Sign In From Famous Scene At Marvel!

Chapter 347

Chapter 347

Chapter 352 Human Completion Plan

The brain controls all human behavior, whether conscious or unconscious. It is the nervous system that spreads all over the body that transmits the commands of the brain to the whole body and causes the body to make corresponding actions.

The machinery is similar, the main control chip is barely equivalent to the brain, and the operation system composed of circuits and sensors is nerves, bearings and hydraulics to form muscles and torso.

However, unless it is a fully mature artificial intelligence system, no matter how advanced the main control chip is, it cannot be compared with the human brain. It can only do some low-level operations and issue some simple behavioral commands, so it can only barely count as a brain.

In fact, its real effect is only to assist human beings to complete the control of machinery.

The human brain issues commands, the human body controls the main control chip, and through its transit, the formula is issued to the machine through the circuit to complete the human intention. So it is more like a bridge, a bridge between humans and machines.

However, the distance of this bridge is not short, and there are prescribed routes and patterns. If you do not comply with these orders, you cannot pass the bridge.

The improvement of the main control chip by human beings so far, whether it is mentioned that its computing efficiency, widening its circuit, or increasing its function mode, is just shortening the length of the bridge as much as possible, so that the human command Able to pass faster and more.

But the method Sarah gave to Ivan’s manuscript was very different from these. It took a different approach and directly dismantled the bridge. By seamlessly connecting the human nerve system with the mechanical control system, The way the human brain directly controls the machine, plus two continents that were originally isolated, are roughly connected together.

In this way, the human command does not have to rush on the long and narrow bridge, and can complete the direct control of the machine by the brain.

With this technology, Ivan can guarantee that the reaction speed of his armor is much faster than Tony’s Iron Man, because whether it is artificial intelligence assistance or brain wave collection, a calculation process is always required, but he completely This process is omitted, and in a battle where every second counts, this will be a huge amount of advantage.

This made him feel hopeful for revenge, and at the same time aroused his great curiosity. Because the inventor of this technology, his genius, or the level of madness, should be said to have surpassed the limits of human beings.

The knowledge expounded in the manuscript is quite different from the research results of modern human beings in many aspects, and it can be said that it is completely self-contained.

He even has an idea that even he thinks is absurd, which is not human knowledge at all. So he really wanted to know the origin of this manuscript.

But of course Sarah wouldn’t tell him the truth, and even if she did say it, people wouldn’t necessarily believe it.

Since the boss was so distressed that he couldn’t sleep because his car was smashed, he was wandering in the void, and he met a great demon scientist named Gonos. At the expense of his soul, he exchanged this forbidden demon knowledge with Qi. I’ll give it a go. Based on this, I can make two or three large-scale magic movies.

So Sarah and Fei Lan have already arranged the origin of this manuscript. Warlocks and demons are basic skills.

“Our umbrella company has always believed that the potential of the human body is unlimited. Our biochemical technology and research are centered on this concept, and our ultimate goal is…” Sarah’s expression suddenly changed Solemn and serious “liberate all the potential of the human body, so that human beings can evolve into gods.”

Now Ivan’s expression can be described as stunned, ah, no, it is stunned, right, the toothpick that he had put in his mouth again fell on the table.

What, I just asked about the origin of the manuscript, you just pulled one out for me, not only everyone has a book, but everyone can become a god? How? Can you immediately become an immortal, and your body is sanctified?

Sarah looked at Ivan’s expression, this set of rhetoric, but she and the boss asked about it. After a few days, they came up with it, and then they swindled and cheated. Ah, in the future, the company’s cultural promotion will depend on it, so I just try it here first. test effect.

“God created man on the sixth day to dwell in the Garden of Eden, and there was a tree in the garden to distinguish between good and evil.” “Now Sarah has turned into a magic stick and said this familiar passage from the Bible. It seems that Fei Lan’s tricks are really. She has already learned a lot.

“Adam and Eve fell from perfect humans to the mortal world because they were tempted by demons and ate the forbidden fruit.

Sarah continued her religion’s class of madmen: “Because of these original sins, human beings have lost the glory of the firstborn of God, the power of the gods, and become vulgar and fragile, and we have to purify the original sin in this gene, so that Humans become… Gods again.”

“But it’s wrong–whether it’s the Old Testament or the New Testament, it’s just a compilation of later generations based on their own understanding, beautifying some, and erasing some at the same time.” Now Ivan finally reacted, and he seemed to have an understanding of theology. deep research. But this is not surprising, it can be seen from the cross he wears and the scriptures that he stabbed all over his body.

And to survive in a place like Siberia, in addition to the spiritual pillar of hatred, religion is undoubtedly a good sustenance.

Sarah asked, “Dead Sea instruments?

The Dead Sea Documents are ancient documents discovered in the caves of Kibqunland in the northwest of the Dead Sea from 1947 to 1956. Before the disaster, they were hidden in the archives of Hebrew University in Israel, and were used as academic documents of extremely high confidentiality. But for some reason, this “confidential document” was displayed in November 2010.

It records many secrets before the emergence of Christianity, including the real creation myth.

“I didn’t expect you to know something about this kind of biased knowledge.” Sarah clapped her hands approvingly.

“The world began with Chaos, and there are all souls, the male Adam and the female Lilith. Their forbidden relationship gave birth to the egg of Lilith, and since then the whole soul has also degenerated into countless divided beings. 99

What Sarah said is not so much a myth as a philosophical statement of the origin of species, from a lifetime of yin and yang, and then a life of infinite rhythm.

The description of “God” in the Dead Sea documents is also different from that in the Old Testament. The real God has no personality, but is an eternal and unchanging rule of the world. According to science, it is “the truth”.

