Shuttling Between the Two Worlds

Chapter 100: Speeding [2]


We all heaved a sigh of relief after the zerg patrols left the scene.


Jiel called out to leader Irna. What he gave her just now is the spacial ring that contained the Origin Slate.

"We got it right."

Her voice contained happiness as she finally affirmed it. Hearing this, the other members broke out into smiles.

"Yosh! We've completed half of the plan successfully!"

"If nothing-"


Oops. I shouted at Light so suddenly. I explained it to him immediately.

"No, don't trigger a flag. There might be some curses out there that would make it happen."

"Flags? Oh, I see. As expected of our idol's disciple!"

Light and the others have confused expressions while Jiel laughed for a bit.

"What Senior Lugh told is similar to cursed words. If you say the 'trigger word', something unexpected will happen."

As one of the youngest in this group, he knew the term 'flag'. I guess it's not that strange for these kids to like reading novels.

But.. I have read some about cursed words, actually. That's why I believed that there really might be some curses out there, waiting for us to activate it. In this case, flags aren't metaphysics anymore.

"Oh, I see.. I saw a bit about cursed words. We should be careful while on a mission."

The others nodded as if they understood Jiel. With that, the others began doing their own stuff, be it resting, checking items, and so on. To be honest, I can feel the tense atmosphere here. I almost felt that a minute here is like an hour outside.

All of the things that they are doing are to distract their attention.

'I should check it out, too.'

I opened the dimension box exclusive to Master's circlet. It doesn't produce anything that could reveal us on stealth missions.

The others wondered as I entered the dimension, but I paid attention more to the things inside this box.

The allowance limit that the military had given to us is 2M Credits while the overall reward for mission completion is 10M Credits.

Take note that an Advanced God-Rank consumable costs 200,000 credits each. It meant that this mission is worth 50 Advanced God-Ranked consumables!

It is reasonable as Deities should've been the ones who claimed this mission, but due to the special circumstances, only Demigods could claim this. Since Team 7 fits all of the requirements, they were luckily chosen. I couldn't tell just how much other teams had envied us, but it should be by a lot.

First of all, I asked the leader Irna to have some of the allowances. With it, I built some powerful consumables. On the workshop table, some compressed spheres and cubes can be seen together with the sealing cards.

Just like talismans, it can seal a spell, attack, and so on. They are all consumables, though.

Out of all the sealing cards here, I sealed some of the good spells here. With these, I can cast spells even if I don't have the trait for it.

"<<Gravity Zone>>, <<Elemental Avatar>>, <<Space Seal>>. I didn't expect that I would be able to inscribe these."

Originally, it was impossible for a Demigod to create God-Rank consumables, let alone a Law Realm. IT was all thanks to the technological advancements that this became possible.

As a result, there's not much lack of God-Rank consumables circulating within the Alliance. Still, this isn't applicable for God-Rank Artifacts.

The trick that was developed is to create it step-by-step. After creating a portion of the consumables with all your mental power, you 'freeze' it with the help of an expensive preserver.

After you recover, you continue creating it until you finish. It's much similar to hitting the pause button whenever you feel tired.

"I'll ready all of it. I hope-"

Stop! I subconsciously almost blurted out a flag when I tried to stop Light before. I might be too tense..


I became cool-headed in an instant. I deactivated it after the zerg patrols left, but I think I should just keep it active for the rest of the mission.

Meanwhile, I kept the rest of the consumables in my [Subspace]. I stored some of it before we went here, but I should keep all of them here now.

After all of it was done, I returned to the ship.



I sat beside Light.

"You're really calm. That skill of yours is a must-have for every gentleman out there."

"You jest, Senior. It's just the result of an auxiliary trait."

"Oh~! I've heard of that before. The part of 'Veteran Traits'?"

"Yes. I acquired it by chance in a battle. I almost lost my life due to stupidity back then."

"We all have those moments."

For a moment, this peaceful atmosphere infected others. They quickly regained their usual composure as they waited for Kaede who was piloting this ship.

"Bad news. They've found it out."

Leader Irna reacted faster than Kaede and said. Ever since she boarded this, she sat in the co-pilot's seat, allowing her to see some changes in real-time.

"They're spreading out, leader. It won't be long before we get found out."

"The tunnel. Activate it once we are near to this area."

She circled an area on the star map. It was displayed on a big screen, thus we all saw it.

"It's dangerous if we get found out by Deities. If we enter the frontlines, we'll send the signal and have deities as our reinforcements."

Damn the detection devices! If we are allowed to summon Deities on this back area straight away, there's no need to pass this mission to Demigods!

It didn't take long for some zergs to enter the radar of this ship.


"Not yet.. The reinforcements would be detected right away if we open the tunnel right now. We should try to get nearer before we call them."

Minutes passed by. It's at this time that we are sighted by a zerg patrol!


It was killed instantly by the beam lasers, but it's only a matter of time before we get discovered. Killing it allowed us to buy a dozen seconds at best.

The interstellar ship is almost cutting through space due to how fast it is. Its maximum speed is no less than that of a Mid-Rank Deity at an above-average speed.

Seeing this, I decided to use some consumables at this crucial moment.

"<<Gravity Zone>>, <<Matter Reduction>>, <<Wind and Light Symphony>>, <<Quick Flash>>."

The cards glowed with different colors before it enveloped the entire ship.


The ship moved at an even faster rate compared to before. It's at least 4 times the speed before. Due to the sudden shift in speed, they almost lost their balance.

"It lasts for half a minute."

"Thank you. I was just about to use mine."

"Just save it for later, leader. Things might get dicey later."

We sped through the endless space at this unbelievable speed.



So... We're now at the 100th chapter.
To be honest, I didn't see myself persistently writing this series way back then. But now, I did. My motivation for this was.. quite unique. I pushed myself to write this story since one of my goals is to write a story to my liking.
As a reader, we all have those frustrating moments whenever we read a novel. When we see parts of a good novel that could've been improved but wasn't, it was a torturing moment. That's why I wrote one. Though, I never expected that it'll be more difficult than I've expected. Creating new power systems, humanizing characters, making believable and enjoyable plot. It was quite hard. Still, I had fun in the end.

What a way to close off this busy month. For this milestone, I'll upload 1 chapter per day for the next 7 days.
PS: Sorry that this got delayed for a while, got something important to do yesterday. Happy reading!

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