Side Note

Chapter 124: Oh! Dungeon

Dungeons. Mysterious phenomenon that appears all over Mendass. The first was documented to have appeared around four hundred years ago. Dungeons are labyrinths with monsters living within their walls and traps built into their floors to keep invaders out. Despite its danger, people still venture into dungeons. Not because there's treasure, but because people in Mendass are really stupid. 

On an unrelated note, the first Otherworlder said to have been transmigrated to Mendass was also from around four hundred years ago. Those are two facts I know from my time of binge-reading the entire Maid School library, and I'm surprised no one in Mendass has thought if there's a connection. Then again, scholars in Mendass tend to get bullied, or cucked, or assassinated, or imprisoned, or the worst fate, turned into librarians. Who knew less scholars meant less stuff being figured out?

Why did I mention dungeons? Because I'm in a dungeon right now, and not the kinky kind. The kind where most adventurers tend to lose their lives, all for nought. I guess that is the kinky kind of dungeon if we consider the dungeons of nobles. I've actually been in a noble's dungeon before. Specifically Rio's. Wait, Mel has also been in a noble's dungeon!

"The Demon Empress was a noble? I thought she was just a demon."

"She was the Duchess of Norpasse."

"That does not sound real."

"Sounds real to me."

"Everything sounds real to you."

"Good point."

"Now, sit there and exposition. The next room seems to have an anti-magic barrier, and I'd rather not have you fight close quarters. I'll just snipe the monsters from here, then we can move forward. Okay?'

"Aye aye, captain!"

"Good." Mel knelt down, took out her bow, and started shooting arrows through the open doorway in front of us, accurately hitting the head of the orcs inside.

So, why are we in a dungeon? Because a piece of paper told me to. I woke up in bed and then poked Mel in the cheek because she makes funny noises when I do that. Afterwards, I went around the train to check up on the other three. The Goddess of Life was still knocked out, but she had fifteen wine bottles around her this time, so something told me this was a new bout of unconsciousness. The train conductor and the Shadow Clone who found the train were in the front of the train, seemingly discussing something. When I arrived, the Shadow Clone immediately gave me a piece of paper. I still have it, so let me read it out.

So there's a Sacred Power located within a dungeon that you lot will be flying over. I've made it so that the train's engine will explode when you're near it and that after you get its Side Note, the engine with magically fix itself.

From, Myka.

P.S. I know you haven't bothered to learn their names, so I'll tell you them. The Goddess' name is Avit, and the train conductor's name is Lilah. Well, her name is actually something else, but amnesia is a bitch and I no longer spoil shit. Yay for character development, I guess.

"Madeleine, I've cleared the room. Let's go."

"Ooh… you're so serious when you're in Adventurer mode."

"I'd rather not have you die due to negligence, and also, I've lived most of my life as an adventurer. It'd be embarrassing if I didn't show off my skills."

"Don't worry, even if I died, I'd probably be revi-"

"No dying."

"Oh… okay." Mel walked forward, so I took this as the cue to shut up and focus on dungeon delving. So far, it's been pretty easy. Most monsters here have been instantly killed by either Mel's light arrows or my earth spikes. I thought of having my shadow clones come out, but that'd make it too easy. I want to make this date last, after all.

After coasting through the rest of the dungeon (The toughest thing we had to fight was a giant treant, but only because I was too focused on trying to hit the apple hanging from its branch with my dagger instead of fighting it), we eventually reached an impressive door. It was twice the height of Mel and I, decorated with pointy rocks and had an angry face painted on it. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this, but the dungeon we're in is in the middle of a mountain, with the dungeon starting at the bottom and going up.

"The final boss. Hmm… if things get dire, feel free to let your Shadow Clones go wild, Madeleine."

"Aye aye, captain!"

Mel calmly opened the door and we found ourselves face to face with a… a tiny golem. Not like the golems found in Golmi, which seem more and more like a humanoid species than a monster species as the days go by, but a classic, moving pile of rocks golem. As for how tiny it was… it's like half the height of Mel and me. I feel like I could kick it and kill it immediately.

"You would not be able to do that."

Woah, what a deep voice. Also… wait, golems can talk?

"Most of my kind outside of those golems made in Golmi cannot. I am… rather unique. Welcome to the heart of The Living Mountain. I am the dungeon's king, Ivor. If you want, we can choose to not fight."

"I'll take that offer." Mel immediately accepted, putting her bow away. "The golem's probably the Sacred Power holder, so as soon as we get this over and done with, the quicker we can go back to the train."

"Makes sense. Hey golem, can I touch you?"

"May I ask why?"

"Eh, too late. My shadow clone is already touching you." I summoned a shadow clone behind him, making it touch the golem.


You gain power as time goes on.

Side Note: The fifth of the Seven Holy Virtues, gifted to the Saint that exhibits restraint over the desire to bring harm through rage.

"So, did you get a Side Note?"

"Let's go back to the train, then."

"Aye aye, captain!"

"Wait, do you not want to hear how this dungeon came about, or how I as a golem can speak, or about the treasures within my roo-" And through my shadows, we went.

Character profile: Ivor

Sacred power: Patience

Years spent alive: 218 years.

Description: The Dungeon Master of the Living Mountain. Ivor is one of the Golemancer's earlier works when she attempted to create the strongest combat golem. Due to a certain all-seeing elf, the Golemancer got her hand on a magic stone with the Sacred Power 'Patience' instilled into it, which she used as the golem's core. She then put it at the top of a dungeon she created within a mountain, hoping that the dungeon would act as protection for the golem while its power rose. Unfortunately, the Golemancer has forgotten about both the dungeon and Ivor.

Chapter namesake: Oh! Dungeon by Toby Fox for Undertale

Of all the songs in the Undertale OST, I didn't expect that this would be the first song I reference. Then again, I didn't expect to make it this far.

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