“But the police in the district are not big, they are all degenerates, and all human beings are contaminated with original sin. Only by washing them away can we complete our souls and our hearts, and human beings can be redeemed.”

“Our umbrella’s effort is to overcome those relatively harsh conditions. And this, also known as the “Human Completion Program”!

As soon as this statement came out, Ivan didn’t know what expression to make. He is now speaking like a madman, feeling speechless for a while.

Please eldest sister, what age is it now? It is the 21st century! What is kingship in the 21st century?

Yes, I also believe in religion, but I only regard it as a kind of spiritual sustenance, and I don’t plan to use the Bible to guide my thoughts. Otherwise, what kind of revenge would I have? I put my right face directly in front of Tony and said to him: Alas, Yes, that’s it, pump hard!

“So this manuscript…” Ivan closed it, his thoughts seemed to have experienced the second big shock. Yang raised the document in his hand, “It’s also part of your plan?

“It wasn’t originally. All our research is based on the human body, but in the research institute, a very qualified and very talented doctor, Dr. William Birken, proposed another way… ”

“He thinks that the human body is too complicated, and in some respects, it may be because it is too heavily polluted by the original sin. No matter how you adjust it, it can’t reach the expected standard. So since there is no way to purify these places, just cut them off. , Use the mechanical substitute, and let the machine and the human body blend together perfectly.

“At first we thought he must be crazy to come up with such crazy ideas.” Sarah shook her head.

Crazy? I think you are much more crazy than that doctor, Ivan couldn’t stop scolding. “Later?»

“Such a ridiculous idea was naturally sternly refuted by the company’s board of directors, and he himself was suspended from work and thought behind closed doors.” Sarah pouted and said, “Fortunately we don’t have an Inquisition, otherwise he will be sent to the stake as a heretic. .

I think you should all be burned at the stake, I’m just an unscrupulous avenger, and you, one by one, are fanatical religious terrorists.

“But he still insisted on his ideas and completed the research?” Ivan asked.

“That’s right,” Sarah said. “Dr. William was almost at home in the police villa for three months after he was suspended, and when the suspension expired and the company sent people to review, we had Amazing discovery…”

“He reinvented himself in his own way. Sarah suddenly gave a terrifying smile.

“Huh?” Ivan can understand the word transformation, but this transformation of himself, why does it sound so cautious.

“He replaced his right hand with a huge amount of mechanical iron pin, his left hand with a huge amount of disc electric power, and his right eye was also replaced with an electronic eye. Sarah thought about Gurgan Classic image of the foreman.

The muscles on Ivan’s face twitched, did he transform himself in the image of the horror movie OSS?

“He was mentally abnormal at that time, and was extremely aggressive. In the end, we had to kill him. During the autopsy, we found that most of the organs in his body were also replaced by machines. 93

“Mental disorder?” Ivan keenly found the word “Is it caused by that set of technology?

Compared with how much of the doctor’s body was replaced by machinery, he was more concerned about this. If you use this technique and become mentally abnormal, how can you take revenge?

“No, he was out of his mind before that.” Sarah pointed to the manuscript and said, “The manuscript in your hand is what he did before he transformed himself. It’s still sorted, but you should Think he’s still messy? 3)

“That’s also wrong…” Ivan looked at it again, holding the manuscript of the thunderstorm in his hand, “Even if you don’t read the content, just from the format, you know that the guy who wrote this thing must have a wrong mind.

Ah, boss, this is what he said, it has nothing to do with me. “And probably because he was insane, he didn’t use anesthesia when transforming himself… The stimulation should have exacerbated his condition.

No anesthesia? Ivan felt a pain in the flesh just thinking about it. People who were originally fine, must have gone crazy after this mess.

“And the appearance of him after the transformation is definitely not what a normal person would choose.” Sarah concluded, “So his madness should be caused by the disapproval of his theory before using this technology. In short, nothing to do with this technology.

Think about the electronic eyes of the iron pin chainsaw, who would accept this kind of aesthetics except perverted.

“Why are you looking for me?” Ivan thought for a while, and after weighing the pros and cons, he planned to agree first, because he really didn’t have the path to dream, but he really wanted to know why the other party chose him.

Since there are gaps in the manuscript, it is not too difficult to compare it with a gourd and a scoop. Why should I let myself (a fugitive) to complete this work.

“Dr. William is also a genius. Even if there are manuscripts, the things he designs cannot be completed by ordinary people, and our company is a full-time researcher in chemical technology. Like Dr. William, he has also made great achievements in other fields. It’s all around, almost nothing. And we don’t want to find anyone to do it, it’s not safe.”

Ivan he remembered, this so-called umbrella company seems to be an illegal organization that is not visible at the moment. If you find someone to study it, it will probably lead to the disclosure of secrets, and the sensation caused by this technology will definitely not be. little. But it’s safe to let yourself do it? When did you trust me so much?

“But you are different.” Sarah seemed to see through Ivan’s thoughts, “After your revenge is successful, who will believe what you say, or will you still have a chance to speak.

Ivan suddenly realized that he was going to take revenge this time, but he went with the determination to die, maybe he had to play a game of perishing together, and then how would Deadman speak. And even if he was lucky enough to survive, how many people would believe what a super terrorist said?

“I agreed.” In the end, Ivan agreed. “I will show the hook in the Star Industrial Park and complete these conditions three days ago.”

“I advise you to hurry up, after all, you need some time to get used to the feeling of directly manipulating the armor with your brain. And if it is convenient for you, it is best to reorganize this manuscript, to be professional, it is best to make another copy Electronic draft.”

“It’s up to you.” Ivan accepted the suggestion, “And this manuscript, I’m afraid I’ll have to sort it out before work. To be honest, I really want to beat the guy who sorted it last time.

“Well, you’re not the only one who has this idea,

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