Side Note

Chapter 100: Do You Believe In Magic?

"Madeleine, I am your father."

"What?! How?! Noooooo!" I fell to my knees, staring at the sky and screaming at the top of my lungs. 

"Hey, Myka, can you pass me the red potion?"

"Sure thing, Melanie. Would any of you, except Melina, like another potion?"

"I would like a blue one."


"I wouldn't drink a potion you'd touch anyways."

"Tch. What a boring crowd. You can get up, Madeleine."

"Oh, okay." I got back up, taking my seat on Mel's lap. She looks annoyed at my seating choice but isn't pushing me off. "By the way, Creator, that whole father thing is a joke, right?"

"Hmm?" The Creator pondered for a moment as if she were browsing through a large bank of memories before her face grimaced as if she had realised something terrible. "Ah… fuck. Mom's gonna kill me." She put her head in her hands, looking down at the table.

"Huh? Is that a yes or a no?"

"I think it's a yes."

"Holy shit, Maddy, moving up in the world through nepotism."

"Damn. I made a bet with Mimi that Madeleine was more likely related to the Demons than the Gods… then again, in her current state, maybe I could get away with not paying."


"Hold up… I'm fucking a child of the Creator?!"

I stood up, brandishing a shadow dagger in each of my heads. "Father, I demand a rematch!"

"Rematch? I don't remember ever fighting you."

"Oh…" I sat back down, dissolving my shadow daggers. "That's true. I'm going back to feeding Mel my sandwich." I held one of the daggers with a sandwich in front of Mel, who took a bite of it despite the evident shocked look.

"Huh… usually my kids either try to kill me or go on a tirade when they first me… this might be the first time the child straight up ignored me after challenging me then feeding their girlfriend a sandwich… now I want a sandwich."

"As a scholar, I must pose a question."

"Go ahead, Sheepy. Hit me with your best question."

"How is it you can conceive a child? You claim to be the father, and we have met Madeleine's mother. I do not recall there being an ability of the Divine to impregnate anyone that catches their fancy, especially considering her mother is one of the only mortals on Mendass who the Divine fear. Aside from myself, of course."


"Geez, guess we know where Maddy's quirks and OPness come from." Lina let out a little smirk. "Heh, Pness."

"I'll have you know none of my kids take after me. The kid Madeleine kidnapped, Mira, is the cool, stoic type that never fucking talks. I've never seen someone play an entire round as the loser in Mario Party and not feel emotions."

"Woah, you can't say that! Copyright, copyright!"

"Valorant, League of Legends, Candy Crush, Angry Birds, onto you, Madeleine!"

"Uh… World Wrestling Entertainment? Is that a thing?"

"I loved WWE! We've got to watch it together at some point, sis."

"No thanks."

"Which reminds me, we need to get Mira out of the Shadowrealm. Madeleine, get her out."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Well… I can't be bothered to do it, so… yeah, leave your sister down there, I guess."

"Oh, okay." I tapped my foot on the ground to bring out my sister. You know, the cloaked girl with the… did she have wings? I don't remember. I remember her Sacred Power let her have sixty-four powers… do you think she's mad at… and she just flew off.

"Not even saying hi to her own dad… makes sense. Really highlights how weird Madeleine is."

"I am weirdness incarnate!"

"On that, I would agree. Now, before you continue on a tangent, which is a trait you evidently share with your daughter, I would like you to elaborate on the conception of Madeleine, more specifically, your role."

"Oh geez," Dad (Can I call her that? I'll call her that) started squirming and looking embarrassed. "You want to know my nighttime activities? You lewd, lewd sheep."

"Just answer the damn question."

"Geez… like I said before, maaagic."

"Elaborate on the magic."

"It should be obvious."

"It is not obvious to me."

"Would you like me to use smart words only you'll understand or dumb words for the rest of the party?"

"Hmm… the former, please."

"I utilised the arcane arts of my fabricated world to allow myself to grow the suitable appendage. This is possible thanks to how flexible the system is in this world, as per my design."

"Very much obliged."

"Hehe… she said appendage… I didn't understand any of it. Did you understand it, Mel?"

"Huh? Did someone say something?" Looks like Mel got out of her shocked state. "I was too busy thinking about how fucked I am… you think your dad will kill me?"

