Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc II Chapter 10



Arc II Chapter 10


Their conversation ended shortly afterwards. Masasane was about to leave the tent ...


“Masasane, can I have some of your time? I have something to discuss with you.” Asami’s commanding tone wasn’t lost on Masasane.  


“What’s the matter, Asami?”


Asami paused. “Sensei, haven’t you noticed all the little inconsistencies around Mitsuoki and his friends?”


Masasane raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”


“Haven’t you noticed how Mitsuoki and his retinue avoid major population centres? Haven’t you noticed how often Mitsuoki decides to take little detours?”


Masasane scratched his head. “I thought the same, but strange things happen. No need to overthink things.”


Asami disagreed, “They do, but not to this degree. Mitsuoki and the rest of his friends are trying to avoid detection.”


“And? This type of behaviour is far from uncommon. Many people appreciate some secrecy.”


“This is not a matter of simple secrecy, sensei. Didn’t you hear what the guards said back at the main gate? We were the third team to leave for Iwagakure.”


“I fail to see the problem, Asami.”


Asami narrowed her eyes. Masasane didn’t take her seriously. “Sensei, who were these teams? What were their missions?” It was his duty to protect them, and not hers.


Masasane brooded. “I think one team escorted a wealthy lord ... The other team, a group of high ranking Iwa diplomats ... You don’t think ...” Realisation finally struck Masasane.


“That we were tricked? That we are being used as cover? Yes, I think so. I have no definite evidence, but I suspect that we escort the real Iwa diplomats while the other groups were decoys to distract potential attackers.”


Masasane sighed. “Asami, stop overthinking things. You see enemies where none are.”


“You don’t believe me?” Asami gaped. Once again, Masasane dismissed her advice.


“Look, Asami, everything you tell me now is just speculation. Don’t feel bad if I am a bit sceptical. But don’t worry, Asami, you can trust me. I am a jonin for reasons, and I am your sensei. You can count on me, I will protect you. So thank you for informing me, Asami, I will keep your warnings in mind.” Masasane smiled before leaving.


“I hope so, Masasane. I hope so.” Asami clenched her fist, visibly angry. “It’s not my survival I am concerned about.” She did everything in her power, but everything was apparently not enough.


The sun set and Asami crawled into her sleeping bag. The day made her tired and sleep came easily.  In the distance, a crow was hiding among the trees. The crow observed, biding its time.


Amegakure’s famous skyline of steel and iron emerged from the horizon. Skyscrapers rose from the ground as far as her eyes could see. The route Mitsuoki chose led them directly through Amegakure. It was an ominous place.


Ame’s infamous rain accompanied them, never ceasing. It was raining, and raining, and raining, and raining. Everyone ended up getting soaked, except for Asami. A lovely black umbrella coated in a thin layer of protective chakra protected her from the elements.


Asami didn’t care, though. She had bigger worries than rain. Two figures were following them since they crossed Amegakure’s borders. No visual confirmation was made yet as they both avoided detection so far. They kept their distance, but their enormous chakra presence betrayed them. Their potent aura stood out, giving away their position.


“...” Asami grumbled, dissatisfied with the current situation ...




“What’s up, Aritame?” Asami shifted her umbrella.


Aritame wore a heavy raincoat, soaked like everyone else. “I have a question, how come you are completely dry while the rest of us are wetter than wet?”


Asami smiled. “It’s the umbrella.”


“The umbrella?” Aritame gave her a blank stare. He didn’t believe her.


“Well, it is a very special umbrella ...”


Distracted, Asami didn’t pay attention, nearly missing the incoming attack, but she didn’t.


Asami reacted in time, quickly adopting defensive measures, her umbrella serving as defensive armament and improvised shield. Her eyes detected the approaching shuriken. Her beloved chakra obeyed and manifested, reinforcing her umbrella.


Her umbrella stood firm, withstanding the unrelenting assault, deflecting the hail of shuriken with minimal effort. Metal sparked and dust filled the air, but her umbrella protected her, Aritame, and Yukihiro from any harm. Meanwhile, her sensei should be able to provide for himself, which he was. He ducked and dodged. He was a jonin, and thus not completely useless.


Her shield dissipated, dissolving into a fine purple mist. Layers of hardened chakra saved Aritame and Yukihiro, but the same couldn’t be said of the rest of the convoy.


The attack had subsided, revealing a scene of total carnage. Corpses and limbs littered the ground, lifeless and torn asunder. Their blood stained the earth red. They died without having a chance. Nobody survived.


Aritame and Yukihiro unholstered their kunai, prepared to fight. Meanwhile, two men appeared from the thick fog. They both wore black robes adorned by red clouds.


“...” Asami narrowed her eyes.


One man spoke, a giant sword hanging over his shoulder. The man flashed his shark like teeth. “Tracking down the real ambassador took more time than expected, but it seems that third time’s the charm, right, Itachi?”


“...” Itachi didn’t comment, remaining silent instead.  


His colleague sighed. “You know, you are no fun, Itachi. You should really try to liven up a bit.”


Asami didn’t recognise the swordsman, but she recognised his partner. So did Masasane. His face paled and his hands trembled. This was going to be an ugly fight, a very ugly fight. Itachi. Uchiha, ANBU, traitor, and clan killer.



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