Sign In From Famous Scene At Marvel!

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Chapter 671 The Apocalypse

Although Malik’s expression is still normal now, he has become slightly heavy Roar sucking, showing that he is very eager to know the answer.

Marley’s family has gone through difficult years, almost as long as human history. For a family like this, he attaches great importance to the training and education of its members. Therefore, as the master, although he cannot be regarded as the successor of heaven in terms of knowledge, he is by no means comparable to others.

Probably because of his family mission and his personal aspirations, he loves the biographies of many great emperors in the history of the world, and has a very deep research on the rise and fall of various civilizations. Fei Lan’s question was answered in an instant.

And after he read the history books, he concluded a rule that those who create a great cause must first suffer hardships.

In the myths and stories, Shakyamuni has gone through trials and tribulations to achieve success, and Jesus Christ once resisted the temptation of Satan in the desert. It is said that the first emperor in human history was born when his father was a hostage in another country, and his 30 sons became him after his father returned to the country. The legendary emperor of Europe, Dumao, ah no, King Arthur was also fostered in the civilian team right after he was born.

Humans are like this, and so is civilization. After the European civilization experienced the apocalyptic plague of the Black Death, Fang Ji began to renaissance and finally rose. The great revival of Eastern civilization also experienced nearly a hundred years of war and suffering.

And now, Malik believes that since he is about to ascend the throne as the king of the world, his doom should come soon. And the most dangerous catastrophe that I will experience should not come from outside…

After all, think about the disgraceful tricks that the ancient family printed on the back of the Red Skull during World War II, and when Red Skull decided to blow up New York with the Tesseract weapon, he didn’t play a trick with the ancient family living there. Roar. This shows that there is a problem that cannot be circumvented.

Hydra rules the world, so who will rule the Hydra?

Enemy! On the three wings!

Malik made a judgment call almost instantly.

After World War II, Red Skull’s department was almost devastated, and only one of his Protege is still alive. One is Zhifan Protege Werner Reinhardt, aka Daniel Whitehall.

This person Marley disliked very much, not only because of their different ideas, but also because this guy who has survived to this day likes to rely on the old and sell the old, but this is also a helpless thing, because now among the Hydras, this old guy is the oldest.

And even Marley doesn’t know why, Whitehall actually knows a lot about the internal secrets of the ancient clan, and he even knows about his father cheating in the ceremony, so this person must not be underestimated. watch for.

However, although Whitehall is of high seniority, he still has some energy now, and many people are very interested in his ability to return to youth, but in the end, it can only be regarded as a vine wrapped around a big tree. The real dangerous figure is Alexander Pierce.

He’s the Red Skull’s protege, and he’s halfway through, but he’s the most powerful of the Hydras today. The so-called ubiquitous S.H.I.E.L.D has already existed in name only and has long been under his control. Although this move made some people in Marley feel proud and often made a joke, but he also knew that Pierce was by no means the kind of person who worked hard with himself.

If he attacks himself at a critical moment, it can have devastating consequences. The huge power that has accumulated under the guise of SHIELD, as well as the best assassin stem sun warrior among the Hydras, and those of his kind are all under Pierce’s control, and even… Marley has no doubts, Pierce There’s definitely a way for the Avengers to be the vanguard against themselves.

And Pierce’s performance is also very strange recently, with the existence of Whitehall, when he first expressed his concern about Fei Lan, he should have guessed his intentions, but he was very concerned about the things he asked him to do. There is no discount at all. If he wanted his people to conjure Fei Lan, he sent Rumlow to conjure him. He wanted to meet Fei Lan, but he didn’t try to get in the way, but tried his best to make peace.

What does this kind of behavior indicate, does Pierce respect the old and love the old and is ready to bow his head as a servant, or does it mean that he is not afraid, even after his family’s goals are completed?

So Marley believes that how to deal with the threat of Alexander Pierce now is the real imminent thing, and other things can be put aside, including the specific operation of the human fusion of the Umbrella Company, which can be done later. Tan, what he needs most now is to ensure that he succeeds in transcending the calamity!

“Definitely a weapon.” Under Malik’s eager eyes, Fei Lan recited an answer that made him breathe a sigh of relief, “The Peggy Card can be regarded as the most powerful weapon our company has ever made. Take it as our company’s milestone-like technological achievement.

“As for whether it can be copied or not…” Fei Lan paused when he said this, which made Malik’s heart mention his throat again, “A creation that is caught by chance cannot be called a technology, only a successor that can be mass-produced by fully mastering the method. Call it technology. After all, we’re a commodity company, not an isolated art, at least most of the time.

“Let’s make a deal.” Malik was relieved, and his gloomy face showed a hearty look a few times. “I want to buy a batch of that… Hey, what’s your company’s name for that product?”

“Devil Heart Warrior.” Fei Lan replied.

“943 pairs, Demon Heart Warriors.” Malik nodded and continued, “I want to order a batch of Demon Heart Warriors.

“La…that’s right…” Fei Lan suddenly made a sudden realization, “As the future king of the world, you really need to strengthen your security force to ensure the safety of yourself and your family, and after you ascend the throne, It also needs a daunting Guards to protect. The most important thing is that the hive also carries a wild and dangerous planet, and also needs to send a large enough manpower to find it. So…how many do you want?

Malik frowned when he heard it. At first, he planned to have a dozen or so, which is more than the number of Avengers. But after Fei Lan said this, he didn’t even need his own daughter. Protect yourself, or who will you pass on your country to in the future?

There are also his important confidants and subordinates to protect, after all, they are the ministers of the humerus after he claims to be king. There are also various important strongholds in the world, which also need to be protected.

There is also the matter of looking for the hive. Although Fei Lan has promised to help, but someone can help you open the door and let you bring people from there, even if you are doing your best, you can’t expect a person to search the entire planet like a person, right? So It takes a lot of strong people to search, so…

Marilie’s brows are getting more and more frowning, why is this more and more people?!.

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