Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

ArcXI Chapter15



Arc XI Chapter 15


Victorious, the army of proud cats returned to Koneko, the impurrial capital. They had won. They had triumphed. The alliance forces had delivered a crushing defeat upon the snake clan, a resounding victory for the alliance, for the time being. The snake offensive was halted and their expansionist ambitions thus thwarted. Their army had been annihilated. Their officers and generals taken prisoner. Their camp taken. Their entire war chest seized. Their supplies captured. Neko forces were even able to reclaim the long lost and sacred Neko Sage Scroll amidst all the chaos. 


In summary, her plan was a complete success on all fronts. The snake clan had been dealt a severe blow, a blow that they wouldn't recuperate from quickly. In fact, the blow was so severe that the snakes even sued for peace as a result after their army had been decimated. Their entire southern front was now dangerously exposed, threatened by alliance forces. 


Their emissaries were quick to claim that what had transpired was merely the actions of a single misguided general acting without orders. It was an obvious lie. They denied any such allegations in order to save face, but their terms were nevertheless generous. They offered compensation, such as gold and even land, for his wayward deeds, should the alliance be willing to overlook his erroneous ways. The alliance accepted and the peace was signed. Reparations were paid and former lands were returned without further bloodshed. It was truly a heroic victory, enabled by a single girl.


In the heart of the grand Impurrial palace, Yuki and Her Fluffy Pawness Katsuki were both received like heroes after their return. Her actions had saved the neko clan. Her mother, the Empurress, and the entire court welcomed them, servants, the neko guard, officials, and ministers. They even went so far as to throw a large feast in their honour to celebrate their victory and the new signed peace. The palace bustled with life, with the festivities about to commence. It was thus a joyful day, a joyful day for the entirety of nekohood and all cute animals of the spirit realm.


The feast began, taking place in the vast main hall of the palace. Clad in her finest kimono, Yuki together with Katsuki were sitting on the softest of softest cushions right next to the Empurress, close to the throne. Long tables lined the hall, their wood weighed down by the plentiful abundance of food and drink, much to the delight of the attending cats, able to indulge in their insatiable greed. They were happy cats and they all purred loudly in content.


As for Yuki, she received a giant porcelain bowl of milk, much bigger than anyone else's, and a truly gargantuan slice of the best and freshest tuna served on a silver plate, much, much, much bigger than anyone else's, far bigger than herself. All to honour their magnificent victory. In both cases, Yuki was too polite to decline feline hospitality. After all, both the milk and the tuna were signs of friendship and gratitude. It would be impolite to reject their gifts. Apparently, they had found out that she was still a young ‘girl’, which according to their cat logic made her the equivalent of a kitten, which is the reason they gave her a bowl of milk. They were not exactly wrong in thinking so, but still ...


The feast came to a halt as the Empurress called for everyone's attention. The hall fell silent on her command and listened. The Empress spoke, spreading her furry paws with a smile on her whiskers and her tail wagging, “As you kneow, we all have gathered here today to celebrate this auspicious meowment. But we have also gathered here to honour two of us before all, my daughter, Princess Katsuki, who bravely stood her ground and defended our feline pride. But first and foremost, we must honour a certain girl, a girl we must consider a true friend of all of nekohood and thank from the depths of our hearts for her exceptional services, Lady Yuki. Without your bravery, without your determination, without your wisdom, a victory like this would have nyaver been possible, Lady Yuki. You have forever our eternal gratitude.”


“Nya! Nya! Nya!!! Nya!!! Nya!!!” The entire hall erupted in vigorous meowing in Yuki’s honour to the point that she was slightly blushing, embarrassed by all the attention that she was receiving.


The Empurress raised her paw. “It goes without saying that your kindness and dedication will neowt go unnoticed. You shall neowt be forgotten. Thus, I shall reward you in the name of nekohood for your services. Lady Yuki.”


A series of servants arrived on cue, bearing various gifts and presents, clutched in their fluffy paws.


“Here a few tokens of our gratitude.” The Empurress smiled.


“Oh.” Yuki marvelled, staring at the exotic gifts presented to her on soft cushions in awe.


The Empurress purred, “A bolt of our finest Neko silk for you and your esteemed sister. Wear it with pride and honour.”


“Oh.” Yuki reacted. It was a gift that Nee-san would certainly appreciate.


“Here as well you shall find, a box of our most exquisite impurrial catnip. May it calm your mind and spirit in difficult times.” 




“Furthermeowr, we gift you a finely crafted cat bell. It shall mark wherever you are as a friend of all cats and kittens.”


“...” Yuki studied the cat bell that she had been offered. No matter how you looked at it, it was now her cat bell. It was a work of art specifically made for her, a collar and an accompanying cat bell of pure, shimmering gold. Of course, she would wear it. After all, it was a present, of friendship.


“And last but not least, Lady Yuki, I shall grant you the privilege to be the first human in the last hundred years to study the secrets of the lost Neko Sage Mode. Your efforts have allowed us to recuperate the Neko Sage Scroll after all this time. Thus, it is only proper for you to peruse it, Lady Yuki. Princess Katsuki will assist you and instruct you in the ways of the Neko Clan where required.” 


“Really, Your Majesty? Is that true?” Yuki's eyes sparkled, her fists clenched in excitement and delightment.


The Empurress nodded. “It is, Lady Yuki, the secrets of Neko Sage Mode shall be bestowed upon you. You are a true friend of all nekohood. Who else could be worthier of such an honour than you?”


“I understand, Your Majesty.” Yuki nodded. “I will not disappoint the trust that you have put in me.”



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