Sign In From Famous Scene At Marvel!

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

2. Fooling Phil Coulson, Tony! (2 more)

Tony: “Iamironman!”

【Ding! Congratulations on signing in the famous scene “Iamironman!”, get the sign-in bonus “Psychokinesis Development Crystal”! 】

Hearing the long-lost system notification sound, Fei Lan’s eyes widened slightly.

Thousands of Roars come out, and those who should come will not get lost!

He excitedly opened the system interface.


“Super God famous scene sign-in system! 》

Host: Fei Lan;

Age: 19 years old;

Strength: 9/9 (Adult Standard 10);

Spirit: 10/10 (Adult Standard 10);

Response: 7/7 (adult standard 10);

Physical strength: 8/8 (adult standard 10);

Rewards: “Twelve Charms”, “Psychokinesis Development Crystal”;


Then click on “Psychokinesis Development Crystal”.


Name: “Psychokinesis Development Crystal”;

Category: [Other];

Fit: [99%];

Plane: “Super Power Out of Control”;

Grade: [C-];

function: develop the potential of the brain and transform mental power into Psychokinesis;

Slogan: The rise of spiritual power, the application of Psychokinesis, the development of science, etc., all relate to the upper limit of this Ability;


[C-] grade?

It looks pretty good!

He has also seen the movie “Super Power Out of Control”. It is about a few little boys who came into contact with a mysterious crystal, obtained the Psychokinesis ability, and finally developed it so that they could fly away.

The potential is alright.

To know,

The twelve spells combined are only [C+] level.


Name: “Twelve Charms”;

Category: [Magic];

Fit: [100%];

Plane: “Jackie Chan’s Adventures”;

Grade: [E-/C+];


Slogan: Humans cannot exert the greatest power of spells, the stronger the original power of the user, the stronger the power of spells will be;


The reward is very good, Fei Lan nodded in satisfaction.

after all,

It’s not that difficult to watch Tony say “Iamironman!”, as long as you sneak into the press conference at the right time.

Equivalent to a white pick.

He values more,

It’s because he has figured out the rules of the “Super God Famous Scene Sign-in System”, will more rewards be far behind?

Getting ready to slip away using this Psychokinesis development crystal.

Phil Coulson, whose hairline was severely receded, leaned over with a friendly smile on his face.

【Ding! Congratulations on signing in the famous scene “Phil Coulson’s Hairline!”, get the sign-in reward “Void Live Ball”! 】

Fei Lan: “???”

Does this even count?

If I had known, I would have avoided S.H.I.E.L.D before…

“Mr. Fei, it’s really rare to see you.” Phil Coulson laughed: “I’m from the Homeland Strategic Defense, Attack and Logistics Support Bureau. I hope I can take up some of your time and talk to you about something. Please don’t refuse. It’s important to you and to us!”

I haven’t seen Phil Coulson so active before, probably because Fei Lan “exposed” his strength yesterday.

Fei Lan returned to his senses, nodded and said, “Just in time, I want to talk to you too, now? With you?”

“Definitely, please come with me, there are plenty of empty rooms backstage, you see?” Phil Coulson asked.

“Tony’s here?”

“The military will handle it.”


Fei Lan took the lead and walked backstage. If you want to witness more famous scenes later, you need to rely on the intelligence network of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Phil Coulson followed closely behind, making an “OK” gesture behind him with his right hand.

There were a dozen people in the corner, approaching the backstage together.


The two entered a room, and then two men in suits stepped forward to guard the door.

in the room,

Phil Coulson, who was seated, smiled and said, “Thank you very much, Mr. Fei, for your willingness to spend your precious time with us. Let me introduce myself. Our Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau is responsible for…”

“Wait a minute.” Fei Lan raised his hand and interrupted: “I probably know what you guys are doing, by the way, I would like to give you a suggestion. This name is stinky and long. It’s better to change it to S.H.I.E.L.D, which is short for S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Phil Coulson paused after hearing the words, and quickly adjusted the rhythm.

“This suggestion is very good, I will report it. Before that, I hope you can answer me, how did you know about us, um, S.H.I.E.L.D?”

“You are not a secret organization, do you know what’s strange?” Fei Lan asked back: “Eat, sleep, Kunlun, Kamar-Taj, Asgard, which one do you know?”

Phil Coulson was caught in a long pause, his brain searching quickly.

“Don’t you know anything except eating and sleeping? Tsk tsk, look, isn’t this similar to that?”

“…and please answer it for me.”

“Let’s talk about this Kunlun. It’s a sect of qi refining in the Himalayas. Shouhe will know that? Their five fingers are the traitors who escaped from Kunlun five hundred years ago.”

Phil Coulson appeared calm, but he was actually a little confused.

He definitely knows the Hand, one of the largest killer organizations in the world.

But what the hell is this “five hundred years ago”?

“I don’t know, there is a sacred object in Kunlun called ‘Dragon Bone’, which can prolong life and come back to life. You can live for five hundred years with you.”

Longevity? Resurrection from the dead? ? ! !

Phil Coulson was silent for a moment.

Asked: “How do you prove that what you say is true?”

“Why should I prove it?” Fei Lan wondered.

“You know us S.H.I.E.L.D, then you know that we are the organization responsible for defending the world, so you have an obligation to…”

“Cut, just you? Protect the world?” Fei Lan said disdainfully, “We are still Asgardian, who maintains the multi-universe order and guards the gates of the universe from being invaded by other dimensions. Why should we cooperate with you?”

Phil Coulson: “…”

Maintain the multi-universe order?

The Asgardian who guards the gates of the universe from being invaded by other dimensions?


How does it sound like… bragging!

You cow, why don’t you go to heaven?

Seeing that Phil Coulson began to look suspicious, Fei Lan also knew that if he didn’t spare his hand, this guy would definitely not let the braised egg come over.

after all,

What can I talk about with Phil Coulson?

The good conditions still have to be decided by the director of Nick Fury. It is definitely easier to talk to him directly.


Fei Lan activated the snake charm around his waist, and his body instantly disappeared in front of Phil Coulson.

Phil Coulson: “Huh? Are you still there, Mr. Fei?”

Fei Lan remained invisible and said, “I’m here, but you can’t see me, is this enough proof?”

Phil Coulson’s face became serious.

Last night’s extreme speed, laser eyes, strong physique, and this hand invisibility, the number of abilities surpassed all the previous ‘super power ability users”.

Whether what Fei Lan said before is true or not, at least things are now beyond what he can handle.

about to say something,

Suddenly there was Tony’s irritable roar from the door.

“Get out of the way!”

“That little guy is covered by me, Tony Stark. You dare to go over me and talk to him?”

“I will make you pay for it!”

“Don’t let it go, right?”

“Happy! Call everyone from the security department to come here!”

“I don’t believe it, you can still bully my people on my Stark’s territory today?!”

Old author’s new book, Shuangwen is guaranteed!

Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for everything! *

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