Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

ArcXII Chapter3



Arc XII Chapter 3


A new day dawned on the village of Konohagakure, a hive of constant motion and commotion. Life filled the bustling streets and alleys of Konoha. Ninjas walked the streets among crowds of chattering villagers, their forehead protectors proudly displayed. Merchants peddle their wares in colourful stalls, offering everything from the exotic weapons to ancient scrolls. The fragrances of herbs and spices, the irresistible aroma of Ichiraku's ramen permeated the air.


This was Konoha. This was his village. This was his home. Two years had passed since he left. He had grown. He had seen and travelled the world. He had trained. He had honed his skills. Now their journey finally ended. Now they returned.


Two people passed through the gate to enter Konoha, a man and boy, a master and a student, a white haired eremite and yellow haired genin in his typical orange black jumpsuit. A grin flashed across Naruto's lips and a soft whisper escaped his mouth. “I am back.” And back he was.



The gentle sound of bells dancing in the win echoed across the arid sand of the unforgiving desert. The scorching sun shone down upon the endless, golden dunes stretching as far as the eye could see, and beyond. Life had forsaken this place, and yet four lone figures traversed the hostile desert under the relentless heat. They moved with purpose. They were people with a mission. They were on their way to Sunagakure. The village was their destination.


Three of them stepped through the porous sand. One of them was slithering along, pushing his ponderous body across the ground. They all wore a distinctive black cloak adorned with red clouds and a straw hat.


“I see, ... so this is how we are going to deal with in this matter.” Deidara grinned, his distinctive spiky, blonde hair hidden by his hat and his left eye concealed by his optical scope. “I guess, that means that we will pay our spy a friendly visit soon, now that we know he has betrayed us and leaked information to Orochimaru, Master Sasori.”


“It can't be helped”, Sasori grumbled from below from inside his puppet, his voice laced with a healthy dose of constant annoyance. It was the Sasori everyone knew, but not necessarily loved. Her included. “To think that my jutsu would fail ... How annoying ... As you said, we will need to get rid of him. But more importantly, are sure that a single bag will be enough, Deidara?”


The puppeteer eyed his bag of explosive clay. His supplies were indeed modest, considering the purpose of their journey and the mission entrusted to him. Pain's grand plan was finally set in motion. It now fell to him to defeat the Kazekage and acquire their first bijuu. “After all, our opponent will be the jinchuuriki of the One Tail. He might be young and inexperienced, but you should nevertheless not underestimate the Fifth Kazekage, Deidara.”


His words made Deidara grin. He was quite sure of himself. Whether his confidence was warranted or not, she could not tell. “Don't worry, Master Sasori, we will be fine. The Kazekage won't know what hit him. All of my creations are works of pure art, of pure perfection. And I made sure to bring my speciality for him. Not to mention, we have got substantial support. Pain-sama was kind enough to lend us our little Black Princess, right?” Deidara threw a glance at her and Tobi.


The latter was currently marching beside her after being promoted to her official parasol carrier and being forbidden from speaking a single word. His duty was now to hold her parasol and protect his mistress against the blazing sun. So far, Tobi performed his duties satisfactorily.


“Tsk, as if I had much of a choice in this matter ... Pain-sama commanded. I merely obeyed.” Asami clicked her tongue before lowering her straw hat. Her mild annoyance was tangible.


As if she hadn't had anything better to do than wasting her precious time in the middle of the desert, at the fringes of human civilisation. But duty was duty. No matter how annoying. Maybe he was punishing her for negotiating with the Land of Stone behind his back. Inscrutable he and his intention might be at times, Pain didn't seem to particularly approve of her more recent political manoeuvres. Did he know? Probably not.


Thanks to Pain's machinations, she found herself now in the middle of nowhere, accompanying Akatsuki's domestic artists on their mission. Apparently, everyone else was quite busy these days. Kakuzu and Hidan were somewhere stranded in the farthest corner of the Land of Lightning for one of their usual bounties. Itachi and Kisame, meanwhile, were ... wherever. The brooding duo kept to themselves with their air of mystery.


Thus, only she and Tobi were left. Both of them were stationed close by in Amegakure and thus readily available, much to her displeasure. But on the other hand, capturing a jinchuuriki was a rather unique mission. You didn't get the chance to so every day. So, maybe it was worth all the bother and effort.


Deidara chuckled in response, his voice laced with a bantering tone. “Our little Princess doesn't seem to be in a particularly good mood.” 


Asami ignored his comment. “Perhaps. Perhaps not.”


“Seems as if I have hit a nerve.” Deidara grinned. “Though, I must say that you have grown, Asami. You are taller ... Your eyes are sharper ... You aren't any more the little girl I remember. How many years has it been again since you joined us? It feels like an eternity.” 


“...” Asami raised an eyebrow. What a curious question ... But Deidara had always been of the more talkative kind. “Three, if I recall correctly.” 


“Oh, yes, three years ...” Deidara mused. “How time flies by, right, Master Sasori?”


“You youngsters and your time ...” Sasori merely grumbled.


Deidara chuckled, probably extensively used to his grumpy antics. “Whatever, as things stand now, you won't even need to lift a finger, Asami. Trust me, I will see to it.” 


“Really?” Asami furrowed an eyebrow. “If you say so, although I was honestly prepared to extract you, if necessary.” 


“Your sentiments are appreciated, Your Ladyship, but your services won't be required.” Deidara smirked, his hands already chewing on his beloved clay. “The Kazekage will fall.” 


Asami neither agreed, nor disagreed. “We will see, Deidara, we will see.”


Day turned night, and the sun dawned on the vast desert. At the horizon, emerged from amidst the sand the walls of Sunagakure. They had arrived.


Desert of Sunagakure



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