Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc XIChapter 6



Arc XI Chapter 6


Asami and her delegation reconvened in the great hall of the castle. Kneeling on the floor, they were awaiting the shogun's response with anticipation.


Mifune crossed his arms, his eyes closed. Enigmatic and indecipherable, his stern face refused to yield to her scrutiny, never betraying its thoughts. He was indeed the shogun of the Land of Iron, and a potential ally, soon to be drawn to her side through eloquence and persuasion.


Asami smirked in hidden delight. He and his men would serve her cause well. Any source of additional manpower was highly appreciated. Especially, if their contribution consisted of an army of trained samurai.


“...” Mifune raised his head. Authority filled his voice, “After careful deliberation and much discussion, we, the Lords of the Land of Iron, have finally come to a decision, Lady Miyumi.”


Asami mustered her brightest smile. “We are glad, Your Lordship, that such was done in a timely fashion. Words don't do you justice, Lord Mifune, you are not only wise, but also quick in mind and spirit.”


“You are flattering me, Lady Miyumi.” The shogun was stroking his beard. “Unfortunately, we must disappoint you, though. It pains us, Lady Miyumi, but we must decline your offer. It is not yet time for the samurai to sound the drums of war. We are not willing to spill innocent blood over perceived lost honour and wounded pride. You honour us with your proposal, and others more inclined may accept your offer, but the Land of Iron cannot. We have decided. Our decision stands and will not be reversed. You must look for allies elsewhere. I wish you luck, Lady Miyumi, although I doubt that such will be necessary. Your silver tongue will open the hearts and minds of lords with lesser scruples to you.”


“I see. How truly unfortunate.” Asami lowered her head, her lips mustering a radiant smile. “We thank you for your time and attention, Lord Mifune. We may leave empty handed today, but our stay was not without merit in light of your generous words. We bid you and your court farewell. We will now retreat to our lodgings.”


Asami rose, her kimono fluttering, flowing in the air. Much to her annoyance, her mission proved a failure. What a disappointment. Bested by a senile old fool already past his best year and his geriatric stubbornness. It was not the first time that she had been denied by his kind.


 Asami clicked her tongue in mild annoyance, finally able to display her frustration openly. “What a waste of time and effort. Travelling all the way north into the middle of nowhere just to earn a rejection. We should have better stayed at home, in Ame, but I guess that we should have expected this outcome.”


Yuriko raised her eyebrow while accompanied through the castle on their way to their designated lodgings. “Do you think so? From what I could tell, the court was quite smitten by your little speech. There was whispering and chattering everywhere.”


“And yet it was not enough.” A heavy sigh escaped Asami's lips. In the end, all her efforts proved in vain. “Lost honour and wounded pride alone won't animate them to march into war. They won't be lured by empty promises. We should have offered them something more tempting to sweeten the deal. We should have offered something like territory and land, gold and wealth, power and status should they join us … But I doubt that such an approach would have borne fruit either way. Mifune is unfortunately a man of principles. He is too stubborn to budge, even for his own good. I doubt that we could bribe him with mere trinkets and the lure of gold. He doesn't seem like a man that can be swayed by material gain or power. Quite the contrary. Much to our annoyance, he is a samurai through and through, but not enough of a samurai to march into war. How unfortunate for us.”


Yuriko nodded in agreement. “In his defence, though, Mifune was not chosen for the position of shogun for no reason. He is a cunning man. He cannot be swayed by the power of mere words alone.”


Asami mustered a chuckle. “True enough, Yuriko, he wouldn't be the mighty wouldn't fall so easily. Mifune is not an idiot. I guess that I gambled too highly this time. What a loss …”


Asami halted. A woman appeared. She was a servant clad in formal garbs appropriate to a courtier. 


“Lady Miyumi, might you have a free moment?” The courier bowed to offer her respect.


Asami raised an eyebrow, yet she was willing to listen. “You may.”


“Lady Miyumi, I am bearing good news. I speak on behalf of Lord Yoshito of the Kurogane clan. My Lord has instructed in person me to seek an audience with you. Your speech has impressed him, and he shares your opinion that the Land of Iron should take a more active role in terms of foreign policy.”


“Oh? Really?” A slight smile crossed Asami's lips.


The servant nodded, her voice murmuring, “Indeed, Lady Miyumi. Lord Yoshito desires to speak with you. In private, if you understand what we mean.”


“Of course, certain delicate matters are best only discussed in private.” Asami grinned. A new opportunity had just presented itself.


“We are glad you understand.” The woman bowed. “Lord Yoshito will await you, Lady Miyumi. Your presence will honour.”


It was a late afternoon and a lone, remote room harboured their congregation. Their talks were shrouded in utmost secrecy. They were sitting together in what felt more like a conspiratorial gathering rather than audience. Only a few people were selected, and they were all carefully selected. It was her and Yuriko accompanying her. The other side consisted of Lord Yoshito, his servants, and a number of retainers.


“Thank you for accepting our, albeit unconventional, invitation, Lady Miyumi. It is an honour to meet you in person. I am Lord Yoshito, daimyo of the Land of Iron and head of the Kurogane clan.” Lord Yoshito opened his arms, greeting her.


Asami returned a smile. “The honour is all mine.”


Lord Yoshito reclaimed the word. “Now I think that we all know why we have gathered here.”


Asami nodded. “More or less, although I am missing certain pieces.”


Lord Yoshito nodded. “Understandable considering the circumstances. The thing is that it was not a unanimous decision when Lord Mifune decided to reject your offer. Quite the contrary. There is a powerful faction within the Land of Iron that wishes for change. As you said, we samurai are destined to walk the of path. My comrades and I disagree with the ways practised by Mifune and his predecessors. We do not share his ideals and visions of the world. We would gladly deepen our ties with Amegakure, even going as far as entering an alliance. As long as we will benefit from such a relationship, of course. Obviously, our clans hope that we will be remunerated accordingly with land, gold, and status in exchange for our loyalty.”


Asami grinned. “Rest assured, Lord Yoshito, you will. When the time comes, those who have fought along us will duly be compensated for their services. Ame will not be a pauper when it comes to our precious allies. Especially, when it comes to our precious samurai.”


“My clan is glad to hear so, as will be our comrades in arms. We would gladly pledge our swords to your cause, yet one obstacle remains ...”


“Mifune”, Asami interjected.


Lord Yoshito smirked. “Exactly. As expected, you are quick to grasp. As long as, Mifune and those loyal to him remain in power, there is no hope for change. We thus require your help, the help of Amegakure, to remove him and his supporters. Your ninja will prove of great use in our struggle. It will take time to prepare and coordinate, but I assure you that when the time comes, our blades will be prepared to strike. In a few months, we will be ...”


“That will be hardly necessary, Lord Yoshito.” Asami offered a gentle smile, her hand visibly reaching for her blade. “We should not wait and hesitate in the face of uncertainty. Instead, we should rather strike when the iron is hot. Mifune and his closest allies are all currently residing in this castle. As far as I am concerned, it is the perfect opportunity. Just point me in their direction. It will be done swiftly. They will be liquidated before morning dawns.”










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