here.”

Hearing this, Jing Suyun couldn’t help but reddened her eyes, her eyes were wet, and this was also the pain in her heart!

“Then you all listen to me, take one pill a day, finish the pill, and then look at your physical condition. You two should not have children at this age, and the risk factor is also very high.” Jing Qing said slowly, She has a secret recipe for childbirth, but she doesn’t dare to use it at risk. Although she has a lot of medicinal materials, the level of gynecological medical care in this era can’t keep up.

“Xinxin, I’m not afraid! As long as there is a way, no matter what, I will give birth!” Jing Suyun said firmly.

“Suyun~” Zhang Liangping shouted softly when he saw that his wife was so disregarding her own safety and wanted to have a child.

Jing Suyun turned her head and said calmly, “Don’t persuade me! You know, I will regret this in my life.”

“Xinxin, is it dangerous?” Zhang Liangping looked at Jing Qingxin and asked nervously.

Jing Qing didn’t dare to talk too much at the beginning. The secret recipes and pills are definitely not dangerous. The main problem is the two people’s physical problems. Both of them must be in the best physical condition before they can take the medicine to assist in childbirth. Secondly, when giving birth, they need the assistance of the hospital’s gynecology department.

After a pause, Jing Qing said in her heart, “Godfather and godmother, although I have inherited the prescriptions from my ancestors, I am not a doctor. This pill is for each of you to adjust your body, and only your body can be adjusted to the best. Only when I am in a state can I take the birthing medicine to promote pregnancy. There is no problem with the prescription and pills. I am just worried that at the age of the godmother, I will be able to bear it during childbirth.”

“Xinxin, don’t worry! I will take good medicine to adjust my body. As for the final result, leave it to God’s will!” Jing Suyun said with a smile, if God was destined to make her childless in this life, she also recognized it. , but now, she must fight hard.

“Child, thank you godfather!” Zhang Liangping thanked with a moving expression, since his wife was so firm, he had to work hard.

“Well, godfather and godmother, you rest early!”

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