Shuttling Between the Two Worlds

Chapter 47:Alchemy Tower [3]

As the 30 Examinees filled each of the Stations, the female proctor began explaining the details of the exam.

"As you all know, the Alchemy Towers had this week-long special recruitment event. With that said, each of the exams every day would be different from the usual ones."

Basically, the exam contents daily would vary. It would be different from the usual ones that was held every 6 months, and it would also be different from the exams that were done yesterday.

"Today, the Tower prepared a bunch of ingredients for this exam."

Under the Stations, many labels can be seen on the cabinets. Those are the ingredients that the female proctor had mentioned just now.

"To test your knowledge about Alchemy, you are asked to create a Potion that you know with the available ingredients. The grade of the potion, its difficulty, and its effects would be rated to get an overall score. The passing score is 80 points."

'A freestyle then?'

"The time limit is 30 minutes. So.. you may all begin."

After she said that, the various Examinees began preparing. Of course, they didn't concoct a Potion immediately, as they would need to decide which potion are they gonna do first.

As for Lugh, he kept browsing the various Potions that could make him pass the exam. Due to the Fusion nature of the Zerg World's Alchemy, most of the recipes that he had learned back then are invalid. Though, he do recall that he used up around 300,000 Exp to learn some pre-fusion Potion and Pill Recipes before he got into the Fusion Alchemy, so he do know some Potion Recipes.

Most of them are above S- Rank, but he knows some B Rank and A+ Rank Recipes. To add on, the lowest grade that one could make in this Exam is at B Rank, so he's more than confident to pass this.

3 minutes had passed and Lugh finally decided on his Potion. All of the materials are available, so he chose it.

He began collecting the said materials from the cabinets. When he opened those, he saw that the cabinets itself has the effect of preserving medicinal effects of the Spiritual Treasures.

'Raging Fire Lotus, Calming Dew..'

After picking the said Spiritual Treasures, Lugh began Alchemizing them.

Due to the fact that the Cultivation, Magic, and Technological Systems has different yet same fundamentals when it comes to alchemy, they were easily fused together.

The brand new Alchemy that Lugh had learned has 4 steps in total: Extracting, Cleansing, Integrating, and Storing. These steps are basically the same as the 3 Alchemy Systems mentioned before.

In Extracting, you need to do a certain action to begin extracting the medicinal power of the Spiritual Treasures. In the Fourth Path's methodology, it mixed up the various steps of the 3 Alchemy Systems. You first grind it, then you liquefy it. Due to the fact that you grinded it, the medicinal power of its liquefied form will be increased. Of course, you'll need the Technological System's tools to grind it, or else it won't work.

In the second step, Cleansing, that's where you remove the impurities within it. Since the impurities has a distinct structure plus that there had been many advancements when it comes to Alchemy, it became possible to gather the impurities on a single place and cleanse them in one go.

After that, in the next step, Integrating, you combine the Spiritual Treasures into a single mixture. Each and every measurements in the mix should not be in the error margin of 0.5%, thus the need for the Technological System's tools yet again.

At the last step, Storing, this is the time where you store the finished product. This is also an important step due to the fact that the medicinal effect would decrease if you don't do this properly. In the Fourth Path, you were told to crystalize the entire thing, which is a very radical method that hadn't been thought in the past.

'This will be.. quite troublesome.'

Since the one that he had learnt is the brand new Fusion Alchemy and not the Traditional Potion Making, some parts of his technique needs to be adjusted so that it would match the said Traditional Potion Making technique.

It's not that hard since the Fusion Alchemy itself is based on the Traditional Technique, but some parts of the Fourth Path needs to be removed completely. This makes the final product itself have a decrease when it comes to its quality.

As to why he doesn't want to show off the Fusion Alchemy, that's obvious. He doesn't want to look for trouble. A brand new technique that doesn't exist in the history of his universe, just how big of a deal is it?

He knows that it shouldn't exist since the invention of Fusion Alchemy required the fusion of many Power Systems, which is only made possible due to the fact that the Zerg World's inhabitants were nearing extinction.

Lugh spent yet another 5 minutes revising the Fourth Path technique. Of course, he had upgraded his Mastery to Familiar-Level Mastery just to be on the safe side. He spent 3M Exp in doing so, though.

[The Fourth Path (SS+)]

-As the various Power Systems got mixed up, a brand new path towards the truth has been created.

-This Technique is the result of the countless attempts to fuse the Cultivation System's Pill Sutras, Technological System's Gene Vial Making, and the Magic System's Potion-Making Techniques.

-At the Familiar-Level Mastery, the Success Rate of making Panaceas below S- Rank is at 70%.

Meanwhile, the Success Rates of making Panaceas above S- Rank is at 40%. The Success Rate will become lower as the Rank increases.

'The overall success rates should be lowered by 30% for the below S- ones and 20% for thee above S- ones. As for the quality..'

It should only be 70% than the usual thing that he makes.

After doing the revising and getting used to the Familiar-Level Mastery, it took Lugh a total of 10 minutes to do so. That also meant that in the eyes of other examinees, it looked as if Lugh had just stood there doing nothing.

'What is he planning on doi-Crap!'

'He just-wait, no. Focus, focus.'

Alchemy needed total concentration. The minority got caught off guard and failed on their first Potion due to the distraction that Lugh caused. As for the majority, they managed to regain theirs quite easily.

Lugh didn't know of these at all. He began creating the Potion inside his head. He's quite awkward at first due to the fact that its his first time doing so, but he still managed to hold on.

After 5 minutes, he finished his first Potion.

'65% quality. Nope.'

As the holder of [Panel], he has the appraisal function of it, which helped him a lot when it comes to discerning it effects and quality.

Lugh made a Potion for 2 more times until the time ran out. When he made the Potion for the second time, he made a mistake and failed. As for the Potion at the third attempt..

It's at 70% quality.

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