Sign In From Famous Scene At Marvel!

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

177 Micro Wormhole Handling Technology! Angel Gene Two Elections! (4 More)

Holy Silver Wings!

A treasure trove of knowledge!

And the previous Merlot Heavenly Court, Fei Lan, is this all about Angel’s old bottom?

“Cough, it’s kind of interesting.

Fei Lan looked at the unreachable Angel Nebula, unfolded the wings of time and space to fly into an Angel Palace on the edge of the Angel Nebula, and asked Yanhuang to set the Eternal Gu portal here.


This Angel Palace serves as the contact point between the Angel civilization and the earth.


He passed through the Yonggu portal and found that Tony and the others were staring at him in shock, with a holographic projector behind him, projecting the outline of the Angel Nebula.

Did you see this?

just right,

No need for him to explain.


“Yanhuang, access the treasure house of knowledge and block all observations of the Angel Nebula. 30”

Received “, linking to the knowledge treasure house….getting permissions…getting data…starting the knowledge treasure house….shielding completed.”

Fei Lan nodded with satisfaction and looked at everyone: “Let’s go”, go see where we will fight side by side in the future. 11

“Yes, let’s go.” Natasha Romanoff was the first to react and said proudly: “My husband is amazing! With a wave of his hand, he created the Angel Nebula that is more than light-years away! I have to take a good look.”

“Yeah, it’s where we’re going to work after all. Hill agrees.

some words,

Let Tony and others also wake up, Fei Lan, no matter how awesome he is, isn’t he still their leader?

What is it to be able to fight against the enemy that destroys the universe and create a nebula?

Immediately, he was relieved for the most part….

Seeing that everyone hasn’t calmed down yet, Fei Lan doesn’t take it seriously, he will get used to it later.

“It’s too late, I almost forgot Rogers and the others.” Fei Lan smiled: “Yanhuang, use the wormhole transport technology and bring them here.”

next moment,

Yanhuang used the “Micro Wormhole Transport Technology” stored in the knowledge treasure house to transport Rogers, Bucky, and Zemo who were far away.

He also thoughtfully set the Kun-style fighter to fly automatically.

abruptly changed places,

The three of Rogers still maintained their sitting positions, and sat down on the ground in a bit of a daze. I don’t know why they suddenly changed places?


“Here and there, it’s just waiting for you, let’s go and see our future base. 99 Fei Lan took the lead and turned around and entered the eternal portal.

others see this,

He also followed up subconsciously, passed through the Yonggu portal one by one, and came to the Angel Palace on the edge, facing the vast starry sky.

turn around again,

The Angel Palaces that stretched so long that even the starry sky could not be seen, deeply shocked everyone!

before time warehouse,

They did not obtain the specific parameters of the Angel Nebula, and thought that each Angel Palace was the file size of the island.

As a result, every Angel Palace is the size of the Asia-Europe plate!


It’s the Eurasian plate! It’s not an image of Asia!

These are two of the seven continents!

An area of more than 50 million square meters of brown rice!

Almost one third of the land area of the earth!

And such an Angel Palace is full of dazzling arrays and occupies a vast expanse of light-years!

Tony said with difficulty: “Equally divide the earth’s people into these lands, and each person’s residence must be separated by the Pacific Ocean?”

“Is it so exaggerated?” The lack of knowledge means Rogers is a little affectionate: “No, please explain to me, what the hell happened! 99

Rogers didn’t know Fei Lan’s plan “”, but he only knew a little bit of information, so he couldn’t handle the complicated information in front of him.

As an Avenger recruited by Rogers, Sam is still a firm “Guardian” after “retiring”.

Go to the side and explain to the three of Rogers.

Fei Lan was not in a hurry to speak, and let the rest of the crowd take another look at the Angel Nebula to slow down.

After half an hour,

After everyone gradually accepted the setting of “the future base is a nebula covering several thousand years”, Fei Lan always spoke again.

“Regarding the Angel gene, I have a complete plan for advancing to the third-generation divine body, and there are also plans for the fourth-generation divine body in the treasure house of knowledge. There are databases and reality gems, even materials that are not available in our universe. can also be used.

“You have two options now.”

“The first is the blank Angel gene, just strengthening your divine body, plus a dark plane computing cloud, there is no super gene complex.

“The second is the Angel gene with data, but if I don’t, I will activate their memory database, and you will gain tens of thousands of years of use and battle experience corresponding to the Angel gene.

“Think about it for yourself.

The amount of information was a bit large, and Tony and others got stuck for a while.

But soon,

Tony frowned and said: “What is the strength of the three generations of gods? The Angel gene with data carries tens of thousands of years of data, so our memory for decades will not be washed away? What’s wrong?

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