Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc VIII Chapter 11



Arc VIII Chapter 11


The day ended, and the sun set on the horizon. The last rays of the daylight vanished, replaced by frozen darkness and the coming night. The temperatures fell, and the city turned hostile to human life.


Yuki's breath congealed in the cold air as they were searching for a warm place to spend the night. Her body shivered. Her body was freezing, and her companion was useless. Tobi was a natural idiot. His unreliable sense of direction got them lost over and over again. They were even forced to ask for directions.


The wrong street. They wrong shabby inn. The prices were daylight robbery. The food quality dubious. No running water. The rooms didn't befit nee-san's standing and status.


“...” Yuki clenched her fists, determined to achieve her goal. She would find the best inn in the entire city and make Nee-san proud. Nee-san deserved nothing less than the best. They succeeded eventually and located a suitable place. They even organised some food as they were both hungry. The day was long, and their stomach roared.


Tobi enjoyed his sweet dangos, while his mountain of empty plates grew.


“...” Yuki disapproved. The spendthrift wasted Nee-san's money.


Tobi's mouth was stuffed full of dango sticks. “Sommmething wronmmmg, Yuki? You don't look happy.”


Yuki turned her head. “Never mind. Nothing important.”


Tobi tilted his head. He was confused. “Really? Tobi doesn't think so. Tobi thinks you should tell Tobi! Talking helps!”






Yuki crossed her arms, disagreeing. “...”


“Hmm ...” Tobi rubbed his chin, thinking. “Tobi has a solution.” 


He presented her with his brilliant solution, a dango. “Tada, dangos help against worries and mild depression!”


“...” Yuki narrowed her eyes. No wonder, Nee-san loved hitting Tobi. The same urge befell her. Tobi was indeed the ideal punching bag. “I doubt a simple dango will help ...”



“...” Tobi poked her cheeks with his dango stick.


He poked her.


He poked her. “Are ~ you ~ sure ~? Dangos ~ are ~ really ~ tasty ~.”






“...” Yuki accepted his dango to stop his incessant nagging. She was hungry, and she liked sweets. Her mouth consumed the sweet joy.


Tobi waved his arms, wildly gesticulating. “Tell me, Yuki, what's the matter? You can trust Tobi! Tobi is reliable!”


“...” Yuki gave him a blank stare before accepting his offer. She trusted him for once. “I am worried about Nee-san. I am worried Nee-san won't return.”


“...” Tobi blinked behind his mask, confused by her question. “You are worried about Asami? How so?”


Yuki lowered her gaze. “I know Mistuhiko. He can't be trusted.” Her uncle was a dangerous man. She didn't want to lose Asami as well.


Tobi reassured her with a smile. “Don't worry, Yuki, senpai will return. I am sure. Senpai~ is strong.”


Yuki wasn't convinced. “Are you sure? Nee-san doesn't strike me as particularly strong ...” Her words provoked an instant reaction.


“Eh ... Eh ... Eh ...” Tobi nearly choked on his tango. He couldn't believe his ears. “What? Really? Are you sure you are not mistaken?”


“...” Yuki nodded. Nee-san was hugging, huggling, cuddling her on a daily basis. Nee-san treated her like her personal teddy bear. Nee-san tucked her in at night. Nee-san enjoyed pinching her cheeks. Nee-san was the older sister she never had. Nee-san was sweet, fluffy, and cuddly. Nee-san couldn't appear dangerous, not to mention strong. Because her Nee-san was far too cute and gentle.


“... ... ...” Tobi, meanwhile, was left speechless. He was openly lost for words, and Yuki had no idea as to why. Had she said something strange?


Tobi scratched his head. “Tobi thinks Yuki-chan doesn't need to worry about Nee-san ...”


“...” Yuki didn't react. Her frozen eyes stared into the dark, cold night.


Tobi followed her sight and fell silent as well. Curious spectators gathered on the empty streets as the entire horizon glowed purple. Burning ash and smoke illuminated the night. The fragrance of burnt wood permeated the air.


The column of smoke rose skywards, fuelled by the wrathful flames. Blazing purple flames consumed the castle. Nothing could ever withstand the voracious fire, the raging, mysterious purple flames. 


Tobi's voice turned sober. “It seems that your worries were ... unfounded, Yuki-chan.”


“Indeed.” A vice cut him short.


Yuki recognised the voice. “Nee-san!” It was Nee-san's sweet, melodic, angelic voice. Her face blushed.


Asami strolled through the streets with an oversized gold neko in her arms. Her lips smiled. “Yuki-chan, Tobi, it took me some time to find you. I was already wondering where you had gone ...”


“Nee-san!” Two tiny arms curled around her hip. Yuki hugged her, and Yuki had no intention to stop. The hug continued and time passed. 


“...” Asami greeted her with a warm smile. Her heart was glad to see Yuki again. “Tobi, take care of my cat for a moment.” 


Asami handed Tobi her new feline friend. Looting the castle was a profitable affair. Sadly, the fire claimed the majority of her spoils, but she was able to save the cat.


“Understood, senpai!” Tobi saluted before accepting the statue. He regretted his decision immediately. The weight of the gold pulled him down. The statue was heavy.


Asami smirked. “Be careful, Tobi, don't damage the cat. It is precious.”


Tobi groaned under its weight. “I will try my best ...” He dropped the cat, and the statue hit the ground.


“Tobi ...” Asami rewarded Tobi with an annoyed glare.


Tobi scratched his head innocently. “Sowwy, senpai.”


“...” Asami fumed. As usual, Tobi was the epitome of incompetency. He dropped the cat, breaking it, only to reveal ... a scroll ... hidden inside the hollow torso ...


“...” Asami blinked. Her hands were quick to retrieve the withered scroll. The scroll was old, not say ancient. A scroll from the distant past whose purpose had been long since forgotten. Only a cat paw decorated the seal. What a curious find.



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