Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

ArcXI Chapter17



Arc XI Chapter 17


In the meanwhile, far, far, far away somewhere else in another world ...


Asami had returned to Amegakure from her diplomatic mission in the north. It was quite a successful mission. Her efforts and methods enabled Amegakure to secure an alliance with the rulers of the Land of Iron. Her efforts bore fruit. The proud samurai of the Land of Iron were now their steadfast allies and Lord Yoshito of the Kurogane clan their man in the north. Hopefully, he would not forget the debt he had incurred and prove more loyal to her than his previous liege. Only time would tell.


For now, however, she was walking through the Hattori clan manor with her most trusted allies at her side. Masanari, head of the Hattori clan and her right hand within Amegakure, Makato, her left hand and dagger in the shadows, and last but not least, Kaoru, head of the illustrious Fuma clan and her armoured fist. They were her men in key positions, and they were discussing the current situation.


Kaoru took the word, “I will not dispute the success of your mission, Lady Asami, but from what I know, you have left quite the impression up there in the north. Even going as far as to instigate a bloody coup.”


Asami merely smiled. “Well, you are not wrong, Lady Kaoru, although you must concede that sometimes more forceful measures are necessary to achieve your objectives. You cannot deny the effectiveness of my ways. We reached an alliance. We secured an ally. All with just some minor bloodshed and a few heads rolling. I consider that quite a success. You should be happy, Lady Kaoru, you will soon receive some much needed instructors, even some fresh soldiers. Lord Yoshito promised us some of his best samurai to support our efforts. They will swear fealty to us and their swords will serve our cause.”


Asami shifted her gaze away from Lady Kaoru, “Now, how did things work out on your part, Masanari, Makato? I hope your missions were graced with similar success.”


Masanari shook his head negatively. “Less so. Both the Land of Grass as well as the Land of Waterfalls showed little enthusiasm when it comes to a proposed alliance. Lord Shibuki rejected our offer. His village prefers to maintain their neutrality. Our talks with the daimyo of the Land of Grass proved more fruitful, but he and his court were rather reluctant to entertain the thought of an alliance as they already enjoy the protection of Konoha for a long time. They are a traditional friend and ally of Konoha. It will be difficult to draw them to our side. Much persuasion will be required”


Asami bit her lips. “Thought as much. Konoha still wields considerable influence within the Land of Grass, which is hardly surprising considering their history. They fought at each other's side during the first, the second, and the third war. And you Makato?”


Makato sighed, “Little success in the south. The Land of Claw and the Land of Fangs are more focused on themselves than on much broader geopolitical questions. Their daimyo are incompetent. Their rule is ineffectual. Their countries are weak. Their war potential is low. Their hidden villages are insignificant. It is doubtful whether they would be of much use to us, even should they join our side.” 


Asami considered his words with care. “I see. And what about the Land of Stone?”


Makato folded his hands behind his back. “Their economy is robust and their military is quite formidable. Their ninja are renowned for their tenacity and fanaticism. The only problem is that their country is ruled by a bunch of religious zealots. The High Priest and his priests only serve the divine will of the kami. They act and speak in their name alone. They will listen to no one. The fact alone that I was even able to receive an audience with the High Priest was already a miracle. He rarely entertains guests, much less outsiders.”


“How intriguing.” Asami flashed a grin, pleased to find her suspicions confirmed. It seemed that it was necessary to pay the Land of Stone a little visit and enlighten them. All that needed to be done was to remind them of their eternal obedience and loyalty to the imperial household, not to say her, the incarnation of the will of the kami. They owed her their loyalty ...


“Asami-senpai~! Asami-senpai~!!! Asami-senpai~!!!!!!” Tobi barged in, wildly waving his flailing arms, disrupting their talks in the process. “Asami-senpai~, you have to try these natto filled dangos! Their texture is superb!” He raised his dango with almost sacred reverence. The fool he was, though, Tobi tripped and skidded across the ground, planting his face right in front of her with the dango miraculously surviving his fall. 


Tobi peeked at her from below through his  mask, “Awwww ... Apologies! Forgive me, Asami-senpai~!!! Tobi clumsy fool~! Please accept dango as a humble apology.”


“... ... ...” Asami declined to comment. It was the usual Tobi she had always known. “Tobi, ... what a surprising sight. What brings you here?”


Tobi stood up and straightened his back, dusting off his Akatsuki robe with both hands. “Ahhhh ... This was close!!! I nearly died, Asami-senpai~! I am also lucky that the dango survived!!!”