"Eh, I won't kill ya. Madeleine's grandma is more likely to kill you if you call her grandmother-in-law." Dad took a quick swig of the potion she was holding. "Anyways, I've made the system make it so my children get specific abilities, so which one did you get? World Tree Yggsdrasil? Abyssal Magic? Xylophone?"

"Side Note."

"Oh… that explains a lot." She got up and walked over to me, grabbing my face and making me face her, forcing us to make eye contact.

Absolute Command

Mendass is yours to command.

Side Note: If you're seeing this, I guess this means you're my favourite kid.

"Fun fact, Madeleine: Nearly every sentence in a Sacred Power's description starts with You, Your, or You're. If a sentence doesn't start with any of them... well, it must be special, then." Dad kissed me on the forehead, then started floating. "Well then, I ought to catch up to Mira. See ya later, kid." And off she went. After seeing her figure disappear from the sky, I looked around the table to see what the rest of the group was doing.

"Magic to create certain body parts… intriguing," Merry said with a slight blush.

"Nyaa~" Mimi said before going to sleep on top of the table.

"I only got one line for the 100th chapter. What the fuck?!" Myka said, flipping the table, which also woke up Mimi, who started to fight with Myka.

"Hah! Suck it, Myka!" Melina said before joining Mimi in trying to beat up Myka.

"For a meeting with the Creator of this world… that sure was… anti-climatic, in a way," Melanie said, still eating the sandwich on a dagger.

"What does anticlimatic mean?" Madeleine said, in her usual tone, indicating that she was not phased, despite being the person who should be affected the most.

Character profile: Mara Rose

Sacred power: Absolute Command

Favourite sister: May

Description: The Creator of Mendass, the Hero of Nisaty, the Holder of Many Titles, the Killer of God (Eventually), the Regal Goddess Queen of Gender Bending Dick Gods, the Woman Who Married a Couple of Isekai Tropes, the Devil's Chess Mate, the Wearer of Black Undershirts Under A Black Tuxedo, the Shadowrealm's True Owner, the Lover of Capitalisation, the Destroyer of At Least Seven Different Moons, the Big Scary Monster Under Beelzebub's Bed, the Licker, the Vewy Scawy Wavagew of the Night, the Bass Player of a Band Called Hopeful Despair, the Former Head Cultist of Azathoth, the Best Friend and Drinking Buddy of Chaos, the Murderer of At Least Two Evil Fanfiction Authors, and lastly, Mara Rose, Goddess of Darkness From Another World.

Chapter namesake: Do You Believe In Magic? by The Lovin' Spoonful

So, chapter 100, huh? I'm going to be honest, I did not expect Side Note to make it to 100 chapters, let alone past the 30s. I really thought I'd get bored by then and drop it, but here I am, still writing it. Even more surprising to me is the fact that there are also people reading Side Note as well, and for that, I'll have to say thanks.

Since this is the hundredth chapter, I'mma talk about how Side Note came around (I assume I haven't discussed this before since I am terrible at remembering things). So last year, I got bored and challenged myself to make a list of 1,000 different abilities, so I did. I legit did it, and then I forgot about it. Then this year, I looked through my folders and came across the power list and thought I could make a story out of this, which is what I ended up doing. Yeah, that's basically it.

I was going to talk about some things that were written that were completely unplanned, but then I realised that I'd end up talking about everything, so instead, maybe I'll talk about three plans I had that I scrapped. I think I've mentioned it before, but Merida was planned to just be a running gag where she'd appear randomly drinking soup and would later be revealed to have the Sacred Power called Soup. Hamblin was meant to be the setting for the first 10 or so chapters, with Rio Verdeux acting as an antagonistic character, but evidently, that plan didn't happen. Lastly, I planned on having Madeleine's parents be a Demon Lord and a fairy. Well, I guess I could Moira a Demon Lord or a fairy. I haven't really revealed anything about her, huh?

Anyways, that's all I've got to say. Thanks for reading, and I hope y'all will stick around. Oh yeah, since it has been 25 chapters, the obligatory Q&A thingy I decided on a whim is happening, so feel free to ask questions, any kind of question. I'll answer them either immediately or 12 hours after they're asked.

Side Note: Did I ever mention that I upload a chapter every two days within a specific hour (Specifically 8-9 PM in my timezone, which is NZST(Do the conversion yourself))?

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.