Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc XIChapter11



Arc XI Chapter 11


Captain Yoruichi raised her paw, “And here we are, the glorrrious and venerable impurrrial throne room, the heart and jewel of the impurrial palace. Unforrrtunately, though, our tour ends here as time is sparse. However, if you wish so, we would be of course honoured to continue our tour and show you more of the impurrial palace another day. There are many more rooms and places to see and visit ...”


“Zzz ... Zzz ... Zzz ...” Yet it was already too late. Yuki had already fallen asleep from utter boredom, her eyelids closed, and her head lowered while standing upright. A series of sweet melodic snores escaped her lips. “Zzz ... Zzz ... Zzz ...”


Captain Yoruichi cleared her throat, “Ahem, Lady Yuki ...”


“Zzz ... Zzz ... Zzz ...” Yuki was sleeping peacefully.


“Lady Yuki ...”


“Zzz ... Zzz ... Zzz ...”


Ultimately, it was Katsuki who took action and poked her dormant mistress awake.


“Wah ...” Yuki jumped up in shock, caught completely off guard and thrown into total disarray and confusion. “I am here ... I am listening ... I am awake ... I am not sleeping ...”


The kitten guard exchanged looks, yet they choose to ignore her lapse. As supreme connoisseur themselves, they probably knew about the impurrtance of taking naps.


Yuki looked around, still slightly disoriented. “Where are we? What are we doing here?”


Captain Yoruichi cleared her throat, explaining once again, “Ahem, as said, this is the impurrial throne room. The Empurress already awaits you, Lady Yuki.”


“Oh ...” Yuki merely smiled, overjoyed and breathing a sigh of relief now that her martyrdom had finally ended. No boring tour anymore. She was free! Finally free! Now the Empurrress was awaiting her.


Yuki and the delegation entered. They were greeted by the entire collective neko court, by guards and soldiers, by courtiers and ministers, by scribes and servants.


Among them, was sitting The Empurrress, the supposedly purrriest and fluffiest of cats, throning on a conspicuous mountain of soft, cosy pillows from where she reigned over the lands of Neko clan with an iron paw.


A guard announced, purring through the wide halls. “Her Impurrrial Pawjesty, forever August, Purrrtector of the Realm, Defender of Nekohood, Pawrdian of Peace and Purrrsperity, Champion of Kittens, Empurrress Suiko! May She purrr long and in peace!” The use of feline titles was noted by Yuki. Pawjesty ... Empurrress ...


The Empurrress greeted her. “Greetings, We have been already awaiting you ...”


“Mother~!!!” Impatience overtook Katsuki, making her jump from the safety of Yuki's arms, only to storm off to join her mother's side. Katsuki moved her paws, wildly gesticulating to express her joy. “Mother, I have missed you, purrr.”


“I have missed you too, Katsuki-chan~. It is good to see you return.” Empurrress Suiko placed her paw on her daughter's forehead, patting her. Katsuki was purring loudly, her joy visible. “How are you doing? I was told that you have found a summoner in the human realm? Furthermore, I was told that your new duties and responsibilities keep you busy every day of the week.”


Katsuki purred, enjoying her pat, “I am doing well, Mother~. And, yes, I have found a strong and powerful summoner. I have no doubt that Lady Asami ranks with cerrrtainty among the strongest of her kind And, yes, Lady Asami tasked with an array of impurrtant and indispensable duties and responsibilities. Lady Asami is indeed counting on me day and night. Unfortunately, my onerous duties impede to return home.”


“... ... ...” Yuki didn't say anything. Being their de facto private house cat wasn't exactly an important duty ... Nee-san just kept Katsuki around all the time for her to play with her ... Otherwise, her onerous duties mainly consisted of taking naps near the stove, playing around with her yarn, eating large quantities of tuna, and consuming pats and belly rubs.


Empuress Suiko smiled, much proud of her daughter. “I see. I presume then that our human guest must be our esteemed Lady Asami. It is a honour to finally meet you in person, Lady Asami, although I must confess that I am surprised by your age. You are younger that I have expected, Lady Asami.”


Katsuki was fidgeting. “Well, ... That is because she isn't Lady Asami ...”


“What? But didn't I instruct you to take her with you?”


Katsuki was scratching her head. “Yes, you did ... But it was ... unfortunately ... not possible ... You see, Mother, as it turns out Lady Asami has a variety of other commitments that require her utmost attention ... Thus, Lady Asami is unavailable ...”


“...” Silence followed.


Katsuki offered a wry smile. “But do not worry, Mother, Lady Asami has sent her little sister instead.”


“Her little sister?”


Katsuki nodded. “Yes, her little sister. I can vouch for her. Lady Yuki is a more than adequate replacement~.”


Yuki merely waved. Yes, she was Nee-san little sister and more than adequate. She had trained hard for this day. She wouldn't disappoint Nee-san


“...” Her mother hesitated, but there was trust in her eyes, trust in Katsuki's judgement. “We will see. I hope you are right, because it is an impurrrtant task that awaits you.”


“Such as?” Yuki tilted her head, curious. Nee-san was also always tilting her head. It was thus a behaviour that had to be emulated.


Empurrress Suiko spoke, “You will see. Grave danger looms on the horizon, Lady Yuki, threatening all of Nekohood An old enemy has once again reemerged.”


All cats at the court, ministers and courtiers, soldiers and gaurds, nodded in agreement, their faces serious.


“Guards, unravel the map.”


“Yes, Your Pawjesty!” The guards did as ordered, quickly and efficiently. They brought a giant scroll and unravelled it.


Yuki was staring at the map with more questions than answers. “What is this?”


Empurrress Suiko spoke, “This is a map of the spirit realm. As you can see, our lands are here.” Her paw motioned somewhere undefined in the middle of nowhere. As if she knew where the Neko territory was located, which she didn't. But it was probably where the giant cat face was located. That should be a quite reliable indicator.


Empurrress Suiko took the word, “News has arrived that the snake clan has officially concluded a peace treaty with the toad clan, ending hostilities between their respective clans. At least, furr the time being. And, at least, until the next war. Unfurrtunately, that is terrible news furr us.”


“Is it?”


Empurrress Suiko nodded. “It is, Lady Yuki. The snakes are still weakened by the long war, but it means that they can and will turn their attention now southwards again, against us. They are shifting their forces south, threatening our broders, It is only a matter of time before they will strike like in the past.”


“Oh ...” Yuki understood after looking at the map. The ominous violet of the snake clan bordered against the brillaint gold of the neko clan. It seeemed like conflict was inevitable.


Empurrress Suiko raised her paw. “But it is not too late yet. We must act swiftly and with courage. To counter the snake threat, I have arranged talks with our neighbours. We need to revive old bonds and form an alliance against our common foe.”


Yuki raised her hand. She had a question. “And what has that exactly to do to with us?”


Empurrress Suiko meowed loud and clearly. “The talks will be soon, Lady Yuki. Sadly, there are impurrtant matters here at home that require my attention. Our forces must be meowbilised, and we must prepare for war. That is why I will send you and my daughter as our representatives. I thus ask you to assist my daughter and support her as she is still young and inexpurrrienced. You both must secure an alliance.”


“I understand.” Yuki clenched her fists, highly motivated. How fortunate that Nee-san had instructed her much in the subtle art of statecraft and diplomacy. It was finally time to put Nee-san's lessons to good use.



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