Shuttle Seventy: Sweet Wife

Chapter 9 - time difference, query

After a while of dizziness, Jing Qingxin opened her eyes. It was pitch black all around, which could only be seen faintly by the faint moonlight outside the window. Although she couldn’t see clearly, the touch she felt under her body and the familiar pattern made her feel faint. Very sure, sure enough! She traveled back through time and space again!

Immediately, Jing Qingxin reached out and turned on the lamp beside the bed, the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, she seemed to understand something vaguely, her blood opened the formation on the ancient ink jade pendant, and in another era, the depths of time and space also With an ancient ink jade pendant, a time-space tunnel was opened between the two jade pendants, allowing him to go to the era of hard struggle sixty years ago through the time-space tunnel when he fell asleep.

Jing Qing inadvertently raised her eyes and saw the pendulum clock on the wall. Instantly, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her expression showed a hint of surprise, and she was secretly wondering.

But the swinging clock clearly told herself that less than three minutes had passed since she fell asleep until she just woke up? how can that be possible?

The last time she traveled through time and space, she didn’t pay attention to the specific time, but this time, before she fell asleep and turned off the lights, she deliberately glanced at the clock, so she remembered it clearly!

And, this time, the shuttle time has become longer? Jing Qingxin remembered that when she traveled through time and space for the first time, she stayed for about ten minutes before and after, but this time, she stayed for about an hour or so, but why was there so much difference in her own age and time ?

What’s going on here? Is there a time difference between the two time and space years? Jing Qing frowned in thought.

Then, if it is calculated according to the time difference between the two sides, it is almost a ratio of one to four. What does that mean? If she stayed in that time and space sixty years ago for four hours, then in the age of her own growth, only one hour has passed?

Jing Qing couldn’t help but be surprised. Indeed, the two time travels were completely different. Perhaps, as the number of shuttles increases, so does the stay time? Jing Qing couldn’t help but guess in his heart.

Jing Qingxin picked up the ancient ink jade pendant hanging on her chest, and let her thoughts fly. What does this jade pendant contain? What brought her to that era? And does Gao Shen have anything to do with her? Do you want her to treat his leg? It should be more than that simple!

She and Gao Shen have the same ancient ink jade pendant, there must be some connection between them! After thinking for a while, Jing Qing had no choice but to comfort herself: Leave everything to time, she believes that everything has a causal relationship, let it be, and time will reveal itself!

After sorting out the general thoughts, Jing Qingxin saw that there were still several hours before dawn, and immediately fell asleep, thinking about the rest after dawn!


At seven o’clock in the morning, Jing Qing’s heart woke up. When she was about to get out of bed and put on her shoes, she suddenly saw some dirt on her feet. Suddenly, Jing Qing thought to herself that she was traveling through time and space in a state of sleep. , I didn’t wear shoes twice, and at that time, it was a brick building with soil on the ground. How could there be any cement floor tiles, floors, etc., if you stepped on the ground, it would naturally be contaminated with the soil on the ground.

Jing Qing raised the corner of her mouth lightly, and quickly walked to the bathroom, took a shower, and then changed the sheets, all of which were stained by her own feet.

When I came to the living room on the first floor, Sister Chen was making breakfast in the kitchen, and my mother was watching the morning news leisurely, and then she met her father and brother who had returned from the morning exercise.

“Dad~, brother~ Morning!” Jing Qingxin smiled and raised her hand to greet.

Jing Qingmu wiped the sweat on her neck and said with a smile, “Yo~ Miss Jing today, why did you get up so early?”

“Can’t you?!” Jing Qing asked with her chin raised.

“Okay! Why not!” Jing Qing said with a smile, then went upstairs to wash her hands.

Jing Qingxin went to sit on the sofa in the living room, looked at the other side of the living room, and shook her head with a chuckle. She had been immune to such a picture since she was a child.

Mu’s mother, who had been watching the morning news, had hurriedly went to the side hall when Jing’s father came back from the morning exercise and stepped into the living room, and brought the brewed tea to Jing’s father to drink, full of affection permeating the two of them. During the time, the two have already formed a tacit understanding without words. Even though both of them have entered the ranks of middle-aged, their love for each other is still the same as before.

Jing Qing Xin glanced at it, and then turned to watch TV. The harmony and love of her parents made their home always full of warmth. She and her brother grew up in such a happy and happy family. They grew up very healthy and very happy. Happy, but more grateful, and lucky to be the child of my parents.

And their parents have always been role models for their siblings. Whether it is their emotional attitude or their achievements in their respective careers, they are the objects of their learning since childhood. It can be said that the two brothers and sisters have been influenced a lot by their parents. With such a pair of excellent parents, as children, how can they not grow up well?

After the family had breakfast, Jing’s father went to work, Mu’s mother took care of the flowers and plants in the courtyard, Jing Qingxin went to her brother’s room, the door was wide open.

“Brother, where are you going?” Jing Qingxin asked suspiciously while standing at the door of the room, looking at her brother packing his luggage.

“Oh, I invited some friends to explore. Before joining the team, let’s go and have fun!” Jing Qingmu kept her hands and continued to pack her clothes while answering.

“Oh, brother, I have something to ask you.” Jing Qing said directly.

Jing Qingmu stopped what he was doing, turned to look at Jing Qingxin and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Brother, please help me in your study in your ‘Liuguang Temple’, look it up, and see if there is any information about my ancient ink jade pendant.” Jing Qingxin said concisely.

“Ancient ink jade pendant? How is it good, understand what that jade pendant does? Is there anything wrong?” Jing Qingmu asked with a serious face.

“Uh… You don’t need to ask so much, I’m just interested and want to know if there is any record about it.” Jing Qing said in a loud voice.

“Okay! But I’m just about to go out, and I can’t find it for a while, but I’ll go in and look for it when I have time, and I’ll let you know when I have information! OK?” Although Jing Qingmu doubted her sister’s actions, she believed that there should be What is the reason, but he will not ask too much, some things will naturally be known.

“Okay, but you must remember, take the time to check it out for me, I’ll wait for your news!” Jing Qing said happily.

After speaking, Jing Qing’s heart suddenly flashed into ‘Liuguangjin’, ready to put some space for the stream for her brother. For exploration, this stream is also more convenient to use.

This is not the first time for my brother to go on an adventure. As early as the age of sixteen, my brother began to follow some explorers or members of the special forces into some border forests for training.

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