“... ... ...” Asami crossed her arms, a dangerous glint in her eyes. He didn't answer her question. “Tobi, I ask once again, why are you here, Tobi?”


“Ehm ...” Tobi fidgeted with his fingers, rocking back and forth on his heels. “Oh! Yes! That’s right! I almost forgot! DANGO! I am here because of dango!!! This texture ... This scent ... This aroma ...”


“... ... ...” Asami merely stared at Tobi.


“Please have some, Asami-senpai! Have a little bite! I promise, you will love them!” Tobi offered her his dango, almost poking her with the dango stick. 


“...” Asami snatched it from his hand, nibbling on it with small bites. It was good. 


“Yay!!!” Tobi celebrated, spinning around his own axis with his arms up. “By the way, Pain-sama has sent me! He demands everyone's immediate presence!!!”


Flickering shadows gathered inside a giant cave, their figures and faces masked by their silhouette. Pain had called for them and they heeded his call, whether far or close, whether new or old. They all obeyed. The entirety of Akatsuki assembled to listen to the words of their glorious and omniscient leader, despite the delusions of godhood on his part. But duty was duty. Among them was Asami, and, for some inexplicable reasons beyond her and human comprehension, a lowly existence called Tobi. The reasons for his presence and affiliation to the organisation still remained a mystery unsolved. It was certainly not for his abilities. Instead, Tobi was probably some kind court jester. His primary task was to entertain them and their liege, which was certainly a task that fitted his qualifications.


Tobi waved with his arms like a complete and utter fool, shouting around without the slightest care in the world. “Asami-senpai~, we are here!!! The Jutsu worked!!!”


“Silence, Tobi. Shut your mouth ...” Asami reminded her partner of his place. After all, she had no intention of embarrassing herself because of him, because her favourite cretin couldn't shut his mouth.


A chuckle met her from the other side of the cave. “So you are our most recent member. It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. I have heard a lot about you, Asami. You are from Konoha, aren't you?” A giant sword on his back, his identity was clear, it was Kisame. Not necessarily the most pleasant encounter imaginable. She still remembered the last time they met face to face.


The shadow of Itachi merely stared at her, his eyes cold. “...”


Asami crossed her arms, unresponsive and uncooperative. “You are correct, I hail indeed from Konoha ...”



Kisame chuckled. “You know, you remind me of someone I met some time ago. You have the same figure. You have about the same height. You have the same voice. You even share her name? Was it you back then?”


“... ... ...” Asami clicked her tongue, ignoring his taunts. 



“Hehehe, a taciturn one, aren't we, Asami?” Kisame grinned with amusement. His look told her he knew the answer. “Two Konoha-nin here at Akatsuki ... Seems like the loyal dogs of Konoha are a traitorous bunch, after all ...”


“Kisame, I am glad to see that time has not robbed you of your humour”, a  firm voice interrupted them all, attracting their attention. It was a voice they all had heard before. A voice that commanded respect. It was Pain himself. Standing next to him was his loyal attendant and angel, Konan, ever accompanying him. “Now that I have your attention. It has been a long time since we have last gathered like this. I have received some interesting information. It appears that Orochimaru has come into possession of the sharingan. Itachi, your brother has joined him.”


“...” Itachi said nothing. 


Kisame grinned, his theory confirmed. “See, I told you, they are a traitorous bunch. Or maybe it is just the Uchiha.”


Asami giggled behind the sleeve of her kimono. Well, Kisame might have a point. The Uchiha blood appeared to belie indeed a traitorous nature. So Sasuke betrayed Konoha ... How intriguing ... Not that it mattered to her, anyway, her kin was a brat without talent or future, one so far beneath her.


Pain continued, “His betrayal shouldn't impact us, though. Orochimaru will die sooner or later regardless. Neither he, nor anyone else will impede our plans in the long run. We are patient. Everything will go according to plan. We will commence our operations in three years. Then we will strike. Then all will be in our hands.”


Naruto raised his arm towards the blue sky of Konoha, clenching his fist with the fires of his motivation. It would be the last that he would see the village for the next two years. Because the day had come. The day of their departure had arrived. “...”


“What are you waiting for, Naruto? Let's go!” Jiraiya admonished him, reminding him once more.


“Yes, Ero Sennin!!! Let's go! I can't wait to get stronger,you know!!!” Naruto shouted, storming after his sensei.


Together, they passed the village’s gate and left Konoha. Their journey and his long training were about to begin.



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