Side Note

Chapter 82: Invaders Must Die

War. War never changes. As I look across this barren wasteland, taking in an oppressive atmosphere where Death lurks, I find myself at peace. On the battlefield, there is no need to worry about troubles that would plague one's mind in their daily routine. The only thing you must keep in mind during warfare is your life. In a blink of an eye, you could quickly lose the light of your soul, taken into the abyss filled with the lives of those torn by the cruel mistress known as war.

"As much as I enjoy having my own personal shadow, I miss the ramblings that Madeleine mistook for her own inner monologue. They were so enlightening to the frightening genius that lies behind her eyes."

"Found another obsession, Lady Mila?"

"Obsession? How dare you slander Madeleine! She is not a mere obsession! She could very well be the subject of my magnum opus!"

"So an obsession."

"Shut your mouth, slanderous whore!"

"Hah! Says the prodigy who can't help but find themselves infatuated with someone new every month! Tell me, how long did your last obsession last?"

"A mere sixteen days, but it was to be. As soon as I had deciphered his ambitions, I could only see that he was boring, but Madeleine! Madeleine! Oh, how bright she shines! Oh, how deep her darkness falls! I see it in her eyes! She is the beholder! The one who brings our world upwards! With her, we can ascend!"

"Hmph. It seems you've gotten madder ever since you left the Phobos household. Almost as mad as that demon fucker from the Deimos house."

"Don't you dare call Merry that again!"

"Another identity change, and still a lack of creativity with names."

Hey there, it's me, shadow Madeleine #40, the shadow assigned to Mila Phobos, the prodigy. If I had to say what my standing out point would be among my shadow brethren, it'd be that I'm a lot more thoughtful compared to them. In fact, I'd dare say I'm much more thoughtful than my origin, Physical Madeleine. This makes me wonder if I am capable of more thought than my physical counterpart, does that mean I am my own person, disconnected from her, or is my existence proof that the physical counterpart has higher thought capabilities and chooses to limit herself? If it is the latter, why?

Mila Phobos intrigues me, which is ironic considering who her eyes are permanently stuck to when she's at the mansion. She intrigues me because, as her assigned shadow, I've seen her two moods. Either she is in a wholly ecstatic and infatuated mood, discussing Madeleine or Merry at length with anyone who dares have their ears open, or, "But enough about the greatness that is Madeleine. Let's talk about the boring subject that is the cause for my return to Bellum: The Invasion." She stares at the world with utter apathy, monotonously letting out information convenient for the situation. The pain of a genius who has seen it all, huh.

"Not even hiding your contempt, huh? My men's lives are at stake. At least pretend to care."

As for her conversation partner, he's the… uh… war general guy? I was too busy thinking about war, its consequences, and whatnot. War is always an excellent topic for philosophy, after all. "So hurry up and use that genius intellect of yours."

"Hmph. I shall, only so I can be away from this dull country. What precisely do you require of me? I know you have all the warfare components figured out, Loss Less General."

"Don't you dare call me by that title." The man got out of his seat and angrily pointed at Mila. Aww… I love angry points. They're so enlightening… I have surmised that Mila is a terrible influence. The man then calmed himself, sitting down. "I merely need you to complete a weapon. We have done the basics, but the only part missing requires an expert. Since Bellum has no such expert, you will do."

"A waste of my time, but I will comply."

The carriage fell silent, which continued for the rest of the ride. I guess all I can do is think. Wonderful, it's my favourite pastime. Most of my shadow brethren who have gained sentience have all managed to seduce whichever person they're assigned to, me excluded, which got me thinking. Considering we're all offspring of Madeleine's ability, does that technically mean all the lovers of the shadow clones are actually part of an esoteric form of polyamory? In simpler terms… is it one big harem? Hmm… food for thought. Oh yeah, I forgot to do what I'm here for. I hear the man in this carriage is also a Sacred Power holder. Guess I'll look into his eyes. I did one quick motion, confusing the man, but he promptly dropped the issue.

Genius War Tactician

You are unparalleled in war.

Side Note: He got sent off the continent after conquering basically half of it, being condemned to an island, then escaped from the island prison and did the conquest again! What a madman!

"You know, it pisses me off that she can pull off both the butler and the maid look. Wouldn't you agree, Myka?"

"I don't understand what you mean. I can't see shit."

"I'm not stupid. I know you can see through it. I've seen you play card games with Maddy."

"I will redirect the conversation just so I don't have to explain how I can see. Where'd you get this butler uniform, Mel?"

"I stole it from the castle. Also, call me Lina. You don't want to confuse me for the main Mel."

"Alrighty then. So why are we dressing up, Madeleine?"

"For her date."

"Hey guys, I found a pirate costume in the closet! You think Mel would like it?"

"No, she won't, Maddy. Pirates aren't her taste. I should know. We have the same tastes."

"I think Mel would love the pirate costume, Madeleine."

"Hmm… I think I trust Myka more, but I'll search for something else."

"One day, we're going to fisticuffs, Myka."

"Haha, I can't wait for that."

Character profile: Bartholomew Clanse

Sacred power: Genius War Tactician

Where are his armies?: In his sleevies.

Description: The Grand General of the Bellum Army. Bartholomew grew up in the militaristic country of Bellum, where might makes right (Unless your name ended with Deimos or Phobos, where you were always right). Although average in all aspects, his talent emerged when he joined a small tournament with his classmates, where his class would go head-to-head with the other classes of his school in a mock war tournament. Bartholomew was coincidentally chosen to be the general of his class. His class ended up winning the whole tournament, with the lowest death rate of 15%, a far cry from second place, which had a death rate of 45% at worst before facing Bartholomew's class. His talent caught the eye of the Phobos family, leading to him having his talents cultivated under their private tutors. Due to studying alongside Mila and sharing the title of 'Genius', they became rivals. However, their relationship has become strained due to Mila's growing apathy.

Chapter namesake: Invaders Must Die by The Prodigy

Seriously though, is it a weird harem since the shadow clones are technically part of Madeleine?

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