Sign In From Famous Scene At Marvel!

Chapter 357

Chapter 357

Chapter 361 Negotiation

This woman is naturally the Eredar Twins. King Ada in red is Aureses, and Saloras is Kayla in blue.

Since they agreed to read the book, Fei Lan directly waved them and appointed them as directors of the umbrella company, hoping that they would really understand something. Besides, there are less than ten people in the whole company, including a dog and a disabled person. Therefore, I am also confused about what my position is. From the company director, the executive officer, the supervisor, and the supervisor, they must rush to the front line and go to the grassroots to run the business.

The business target this time is General Ross, who is in a state of frustration. They feel that this is a very valuable target and can be used for a long time.

Two glasses of “whiskey.” Saloras ordered two glasses of wine, and while the waiter brought the wine over, her brother passed a hundred dollar bill and waved his hand impatiently.

The two of them are not bad for money now. Although it has been less than a month since they came to this world, you are now the boss of a gangster night scene. If you add up the income from this trick, it is not a small sum of money. . Ji will not be like a certain *, who has passed through for seven or eight years, and is still poor. Alas, you are also talking about traversers, why is the gap so big?

The waiter took the money, glanced at the three of them quickly, and immediately understood, and withdrew from a small door behind the bar. Working as a waiter in a bar full of fish and dragons is worth it. These three people know that they are not ordinary people just by looking at them, so they are definitely not talking about ordinary things. They must know this kind of thing. The less you live, the longer you live.

Those twenty people? The expression on General Ross’s face was uncertain, how could he not remember that incident.

That night, a surprise squad consisting of only twenty-five people infiltrated the heavily guarded special base in the United States. Five of them searched for the special Warehouse, while the remaining twenty people engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with the garrisoned troops.

Using only a simple fortification made of modified cars, they faced a head-on confrontation with a reinforced battalion of soldiers. Even after the firepower was fully lifted later, the US military was still in a suppressed position. In the end, they had to use the air support of armed helicopters to destroy them all.

And their search team may have found the mission target, but because the combat team was suddenly wiped out, they could not evacuate, and they would choose to eliminate the trace and give up the mission and their lives.

At that time, the fighting had lasted for about an hour, and the casualties of the US military had exceeded 100. In the absence of heavy fire support and fortress-like fortifications, such a victory was achieved with only 20 people. How can such a thing be easily forgotten.

Although it was later proved that those 20 people were probably man-made soldiers, this did not affect the incident and became the biggest shame the US military has suffered since the Pearl Harbor incident.

This is not an ordinary terrorist attack, but a premeditated military operation against an important military base in the United States. It can be said that if the mastermind of this attack is caught, it must be the master who collapses first and then asks again.

But now these two women actually ran up to them and admitted that the attackers were theirs, what were their intentions? Well, they wouldn’t surrender themselves anyway.

“Is that your commodity”?” General Ross slammed his glass on the bar “Give me a good reason not to hand you over to the police, or the gendarmerie.

He intends to take the lead first, no matter what this woman wants to do, he must first overwhelm them with momentum, and the initiative will be in his own hands.

“You plan to do this? That’s a pity.” Aureses, unmoved at all, shook the glass of whisky with ice cubes and took a sip gracefully, “We’re here to ask for a reading. ”

“Ask Zuo?” Ross hesitated for a moment, but then his eyes widened, his beard trembled as he spoke, “The moment your men attacked the special base, you have become enemies of Xiaoguo, and now you are actually the enemy of Xiaoguo. Dare to talk to me, a general who asks all countries about his work? It’s a shameless statement.99

General Ross was very tough, looking at this woman as if he were looking at a class enemy. But in fact, he had some thoughts about this so-called question in his heart. The other party was able to create strengthening people, and after doing it, it was not completely uncontrollable like hating the failed product, but a soldier who had reason to obey orders. , which made him very interested.

“I think you misunderstood, General.” Aureses was not frightened by Rose’s tough words, she knew it was just a negotiation method “It wasn’t us who attacked the special base, we were just a customer who sold It’s just a batch of strengthening potions, and we don’t know what he will do with these potions.”

“Even so, it still doesn’t change the fact that you have funded the enemy of the country, which has caused huge amounts of losses to Guomeng, and you must take your responsibilities.”

Ross’s performance now is more interesting. He actually believed the other party’s words so easily, and believed that the other party was not the mastermind of the attack.

Although he emphasized that the other party should be held responsible, what is the responsibility? Send it to a military court and accept a fair trial of the law?

Humph, if it were thirty years ago, Ross might have had such a naive idea. And now he is used to seeing all kinds of dirty deals, but he is just using this as a bargaining chip, and wants to force the other party to make greater concessions in the next possible intercourse. As for those dead soldiers, in his heart, if their sacrifice can bring you greater benefits, then it is worth it.

“So let’s ask for the question.” Saloras said suddenly, “I don’t know how many soldiers were sacrificed in that incident, but I can guarantee that our technology can save more soldiers after working with us. , I still don’t know how much you have suffered, but I can still guarantee that compared with the benefits we will bring, those are not worth mentioning at all.

“These are not enough.” Saloras’ guarantee is not what Ross wants. What he wants is (getting Zhao) that the other party can sell the technology for free or at a low price, not the mutual benefit in this kind of questioning. reciprocity.

“I know, but your situation is also not good, General.” Aureses said with a silent sneer after taking a sip of wine.

Ross was silent, the other party said it well, and his current situation is indeed not good. Although after some operations, he did not receive any substantive treatment in the abomination incident, but he knew that with this black file, his military career would probably come to an end.

It won’t be long before he will, for some very normal reasons, resign all his duties to retire and go home, and then be deliberately forgotten. unacceptable.

So when Aureses and the others mentioned the question, he couldn’t even tell the truth from the fake, so he immediately took the call, and tried his best to press the other party’s price. Because he wants to take advantage of huge amounts of money to successfully complete this task, which will be the capital for him to turn around.

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